07 - Morning Star.txt

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Morning Star

My mass grows endlessly 
Beauty there is to see 
But I'm abused, there is no clarity 
Defaced what I might be 
Denied the grace in me 
The sleeping beast throws shadows towards me 

the untaught world in silence sleeps 
While night and day embrace so deep 
Between the line of dawn and dark 
Embedded - a threat waiting for a spark 

The tears I cry are endlessly 
The sorrow I saw burns so eternally 
They call on me, no mercy though 
For there's no remorse for the fallen ones 

There's light in me 
The chance to be 
If you reach out and want to see 

Morning Star: 
I rise and shine, whatever comes 
Guiding the way through the light of dawn 
The darkness I dispel, 
who's willing to awake and see 
Will be led to infinity 

Years melt away, the mother creeps 
Though they seem to be in untroubled sleep 
The darkness' sheet drowns a tender weep 
Doom crawls up drwan by the storm gathering 

The sleeping beast fastens it's beat 
And destiny loosens the iron leash 
Just one more surge and he'll break free 
But I take my course to eternity 

Morning Star: 
I rise and shine, whatever comes 
Guiding the way through the light of dawn 
The morning star outshines the pain 
Gleaming in eternal holy flames 
The darkness I dispel, who's willing 
to awake and see 
Will be led to infinity
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