d20 Devil's Workshop Adrenaline Surge.pdf

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d20 Modern™
Requires the use of the Roleplaying Game, published by Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
Adrenaline Surge
D20 Modern EXtreme Action for SaNctuary: City of SecRets
WRitten By CHris FieLd
Push your body past all known limits, past common sense and past fear and mediocrity. This is a book
about athletes, physical prodigies and daredevils of all kinds. It’s about everyone who makes a living
off sweat and adrenaline, who is famous for their physical capabilities. It’s about extreme sports and
Sanctuary: City of Secrets cool, about surfing and skating, and using your sports skills to fight crime.
Presented here are several new uses for old skills, new twists on familiar rules that bring X-Games style
action to the game table. Three new advanced classes are presented, all amazing physical specimens, and
each a different type of player in the Hollywood game. Ever wanted to play an NFL champion turned
secret agent, a combat focused movie stuntman or a skateboarding martial artist? Now you can.
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Adrenaline Surge
A handful of new Intermediary classes are also presented,
each representing a different path into the Personality
advanced class’ fame and fortune. Like a world class
athlete, the Porn Star uses her finely tuned body as both
commodity and art object. Adult movies are just one path
to fame: everything from internet journalism to screaming
punk rock can make you the long green.
Jump of 7,501 – 10,000 ft Base DC + 7 ( DC 17 )
Each additional 1,000 ft DC increases by +2 for
past 10,000 ft each 1000 ft beyond
10,000 ft
Jumping hurriedly ( combat Base DC + 5
jumps, ejecting from an
aircraft )
Jumping at night or when
Base DC + 10
Nearly two dozen new feats, emphasizing physical ability
and social interaction are described. New vehicles, gear,
and sporting equipment round out your characters’ inven-
tories and finish out this PDF.
landing zone is obscured by
smoke, foliage, etc.
Low Opening ( activating the Base DC +5
chute 1,000 ft or less from
the ground )
Change landing zone
Chapter One
Skydiving and HALO Drops:
Cumulative +2 modifier
while airborne
Success on the Jump check indicates the sky diver lands
safely somewhere within a designated 30 ft square
‘landing zone’ selected during the descent. Failure indi-
cates the sky diver is off target, sometimes dramatically,
and suffers impact damage from the landing. If an initial
landing zone becomes risky, the skydiver can attempt a
Strength check ( DC 15 ) to attempt to modify her landing
zone target while in flight. Doing so allows the sky diver
to make a second Jump check, in hopes of designating
a safer landing zone. The skydiver can also attempt to
retry a failed jump check that would mean a potentially
fatal landing, but each attempt to retry the check/reassign
the landing zone increases the Jump check DC by +2.
You may attempt to retry a Jump once per 1000 ft fallen.
Regardless of the success or failure of the landing, all sky
divers are shaken for 1d4 rounds after impact, simply from
the shock and disorientation of the landing.
Reasons to jump out of
perfectly good planes
Skydiving and airborne insertions are action movie
staples. After all, what’s cooler than dropping 12,000 ft
and landing guns blazing and ready for action? Of course,
getting down alive isn’t quite as easy as it looks in the
Skydiving is basically a highly specialized Jump ( Base
DC 10 ) check. The DC of the check is based on a combi-
nation of factors, the most important being the altitude
the skydiver drops from and the circumstances of the
jump. After all, it’s easier for a skydive to hit the target
safely when jumping with plenty of time to prepare and
check gear than it is when bailing out of a burning, wildly
pitching jet. The skydiver’s Jump check result determines
how close to the landing zone they impact, and how gently
they land.
