Scales of War - [Lvl 4] - The Shadow Rift of Umbraforge.pdf
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“We are mercenaries, all
of us, but only a precious
few have honesty enough
to admit it. Whether we
sell ourselves for coin,
for honor, or ideals, we
all have a price whose
continued payment
leads us inevitably to our
end. But when that end
comes, will you admit
to your balance sheet?
Or will you lie when you
claim that the blood on
your hands was spilled
for just cause, not simply
your hunger for glory?”
by Scott Fitzgerald Gray
illustrations by Dave Allsop,
Ryan Barger, Nicole Cardiff, Saejin Oh,
and Chris Stevens
cartography by Mike Schley
TM & © 2008 Wizards of the Coast, Inc. All rights reserved.
September 2008
Dungeon 158
Scales of War is the fourth Adventure Path to appear
in the pages of
Dungeon Magazine
. But what, you ask,
is an Adventure Path? Quite simply, it is a series of
related adventures intended to form a complete D&D
campaign that takes your players from 1st level all the
way to, in the case of Scales of War, 30th level.
Previous Adventure Paths, presented with the
third edition D&D rules, took characters from 1st to
20th level. But with all three tiers in the new edition
ripe and ready to explore, we’re pushing the limit with
Scales of War. Each tier takes roughly six adventures
to traverse, which means we’ll finish off this Adven-
ture Path in about eighteen issues. Each adventure
advances characters from between one and a half
to two levels of experience. We recognize that not
everyone will meet every encounter or complete
every quest, however, so periodically, we’ll point you
DMs to a supplemental Side Trek or short adventure
to keep your PCs on pace. Plus, roughly every other
will feature new support content for
Scales of War.
Finally, this Adventure Path is intended to function
as a complete D&D campaign. That means we’ll be
making some assumptions about the history of the
world as we move along, just as you would in any
campaign you run. We’ll be borrowing heavily from
the D&D mythology of 4th Edition, as well as all the
great ideas that have cropped up in other products
over the years—including the pages of past issues of
Enjoy your stay in Scales of War, and keep an eye
out for next month’s installment.
“The Shadow Rift of Umbraforge” is an adventure for
five 4th-level characters who are approximately half-
way to 5th level. Characters should be 6th level by the
adventure’s end. This adventure is a sequel to “Siege
of Bordrin’s Watch” and the third part of the Scales of
War Adventure Path. However, with a little modifica-
tion, it can be played as a standalone adventure or
integrated into an existing campaign.
civilized frontier and a stone’s throw from Sarshan’s
operations in the city of Overlook, was one of these.
When Sarshan rebuffed Myrissa’s request, Modra
approached the witch in secret. He struck a deal to
supply Tusk with weapons and intelligence, sending
in a group of his followers (the dark creepers in “Siege
of Bordrin’s Watch,” including Iranda) to do the job.
In going behind Sarshan’s back, Modra expected that
an overwhelming orc victory (won with the help of
dark one subterfuge) would win his master’s respect.
However, with Tusk’s forces routed and Modra’s ser-
vants scattered or killed, the dark creeper has had to
go to ground to escape Sarshan’s wrath. The brass key
that Iranda carried in “Siege of Bordrin’s Watch” sets
Modra on the PCs’ trail—and leads them into the next
stage of the adventure path.
In “Siege of Bordrin’s Watch,” the PCs discovered that
dark creepers had sold arms and tactical intelligence
to the orc war chief Tusk, aiding him in his attack
against the folk of the Stonehome Mountains. In
this adventure, the PCs investigate the link between
the orcs and the dark ones, stumbling into an arms-
running operation bridging two planes, and finally
confronting the charismatic figure behind it.
Sarshan is an opportunistic shadar-kai arms
dealer. For years, he has built an invisible mercantile
empire around the sale and brokering of weapons,
armor, mercenaries, and intelligence from his domain
in the Shadowfell. Though Sarshan plays a significant
part in this adventure, the PCs’ initial focus is on one
of his lieutenants—a dark creeper shadowborn stalker
named Modra.
