Teachings From the Medicine Buddha Retre - Lama Zopa Rinpoche.rtf

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Teachings From the Medicine Buddha Retreat: Land of Medicine Buddha, October-November 2001

Teachings from the Medicine Buddha Retreat




Previously published by the
Lama Yeshe Wisdom Archive
Becoming Your Own Therapist, by Lama Yeshe
Advice for Monks and Nuns, by Lama Yeshe and Lama Zopa Rinpoche
Virtue and Reality, by Lama Zopa Rinpoche
Make Your Mind an Ocean, by Lama Yeshe
Teachings from the Vajrasattva Retreat, by Lama Zopa Rinpoche
Daily Purification: A Short Vajrasattva Practice, by Lama Zopa Rinpoche
The Essence of Tibetan Buddhism, by Lama Yeshe
Making Life Meaningful, by Lama Zopa Rinpoche
Teachings from the Mani Retreat, by Lama Zopa Rinpoche
The Direct and Unmistaken Method, by Lama Zopa Rinpoche
The Yoga of Offering Food, by Lama Zopa Rinpoche
The Peaceful Stillness of the Silent Mind, by Lama Yeshe
Teachings from Tibet, by various great lamas
The Joy of Compassion, by Lama Zopa Rinpoche
The Kindness of Others, by Geshe Jampa Tegchok
Ego, Attachment and Liberation, by Lama Yeshe
How Things Exist, by Lama Zopa Rinpoche
Universal Love, by Lama Yeshe
The Heart of the Path, by Lama Zopa Rinpoche
Freedom Through Understanding, by Lama Yeshe and Lama Zopa Rinpoche

For initiates only:
A Chat about Heruka, by Lama Zopa Rinpoche
A Chat about Yamantaka, by Lama Zopa Rinpoche

In association with TDL Archive, Los Angeles:
Mirror of Wisdom, by Geshe Tsultim Gyeltsen
Illuminating the Path to Enlightenment, by His Holiness the Dalai Lama

Lama Yeshe DVDs
The Three Principal Aspects of the Path
Introduction to Tantra
Offering Tsok to Heruka Vajrasattva
Anxiety in the Nuclear Age
Bringing Dharma to the West
Lama at Disneyland
Freedom Through Understanding (with Lama Zopa Rinpoche)

May whoever sees, touches, reads, remembers, or talks or thinks about these books never be reborn in unfortunate circumstances, receive only rebirths in situations conducive to the perfect practice of Dharma, meet only perfectly qualified spiritual guides, quickly develop bodhicitta and immediately attain enlightenment for the sake of all sentient beings.


Teachings from the Medicine Buddha Retreat


Land of Medicine Buddha October–November 2001




Lama Zopa Rinpoche


Edited by Ailsa Cameron               


Lama Yeshe Wisdom Archive • Boston               

A non-profit charitable organization for the benefit of all sentient beings and an affiliate of the Foundation for the Preservation of the Mahayana Tradition www.fpmt.org





Editor’s Preface                

1 Friday, October 26
Combined Jorchö and Lama Chöpa Puja                

- Extensive offering practice
- Renewing the bodhisattva and tantric vows
- Samayavajra practice
- Rejoicing
- The Eight Verses
- Dedications
2 Friday, October 26
Retreat Preparation                

- Motivation: impermanence and death
- Blessing of the seat
- Blessing of the body, speech and mind
3 Saturday, October 27
Discourse Before Medicine Buddha Preparation                

- The solution is lam-rim
- A letter to President Bush
- Four basic ways to help
- Benefi ts of Medicine Buddha practice
- Dedications for the retreat
4 Saturday, October 27
Preparation For Medicine Buddha Initiation                

- Medicine Buddha preparation
- The false I
- How time exists
- Analyzing body and mind
- The root of samsara
- The dangers of self-cherishing
- Cherishing others
- Medicine Buddha preparation
- Dedications
5 Saturday, October 27
Medicine Buddha Session                

- Simple visualization
- The power of mantra
- Counting mantras
- The main point
6 Sunday, October 28
Discourse Before Medicine Buddha Initiation                

- Geshe Lama KonchogÕs story
- The root of samsara
- Bodhicitta motivation
- Dedications
7 Monday, October 29
Final Medicine Buddha Session                

- Thirty-fi ve Buddhas practice
- Making requests to the Medicine Buddhas
- Action Tantra mudras
- Making off erings
- Motivation for mantra recitation
- End of mantra recitation
- Tea off ering to the protectors
- Dedications
8 Tuesday, October 30
Final Medicine Buddha Session                

- Thirty-five Buddhas practice
- Dedication of session
- Mudras with prostration verses
- Making off erings
- Seven-limb practice
- Meditating on emptiness
- Motivation for mantra recitation
- Tea offering to the protectors
- Dedications
9 Wednesday, October 31
Final Medicine Buddha Session                

