Boas Vindas - Welcome - The Rostrum.txt

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The Rostrum it is the official place of support and help to eMule-Portuguese for all the users of the official version - #eMule-Portuguese - IRC


visite-nos, temos tudo o que quer...filmes, musica, s�ries, documentarios, e-books, etc...

vai ver que nao se arrepende, visite-nos e fa�a o registo.

esperamos por si :) :)


visit us, we have everything you want ... movies, music, series, documentaries, e-books, etc. ...

will see that there is no regret, visit us and make the record.

hope for you:):)


nous rendre visite, nous avons tout ... nous voulons que les films, la musique, s�ries, documentaires, livres �lectroniques, etc ...

verrez qu'il n'y a pas de regret, nous rendre visite et faire l'enregistrement.

espoir pour vous:):)


nos visitan, tenemos todo lo que queremos ... pel�culas, m�sica, series, documentales, libros electr�nicos, etc ...

ver� que no hay ning�n pesar, nos visitan y hacer el registro.

esperanza para usted:):)


Besuchen Sie uns, wir haben alles, was wir wollen ... Filme, Musik, Serien, Dokumentationen, E-Books, etc. ...

werden sehen, dass es nicht bedauern, besuchen Sie uns und nehmen Sie die Aufzeichnung.

Hoffnung f�r Sie:):)


visita a noi, abbiamo tutto ci� che vogliamo ... filmati, musica, serie, documentari, libri elettronici, ecc ...

vedr� che non vi � alcun rammarico, visitare noi e fare il record.

speranza per voi:):)


The Rostrum it is the official place of support and help to eMule-Portuguese for all the users of the official version - #eMule-Portuguese - IRC
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