For simplicity’s sake, assume that a falling object descends
at 90 ft per round without a parachute. The skydiver’s
parachute slows the descent dramatically; depending on
the type of parachute, the rate of descent might be as little
as 20 ft per round. This means that on long jumps, the
sky diver could spend several minutes airborne. While
airborne, a skydiver can attempt additional Jump checks to
Jump Check DC
Basic Skydive
Base DC 10
Jump of less than 1,500 ft
Base DC +10 ( DC 20 )
Jump of 1,501 – 3,500 ft
Base DC +7 ( DC 17 )
Jump of 3,501 – 7,500 ft
Base DC +5 ( DC 15 )
Table: Jump Failure
Jump Check
Reflex save DC
Failed By…. Result
or half damage
1-5 points
Off target by up to 100 ft in random direction, suffers 2d6 points of damage
DC 15
6-8 points
Off target by up to 500 ft in random direction, suffers 4d6 points of damage
DC 18
9-10 points
Off target by up to 1,000 ft in random direction, suffers 8d6 points of damage
DC 21
11 + points
Off target by up to 1 mile in random direction, suffers 16d8 points of damage
DC 25
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Adrenaline Surge
maneuver, can engage in desperate air to air fist fights, or
even cast spells on magically active worlds.
Prerequisite: Jump 4 ranks, Knowledge: physical sciences
1 rank
Each round during the descent, a skydiver can make a DC
15 Jump check in order to move horizontally a distance
equal to their base land speed. You may not run or charge
while skydiving. A skydiver can fight while airborne, but
not well: all attacks suffer a –4 circumstance penalty, and
the sky diver is considered flat footed, and is denied her
Dex bonus to defense while in the sky. Spellcasters and
psychics must succeed at a Concentration check ( DC 15 )
to use supernatural abilities while descending.
Benefit: You receive a +2 bonus on all Jump and Climb
checks, and may re-roll a failed Jump check once per
every 500 ft fallen.
Normal: You may re-rolled a failed Jump check once
every 1,000 ft fallen.
Jump School
You are a graduate of an elite military airborne school, and
are fully qualified for combat jumps.
Skydivers should also be wary of the thin air and extreme
cold of high altitude jumps. Above 10,000 ft, the air
becomes too thin to breathe, and the piercing cold can
lead to fatal hypothermia. Refer to chapter five of the D20
Modern SRD for details of cold danger and suffocation.
You are an accomplished aerial showman, capable of
incredible grace and beautiful acrobatic feats during your
Prerequisite: Jump 4 ranks, Knowledge: physical sciences
1 rank
Benefit: You are a skilled enough skydiver that you can
land gently, and are not stunned during landing. You retain
your Dexterity bonus to Defense while dropping, and are
not considered flatfooted during a dive.
Normal: You are shaken for 1d4 rounds after a parachute
landing. You are considered flatfooted while skydiving.
HalO Expert
High Altitude, Low Opening parachute jumps are among
the most dangerous dives to make but are a vital military
tactic: they get troops on the ground quickly and stealthy.
Prerequisite: Athletic, Jump 4 ranks, Perform: dance 1
Benefit: You may add your ranks in Perform: dance as an
untyped bonus on all Jump checks made during a para-
chute jump. You may use the run action to move horizon-
tally while descending.
Airborne Sniper
You can fight effectively while parachuting, often
providing cover fire to the troops on the ground, as you
drop into the fight.
Prerequisite: Jump School
Benefit: When jumping, the DC of your Jump check does
not increase for each 1,000 ft beyond 10,000 ft, nor does
the DC increase if you open your chute below 1000 ft.
You receive a +4 bonus on Fortitude saves made to resist
the effects of cold weather or suffocation when making a
Normal: The DC of a skydiver’s Jump check increases
by +2 for each 1,000 ft beyond 10,000 ft. The DC of
the Jump check increases by +5 when opening the chute
below 1,000 ft.
Speed Drop
You use your knowledge of aerodynamics and your para-
chute’s capabilities to make blindingly fast drops safely.
Prerequisite: Jump School
Benefit: You suffer no penalties on attack rolls while
skydiving. You may move up to your base land speed hori-
zontally while descending, without requiring an additional
Jump check.
Normal: You suffer a –4 circumstance penalty on all
attack rolls while skydiving.