- Meditating on emptiness
- Motivation for mantra recitation
- King of Prayers
- Dedications
- Benef ts of holy objects
- Dedications
- The Bendigo Stupa
10 Thursday, November 1
Final Medicine Buddha Session                

- Requesting prayer
- Aspects of the Medicine Buddhas
- The nature of omniscient mind
- Benefits of holy objects
- Meditating on emptiness
- Motivation for mantra recitation
- Protector prayers
- Dedications
11 Friday, November 2
Final Medicine Buddha Session                

- The power of compassion
- The causes of abuse
- The benefits of living in vows
- Dedications
- Using abuse to develop compassion
12 Saturday, November 3
Final Medicine Buddha Session                

- Benefits of Medicine Buddha practice
- Multiplying mantras
13 Sunday, November 4
Final Medicine Buddha Session                

- Motivation for Thirty-fi ve Buddhas practice
- General confession
- Taking refuge
- Meditating on emptiness
- Form is empty
- Motivation for mantra recitation
- Divine pride and clear appearance
- Visualization during mantra recitation
- Meditations during mantra recitation
- The meaning of retreat
14 Monday, November 5
Final Medicine Buddha Session                

- Palden Lhamo
- Benefits of Medicine Buddha practice
- Dedications
14 Tuesday, November 6
Final Medicine Buddha Session                

- Dangers of wrong views
- The nature of mind
- The views of the four schools
- Dedications
16 Wednesday, November 7
Final Medicine Buddha Session                

- Motivation
- How the mind exists
- Teachings on the Perfection of Wisdom
- The Diamond-Cutter Sutra
- Life in Solu Khumbu
- Benefits of Th e Diamond-Cutter Sutra
- Dedications
- Tasting tsog on precept days
- Final dedications
17 Thursday, November 8
Final Medicine Buddha Session                

- Medicine BuddhaÕs prayers
- Making extensive offerings
- Medicine BuddhaÕs prayers - Dedications
18 Friday, November 9
Final Medicine Buddha Session                

- Combining lam-rim with sessions
- How dharmakaya manifests
- PieroÕs story
- Wish-Fulfi lling Golden Sun
- What makes an action virtuous or nonvirtuous?
- Dedications
19 Saturday, November 10
Combined Jorchö and Lama Chöpa Puja                

- Extensive off ering practice
- Dedications
20 Saturday, November 10
Final Medicine Buddha Session                

- Bodhicitta motivation
- Overcoming anger and ego
- Benefits of Medicine Buddha practice
- Tsog offering
- Protector prayers
- Dedications
21 Sunday, November 11
Final Medicine Buddha Session                

- Ceasing samsara
- The problem of desire
- Saving the lives of animals
- Dharma is the only solution
- Harming others
- Taking Mahayana refuge
- The four immeasurable thoughts
- Dedications
22 Monday, November 12
Final Medicine Buddha Session                

- New York air disaster
- Identifying the object of ignorance
- The problems of desire
- Identifying the object of ignorance
- Dedications
23 Wednesday, November 14
Final Medicine Buddha Session                

- Bodhicitta motivation
- Benefits of Medicine Buddha practice
- Dedications
- Break-time practices
24 Saturday, November 17
Combined Jorchö and Lama Chöpa Puja                

- The importance of Lama Chšpa
- Gomo RinpocheÕs wisdom mother
- The importance of Lama Chšpa
- Extensive off ering practice
- Taking bodhisattva and tantric vows
- Requesting prayer to the lineage lamas
- RinpocheÕs name mantra
- Dedications
- Mani pills
25 Saturday, November 17
Final Session                

- Geshe Jampa Gyatso
- The protector issue
- Fire puja
- Benefits of Medicine Buddha retreat



1. An Open Letter to President Bush                

2. Benefits of Reciting the Seven Medicine Buddhas’ Names                


Publisher’s Acknowledgments



We are extremely grateful to our friends and supporters who have made it possible for the Lama Yeshe Wisdom Archive to both exist and function: to Lama Yeshe and Lama Zopa Rinpoche, whose kindness is impossible to repay; to Peter and Nicole Kedge and Venerable Ailsa Cameron for their initial work on the Archive; to Venerable Roger Kunsang, Lama Zopa’s tireless assistant, for his kindness and consideration; and to our sustaining supporters: Barry and Connie Hershey, Joan Halsall, Tony Steel, Vajrayana Institute, Claire Atkins, Thubten Yeshe, Roger and Claire AshWheeler, Richard Gere, Doren and Mary Harper, Tom and Suzanne Castles, Lily Chang Wu and Hawk Furman.               

              Once more we offer countless thanks to Ven Ailsa Cameron for her dedicated, meticulous and skillful editing of Lama Zopa Rinpoche’s inexpressibly precious teachings.

              We are also deeply grateful to all those who have become members of the Archive over the past few years. Details of our membership program may be found at the back of this book, and if you are not a member, please do consider joining up. Due to the kindness of those who have, we now have several editors working on our vast collection of teachings for the benefit of all. We have posted our list of individual and corporate members on our website, www.LamaYeshe.com.

