Deep Voice Mastery.pdf

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Deep Voice Mastery
2 nd Editon
By Rudy Haynes
Table of Contents
1 - About the Author……………………………………………… 2
2 - Introduction……………………………………….…………….6
3 - Anatomy………………………………………….……………….8
4 - Achieving a Deeper Voice…………………………………..10
5 - Training Your Voice…………………………………………..16
6 - Vocal Awareness……………………………………………….19
7 – Voice Care…….…….…………………..……………………....22
8 - Testosterone Buccal…….…………………………………….26
9 - Thyroplasty…….…………………………………………………29
10 - Conclusion…….………………………………………………..32
11 - Resources…….………………………………………..………..33
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1 - About The Author
My name is Rudy Haynes. I’m a 32 year old straight male
from Chicago, Illinois. I’m not a doctor or voice specialist…
I’m simply a normal guy who was sick of his pathetic high
pitched voice, but decided to do something about it. And I
I was probably in the exact same situation as your currently
are, and I decided that I wasn’t going to let it ruing my life
any longer. Now I want to share what I learned with you, so
you don’t have to suffer any longer.
I am going to tell you all of the exact techniques I used to
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transform my voice, and am confident that if you follow
them diligently you will be amazed at the results.
Now here is a little more about my story…
Growing up, I was always teased. Perhaps it was the
combination of my scrawny body, or my meager high-
pitched voice. It never really bothered me until I hit puberty,
because I had a couple of good buddies throughout high
school – my problem was with the ladies.
There was this one girl, though, let's call her "Courtney," and
for some wild reason, she took a liking towards me in my
senior year. I don't know if it was because she pitied me for
being the kid in Mr. Czudner's math class who constantly
had spit balls blown at the back of his head with a straw, but
the day Courtney sat behind me, was the day God answered
my prayers. Sort of...
Courtney and I started talking, and eventually she asked me
if I could tutor her in algebra. I really got to know her when
she started periodically calling me whenever her and her
boyfriend were in argument. We'd talk for hours on end.
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When she and her boyfriend broke up during the springtime,
my buddy Carl managed to convince me to work up the
courage to ask her to prom. He used the reasoning that if I
didn't ask, I'd always regret it, and I would never get laid,
which I guess, in retrospect, was pretty good reasoning.
So Courtney said yes, and I thought, "Sweet. Maybe this
chick actually digs me!" Oh, and she liked me, alright – like a
brother. That's probably the worst compliment you can get
from a girl you're crushing on. When I finally grew the guts
to kiss her at the end of the night, she was literally appalled.
But here's the best part: she thought I was gay. Gay. I was
shocked and humiliated. I mustered up the words to ask her
why, and she said something along the lines of, "You sort of
talk like you are... your voice is really high-pitched."
And there it is. My breakthrough. A blessing in disguise. That
summer before I took off for college, I knew I had to make a
change. I wanted a deeper voice.
Someone had suggested performing certain neck and voice
exercises in order to achieve a deeper voice. After a few days
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