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"The circle of fear lies just below the level the body sees,
and seems to be the whole foundation on which the world is based."
(Jesus Christ - A Course In Miracles T.18.IX.4:1)
Yes, I know the many mxed thoughts that have been crowdng nto your mnd as
you read, -- the doubts and eager questonngs, the vague fear that mperceptby
changed nto a growng hope that ths gmmerng of My Meanng, whch has
begun to penetrate the darkness of your human nteect, may shne brghter so
you can see ceary the Truth whch you nstnctvey feel s hdden beneath My
Agan I say, ths I AM speakng heren s the Real Sef of you, and n readng
these words t s necessary that you reaze t is You, your own Sef, that s
speakng them to your human conscousness, n order fuy to comprehend ther
I aso repeat, ths s the same I AM that s the Lfe and Sprt anmatng al vng
thngs n the Unverse, from the tnest atom to the greatest Sun; that ths I AM s
the Integence n you and n your brother and sster; and that t s kewse the
Integence whch causes everythng to ve and grow and become that whch t s
ther destny to be.
Perhaps you cannot yet understand how ths I AM can be, at one and the same
tme, the I AM of you and the I AM of your brother, and aso the Integence of
the stone, the pant, and the anma.
You wl see ths, however, f you foow these My Words and obey the nstructons
heren gven; for I wl soon brng to your conscousness a Lght that wl umne
the deepest recesses of your mnd and drve away al the couds of human
msconceptons, deas and opnons that now darken your nteect, -- f you read
on and strve earnesty to comprehend My Meanng.
So sten carefuy.
I AM You, the Real Sef of you, Al that you really are. That whch you thnk you
are, you are not. That s ony an uson, a shadow of the Real You, whch s I,
your Immorta, Dvne Sef.
I AM that pont of conscousness focazed n your human mnd whch cas tsef
"I". I AM that "I", but that whch you cal your conscousness s n reaty My
Conscousness, thnned down to sut the capacty of your human mnd. It s stl
My Conscousness, and when you can drve from your mnd al ts human
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msconceptons, deas and opnons, and can ceanse and empty t uttery, so that
My Conscousness can have a chance to express freey, then you wl recognze
Me and you wl know that you are nothng - beng ony a focal center of My
Conscousness, an avenue of medum through whch I can express My meanng -
n matter.
Perhaps you cannot see ths yet, and of course cannot beeve t untl I fuy
prepare your mnd by convncng your nteect of ts truth.
You have been tod that each cel of your body has a conscousness and an
ntegence of ts own; that were t not for ths conscousness t coud not do the
work t so ntegenty does.
Each cel s surrounded by mons of other ces, each ntegenty dong ts own
work and each evdenty controed by the unted conscousness of al these ces,
formng a group ntegence, whch drects and contros ths work; ths group
ntegence apparenty beng the ntegence of the organ whch the ces
comprsng t form. Lkewse, there are other group ntegences n other organs,
each contanng other mons of ces, and al these organs make up your physcal
Now, you know You are the Integence that drects the work of the organs of
your body, whether ths drectng s done conscousy or unconscousy; and that
each cel of each organ s reay a focal center of ths drectng Integence; and
that when ths Integence s wthdrawn the ces fal apart, your physcal body
des and exsts no more as a vng organsm.
Who s ths You who drects and contros the actvtes of your organs, and
consequenty of each cel composng them?
You cannot say t s your human or personal sef who does ths, for you of yoursef
conscousy can control the acton of scarcey a snge organ of your body.
It must then be ths Impersonal I AM of you, whch s You, and yet s not you.
You, the I AM of you, are to Me what the cel conscousness of your body s to
your I AM Conscousness.
You are a ce, as t were, of My Body, and your conscousness (as one of My
Ces) s to Me what the conscousness of one of the ces of your body s to You.
Therefore, t must be that the conscousness of the cel of your body s My
Conscousness, even as your conscousness s My Conscousness; and therefore
We must be One n conscousness - the ce, You and I.
You cannot now conscousy drect or control a snge cel of your body; but when
you can at w l enter nto the Consc ousness of the I AM of you and know ts
dent ty w th Me, then you can control not only every cell of your body, but
that of any other body you might wish to control.
What happens when your consc ousness no onger contro s the ce s of your body?
