d20 4e Axe Initiative Games Raiders Guild Players Guide.pdf

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Raiders Guild Players Guide
he Raiders Guild players guide introduces players to the guild and their foes. It includes
the history and politics of the force that stands between civilization and the darkest pits of
the unknown. Find adventure with the Raiders Guild and perhaps even play A new race,
the loyal batfolk known as Skreek.
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Robin D. Laws
Welcome 3
The Organization 3
The Conlict 3
The Formula 3
Your Band Of Allies 4
Members 4
Council 5
Stewards and Concessionaires 6
Charter 6
Beneits 7
Obligations 8
Political Role 8
The Guild At War 9
Politics and the Enemy 9
When the Guild Is the Government 10
Guild History 10
The Legend Of Ogatanz Kushig 11
The Guild Begins 11
The Death Of Ogatanz 11
A Civilizing Force 12
To the Present Day 12
Implacable Foes 13
History 13
Organization 14
Political Inluence 14
Against Adventurers
Sasha Bilton
Ben Wooten, Jeremy McHugh & Dave Allsop
Logo Design
Gareth-Micheal Skarka & Toby Coe
Layout Design
Fred Hicks
Sasha Bilton
Special hanks
Simon Rogers, Christina Buch-Petersen, Ralf
Schemmann, Dave Allsop & Toby Coe
© 2009 Axe Inititaive Games Ltd. All rights
reserved. Reproduction without written permission
of the publisher is expressly forbidden.
Physical Qualities
& DRAGONS compatibilty logo, D&D are
trademarks of Wizards Of he Coast world wide
and are used with permission. 4E references, D&D
core rules and all D&D characters and certain other
materials are property of Wizards Of he Coast and
are used with permission under the Dungeons &
Dragons 4th edition game system license, available
at www.wizards.com/d20.
Playing a Skreek
Skreek Adventurers
Skreet Racial Feats
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Raiders Guild Players Guide
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Congratulations, adventurer! After months of
toil and trial, you, and the other members of your
adventuring band, have been chosen to join the
Raiders Guild. You have every right to be proud
of this great honor. he strength, bravery, and
magical prowess the competitors you overcame for
this coveted spot were considerable. Your sparring
partners, all honored members of the guild fought
ferociously. Certain of the strikes you sustained still
echo in your bones. Yet here you are, about to step
onto a rude wooden platform erected in the middle
of the guild compound. Assembled about you is a
motley band of heroes and explorers, among whose
company you are proud to stand. Garvius himself
will lead you in the raider’s oath and then present
you with your guild medallion.
From this moment on, you will be admired
by ordinary folk. hey depend on the guild for
protection from the predatory creatures of the
encroaching wilderness—and from the tyrants and
schemers of the cities.
In a lightless and hostile world, you have won
for yourselves an essential place in a far-lung
community pledged to mutual loyalty. Wherever
you go, you will ind a band of brothers and sisters,
united by valor, justice...and a taste for ale.
A ceremony is all well and good, you suppose. he
real honor will come later, after the salutes and the
thundering drums. hat is when Garvius will take
you aside and give you your irst mission.
When you are down in the dungeon, waist-deep
in muck, pressed against the wall by a desperate
foe.... When by dint of superior preparation and
boundless courage, you press back, slay the monsters,
and claim your prize...
...that is when you will truly earn the name of
The Organization
In a world of loose authority, where a strong arm
holding a magic sword wields greater power than the
king’s men, the Raiders Guild provides solidarity and
support to both elite and up-and-coming dungeon
delvers. It acts as a clearinghouse for information
and opportunities, lobbies authorities on behalf of
the trade, and suppresses the eforts of bandits and
G Why did Garvius recruit you?
o He saw me in action.
o A prophet told him I would fulill a mighty
o I rescued another guild member from certain
o A great hero of the the guild, either a friend
or relative, put my name forward.
o I begged and wheedled and made a nuisance
of myself until Garvius relented.
o Other.
The Conflict
heir sworn antagonists are the Archivists, a
corrupt, reactionary league of historian-sorcerers
who ight to seal up the world’s dungeons and hoard
the arcane secrets hidden within them.
