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Poziom rozszerzony

Rozprawka typu „za i przeciw

Przykłady Przykład 1. str.167

Temat rozprawki brzmi: Telefon komórkowy - nasz przyjaciel czy wróg?"

Przykład 3B. str.173

Zwroty, wyrażenia i spójniki:

Even though...

The most important advantage of...

Another good thing is...


On the other hand,...


in addition to...

Yet another negative aspect is...

Taking into consideration...

Proponowana ocena wypracowania Praca nauczyciela -blaski i cienie":






bogactwo językowe:


poprawność językowa:




Teza przedstawiona w wypracowaniu, stosownie dobrane i trafne argumenty oraz właściwe podsumowanie spełniają wszystkie wymogi w odniesieniu do treści rozprawki, stąd maksymalna liczba punktów w tej części oceny. Wypraco­wanie jest w pełni spójne i harmonijne, podporządkowane myśli przewodniej, ma odpowiednie części poprawnie wyodrębnione w tekście oraz właściwą objętość - wszystkie kryteria poprawności kompozycyjnej zostały spełnione. Jakość języka jest również bez zastrzeżeń, a użyte struktury gramatyczne, (np. it happens more and more frequently, Teachers may sometimes even be physically attacked or abused), frazeologia oraz słownictwo (choćby a highly prestigious profession, some obvious benefits involved, this contributes to), wskazują na wysoki stopień zaawansowania językowego autorki.

Przykład 4. str. 174






bogactwo językowe:

1 pkt.   

poprawność językowa:



8 pkt.   

Autor formułuje wypowiedź częściowo zgodną z tematem, niektóre argumenty, chociaż być może trafne, nie są wystarczająco omówione, np. it is cheap . Kompozycja tekstu pozostawia dużo do życzenia: brak wstępu, logika wypowiedzi jest nieco zaburzona przez brak właściwych przejść od jednej myśli do drugiej. Jakość języka jest na niskim poziomie: liczne błędy gramatyczne, leksykalne i ortograficzne oraz ewidentnie ubogi zakres strukturalno-słownikowy autora świadczą o opanowaniu języka na poziomie podstawowym.


Zadanie 1. str. 178

Surfing the net and chatting to people on-line belong to the favourite free-time activities of the young. Many treat the net as a great opportunity to make friends, but taking a closer look at the issue may reveal that there is also "a dark side" to it all.

The most obvious advantage is that there can hardly be a more convenient way of "meeting" so many people who are "on the same wavelength" than the net. It is easy to find snake lovers, or fans of Harry Potter, or those who hate Maths the way you do. In addition, you can get in touch with them without leaving your cosy room, and you may do it at any time of the day or night you choose.

However, it is not all so rosy. Functioning in virtual space means to many Internet users that they can become somebody different. Actually, some people produce packs of lies about themselves and deceive others. Furthermore, since there is no face to face contact, on-line chatting is not as "real" as live communication. Another problem is that, as experience shows, some Internet friendships are very short-lived, so definitely there is something shallow about them.

All things considered, the Internet seems to offer good opportunities to establish links with peers, but it will probably never replace real world relationships. Simply having a conversation with a bosom friend over a coke or ice-cream cannot be compensated for even by hours of talking in cyberspace. (245 słów)

Zadanie 2. str. 178

As recent opinion polls indicate, reality shows are watched by a record number of people all over the world. This unprecedented popularity attracts many candidates who want to take part in such programmes. They seem to see only the advantages involved and disregard the disadvantages.

It is an undeniable fact that appearing in a reality show can be a fast track to public success: many "stars" have made careers in the media or in politics. Another obvious advantage is the reward, often financial, that those who win will get. This is one of the main reasons for which a lot of people want to participate. Additionally, some treat it as a kind of test of their inner strength, which, if they are successful, can give them a feeling of self-confidence and high self-esteem.

On the other hand, many psychologists point out the risks. Undeniably, participants in shows of this kind are exposed to great stress and frustration. They have to live in seclusion and/or are separated from their homes and families, which may be harmful to the weaker ones. Moreover, they must constantly compete against others in the group, which adds to the psychological discomfort.

In conclusion, it seems that reality shows have got as many fans as critics. In my opinion though, the negative aspects outweigh the positive ones. The price of taking part in such degrading and frustrating contests, whatever the prize, can simply be too much. (239 słów)

Zadanie 3. str. 178

Whether having one child is good or not is a controversial issue. There are different opinions and various pros and cons to be considered.

Firstly, it seems that an only child is at an advantage, as he or she gets all the attention of the parents, who concentrate on the needs of the child, and devote to him or her all their time and care. As a result, at least in theory, an only child has better chances of being well looked after, developing his/her talents, of feeling loved and important.  Moreover,  there are no

problems with naughty siblings to be dealt with - both older and younger brothers or sisters can be a nuisance, but not for an only child.

However, there are some serious drawbacks too. Children who are brought up alone have no chance to socialise with peers and they often miss company, especially at a young age. Besides, they often develop into selfish and egocentric individuals, who may have problems with relating to others. What is even more worrying is that later on in life, when their parents are gone, they have no close family to turn to when they need help.

It is a common view that raising children is difficult, but as some wise parents suggest, it may be easier to bring up a few than just one. I think that depriving your child of having brothers or sisters may be undesirable or even cruel. What can make childhood happier than the company of siblings ? (250 słów)

Zadanie 4. str. 179

Many people think of work as something tiring and not very pleasant: a chore that they simply cannot avoid. But do we dare to think what our life would be like without work? Can we imagine a situation in which every day is like a Sunday?

It seems that without work we might find it difficult to think of what to do all day long. There is a chance that even activities that are believed to be enjoyable would become less attractive if we could spend as much time as we wanted on them. Moreover, there would no longer be holidays that we all so much look forward to, so life would lose some of its important flavours. Besides, nowadays a successful life is thought of in terms of a successful career. Probably without work, success would not mean much.

On the other hand, undeniably, work can be a source of frustration. Striving for promotion often means cruel competition. Devoting a lot of effort and attention to work, which is precisely what employers expect, may lead to sacrificing other crucial aspects of life, like family or self-development. Furthermore, there are some work-related diseases, which sometimes may even prove fatal.

All in all, work seems a mixed blessing. Life without work would probably be less rich and satisfying, but when work is a heavy burden, it makes life very difficult. It is important to like what we do fora living and to have something more to live for than work. (249 słów)

Zadanie 5. str. 179



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