Before the “Siege of Bordrin’s Watch,” Modra was
approached by Tusk’s advisor Myrissa, a shadar-kai
witch who knew of Sarshan’s operations. However,
the success of Sarshan’s arms running and mercenary
services turns on his ability to maintain a low profile
in his dealings with clients in the world. Sometimes
this means turning down jobs that run too much risk of
exposure. Tusk’s massive raid, aimed at the heart of the
Back in Overlook after the events of “Siege of Bor-
drin’s Watch,” the PCs find themselves targeted
by a group of street toughs seeking the mysterious
brass key they obtained at the end of that previous
adventure. Through their would-be assailants, the
PCs obtain the name of the one who ordered the
By way of a skill challenge that takes them into the
darkest corners of the city, the PCs learn that Modra
is a dark creeper with connections to an arms-run-
ning operation and a poorhouse known as the Happy
Beggar. In a network of secret caverns beneath the
Beggar, the PCs discover that the weapons-running
operation extends from the Shadowfell to Overlook by
way of a pair of ancient magic portals. When the dark
creeper f lees to the Shadowfell, the PCs give chase.
September 2008
Dungeon 158
Transported to the Shadowfell, the PCs find them-
selves in Umbraforge—an isolated military enclave
that grows ever larger in its preparations for war.
Foundries, forges, mercenary camps, and slave pens
stand between a dark tower and a volcanic rift vent-
ing a river of lava and shadow. As they infiltrate by
stealth and sword, the PCs discover that Modra is
an underling to the shadar-kai Sarshan, master of
Umbraforge. In addition to arms running, Sarshan
sells mercenaries and creatures bred for war—horrid
mutants created in an arcane foundry fueled by the
raw power of the magma shadow rift.
Within the foundry, the PCs eliminate Modra and
his followers, then use a secret tunnel to gain access
to the tower. As they infiltrate Sarshan’s inner sanc-
tum, they face off against his house guards and allies
before being brought before the shadar-kai and given
a chance to join him. Then a massive tremor gener-
ated by the magma shadow rift shakes the tower,
allowing the PCs to f lee back to the Shadowfell gate.
As Sarshan’s foundry is leveled by the destructive
forces of shadow and fire, the PCs escape back to the
world, followed by a trio of savage specters bent on
When that battle is done, Sarshan’s Shadowfell
gate is destroyed and Overlook is safe. However, the
PCs have uncovered information indicating that the
apparently isolated conf licts that led them first to
Rivenroar, then to Bordrin’s Watch, touch on secret
plots that threaten the end the world.
In “Siege of Bordrin’s Watch,” the heroes fight
a dark one emissary in the boiler room in the
Vents. This emissary’s name was Iranda, and
he reported directly to Modra, the dark creeper
villain of this adventure, something the charac-
ters will learn over the course of this adventure.
Iranda kept a key to the Shadowfell gate below
Overlook. If you’ve already run “Siege of Bor-
drin’s Watch,” feel free to give the PCs the key
before this adventure begins. Alternatively, it’s
possible Iranda stashed it somewhere in Over-
look, and the PCs need to track it down at some
point during “The Shadow Rift of Umbraforge.”
This latter tactic is especially handy if the char-
acters are not quite halfway to 5th level when
this adventure begins. Finally, consider including
the key among the possessions of the shadar-kai
witch at the transfer portal (see page 19).
the bustle of its streets, the endless dance of commerce
in the Forge and Tradetown districts, and the steady
stream of wains and carts passing through its gates,
Overlook gives the shadar-kai an invisibility on which
he has built a prosperous career.
“The Shadow Rift of Umbraforge” is divided into
three parts. The first part, consisting of five encoun-
As the PCs find themselves targeted by Modra,
they slowly uncover the identity and plans
of the dark creeper. However, as they pursue
him into the Shadowfell, they come to realize
that Modra’s plots are only portents of a much
greater danger.
Minor Quest—Modra’s Threat
In parts one and two of the adventure, the PCs
must determine Modra’s connection to the orc
raid and eliminate his continued threat. How-
ever, by the time they face off against the dark
creeper in the Shadowfell, they realize that he is
only a small part of a larger operation.
200 XP.
Major Quest—The Opportunist
In parts two and three of the adventure, the
PCs discover that Modra’s threat is insignifi-
cant compared to that of his former master, the
shadar-kai arms dealer Sarshan. The PCs must
infiltrate Sarshan’s domain in the Shadowfell,
discover the extent of the shadar-kai’s weapons-
running operations, and learn that war is coming
to the world.
250 XP per character.
However, though the adventure starts and finishes in
Overlook, the bulk of it takes place in the Shadowfell.