A die hard thrillseeker, you parachute from skyscrapers for
the sheer fun of it.
Prerequisite: Jump 8 ranks, Knowledge: physical sciences
1 rank
Benefit: Each round you may choose to descend at double
your parachute’s normal descent rate, to a maximum of 90
ft of descent per round. You must descend more slowly, at
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Adrenaline Surge
your parachute’s normal rate of descent, for the last 200 ft
of your drop.
a –5 penalty for each multiple of your speed or fraction of
your speed you charge.
Board Slide: You may kick your board into a barely
controlled slide, scraping pavement and dropping low,
making it hard for opponents to hit you as you screech by.
When using the Total Defense action on your board, if you
make a successful DC 22 Balance check, you may add ½
your ranks in Balance ( rounded down ) as a dodge bonus to
Chapter Two
Skater Stunts: Speed, speed,
The first time you careen down a steep San Francisco hill-
side, crouched low on your graffiti styled deck, a katana in
one hand and an Uzi in the other, dodging cars, bullets and
super villains with equal alacrity, you’ll know why you
bothered to max out your ranks in Balance and purchase
some skater feats. You want speed? You want daring, agile
heroism, flashy stunts and sick tricks? You’re in the right
Catch Air: You may make Jump checks while mounted
on your board. If you make a successful DC 25 Balance
check, you reduce the Jump Check’s DC by the amount
you beat the Balance check. Thus if you rolled a total of
29 on your Balance check, you would reduce the subse-
quent Jump check DC by –4.
Remember, that for every 10 ft of speed you move greater
than 30 ft, you receive a +4 circumstance bonus on your
Jump checks, so buy a fast board.
Surfing and Snowboarding
To keep things nice, simple and fast moving, assume
that snowboarding and surfing work identically to skate-
boarding in their environment. Any skater feats you’ve
earned work just as well along the coast or high up in the
mountains as they do on the asphalt.
Board Slam
You’ve incorporated your love for skateboarding into your
martial arts style, using your deck like an improvised club
as often as you use it as a vehicle.
Fighting, tricking and staying alive on your skateboard
involve a new wrinkle on the Balance skill. A successful
DC 15 Balance check while on a board means that you
may add your board’s equipment bonus to speed to your
movement rate, allowing you to cover incredible distances.
Failing a boarding Balance check drops you prone, adja-
cent to your board. This bonus distance is added to your
movement after you determine if you will be moving full
speed, half speed, or will be taking a double move action.
For example, assuming you have a normal 30 ft move-
ment rate and are riding a board that grants +10 ft bonus
move, and you choose to move half your speed while
balancing ( 15 ft ) so not to suffer a penalty, you would
move 15 ft plus 10 ft, for a total of 25 ft of distance
covered during that round. If you had chosen to move at
your full 30 ft rate, you would have suffered a –5 penalty
on your Balance check, but moved 40 ft if the check was
successful. Had you chosen to charge while balancing, you
would have been required to make 3 Balance checks and
if successful will have covered almost 80 ft ( 30 ft base x 2
plus 10 ft bonus move x2 )!
Prerequisite: Balance 8 ranks, Spring Attack
Benefit: You’re so shockingly fast that you can kick out
your board, slam it hard into an enemy as you pass, and
catch the board, all as part of a single seamless action.
Once per round, you may make an additional attack, at
your highest base attack bonus, against an adjacent enemy
in conjunction with your move action. Your board is
considered an improvised weapon, inflicting a –4 penalty
on the attack roll, and inflicts 1d8 points of damage.
Board Shield
When things are at their worst, and you’re dodging bullets,
you can use your board as a shield in a last ditch effort to
save your ass.
While on your board, you may attempt additional Balance
checks to perform special stunts. Failing any of these addi-
tional checks ends your movement, and drops you prone,
adjacent to your board.
Speed crouch: By making an initial DC 20 Balance
check, you can crouch low, dropping your wind resistance
and dramatically increasing your speed for short bursts.
