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Present Simple vs. Present Continuous:





Jane talks on the phone.             

Bob has been talking on the phone for an hour.             

Mary is talking on the phone.             


Who is not necessarily on the phone now? ______


Jane is talking in class.

Bob always talks in class.

Mary is always talking in class.


Whose action bothers you? ______


Jane never left Jamestown.

Bob has never left Jamestown.


Who is still alive? ______




Jane left when Tim arrived.

Bob left when Tim had arrived.

Tim arrived when Mary was leaving.

John had left when Tim arrived.

After Tim arrived, Frank left.


Who did not run into Tim? ______



Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense:

1.       When Carol ____________ (call) last night, I ____________ (watch) my favourite show on TV.

2.       I ____________ (work) for this company for more than thirty years and I intend to stay here until I retire.

3.       Sharon ____________ (love) to travel. She ____________ (go) abroad almost every summer.

4.       Thomas is an author. He ____________ (write) mystery novels and love stories. He ____________ (write) since he was twenty-eight. Altogether, he ____________ (write) seven novels, three collections of short stories and a book of poetry.

5.       We were late because we had some car problems. By the time we ____________ (get) to the train station, Susan ____________ (wait) for us for more than two hours.

6.       Sam ____________ (try) to change a light bulb when he ____________ (slip) and ____________ (fall).

7.       Every day I ____________ (wake) up at 6 o’clock, ____________ (eat) breakfast at 7 o’clock and ____________ (leave) for work at 8 o’clock. However, this morning I ____________ (get) up at 6:30, ____________ (skip) breakfast and ____________ (leave) for work because I ____________ (forget) to set my alarm clock.

8.       I ____________ (have) the same car for more than ten years. I’m thinking of buying a new one.

9.       Shhhh! Be quiet! John ____________ (sleep).

10.   When I ____________ (arrive) home last night, I discovered that Jane ____________ (prepare) a beautiful candle-lit dinner.

11.   So far we ____________ (not notice) anything unusual.

12.   By the time he got her to the hospital the girl ____________ (lose) consciousness.

13.   The driver hit the pedestrian and ____________ (run) away.

14.   He ____________ (always / call) me when I was busy. It was awful of him!

15.   This is the first time I ____________ (be) in Dublin.

16.   The children ____________ (not / play) in the garden when the thunderstorm ____________ (start).

17.   What time ____________ (you / get up) on weekdays?

18.   When ____________ (you / see) him last?

19.   ____________ (you / ever / be) to Canada?

20.   I ____________ (know) her for twenty years.

21.   When we came to the platform the train ____________ (already / leave).

22.   The sun ____________ (rise) in the east.

23.   Your eyes are red. ____________ (you / cry)?

24.   I ____________ (see) this movie two weeks ago.

25.   I ____________ (see) this movie twice.

Fill in the gaps with the correct word from the list below.

1.      Translate into English.

Zarabiać pieniądze - _____________________              Robić zdjęcia - ___________________________

Stracić na wadze - _______________________              Oddychać - ______________________________

Pokłócić się z kimś - _____________________              Dostać zaproszenie - _________________________

Zanieczyszczenie - ______________________              Dobre wiadomości - __________________________


2.      Choose the correct item.

3.      Fill in the correct form of the verbs in brackets: will / be going to / Present Continuous.




1              Eddie suffered as a child from a very strict ____________.             

2              Could you please _____________ our letter? We haven't had a reply.             

3              John is one of the most ____________ members of our team.             

4              All _____________ must be sent before Monday.             

5              Arę you worried about something? You look _____________.             

6              There was a _____________ between two cars today.             

7              She is a very __________ person.             

8              My son is a little bit _____________ today.             

9              This room looks very _____________.             

10              I had to ______________ because of my leg injury.

















p. 4                                                                                                                                                            Enterprise 1 Beginner












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