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Iron Gazetteer
4 t th edition dwarven paragons and powers
by Wolfgang Baur, Richard Green, Stefen Styrsky
and Open Design patrons
and Open Design patrons
edition dwarven paragons and powers
by Wolfgang Baur, Richard Green, Stefen Styrsky
edition sourcebook
of dwarven paragons, powers and perils
by Wolfgang Baur, Richard Green, Stefen Styrsky
and Open Design Patrons
and Open Design Patrons
a a 4 t th edition sourcebo ok
of dwarven paragons, powers and perils
by Wolfgang Baur, Richard Green, Stefen St yrsky
Wolfgang Baur: Dwarven Feats, Dwarven Lore and History, Mountain Druid, Mountain Spirit
Scott Gable : Stone Pact Warlock
Richard Green : Caverns and Hazards, Perils of the Mountains, Gear
Stefen Styrsky : Ghost Sorcerer, Ruined Tombs, Rune Mage, Spear Ranger, Tomb Warden, and
Watcher of the Halls
Additional Design
Jesse Butler : Gearforged Paragon Path
Andre Araujo & Adam Daigle: Crag Drake
Scott Hall : Dwarven Backgrounds, Lord of the Iron Fortress
Ben McFarland: Frostfang Yeti, Glacial Drake
Ben Mc Farland and Brandon Hodge : Fellforged
Wolfgang Baur and Brett McLean : Gearforged PC Race
Tim Nickel : Feldspar Xorn, Gold-Veined Creature
John Steven Schutt: Gilded Devil
Dan Voyce : Dogmoles
Neal Hebert: Editing
Stephen Wark: Layout
Malcolm McClinton: Cover Art
Lucas Haley, Arthur Rackham, Philippe Semeria, Hugo Solis, Piranesi: Interior Art
Jonathan Roberts: Cartography
ISBN: 978-0-9843159-1-8
© 2009 Open Design LLC. All rights reserved.
is book references the game rules and systems of DUNGEONS & DRAGONS 4 th Edition by Wizards of
the Coast, Inc. is should not be viewed as a challenge to that game’s trademark status.
Mike Alkema
George Andrews
Andre Araujo
Joel Arellano
Sara Ashbaugh
Michael Baker
Christopher Beattie
Katie Berger
Sasha Bilton
Craig Bishell
Pablo Blanco
Steve Blodgett
Jason Bostwick
William Bradbury
Frank Branham
Daniel Brumme
Markus Bührig
Jonathan Burstein
Jesse Butler
David Campbell
Alan Cannon
Francis Carelli
Jason Carl
James Carlson
Je rey Carpenter
Vicente Cartas Espinel
David Chato
John Coates
Jesse Cole-Goldberg
Andrew Collett
Andrew Cowie
Christopher Cumming
Scott Cunningham
Matthew Cutter
Jason Dawson
Mark Daymude
James Dezomits
Chris Doemel
Geo rey Duke
Bryant Durrell
Steve Elliott
Robert Emerson
Patrick Enders
Mark Evers
Bradford Ferguson
Ben Ferguson
William Fischer
Patrick Fitzgerald
Jeremy Friesen
Michael Furlanetto
Scott Gable
Philip Sharp Garcia
Christopher Gardiner
James Alan Gardner
Richard Green
James Groves
David Guyll
Scott Hall
Robert Harper
Geo rey Hart
Kristian Hartmann
Lyle Hayehurst
Amanda Heitler
Tige Herget
Brandon Hodge
Lutz Hofmann
Brian Isiko
Kevin Jackey
Jonathan Jacobs
Anthony Jones
Nick Jong
Jay Joyner
Chris Kazamias
Robert Keller
Jennifer Kuipers
Chris Kümmel
David Lai
Paul Lambert
John Leonas
Christian Lindke
Joseph Lockett
Martin Long
Ignacio Blasco López
Michael Machado
Duncan MacPhail
Patrick Malone
Matthew Maranda
Emiliano Marchetti
Ari Marmell
Angel Franco Martinez
Silas McDermott
Benjamin McFarland
Brett McLean
Robert McNamee
Douglas Meserve
Jon Michaels
Robert Miller
omas Milligan
Dean Mitchell
Michael Mockus
Sean Molley
Matthew Monteiro
Ryan Moore
Daniel Müller
Simon Mundy
Rick Neal
Tim Nickel
Christian Nord
Benjamin Norest
Andrew Nuxoll
Britian Oates
Je rey Och
Matthew Olivia
Ronald Olszewski
Mats Ondin
Brian Ording
John Overath
Chris Page
Nick Pater
Patrick Phillips
Leon Powell
James Quirk
Frank Reding
Frank Reiss
Bryan Rennekamp
Kevin Reynolds
Grayson Richardson
Brian Richburg
Jan Cornelius
Kurtis Rodgers
Franz Georg Roesel
To b y R o g e r s
Darren Sacre
Erich Schmidt
Mark Shocklee
Jonathan Sirico
Warren Sistrom
Michael Sixel
Scott Slonaker
Je rey Spencer
Todd Sprang
Phillip Stepp
Stefen Styrsky
Amy Sutedja
Scott Sutherland
Russell Taylor
Laura Teddiman
Constantin Terton
Todd ompson
William Valera
Oliver von
Daniel Voyce
Adam Waggenspack
Michael Waite
Jonathan Walton
Steven Wark
Eric West
Daniel White
Brenton Wiernik
Richard Wilcox
Mark Wilkins
Gillian Wiseman
Sid Wood
the iron gazetteer
modern era by J.R.R. Tolkien is a well-known and well-loved character: bearded, o en a
miner or mason, and exceedingly fond of ale. All of those qualities plus a sense of great
fortitude and stout defense are elements of the dwarf presented in 4 th Edition Dungeons &
Dragons .
Of course, it’s possible to do a lot more with dwarves. is book makes that attempt, pushing
the dwarven role into spear-and-pike ghting, into stone pacts with elder creatures of the depths,
and with dwarven druids as well as ancestral ghost sorcerers. Each of those grows out of existing
lore, but expands on it and takes the dwarf deeper than he’s dared to delve in the past. Which is
as it should be: the most interesting dwarves are de ned not just by existing legends, but by the
new roles we choose to give them in the legends unfolding at our gaming tables every week (if
we’re lucky, at any rate). In this case, the premise was “What if dwarves wandered south from the
snowy peaks and settled in a new mountain range? What if they broke with tradition?”
You hold the result in your hands; a view of dwarves that is both familiar yet new nonetheless,
giving more experienced players new choices for their dwarven PCs to explore in addition to
options that cleave to the more familiar. If ancestors are so important to dwarves, why do we
know so little of their burial practices? If dwarves are all smiths and miners, how do they eat? If
dwarves are the favored children of the Northern Gods, how have they adapted to living among
the gods of men and elves? And most of all, what traditions of the dwarves are kept, and which
are discarded over the years, as their society meets — and conquers! — its rivals and competitors.
e DM who seeks to make his or her kingdom of dwarves unlike those already familiar will
nd inspiration and tools here: dwarven culture is not a monoculture, and there’s no reason that
every dwar old must match the pattern laid down so excellently by the sagas and by the Lord
of the Rings . Both in terms of mechanics and setting, dwarves can o er us a variety of di erent
styles, from the mad-eyed berserker to the wily trader—and a few more besides.
So then, dear reader, meet the New Dwarves of the Ironcrags, a crew that is sure to surprise you.
Wolfgang Baur
October 6, 2009
T he traditional dwarf passed down from Norse and German legends and brought into the
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