You may move up to four times you normal move rate,
plus four times your board’s bonus move rate. This is a
full round action, and you must make one balance check at
Prerequisite: Defensive Martial Arts, Mobility, Balance 8
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Adrenaline Surge
Prerequisite: Balance 4 ranks, Tumble 4 ranks, Athletic
Benefit: Once per round, as a free action made in response
to an incoming attack, you can attempt a risky DC 25
Balance check to twist your body and kick up your board
to intercept an incoming physical attack ( such as a fist, a
sword thrust or a sniper’s bullet ), effectively parrying the
assault with your board. You must be aware of the attack
and not helpless or prevented from moving to use this feat.
Benefit: When you charge on your board, your move-
ment need not be in a straight line. You may dodge agilely
around obstacles, grind on walls, convent rails, incorpo-
rating a dizzying series of short hops and acrobatic tricks.
You still cannot charge through opponents square.
Normal: You can only use the charge action when moving
in a straight line.
If the check is successful, the board suffers the attack,
possibly negating some damage due to its hardness. If the
check fails or if the attack destroys the board, you drop
prone. If the Balance check fails, you suffer the effects of
the attack normally.
Chapter Three
Sanctuary: City of Secrets
You may choose to activate after the attack roll is made
but before damage is rolled.
You’re adept at launching into precarious heights on your
board, and mix climbing, inverts and spectacular leaps
when you need to go over something.
Arresting Images
The artist is a master of choosing images that stop viewers
dead in their track, and have an emotional resonance that
persists long after the page is turned; the dance ends or the
tale is told.
Prerequisite: Climb 4 ranks, Balance 8 ranks
Benefit: If you begin a climb my making a board mounted
Jump check to catch a high target, like a hanging fire
escape or a ledge, you may add your Dexterity modifier as
an untyped bonus to your Climb check. When climbing in
conjunction with a board mounted stunts, you may move
at full speed (accelerated climbing) without a –5 penalty.
Prerequisites: Wisdom 13, Charisma 15, Perform ( any ) or
Craft: Visual Art 12 ranks
Benefit: Any time the artist critically succeeds at a
Perform ( any ) or Craft: Visual Art check, the extraordinary
image created is ‘imbued’ with extra emotional punch.
Anyone viewing the performance/image or hearing the
tale must make a Will save ( DC 12 + the artist’s Charisma
modifier ) or be emotionally affected by the piece. The
effect lasts for a number of minutes after viewing the
image equal to twice the artist’s Charisma modifier.
Normal: You suffer a –5 penalty when climbing at full
Skater Tricks
It’s not cheating if it works. You can use your board to
trick, trip, baffle, irritate, confuse, humiliate, humble and
generally screw over your opponents.
The artist chooses when he takes the picture whether he
wants the image to inspire or horrify viewers.
An inspiring picture grants a +2 morale bonus on Will
saves and attack rolls for the duration. A horrifying picture
leaves the viewer shaken for the duration of the effect.
Prerequisite: Balance 8 ranks, Improved Trip or Improved
Benefit: While on your board, may make a DC 22 Balance
check prior to making any Disarm or Trip attempt. If the
check succeeds, you may add the degree of success as an
untyped bonus to your next Disarm or Trip attempt. Thus,
if you rolled a 24, you would receive a +2 bonus on your
next Disarm or Trip attempt. If the Balance check fails,
you drop prone beside your board.
Wall Grind
When you’ve gotta move, you do it fast, with incredible
athleticism and come at your opponent from unexpected
Once a picture’s effect is chosen, it cannot be changed.
An audience member can willingly fail the save to benefit
from the positive effects of an inspiring picture. The artist
has no control over who sees an image once it’s published;
all enemies and allies who see the image are affected.
Once a character is affected by this feat, he or she can’t be
affected again by the same photograph or artwork for 24
hours. This is a non-magical, mind influencing effect.
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