Since this is likely the PCs’ first excursion to this dark
plane, familiarize yourself with “The Planes,” page
160 of the
Dungeon Master’s Guide
The gateway to the Shadowfell that Sarshan uses
to smuggle his armaments into the world (and which
Modra co-opted for his own dealings with Tusk) lies
within Overlook—a series of ancient caverns hidden
beneath the cellars of an out-of-the-way poorhouse. The
city’s status as a major trading center provides Sarshan
with the perfect cover for his clandestine trafficking in
arms, armor, and mercenaries across the frontier. With
The first part of this adventure makes use of the city
of Overlook section in “Siege of Bordrin’s Watch.”
September 2008
Dungeon 158
ters, details the PCs’ pursuit of Modra and their
discovery of Sarshan’s Shadowfell gate. This part
should bring the party to 5th level (assuming they
were about halfway through 4th level at the comple-
tion of “Siege of Bordrin’s Watch”). The remainder of
the adventure (featuring the party’s search for Modra
in the Shadowfell, the incursion into Sarshan’s tower,
and the climactic confrontation with the savage spec-
ters that pursue the PCs from the Shadowfell back to
the world) should bring them to 6th level.
Assuming you are already familiar with the layout
of Overlook from “Siege of Bordrin’s Watch,” you
need only to read this introductory material and The
Beggar’s Gate (including the Street Skirmish tactical
encounter and the “Modra’s Plots” skill challenge) to
get ready for your first game session.
Modra’s role in the attack on Bordrin’s Watch
should be enough to inspire a mostly good or lawful
good party to want to capture or kill him. However,
if the PCs are strongly unaligned, you might need to
make things personal. During the “Modra’s Plots”
skill challenge (page 11), have Modra continue his
vendetta against the PCs by attacking (or even killing)
one or more NPCs close to them. Any characters the
party became involved with during the “Siege of Bor-
drin’s Watch” can fit the bill.
Each encounter includes several common elements,
as described below.
and what your player characters do might require you
to alter the information in any number of ways.
Encounters include stat blocks for each monster type
present in the encounter. If more than one monster
of a particular kind is present, the stat block indicates
how many creatures can be found.
Each tactical encounter assumes a group of five player
characters. An encounter of average difficulty is one
where the encounter level is equal to the level of the
party. Encounters that are 1 or 2 levels lower than the
party are easy, while encounters that are 2 or more
levels higher than the party are difficult encounters.
For overcoming an encounter, a group earns the
XP value listed beside the encounter level. This
amount should be divided by the number of group
members, and an equal amount should be awarded to
each character.
This entry describes special actions the monsters take
to defeat the adventurers. Sometimes this means the
monsters take advantage of special features of the
area or make use of special powers or equipment.
Each encounter includes a map keyed with the initial
locations of each monster. The map also indicates the
location of any special features of the area.
This section of a tactical encounter provides you
with the basic parameters of the encounter. First, it
provides context or background information for the
encounter. Next, it provides a key to the monsters in
the encounter so you can locate them on the tactical
map. The map of each encounter area indicates where
the monsters are located when the encounter begins.
The setup section also describes what monsters are
doing and how they react when the PCs arrive.
This section describes special features noted on the
map. If the location has items or areas of interest with
which the characters can interact, those features are
described here. Look here to see if a door is out of the
ordinary, if an altar has a secret compartment, or if
the area includes treasure.
This adventure includes the encounters the PCs face
as they explore and adventure in the area. It also pro-
vides tactical maps and more for the adventure. Also
as mentioned above, read through at least the first
few encounters described in this adventure before
starting. This review enables you to become familiar
with the material and the style of presentation.
Read aloud text provides information about what the
characters can see and are aware of. You do not have
to read it word for word; feel free to paraphrase and
use your own words when describing this informa-
tion. Use read aloud text wisely; they are written for
the most common approach to a particular situation
This adventure makes use of the parcel system of
treasure rewards described in Chapter 7 of the
Dungeon Master’s Guide.
The characters should accu-
mulate fifteen parcels by the end of the adventure.
Use the players’ wish lists to determine which magic
items you place as treasure.
September 2008
Dungeon 158
These parcels can be given out at any point in the
adventure you decide is appropriate, or you might
reserve some treasure as a reward given to the PCs by
the people of Overlook when the adventure is done.
Whenever possible, tie treasure to the most climactic
points of the adventure (the battle in the secret cav-
erns, the foundry showdown with Modra, and so on).
