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Twisted Brand
Published by
Dreamspinner Press
4760 Preston Road
Suite 244-149
Frisco, TX 75034
This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the
authors’ imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead,
business establishments, events or locales is entirely coincidental.
Twisted Brand
Copyright 2008 by Clare London
Cover Art by Joanna H. Krupa
Cover Design by Mara McKennen
This book is licensed to the original purchaser only. Duplication or distribution via any means is
illegal and a violation of International Copyright Law, subject to criminal prosecution and upon
conviction, fines and/or imprisonment. This eBook cannot be legally loaned or given to others. No
part of this eBook can be shared or reproduced without the express permission of the publisher. To
request permission and all other inquiries, contact Dreamspinner Press at: 4760 Preston Road, Suite
244-149, Frisco, TX 75034
Released in the United States of America
June, 2008
eBook edition available in Adobe PDF, MobiPocket and MS Reader formats.
eBook ISBN: 978-0-9817372-7-0
~with many, many thanks to my gorgeous,
loyal and ever patient support team of
friends, listeners and sounding boards,
Jessica, Stephanie, Julie, Kathy,
Pauline and Leanne~
Twisted Brand | 1
HE sword came down with a heavy thud on my breastplate, just
as I turned. I heard its whistle through the air, the hiss of its
tempered metal, and saw the glint of its thick blade from the
corner of my eye. My avoidance was purely instinctive, for there were
distractions all around me – the noise of men shouting; loud grunts of
both pain and anger; the clang of sword upon sword; the rip of cloth
and the hiss of hot blood on the sanded floor of the platform. And
rising above all that, the undulating roar of the crowd down in the
Arena, provoking and protesting in rhythm with the ebb and flow of
their favorite Guard’s progress up the Battle Horse.
The sudden turn threw me a little off balance and I dropped to
one knee, wincing. The Silver Captain behind me was one I didn’t
know personally, but I could see immediately that he lacked experience
of battle. The sudden gleam of triumph in his eyes was barely hidden
under the brim of his ceremonial helmet, and I knew that he was a fool.
A soldier at his feet – especially one who had been a Gold Warrior –
was no measure of his victory. I lowered my shoulders as if in
weariness and waited for him to lean over me. He thought he would
place his sword on my Mistress’s badge – the glinting triangle of
polished metal at the shoulder clasp of my body armor – and that would
signify his win. His thoughts were full of pride and excitement at the
chance of bringing down a soldier of the Queen-Elect’s own attacking
force. Like I said, he was a fool.
I twisted under his body’s shadow, startling him. His
instinctive reaction was to follow my movement, turning sharply to the
side away from his sword hand. The move was ill-considered and very
regrettable – for him, that was. His back bore the full brunt of the hot
sun’s heat, even at this late time of day, and his gaze was temporarily
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