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Underground Bodybuilding Secrets That Will Shock
Your Body into an Explosive Growth Spurt
Copyright 2003 by James P. Jordan
All rights reserved.
Published by Detailed Health And Fitness Inc.
The information in this book is intended for healthy people. Anyone with medical
problems especially hypertension or vascular disease should consult a physician before
starting any exercise or diet program. Any one over forty who hasn’t been exercising
should consult a doctor regardless of their state of health. Invariably, if you are out of
shape and want to start training please follow the advice of The American Medical
Association: “ Start slowly and increase the vigour and duration of your program as your
fitness improves ”.
You may have read all the magazines or other mass building programs
but still the quest for size has eluded you. What is it that all the popular
programs and books are just not telling you?
Is there some kind of underground bodybuilding cult that some lucky
initiates find? Are these the guys that get so huge? Yes and no.
There is an underground bodybuilding cult! Basically it’s the guys who
take steroids! The underground part you are not told is that most all
bodybuilding programs are written by or for guys that take drugs. You are
not as pathetic as you may have been made to believe! These programs
are murder for the natural trainer!
And worse these guys don’t want you to know they take the juice, they
want you to think they are genetically superior! Many big name fitness
gurus fit this bill!
No need to worry! You have come across a program that is designed and
has been proven for natural trainers!
Not only is this program designed for truly natural training subjects, it is
head and shoulders above any thing on the market for the following
Only training system that gives you a simple mathematical step by
step method of training and meal planning.
Non biased information.
Complete program everything you need to get huge including
nutrition, training and recuperation.
Everything is backed up scientifically and referenced
Tells you the truth.
Simple progressive recuperation system that adapts to every
Not only are you about to put on more muscle than you ever have before,
what if you could put your body into an explosive growth spurt?
The kind that would actually shock all your friends and family? Do you
think your life would be changed forever? Mine has been along with
thousands of others that have benefited from this information.
The respect you will get from all your friends never mind the chicks and
glory! Wherever you go, it is amazing the change in attitude you will
experience from people when you pack some serious ripped mass on your
frame! No more waiting in line at clubs or disrespect from drunks!
No more being afraid to take off your shirt in the park on a summer’s day!
As a matter of fact if you’re like me you will look for the opportunity to
show off your new body!
One problem with being huge is that now you will be like the king of the
hill! When you go to the bar or out shopping your massive presence will
attract and threaten other big guys and smaller guys who will want to test
You may find the occasional guy will pick a fight with you to try and prove
himself! Do not worry though, in most cases, your new size will make them
think twice and in the end women will respect you a lot more if you ignore
the idiot!
Let’s get on with it!
This book is a compilation of jealously guarded underground methods.
The kind that even those guys that have gotten big may not know. I say
this as the methods inside this course are the fastest most effective use of
your energy to achieving huge ripped pipes with a narrow healthy waist.
And Health is never sacrificed for size! I want you to live long with your
impressive new lifestyle without all the aches and pains and degenerative
How This Book Is Formatted
The book is put together starting with hands on practical step by step
instruction to get you started immediately. Simply read ahead and you will
be taken step by step through a system to prepare you and guide you to
shock your body into an explosive growth spurt.
The “how to” is the first section of the book. Any technical stuff or the “why
“is the second section of the book. There are many links that go from the
first section chapters to the second section to lead you right to the
explanation of why what you are doing works.
It has been done this way so that you can get right into the program
without having to learn so much you lose motivation. As you grow you can
All effort has been made so that you can make change simply and quickly
with as little stress as possible.
Are You Sure You Want To Follow This Program?
Simply start reading the book and as you go make notes where provided
and follow the instructions step by step.
The first lesson is a step by step system for preparing your meal plan to
effectively build quality lean muscle mass.
The second lesson is the workout and the third section is about making
your muscles grow.
The Second section has lots of underground bodybuilding information that
has been tested and is proven to work.
A Note about the Title “Underground Secrets’
The title “underground secret methods“was a natural title for this book
because of the material included. Not that what you are about to read is
necessarily so secret but in many cases most people do not really know
the truth about what works and what doesn’t.
In this industry most people only see what big companies pay big money
to get in front of your face! These companies spend lots of and have to
recuperate it by selling their products.
For this reason everything is miraculous and the next secret weapon for
your growth.
Unfortunately it’s hard to get the truth of what really works from an
unbiased third party source. This is what this book is. I or Detailed Health
And Fitness Inc is not affiliated with any supplement or fitness companies.
All the information here forward is unbiased, and from my experience of
twenty years in this industry, the truth of what really works!
Some of this information you may have figured out but I guarantee, a lot of
this information will literally be the opposite of what you have been told by
the big companies with invested interests in what you are being told (sold).
I know what I am about to reveal is very radically different than what you
may have been told. For this reason everything is backed up solidly by
creditable non – biased scientific references. There are over three
hundred references in the back of this book that verify everything I am
about to reveal.
If you don’t believe me, that’s fine. I am not trying to convince you of
anything. I am merely doing my best to present the facts as they have
presented themselves to me to the best of my ability.
Read with an open mind and be prepared to unlock the power of these
secret underground methods to shock your body into an explosive growth
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