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which time Agyraea became more
the Time of Greatness, the time
Agyraea Empire ruled was known
as the Time of Skulls – perhaps
after the Agyraean tradition of
keeping a small model skull of
loved ones after they passed away.
The crown was renamed to the
Crown of Skulls.
Ten years before Exa I crowned
himself King of Agyraea, a group
of knights loyal to Exa discovered
an ancient Dwarven temple;
inside, hidden under the altar, was
a locked trapdoor that led to a
room housing a single Darkwood
chest. Unable to open the chest
they brought it to Exa believing it
to house some important treasure.
Even the most powerful magic
user Exa could call upon was not
able to open the chest. The night
after the magic user gave the chest
back he took it with him into a
temple where he kept a nights
vigil, the first of many he kept
before major battles. In the
morning he rode out, with an
open Darkwood chest, at the head
of an army. Two weeks later he
rode back at the head of a
victorious army wearing the
treasure from inside the chest, a
spectacular crown, the same
crown that ten years later was
placed upon his head when he was
crowned King Exa I of Agyaea; the
Crown of Victors, not the ancient
Crown of Agyraea.
On his death King Reninec III
passed his powers down to his
eldest son. The eldest son took the
name Exa after his granddad and
was crowned King Exa II. Exa II
went against the wishes of his
father and used the Crown of
Victors on his coronation day.
Some of the ancient, and powerful,
noble families rose up against Exa
II within weeks of him being
crowned, but he quickly smashed
their armies and took their lands
with this the hold of the King over
the land became undisputed
allowing Exa II to invade
neighbouring lands adding them to
the Kingdom of Agyraea.
Crown of Skulls
A lord near the elven lands captured
a small band of elves; amongst their
possessions was a crown which he
recognised as the Crown of Skulls.
The elves tried to warn the lord the
dangers of the crown but he ignored
the warnings and started to use it.
The lord started his own rebellion,
and soon split from his old kingdom.
He quickly made his name in many
battles against his fellow kin, the elves,
and finally he started to attack the
dwarves. After a couple of battles the
dwarves recognised the crown, they
then started to warn any humans or
elves they could of the dangers of the
crown. Some humans joined the
dwarves, most of them joined because
of political, or personal, reasons, to
bring down the lord; some elves,
mainly the older generation, also
joined the fight. It was during this
period of conflict, known at the time
as the Dwarven Wars, that the
Crown of Skulls was lost. Also
during this period a group of dwarves
invaded what was an ancient
abandoned dwarven religious site
that the elves had started to inhabit.
The period of conflict was called the
Skull War; and the lord, by tradition,
was called Skull Lord.
During the next one hundred and
fifty years there were many mass
slaughters; villages, towns, royal
families, even an entire city were
targeted. Kings seldom held the
throne for more than ten years,
yet somehow even through this
internal strife the Kingdom
became a strong empire. Its peak
was under the leadership of the
first foreign emperor, Bevin of
Southtun. He led his
outnumbered army against the
Elves after they took the town of
Alderidge Meadow; he defeated
them and went on to capture
some of their lands.
Crown of Victors
It was less than two years to the
day he was crowned he killed all
his sons and brothers fearing they
were all trying to remove him
from power. Within three
months Exa died while putting
down a rebellion in an outer
province. A bastard son of Exa,
Reninec, proved to be a powerful
leader of men and quickly ended a
civil war that had threatened to
split Agyraea apart. In a great
diplomatic move he was crowned
with the Crown of Agyraea; he
sent the Crown of Victors to a
distant fortified monastery to keep
it secure. King Reninec III ruled
Agyraea for twenty years during
In the same year of his victory
over the elves he was killed in
battle. His body was found three
days after the battle, naked and
impaled. The Crown of Victors
was missing.
After the Skull War nothing was
heard about the Crown of Skulls
until recent times when stories
started to surface about the crown
mainly from a small kingdom, the
Kingdom of Kemi which some
scholars believe was the land that
the Skull War originated from.
Over the next sixty years the
empire crumbled; even Agyraea,
which had remained strongly in
the hands of the kings, split in
various civil wars and breakaways.
Instead of the Rule of Victors, or
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There is not much known about
the Crown of Skulls but what is
the most commonly known, or
accepted, is listed below.
The Crown of Skulls can create
armies of skeletons, or undead. (F
The Crown of Skulls was once
the crown used by an ancient
empire. (T)
The Crown of Skulls can
resurrect the dead. (F 20)
The dwarves have had previous
dealings with the Crown of Skulls
before the Skull Wars. (T)
After each legend the word true or
false appears, this indicates
whether the legend is true or false.
If false the number that follows is
another DC, if this number is
reached then the players either
learn the truth about the falsehood
or learn that the legend is false but
not the correct information.
The Crown of Skulls can control
undead. (F 20)
The first human king to wear the
Crown of Skulls, then known as
the Crown of Victors, was Exa I
of Agyraea. (T)
The Crown of Skulls hints at
who is to die and how. (F 20)
The Crown of Skulls once
belonged to the elves. (T)
The true description of the
Crown of Skulls, as noted in the
description, but not including the
additional information found
there. (T)
The DC numbers they are listed
under are in a medium town or
larger, in smaller settlements the
DC may be higher; some places
may have different legends about
the crown and the DC numbers
below may vary.
The first common description
about the Crown of Skulls is that
it is a heavily bejewelled piece;
some of the jewels are in the
shapes of skulls. (F 20)
DC 30
The Crown of Skulls was once
known as the Crown of Victors.
