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Fun Papers: The Best of
Written by Dr Perry Barnes
How to suddenly enjoy English,
learn lots and find yourself
speaking English perfectly
Copyright Perry Barnes 2008
All Rights Reserved in All Media
Copyright Perry Barnes © 2008 All Rights Reserved in All Media
Particularmente temos amizade com um ingles que esta com um projeto excelente direcionado para o mercado
brasileiro, ele criou um novo metodo de ensinar ingles mais rapido que o metodo Callan, vale a pena conferir,
eh um metodo de conexoes de palavras em ingles similares as palavras em portugues, metodo que ja esta
fazendo ele mesmo quase falar portugues fluente.
Particularly we have friendship with an English guy that is with a directed excellent project for the Brazilian
market, he created new method to teach English quicker than method Callan, valley the penalty to confer, eh
one method of connection of similar words in English to the words in Portuguese, method that already this
making he himself almost to say Portuguese fluent.
"Hi. How are you? I've got the cards you sent to me. Thank you so much. I'm happy to say to you I've passed
my test. Thank you so much for your big help Aurea".
Aurea was Successful with the Life in the UK test after 2 classes with us
Maybe you do not want to be my friend that is ok I just want to thank you for your help in my Environmental
research project I passed with 2 honours bachelor class. Thanks feel free to contact me when you want
Had you ever instantly know that you'd be totally fascinated by something you were reading. I’m saying, maybe
as you continued to read it, and notice the form of the letters, the shadow of the ink, and the white of the page, it
permitted you to GO INSIDE, and remember a time when learning was easier and more fun.
Which people is this book for?
This book is for people who want to create a positive, healthy relationship with their language skills, & increase
their levels of knowledge & intelligence. No matter what your language situation, whether you're starting to
learn or have perfect English already, I personally guarantee you'll learn new ways of thinking from this book
which will improve your language situation and, more importantly, improve how you feel about this. Only read
this book if you want to transform your relationship with English forever!
Class English
Copyright Perry Barnes © 2008 All Rights Reserved in All Media
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1 st Class English
There are many describing words in English which can often be explained through the use of opposites. This
page will show you many of the opposites available. Using this method you can check the meaning of one
word using your dictionary and work out the meaning of the other word.
Always learn words in pairs if the word has an opposite. For example if you have the word Off then
learn the word ON at the same time.
Good/Bad, Hot/Cold, Slowly/Quickly, Slow/Fast, Uncomfortable/Comfortable,
Pack/Unpack, Over/Under, Stupid/Smart, Big/Small, Expensive/Cheap, Always/Never,
Much/Few, More/Less, Healthy/Ill, Alive/Dead, Specific/General, Nothing/Something,
Done/Undone, Here/There, Lost/Found, Lose/Find, Minimise/Maximise,
Simple/Complex, Hard/Easy, Hard/Soft, Traditional/Modern, Take/Give, Taken/Given,
Off/On, Active/Inactive, Happy/Unhappy, Smile/Frown, Wonderful/Rubbish,
Great/Crap, High/Low, Large/Small, Thick/Thin, Same/Different, Light/Dark,
Light/Heavy, Full/Empty, Beautiful/Average, Warm/Cool, Many/Few, Short/Long,
Last/First, Above/Below, Ahead/Behind, In/Out, Happy/Unhappy, Fast/Slow,
Easy/Difficult, Wet/Dry, Smooth/Rough, Tight/Loose, Far/Near, Young/Old,
Weak/Strong, Left/Right, Right/Wrong, Up/Down, Under/Over, Poor/Rich,
Never/Always, Unfair/Fair, Unfairly/Fairly, Common/Rare, Often/Rarely, Late/Early,
Dull/Bright, Close/Open, Shallow/Deep, Quiet/Loud, A bit/A lot, Tight/Loose,
Nowhere/Everywhere, Yesterday/Today/Tomorrow, Less/More, Enemy/Friend,
War/Peace, Mean/Nice, Dirty/Clean, Disagree/Agree, Displeased/Pleased,
Tired/Energetic, Bored/Excited, Boring/Interesting, Inside/Outside, Now/Later,
Inside/Outside, Now/Later, Last/First, Backward/Forward, Tea/Coffee (do you want?)
Copyright Perry Barnes © 2008 All Rights Reserved in All Media
Prepositions typically come before a noun:
Nouns and explanations
in (inside, indoors)
car, cafe, years, times,
I'm indoors (home)
I'm in the cafe
I was born in 1989
I woke up in the afternoon
See you in the morning
I live in London
on (ontop)
bus, train, plane, bike,
days, phone, radio,
television (TV)
I came here on the bus
I'm on the train (phone call)
See you on Friday
I was on the phone with my friend
Watch Eastenders on BBC1
I like the Russell Brand show on radio 2
Can we meet on the 23rd
time, place (point with your
finger) think of at as
direction e.g. pointing
I'll see you at 6.30
Meet me at the station
I'm at college today
I live at 77 Have Fun Street
to (toward,
place, future, verb
I'm going to sleep
I'm going to Brasil for Christmas
I'm going to practice English everyday
for = purpose, reason, why,
because e.g. I wrote this:
why? because? = you
I wrote this for you
Milk is good for you
Is it for me? (present/gift)
Feel good for no reason
I've lived there for 7 years
by (buy)
I have to be there by 6pm
(at the latest)
by now, you have learned some things
with (wiv)
coffee with sugar
with you I feel great
from Stratford to Liverpool street is a short journey
I'm from Brasil
specific date or time
He's worked here since 1970
She's been sitting in the waiting room since two-
thirty (2.30)
Copyright Perry Barnes © 2008 All Rights Reserved in All Media
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Beside In
Side Inside
I'm at the cube. I'll do it for the cube. Let's go to the cube.
Many patterns within English sound the same and are pronounced in the same way. The sooner you learn the
patterns in English the sooner you will speak this language exquisitely. English is not phonetic as even the
word phonetic is spelled with a ph instead of an F. It's Fonetico/a in Portuguese for example. Therefore, it is
easier to learn the patterns in English. Now...
The letters er at the end of a word often mean that something is more in comparison
E.g. Better, Faster, Quicker, Smarter,
But it can also describe someone that does something
E.g. A player plays, A writer writes, A footballer plays football
The letters underlined below are not pronounced as they seemed to be. Instead they are
pronounced as other English words shown on the right hand side.
For Portuguese speakers: there was a tendency for you to speak from your nose. Realise in English there are
Not words such as Nao and Mau. That nasal (nose) sound is Only used in Portuguese. When saying words like
All, Ball and Call you should say these words from lower in your mouth. Speak English > directly away from
your mouth, Portuguese sometimes goes ^ up into the nose (stop it). Say your sentence quickly as one piece of
information with your voice tone (tonality) equal, like a straight line. Not some TIMES, just sometimes and
Ch in English is pronounced the same in all of these words, so learn the sound.
Copyright Perry Barnes © 2008 All Rights Reserved in All Media
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