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[1][30] - nowa jakoœæ napisów.|Napisy zosta³y specjalnie dopasowane do Twojej wersji filmu.
[114][125]At the buzzer,
[125][153]Wayne "Captain Clutch" Rigsby|nails the 3.
[153][190]And the crowd goes insane.
[214][228]I hate the night shift.
[229][249]Hey, Jane. Teach me|a card trick, will ya?
[311][338]Card trick?
[368][389]Say, "pick a card."
[423][447]Pick a card.
[467][497]Okay.|Put it back in the deck.
[518][544]Place the deck very gently|on your forehead.
[544][577]Now try to visualize|the card that I picked, Hmm?
[577][605]Just focus and see it.
[605][635]What springs to mind?|Um, the, uh...
[635][663]- What card do you see?|- 9 of hearts.
[663][683]9 of hearts.
[718][731]That it?
[731][750]Huh. How'd I do that?
[750][763]Very good.
[763][779]Very, very good.
[779][799]Let me try.
[799][812]All right.
[812][849]Pick a card.
[871][891]Memorize it.
[952][970]- Jack of diamonds.|- Nope.
[989][1015]Are you sure?
[1015][1035]- Yep. - Well, uh,|Cho, could you, uh--
[1035][1057]It's a card trick.|Not interested.
[1057][1081]Well, I guess|card tricks are lame.
[1081][1103]Yep, when they don't work.
[1103][1122]We're up.
[1279][1299]What do you think,|Doc?
[1299][1332]Your basic blunt force trauma.|Baseball bat type of deal.
[1332][1356]- Mugging gone wrong, maybe?|- Don't think so.
[1356][1381]His wallet's gone,|but he did have this on him.
[1381][1411]It was wrapped in an napkin|with a note written on it.
[1411][1444]Eh, the mysterious case|of the jilted jockey.
[1444][1461]Don't be flippant.
[1461][1485]- You think he's a jockey?|- Oh, I know he is.
[1485][1500]Why, because he's small?
[1500][1512]Small, bowlegged...
[1512][1530]Hungry-thin|in a thousand dollar suit,
[1530][1546]deep tan from working outdoors,
[1546][1563]raccoon eyes|from wearing goggles.
[1563][1590]And that is a horseshoe|on that napkin, probably from
[1590][1617]a-a bar in town that|has "horseshoe" in the name.
[1620][1632]Well, he could be|a racecar driver.
[1632][1653]Racecar drivers|have soft hands.
[1653][1670]Why a jilted jockey?
[1670][1699]Because it alliterates it,|and that is always a little fun.
[1699][1719]And who else|but a forsaken lover
[1719][1743]would ask for forgiveness|on a cocktail napkin?
[1743][1758]With a ring, no less.
[1758][1783]Golden Horseshoe Restaurant|about a mile away.
[1783][1794]Et voilà.
[1794][1808]Sorry, agents, wait.
[1808][1832]I just found this|in John Doe's jacket pockets.
[1832][1859]Uh, I-I don't know why|I didn't notice it before.
[1876][1903]I figure it's some kind of|message maybe from the killer.
[1903][1923]That's my card.|How did you do that?
[1924][1936]Huh? What?
[1950][1966]Card tricks?
[1967][1988]A man has lost his life.
[1988][2004]You should be ashamed|of yourself.
[2034][2051]- Shame.|- Never mind.
[2051][2071]Shame. Shame.
[2071][2085]So shameful. Terrible.
[2219][2238]Flashy clothes,|about 5'5", skinny--
[2238][2265]like maybe|he could be a jockey.
[2265][2290]Sounds like Bill Button.|No, it's... Sutton.
[2290][2304]That's the name.
[2304][2325]He used to date Delinda--
[2325][2345]girl who works here|as a hostess.
[2345][2366]He came in last night|looking for her,
[2366][2385]had a couple of drinks.
[2385][2407]Tried to leave something|for her,
[2407][2431]but I told him|I couldn't accept it. Policy.
[2431][2459]Did you see what it was?
[2459][2493]Yeah. It was a ring|with a note on a napkin.
[2493][2512]"Forgive me."
[2512][2537]Forgive him for what?|Do you know?
[2537][2554]Men. It was always something.
[2554][2583]- So what's happened to him?|- Well, he's ad.
[2583][2608]The girlfriend--Delinda.|What's her full name?
[2639][2659]It's... Lecure.
[2659][2676]Delinda Lecure.
[2676][2694]She wasn't working|last night?
[2694][2718]No. He--he kept...
[2718][2746]Coming in, hassling her|to get back together with him.
[2746][2773]So she started switching shifts|to avoid him.
[2775][2785]He get heavy with her?
[2804][2834]No. No, no. He was always|a gentleman--what I saw.
[2834][2865]But I-I stay out of that stuff.|You know... T.M.I.
[2865][2891]She have any other boyfriends?|Anyone else interested?
[2891][2908]Not that I know of.
[2908][2933]You have an address|for Delinda?
[2933][2967]Yeah, I-I got it here|somewhere.
[3012][3043]Cho and Rigsby are talking to|the ex-girlfriend, Delinda, now.
[3043][3054]Anything else on the victim?
[3055][3078]A William Q. Sutton|is scheduled to ride a horse
[3078][3098]in for fifth race|at Redwood Downs today.
[3100][3110]So he is a jockey.
[3111][3141]Yep. Riding for a man|named Cobb Holwell.
[3141][3173]Jane, we're going|to Redwood Downs.