The body d s ntegrates, the ce s separate, and the r work for the t me be ng s
f n shed. But do the ce s d e or ose consc ousness? No, they s mp y s eep or rest
for a per od, and after a wh e un te w th other ce s and form new comb nat ons,
and sooner or ater appear n other man festat ons of fe, -- perhaps m nera ,
perhaps vegetab e, perhaps an ma ; show ng that they st l reta n the r or g nal
consc ousness and but awa t the act on of My W l to jo n together n a new
organ sm to do the work of the new consc ousness through wh ch I des re to
man fest.
Then apparent y th s ce l consc ousness s a consc ousness common to a l bod es, -
- m nera , vegetab e, an ma , human, -- each ce l f tted perhaps by exper ence for
a certa n general k nd of work?
Yes, th s ce l consc ousness s common to every ce l of every body, no matter what
ts k nd, because t s an Impersonal consc ousness, hav ng no purpose other
than do ng the work a otted t. It ves on y to work wherever needed. When
through w th bu d ng one form, t takes up the work of bu d ng another, under
whatever consc ousness I des re t to serve.
Thus t s kew se w th you.
You, as one of the ce s of My Body, have a consc ousness that s My
Consc ousness, an nte gence that s My Inte gence, even a w l that s My W .
You have none of these for yourse f or of yourse f. They are a l M ne and for My
use on y.
Now, My consc ousness and My Inte gence and My W l are who y Impersona ,
and therefore are common w th you and w th all the ce s of My Body, even as
they are common w th a l the ce s of your body.
I AM the d rect ng Inte gence of All, the an mat ng Sp r t, the L fe, the
Consc ousness of a l matter, of a l Substance. If you can see t, You, the Real
you, the Impersonal you, are n a l and are one w th a , are n Me and are one
w th Me; just as I AM n you and n a , and thereby am express ng My Rea ty
through you and through a .
Th s w , wh ch you ca l your w , s kew se no more yours persona y than s th s
consc ousness and th s nte gence of your m nd and of the ce s of your body
It s but that sma l port on of My W l wh ch I perm t the personal you to use. Just
as fast as you awaken to recogn t on of a certa n power or facu ty w th n you and
beg n consc ous y to use t, do I a ow you that much more of My Inf n te Power.
Al power and ts use s but so much recognton and understandng of the use of
My W.
Your wl and al your powers are ony phases of My W, whch I suppy to sut
your capacty to use t.
Were I to entrust you wth the ful power of My W, before you know how
conscousy to use t, t woud annhate your body uttery.
To test your strength and more often to show you what the msuse of My Power
does to you, I at tmes aow you to commt a sn, so-caed, or to make a
mstake. I even permt you to become nfated wth the sense of My Presence
wthn you, when It manfests as a conscousness of My Power, My Integence,
My Love; and I et you take these and use them for your own personal purposes.
But not for ong? for, not beng strong enough to control them, they soon take the
bt n ther teeth, run away wth you, throw you down n the mre, and dsappear
from your conscousness for the tme beng.
Aways I AM there to pck you up, after the fa, athough you do not know t at
the tme; frst straghtenng you out and then startng you onward agan, by
pontng out the reason for your fa; and fnay, when you are suffcenty
humbed, causng you to see that these powers accrung to you by the conscous
use of My W, My Integence and My Love, are aowed you ony for use n My
Servce, and not at al for your own personal ends.
Do the ces of your body, the musces of your arm, thnk to set themseves up as
havng a separate wl from your w, or a separate ntegence from your
No, they know no ntegence but yours, no wl but yours.
After a whe t wl be that you wl reaze you are ony one of the ces of My
Body; and that your wl s not your w, but Mne; that what conscousness and
what ntegence you have are Mne whoy; and that there s no such person as
you, you personay beng ony a physcal form contanng a human bran, whch I
created for the purpose of expressng n matter and Idea, a certan phase of whch
I coud express best ony n that partcuar form.
Al ths may be dffcut for you now to accept, and you may protest very
strenuousy that t cannot be, that every nstnct of your nature rebes aganst
such yedng and subordnatng yoursef to an unseen and unknown power,
however Impersonal or Dvne.
Fear not, t s ony your personaty that thus rebes. If you contnue to foow and
study My Words, al wl soon be made cear, and I wl surey open up to your
nner understandng many wonderful Truths that now are mpossbe for you to
comprehend. Your Soul wl rejoce sng gad prases, and you wl bess these
words for the message they brng.
"When you leave behind you
the things that will not be able to follow you,
then you will put yourselves to rest."
(Jesus Christ - The Dialogue of the Savior 141:9-13)
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