              In particular, we thank our anonymous benefactors for so kindly sponsoring the production of this book.
Furthermore, we would like to express our appreciation for the kindness and compassion of all those other generous benefactors who have contributed funds to our work since we began publishing free books. Thankfully, you are too numerous to mention individually in this book, but we value highly each and every donation made to spreading the Dharma for the sake of the kind mother sentient beings and now pay tribute to you all on our website. Thank you so much.

              Finally, I would like to thank the many other kind people who have asked that their donations be kept anonymous; my wife, Wendy Cook, for her constant help and support; our dedicated office staff, Jennifer Barlow and Ven. Ani Tenzin Desal; Ven. Ailsa Cameron for her decades of meticulous editing; Ven. Connie Miller, Gordon McDougall, Michelle Bernard and our other editors; Ven. Kunsang for his tireless work recording Lama Zopa Rinpoche; Ven. Thubten Labdron, Ven. Thubten Munsel and Dr. Su Hung for their help with transcribing; Sandy Smith, Kim Li and our team of volunteer web editors; Ven. Bob Alcorn for his incredible work on our Lama Yeshe DVDs; David Zinn for his digital imaging expertise; Jonathan Steyn for his help with our audio work; Mandala Books and Wisdom Books for their great help with our distribution in Australia and Europe; and everybody else who helps us in so many ways. Thank you all.

              If you, dear reader, would like to join this noble group of open-hearted altruists by contributing to the production of more books by Lama Yeshe or Lama Zopa Rinpoche or to any other aspect of the Lama Yeshe Wisdom Archive’s work, please contact us to find out how.

—Dr. Nicholas Ribush                


Special Dedication for Alice Alexander
21 March 1908–11 July 2009
For Alice, who, through her simple humanity, kindness and generosity, touched the lives of so many, most often children, disadvantaged through poverty, illness and discrimination; who was an example to all who knew her of our human ability to grow and change for the better even, and especially, through her eighties and nineties, right up to her last days – may she journey through the bardo and into a precious human rebirth; may she meet the perfect spiritual mentors for her to continue the growth and change begun in this life and reach complete awakening as quickly as possible.

Through the merit of having contributed to the spread of the Buddha’s teachings for the sake of all sentient beings, may our benefactors and their families and friends have long and healthy lives, all happiness, and may all their Dharma wishes be instantly fulfilled.


Editor’s Preface




Kyabje Zopa Rinpoche gave the teachings in this book during a Medicine Buddha retreat held at Land of Medicine Buddha in Soquel, California, from October 26 to November 17, 2001. Having himself recently completed a Medicine Buddha retreat, Rinpoche began by giving a Medicine Buddha great initiation on October 27 and 28. Rinpoche commuted from his nearby home in Aptos almost daily for the duration of the retreat, attending the final retreat session most days, with the teachings generally finishing in the early hours of the morning after recitation of various protector prayers and extensive dedications. The days began with Combined Jorchö and Lama Chöpa Puja, which Rinpoche attended three times.1               

              With the 9/11 terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and elsewhere still painfully fresh, Rinpoche emphasized the urgent need for and benefits of Medicine Buddha practice and the need for compassion for Osama bin Laden and other terrorists, and shared the details of his open letter to President Bush about how to avert war and other disasters. There are numerous references to the war in Afghanistan, missiles and other weapons, and world economic problems. However, Rinpoche also gave detailed, invaluable teachings on emptiness, focusing especially on identifying the ignorance that is the root of samsara and of all suffering and on how to eliminate it. Rinpoche also covered a myriad of other subjects, including making extensive offerings, the nature of anger and desire, rejoicing, generating bodhicitta, the four immeasurable thoughts and ritual practice. As Rinpoche explains, “My stories are like a spider’s web, with one strand connected here and another one connected there.” There are strands that connect teachings, for example, to stories of the great yogis Serkong Dorje Chang, Gen Jampa Wangdu and Geshe Lama Konchog and of Rinpoche’s childhood in Solu Khumbu.

              These are edited transcripts of the teachings given during the retreat. Unfortunately, since one audiotape was lost, most of the advice on preparing for the retreat is missing. Also, because the recording of sessions was not continuous, there are some gaps in the teachings and sudden jumps to new topics. In the eighteenth discourse, the replies in the discussion about what determines whether an action is virtuous or nonvirtuous were inaudible, but Rinpoche’s responses in the one-sided debate have been retained.

              When talking about the benefits of Medicine Buddha practice, Rinpoche was usually translating directly from sutra sources, with the quotations from the sutras often hard to separate from Rinpoche’s commentary to them. It would be safest to regard the indented quotations as paraphrases rather than word-by-word translations of the sutra texts.

              My heartfelt thanks to Rinpoche for his kindness and patience in giving the rich teachings in this book—and in the long wait for their publication; to all the LMB staff who organized and supported the re...

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