[3173][3197]Yeah, yeah, you were right.|He's a jockey.
[3197][3220]- You coming or not?|- I grew up around horses.
[3220][3246]Fine. You can drive.|I'll meet you out there.
[3246][3260]I could come with.
[3260][3293]See what you can find out|about this Cobb Holwell, okay?
[3456][3481]Why does horse manure|smell so good?
[3481][3494]It doesn't.
[3513][3532]Excuse me.
[3545][3567]You seen Cobb Holwell|around here?
[3567][3585]You're here about Bill, huh?
[3585][3616]Yeah. We're with the CBI.|We just have a couple questions.
[3616][3622]And you are...
[3623][3651]Sam Starks. I'm an apprentice|for Mr. Holwell.
[3669][3676]Nice animal.
[3676][3691]What's his name?
[3691][3705]Castor's Folly.
[3705][3729]Ah, yes. Castor's Folly.
[3729][3754]Sutton was gonna ride him|in the fifth race.
[3754][3776]Bill was so good with Cass.
[3777][3806]They had a deep bond.
[3823][3836]Poor soul.
[3836][3872]He's grieving deeply.|Aw.
[3872][3895]How do you know that?
[3895][3930]He knew something was wrong,|so I told him.
[3953][3971]What happened to Bill?
[3971][3993]No idea yet.|What's your guess?
[3993][4007]I don't know.
[4021][4042]You think Cass might have|some kind of idea?
[4043][4062]Because we're pretty sure|Mr. Sutton's death
[4063][4082]had something to do|with horses.
[4082][4096]Excuse me.|Cass has to finish his ride.
[4096][4128]You can find Mr. Holwell's|stables over there to the left.
[4153][4183]Nice.|Teasing a grieving girl.
[4183][4216]Prodding, not teasing.|She could be the culprit--
[4216][4242]fiendish killer,|for all we know.
[4257][4266]Hell of a thing.
[4276][4314]Bill was a good man.|A good jock.
[4314][4348]Mr. Holwell, uh, did Sutton have|any problems with anyone here?
[4348][4363]No. Well liked.
[4363][4378]How about women?
[4378][4393]Nothing I heard about.
[4393][4417]- Well, how long did he--|- Could he have won?
[4417][4442]Castor's Folly|in the fifth race--
[4442][4457]did he have any chance|of winning?
[4460][4482]Always.|There's always a chance.
[4482][4513]Cass broke his maiden|by three lengths.
[4524][4549]Some problems since,|but he's finding his form.
[4549][4564]He could have won.
[4564][4586]Damn it. He would have won.
[4586][4606]Uh, never mind.
[4606][4643]There'll be another race.|We'll find another jock.
[4643][4669]- How long did he work for you?|- About three weeks.
[4669][4688]- That's all?|- Oh, I'd known Bill for years.
[4704][4721]He'd been out of the game|for a while.
[4722][4745]When he came back,|I hired him but quick.
[4749][4772]Gave him 20 grand to ride|for me exclusive.
[4772][4798]One final question--|where were you last night?
[4798][4822]- Here at the stable.|- All night?
[4822][4858]Ma'am, I am|the last independent stable
[4858][4878]in this part of the state.
[4878][4904]I got one decent horse|and a hundred creditors.
[4904][4918]I don't sleep much.
[4920][4942]Jane, do you have any...|Questions.
[4959][4988]Thanks for your time.
[5117][5147]Black blizzard in the sixth.|It's a lock, trust me.
[5147][5166]And where's that tip from?
[5166][5199]Somebody who knows.|What are you, a race track cop?
[5199][5218]Does it seem legit?
[5218][5243]He's a groom at the track|stable. Sounds pretty good.
[5243][5268]Well, he works around horses.|I guess he might know something.
[5268][5278]You betcha.|I got all the inside poop.
[5279][5298]20 bucks buys you a lock|in the 6th. A lock.
[5299][5320]Huh. How much you betting?
[5326][5367]Well, you said it's a lock.|How much are you betting? Oh.
[5367][5402]All that poop inside, and you're outside|hustling for lunch money, huh?
[5402][5412]I'm trying to make a living|here, guy.
[5412][5433]- Move right along, why don't ya?|- You used to ride, didn't ya?
[5433][5448]Did you--|did you know Bill Sutton?
[5468][5480]So you are a cop.
[5485][5508]You don't look like one.
[5508][5535]Yeah, I knew Sutton, and I'll|say it even though he's dead.
[5535][5553]He was a lowdown cheat.
[5553][5569]Now walk away, pal. I'm trying|to work with my friend here
[5570][5577]Save your money.
[5578][5602]I'm a better judge of horses|than mister, uh..
[5603][5627]Ellis Barnes. Screw you.
[5627][5660]Patrick Jane.|Nice to meet you, too.
[5660][5716]I will bet you that I can pick|first, second, and third horse
[5716][5742]any race you choose, Mr. Barnes,|and you're my witness.
[5742][5770]Next race.|500 bucks says you can't.
[5793][5826]See you at the pay-out window|after the race.
[5892][5919]Delinda Lecure,|apartment 28.
[5919][5939]Why would anyone date|a jockey?
[5939][5961]Hungry little guy,|smells like horses.
[5961][5975]Don't like horses?
[5975][5996]They're like dogs,|but bigger.
[5996][6020]You don't like dogs?|It's all an act with dogs.
[6020][6050]They do it for the food.|Ah. Everybody does.
[6050][6081]That's deep.
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