The Formula
Raiders Guild scenarios start in the middle of the
action, with a teaser sequence foreshadowing the rest
of the adventure. As guild members you always have
an inside track, going into the dungeon pre-armed
with vital information—usually a copy of the map,
often other intelligence giving you a tactical edge in
one or more encounters.
Raiders Guild Players Guide
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he Raiders Guild and Archivists can be added
to any setting, published or homebrew. With a
few adjustments of detail here and there, they add
structure, motivation and excitement to any fantasy
To qualify for provisional guild membership, you
demonstrate at least a beginner’s proiciency in
he guild consists of many autonomous chapters,
spread out among settlements and outposts great and
Your DM decides whether the guild holds sway
only in one corner of a shattered world, or is equally
strong in every place that heroes dare to tread.
Each guild consists of three elements: the
membership at large, the leadership council, and the
stewards, a staf of salaried functionaries, answerable
to the membership through the council.
* chapter you’re applying to; sons and daughters
of past stalwarts and valiants (see below) are
automatically nominated, and are referred to as
* you must satisfactorily complete one mission as
assigned to you by the chapter assigner.
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Most Raiders Guild series begin under the assumption
that your highly-proicient 1st level characters have
already proven themselves, during the campaign’s
Raiders Guild Players Guide
* your chosen class, as shown by a series of tests
with guild trainers
be nominated by a current member of the
To go from provisional to full member,
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valiants who frequent a chapterhouse in a nearby
Each year, a chapter holds its annual conclave,
a four-day afair known for wild carousing. he
craziest stretches of the bacchanal occur inside
the chapterhouse, so as not to scare the locals
and besmirch the organization’s carefully tended
During the day, bleary and hungover raiders
debate guild business, ratifying proposals put
forward by council or raising new motions from the
loor. All policies not covered by the guild’s overall
charter (a very general document) can be changed
by member vote; the council is then charged with
executing them until the next conclave. he conclave
ends with the election process for new councilors.
It is also an occasion for recruiting new team
members, trading scuttlebutt on dungeons,
exchanging magic items, and romantic trysts.
To remain a member, you must perform one
assigned mission per calendar year. You can’t stack
them up—performing three mission doesn’t earn you
three years of loaing.
Guild insignia, which you can wear on your tunic
or carry on your person, indicate your membership.
hey serve if not as a badge of authority, then as one
of trustworthiness and competence. Ordinary people
know enough about the guild to tell whether you’re
wearing an outdated emblem. Neighborhood bullies
typically lee when challenged by someone wearing
valid insignia.
Prestige attends distinguished members. hose
of paragon level are ranked as stalwarts. Even more
prestigious is the valiant rank, which comes at epic
level. Stalwarts gain an additional vote at the annual
conclave; valiants get three votes. In big cities,
wearers of stalwart emblems rarely have to pay for
meals or drinks. Valiants are so admired that they
can make money by frequenting certain hotels,
taverns and eating establishments, as their mere
presence increases trade.
he council oversees the implementation of guild
policy, as determined by the overall charter and by
the local chapter’s motions, as passed at conclave.
Positions are:
Guildmaster: the equivalent of a chairman
* Master-In-Waiting: the vice-chairman;
* automatically becomes guildmaster at next
Master Of the Cofers: treasurer
G The stalwart Raider I most admire is:
o A trailblazing hero of my own primary class.
o An inspiring exemplar of my race.
o A dedicated smiter of my most despised
o A stunningly desirable adventurer, whose
mere glance speeds the beat of my heart.
o Whichever one who most recently bought
me a tankard of stout.
o Other.
* Master At Large: councilor without
* responsibilities, except to vote and advise in
council meetings. here are either one or three
Masters At Large (to make sure the council
has an odd number of members and can break
ties). By tradition they are chosen from classes
otherwise unrepresented on council. In societies
where racial politics are an issue, they may be
chosen from otherwise unrepresented races.
Each year at the annual conclave the members
vote for all of the above positions except for Guild
Master and Past Master. Candidates often run as
In worlds where high-level characters are rare,
neophyte members may have glimpsed a stalwart
from afar, and heard only rumors of the great
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Raiders Guild Players Guide
backstory. Your DM may instead choose to make your
irst adventure the inal element of your audition for
full guild membership. In this case, you leave your
probationary status behind upon successful completion of
this irst on-stage mission.
* Past Master: the previous year’s guildmaster
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