The second common description
about the Crown of Skulls is that
it has a single large gem, or jewel,
in the forehead of the crown in
the shape of a skull. (F 20)
DC 10
When the Crown of Skulls is
found again by humans the end
times will start. (T)
An ancient historian renamed
the Crown of Victors to the
Crown of Skulls as a parody of
the troubled times soon after the
last person was crowned with the
Crown of Victors, perhaps using
the Agyraean tradition of keeping
a small model skull of loved ones
after they passed away. (T)
The third common description
about the Crown of Skulls is it
has heavily bejewelled with a
large gem stone in the shape of a
skull in the middle of the
forehead. (F 20)
The Skull Lord was the last
human known to wear the
Crown of Skulls. (T)
The Crown of Skulls was called
that because its gems were cut as
skulls, of it has one major jewel in
the forehead of the wearer that is
in the shape of a skull. (F20)
DC 20
Crown of Skulls makes its bearer
go mad. (T)
Other information about the
Crown of Skulls (from after the
crown’s name was changed) as
noted in the history. (T)
Other information about the
Crown of Victors as noted in the
history, from the crowning of Exa
I. (T)
The Skull Lord built a castle out
of, or using, skulls of his enemies.
(F 15)
The Crown of Skulls once had
another name. (T)
It was during the Skull Wars
that the dwarves and elves
started their antagonism. (T)
Other information about the
Crown of Victors as noted in the
history, from before the crowing
of Exa I. (T)
The Crown of Skulls makes its
bearers better tacticians. (T)
DC 15
DC 25
Other information as found in
the description. (T)
The Kingdom of Kemi is the
heart of Skull Lands. (T)
The dwarves fear the Crown of
Skulls. (T)
Other information as found in
the abilities. (T)
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The crown is plain and comprises
of magically strengthened gold,
with four small magically glowing
orbs set equally around the band of
the crown; the largest of the four
is normally worn on the front.
Inside of the crown there are
numerous fixings for allowing it to
be attached to a helmet.
Some contemporary sources claim
that the size of the crown best
fitted a dwarf, not a human with a
helmet on; this, along with it being
found in a dwarven temple, led
some scholars of the same era of
the Crown of Victors to claim it
was a dwarven crown – this view
was always an unpopular idea in
the courts of the kings who wore
the crown and some of the
scholars, even those with powerful
friends, disappeared or ended up
dead soon after they made the
There has been no work
completed detailing the complete
benefits of the Crown of Victors,
of the Crown of Skulls there are
many works which claim to detail
the benefits of wearing the crown.
Ability to predict a person’s
enemies plans, while other areas
were weaker, or missing, mainly
the protection in combat.
Ability to predict whether a
person is telling a falsehood.
Soon after the magician wrote his
findings down, and while he
carried on, hinting at a form of
madness that afflicted the bearer
the magician disappeared and his
name was struck from all records,
all his work destroyed – ironically
it was this single-mindedness
destruction of his name from all
records that allowed his work to
survive. In a distant library they
heard of a new appointment to the
court magician before they were
told to destroy all works from ‘he
whom shall remain nameless
henceforth’, in a simple
misunderstanding they destroyed
the new court magician’s work
and not the old court magician.
Protection in combat; either by
knowing a person’s intent, or
casting a shield like rings of
The definitive guide to the Crown
of Victors was completed by Exa
I’s court magician. Watching Exa
I wearing the crown in many
actions he wrote a list that came
to be at the core of many future
lists of benefits of the crown:
Increased ability in combat.
After Exa I died and his son
Reninec III was crowned the court
magician gave advice to Reninec
III too, it was during this time
when he carried on with his guide
to the crown noting that the
effects between how the crown
worked for father and son were
similar but areas seemed to be
stronger, namely predictions of the
Ability to predict the enemies
plans on the battlefield.
Ability to predict the enemies
plans in a short campaign, or
short term in a longer
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How to Use in Campaigns
Campaign Ideas
random street vendor who used to
pass the nobles mansion everyday.
The ex-vendor moved in with his
family. While exploring his new
house he found an underground
library and two secret rooms
upstairs. In these rooms were
artefacts and documents dating
from around the Skull Wars. One
document in particular gave
details about the last days of the
Crown of Skulls. Interested about
the crown and in fear of being
called a evildoer and madman he
hired an almost unknown group of
adventures to follow the last
movements of the Crown of Skulls
and see if they can carry on with
the story of the crown itself.
The Crown of Skulls is a cursed
major artefact – the curse drives
the bearers paranoid and mad,
how quickly this occurs depends
on how much they use and rely on
the item – some of its abilities that
it could bestow upon its bearer
The head of an ancient, yet ailing,
noble house secretly hires in a
group of ‘adventures’ to find the
crown to help him bring his house
back into power. Once the group
is gathered he tells them of his
plans, in a rough manner, and asks
them to search for the Crown of
Skulls. The information he tells
the group is basic information, all
expect for one fact, the crown at
one time had a different name but
he is unable to discover its original
Divination Spells:
True Strike (Level 1)
Detect Thoughts (Level 2)
True Seeing (Level 6)
A shepherd in the hills of the
Kingdom of Kemi discovers an
ancient dwarf grave after one of
his lamb falls through a small gap.
Once word of this discovery gets
around the shepherd gets moved
away to a bigger and more
profitable farm the other side of
the kingdom. The king’s soldiers
take over the farm and start to
build a defensive barrier around
the dwarf grave. Some rumours
spread that the grave was from
the Skull Wars and had new
information from near the end of
the conflict – some even more
whispered rumours mention it
talks about the Crown of Skulls.
Moment of Prescience (Level
Foresight (Level 9)
Equivalent to Ring of
Protection +1 to +5
Each user of the crown gains
different effects; each effect also
manifests itself in different ways
and strengths. Those who are
closely related have similar effects
but are still noticeably different.
Once a person starts wearing the
crown they are unwilling and
unable to give it up.
An eccentric noble dies leaving all
his belongings, and title, to a
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