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Ham Radio 101 February 2009
How to get Started Home Brewing
By Hal Silverman, WB6WXO
SOARA Education Director
By Ron Weaver, W6OM
After Ron Weaver’s excellent presentation on home brewing antennas, baluns
and tuners, I decided to bring back the October 2008 article and add Ron’s in-
put to the article. If you have a desire, to get your feet wet and build an an-
tenna for either your self or for field day, get in touch with Mike Slygh, KI6IRA.
Mike is heading up an antenna group and will provide you with his program.
Getting started home brewing antennas is a way of getting your feet wet and
seeing the result first hand.
The parts can be bought at places like Home Depot and Lowes. Solid core cop-
per wire used for house wiring can be used to make a variety of wire antennas.
I have gotten lazy over the years and have relied upon store bought antennas.
The antenna handbooks have a number of designs. If you have any questions,
either Ron Weaver or Mike Slygh will accommodate you
R g
V 1
~ V g
R g
V 1
~ V g
Figure 1
Guanella and Ruthroff 1:1 Baluns
The picture in figure 1 is a 1:1 balun schematic. Ron has several different
baluns designed from bits of sprinkler pipe and house wire that are both 1:1
baluns and 4:1 baluns. 1 I have included Home Depot and Lowes in the appen-
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dix as a list of suppliers. There are a number of other places where you can
find home brewing parts. This list has been forwarded to me by Ron and are
now included in the appendix.
R g
V 1
~ V g
Figure 2
Ruthroff 4:1 Balun
The last several articles have been devoted to building blocks that go into ham
radio rigs. I have presented simple circuits that I have bread boarded and used
for demonstrations at the seminars. It has occurred to me that some of you
may want to also breadboard circuits and test them out. I am by no means a
design genius. I relay on the ARRL Handbook, an ARRL QRP Classic hand
book and some QST articles. I also have some of the lab manuals that I used
at both Saddleback and OCC as an instructor. There are many good examples
of circuits in those manuals to breadboard and analyze.
The local ham radio store (HRO) has the ARRL Handbooks for sale. You can
also buy the handbook directly from the ARRL. If you have a limited budget,
try the local used book stores. The handbooks do not have to be the latest ver-
sion. In fact, I use a 1969 handbook for reference for many things that do not
appear in the present day books.
Good equipment is an essential requirement to be able to analyze your circuits.
Here is my recommended list to get started;
Soldering Iron ( Weller Products)
These are available on line at Mouser or Electronix Express
Look for one at the SOARA auction.
Digital Multimeter ( Price range $10.00 to 160.00)
Harbor Freight usually has these for about $10.00
Fry’s has Fluke meters for up to about $160.00
You might also look for one that checks capacitance.
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Oscilloscope ( It is best to shop around for one of these)
Electronix Express has a good selection that range in price from
$300 to $1200. The cost goes up as you increase the features.
I would ask around SOARA to see if anyone has a scope for sale.
I would also recommend E Bay
Regulated Power Supply
Since most of the solid state rigs use 13.8V, you can pick up an
Astron supply that has about 4 amp capability.
That will be enough to power a small QRP radio.
Look for one of these at the SOARA auction.
Solderless breadboards.
These are a must, some come with a collection of jumper wires.
Places like Fry’s, Mar-Vac, Or-Vac, and JK Electronics have them on
sale for about $20.00
Resistor, capacitor and inductor kits are available at a reasonable
price. I have used them to get a supply of 1/2W resistors to re-
build my Heath Kit projects. I usually purchase them from either
Electronix Express or from Mouser.
Other items like chassis, and solder type proto boards are also avail-
able from both the places named above.
If you just need one or two parts to repair a radio, then places like
Radio Shack, JK Electronics ( Westminster), and Frys ( Fountain
Valley) are good sources of small quantities. I use all three places
for my needs.
Mouser will ship almost the same day or the next day. Electronix Ex-
press is a little slower shipping.
The other local stores may order for you if they don’t have it in stock.
The places that I use have web sites which I will provide in the ap-
pendix of this article.
If you get into a specialty project like restoring a piece of Heath Kit
equipment, then there is a Yahoo Heath Kit users group. I have a
source for manuals from Dave Crowell (KA1EDP)
There are several places that have Heath Kit replacement parts as
well as kits to upgrade older rigs.
I have a source for vacuum tubes for that older rig you bought at the
SOARA auction.
Well that is a start for the beginner and even for the advanced experimenter.
One thing I almost forgot to mention is that having several older handbooks is
essential. I found myself referring to my older handbooks for such things as
drill sizes for a 6-32 clearance hole. Some of the older ARRL handbooks have
that information. I had to refer to my 1969 ARRL Handbook to find instruc-
tions for terminating RG-8 cables.
If you have any questions regarding this article, let either Ron Weaver, W6OM,
or me know. You can get me at . Ron’s e-mail address
1. Jerry Sevick, W2FMI, Building and Using Baluns and Ununs: Practical De-
signs for the Experimenter , CQ Communications, 1994
Appendix: Sources of Electronic Parts
Action Electronics:
1300 E. Edinger Ave
Santa Ana CA 92705-4425
1-800-563-9405 or 714-547-5169
2001 Harbor Blvd.
Costa Mesa, CA 92627
1-800-655-6686 . 949-650-2001
Fountain Valley - 1080 Kalma River Ave
Anaheim - 3370 E. La Palma Ave
JK Electronics:
6395 Westminster Blvd
Westminster, CA 92683
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Mouser Electronics:
Electronic Express:
E Mail:
Antique Electronic Supply:
1-480-820-5411 ph
1-800-706-6789 fax
Palomar Engineering, San Diego
Source of toroids and other magnetics
QRO Parts
High power parts
You might need Heiko or Horst to translate.
DX Engineering
Antenna parts
Surplus Sales of Nebraska
A variety of surplus electronic components
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