Skirmish, on the following page) should take place
within a few days of the party’s return to Overlook.
On assignment from Modra, a squad of enforcers
from the Lost Ones have been quietly following the
PCs while they carry out their routine business in the
city. Their orders are to retrieve the key as quietly as
possible, then kill the PCs. The Lost Ones wait now
for the opportunity to strike.
“Siege of Bordrin’s Watch” is done. (This is most
likely to be the case if the party was in the middle
of unfinished business in Brindol before being sum-
moned to help defend against the orc raid.) If so, don’t
force the issue. Simply have the Lost Ones track the
PCs to their alternate location and move encounter
G1 accordingly. When the Lost Ones are searched
or questioned, the PCs find that they received their
orders from someone named Modra in Overlook. This
should inspire the party to return to the mountain
The PCs might not automatically be inclined to
return to Overlook to rest and recuperate when the
In the aftermath of the sealing of the mountain tunnels
and the flooding of the Nexus in “Siege of Bordrin’s
Watch,” Modra learned of the PCs’ role in thwarting
Tusk’s plans. He has quietly kept tabs on them since
their return to Overlook. The key found at the end of
the previous adventure (see The Key to the Shadowfell
Gate sidebar on page 6) is a hollow brass tube 6 inches
long, set with a round ring at one end and four f langes of
differing lengths at the other. The PCs can find no infor-
mation in Overlook on the nature or origin of the key.
However, any inquiries along those lines come back to
Modra through his contacts in the thieves’ guild known
as the Lost Ones. (If the PCs are more circumspect,
assume that the key has a magical property that allows
Modra to eventually determine who carries it.) With the
last of his coin, the dark creeper hires a squad of guild
enforcers to dispense with the PCs and retrieve the
key—Modra’s only way to return to the Shadowfell and
attempt to turn the tables on the vindictive Sarshan.
Between the end of “Siege of Bordrin’s Watch” and
this adventure, the PCs have plenty of time to rest
up, replenish missing supplies, and take care of any
miscellaneous business. The first encounter (Street
TReasuRe PaRcels
Parcel A:
Parcel B:
Parcel C:
Parcel D:
Parcel E:
Parcel F:
Parcel G:
Parcel H:
Parcel I:
Parcel J:
Parcel K:
Parcel L:
Parcel M:
Parcel N:
Parcel O:
TReasuRe PaRcels (MOneTaRy TReasuRe 2,840 gP)
Parcel 1: Magic item, level 9
Parcel 2: Magic item, level 8
Parcel 3: Magic item, level 8
Parcel 4: Magic item, level 7
Parcel 5: Magic item, level 6
Parcel 6: Magic item, level 6
Parcel 7: 550 gp, or two 250-gp art objects + 50 gp, or one 500-gp gem + 50 gp
Parcel 8: 500 gp, or one 250-gp art object + 250 gp, or five 100-gp gems
Parcel 9: 340 gp, or three 100-gp gems + 40 gp, or one 250-gp art object + one potion of healing + 40 gp
Parcel 10: 340 gp, or one 250-gp art object + 90 gp, or 300 gp + 400 sp
Parcel 11: 300 gp, or three 100-gp gems, or one potion of healing + one 250-gp art object
Parcel 12: 280 gp, or two 100-gp gems + 80 gp, or one 100-gp gem + 2 potions of healing + 80 gp
Parcel 13: 260 gp, or one 250-gp art object + 10 gp, or two potions of healing + 100-gp gem + 60 gp
Parcel 14: 160 gp, or one 100-gp gem + 60 gp, or one potion of healing + 110 gp
Parcel 15: 110 gp, or one 100-gp gem + 10 gp, or one potion of healing + 60 gp
September 2008
Dungeon 158
Plik z chomika:
Inne pliki z tego folderu:
Scales of War - [Lvl 11] - Beyond the Mottled Tower.pdf
(3618 KB)
Scales of War - [Lvl 3] - Siege of Bordrin's Watch.pdf
(5837 KB)
Scales of War - [Lvl 10] - Fist of Mourning.pdf
(2169 KB)
Scales of War - [Lvl 1] - Rescue at Rivenroar with Printable Battle Mats.pdf
(12051 KB)
Scales of War - [Lvl 4] - The Shadow Rift of Umbraforge.pdf
(6201 KB)
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