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ā 阿 an initial particle/prefix to names of people
āi 哎 an interjection/hey/lookout/why etc
āi 挨 in order/in sequence/lean to
āiyā 哎呀 Ah/Damn/My God
ālābóyǔ 阿拉伯语 Arabic (language)
ānquán 安全 safe/safety/secure/security
ānweì 安慰 comfort/console
ānxīn 安心 be relieved/feel at ease/keep one's mind on something/set one's mind at rest
āyí 阿姨 auntie
ěr 耳朵 ear
Guànchè 贯彻 carry out/implement/put into practice
Guómíndǎng 国民党 Kuomintang/nationalist party
Meǐyuán 美元 American dollar/U.S. dollar
Pīngpāngqíu 乒乓球 ping-pong/table tennis/table tennis ball
Rìyuán 日元 yen
Zhōngcān 中餐 Chinese food/Chinese meat
bāng 帮 gang/group/party/to assist/to help/to support
bāngmáng 帮忙 do a favor/do a good turn/give (lend) a hand/help
bānzhǎng 班长 class monitor/squad leader/team leader
bāo 包 bag/bundle/container/package/packet/to contract (to or for)/to cover/to hold/to hold
or embrace/to include/to take charge of/to wrap/wrapper
bāo 包子 steamed stuffed bun
bāokuò 包括 to comprise/to consist of/to include/to incorporate/to involve
běn 本事 ability/original story/skill/source material
běnlǐng 本领 ability/capability/skill
běnlái 本来 at first/it goes without saying/of course/original/originally
běnzhì 本质 essence/innate character/intrinsic quality/nature
bī 逼 close/close in on/compel/drive/extort/force/press for/press on towards/press up to
bīng 兵 a force/an army/arms/military/soldiers/warlike/weapons
bīng 冰 ice
bīnguǎn 宾馆 guesthouse
bō 玻璃 glass/nylon/plastic
bǎn 板 board/plank/plate/slab
bǎngyàng 榜样 example/model
bǎo 保 hold or keep/to defend/to guard/to insure or guarantee/to maintain/to protect
bǎochí 保持 to hold/to keep/to maintain/to preserve
bǎocún 保存 to conserve/to keep/to preserve
bǎoguì 宝贵 precious/set store by/treasure/valuable/value
bǎohù 保护 to defend/to protect/to safeguard
bǎolíu 保留 continue to have/hold back/hold back (approval or
acceptance)/maintain/reservations/reserve/retain/to preserve
bǎoweì 保卫 defend/safeguard
bǎozhèng 保证 guarantee
bǐjì 笔记 a type of literature consisting mainly of short sketches/notes/take down (in writing)
bǐlì 比例 proportion/scale
bǐnggān 饼干 biscuit/cookie/cracker
bǐrú 比如 for example/for instance/such as
bǔ 捕 to capture/to catch/to catch/to seize
bǔ 补 to fill (a vacancy)/to make up for/to mend/to patch/to repair/to supplement
bǔchōng 补充 additional/supplementary/to complement/to replenish/to supplement
bǔkè 补课 make up a missed lesson
bǔxí 补习 take lessons after school or work
beī 碑 a monument/an upright stone tablet/stele
beī 背 to be burdened/to carry on the back or shoulder
beītòng 悲痛 grieved/sorrowful
beǐbù 北部 northern part
beǐfāng 北方 north/the northern part of the country especially the area north of the Yellow River
beǐmiàn 北面 north/northern side
beì 背 to be burdened/to carry on the back or shoulder
beì 被子 quilt
beìhòu 背後 at the back/behind/behind somebody's back/in the rear
biān 编 arrange/compile/compose/edit/fabricate/group/organize/plait/weave/write
biāodiǎn 标点 punctuate/punctuation
biāozhǔn 标准 (an official) standard/criterion/norm
biǎn 扁 (surname)/small boat
biǎodá 表达 to convey/to express/to voice (an opinion)
biǎomiàn 表面 appearance/face/outside/surface
biǎomíng 表明 indicate/known/make clear/make known/state clearly/to make clear
biàn 便 convenient/easy/handy/ordinary/plain/so/then/thus/to relieve oneself
biàntiáo 便条 (informal) note
bài 败 be defeated/loss/to defeat
bàndǎotǐ 半导体 semiconductor
bàngōng 办公 handle official business/work (usually in an office)
bàngwǎn 傍晚 at dusk/at night fall/in the evening/towards evening/when night falls
bànlǎ 半拉 half
bànshì 办事 to handle (affairs)/to work
bànyè 半夜 in the middle of the night/midnight
bàodào 报到 check in/register/report for duty
bàodào 报道 report
bàogào 报告 lecture/make known/report/speech/talk/to inform
bàomíng 报名 apply/enter one's name/sign up
bàoqiàn 抱歉 be sorry/feel apologetic/regret
bàozhǐ 报纸 newspaper/newsprint
bá 拔 promote/pull out/pull up/select
báicài 白菜 Chinese cabbage
báitiān 白天 day/daytime/during the day
báo 薄 mean/slight/thin
bèn 笨 clumsy/foolish/silly/slow-witted/stupid
bì 避 avoid/escape/flee/leave/shun/to hide/to keep away/to leave
bì 闭 obstruct/shut/stop up/to close
bìmiǎn 避免 to avert/to avoid/to prevent/to refrain from
bìng 并 (not) at all/also/and/furthermore/simultaneously/to combine/to join/to
merge/together with
bìngfáng 病房 sickroom/ward (of a hospital)
bìngjūn 病菌 germs/harmful bacteria/pathogenic bacteria
bìngqǐe 并且 and/besides/furthermore/in addition/moreover
bìngrén 病人 sick person
bìrán 必然 certain/inevitable/necessity
bìyào 必要 essential/indispensable/necessary/required
bìyè 毕业 graduation/to finish school/to graduate
bí 鼻子 nose
bó 伯伯 father's elder brother/uncle
bó 脖子 neck
bómǔ 伯母 (polite form of address for a woman who is about the age of one's mother)/aunt/wife
of father's elder brother
bù 步 a pace/a step/march/stages in a process/walk
bù 部 (a measure word for works of literature/ films/ machines/ etc.)/(a measure
bùbì 不必 does not have to/need not
bùduàn 不断 constant/continuous/unceasing/uninterrupted
bùduì 部队 armed forces/army/force/troops/unit
bùdà 不大 not often/not too/not very
bùdébù 不得不 cannot but/can't avoid/can't help it/have no choice or option but to/have to
bùdéliǎo 不得了 desperately serious/disastrous/exceedingly/extremely
bùgǎndāng 不敢当 I don't deserve it (your praise)/you flatter me
bùguǎn 不管 no matter/no matter (what/ how)/regardless of
bùguò 不过 but/however/merely/no more than/only/only
bùhǎoyì 不好意思 )/be ill at ease/feel embarrassed/find it embarrassing (to do sth
bùjǐn 不仅 not just/not only/not the only one
bùlùn 不论 no matter (what/ who/ how/ etc.)/regardless of/whether ... or ...
bùmén 部门 branch/department/division/section
bùpíng 不平 grievance/indignant/injustice/resentful/unfairness/wrong
bùrán 不然 if not/no/not so/or else/otherwise
bùshì 不是吗 isn't it
bùxǔ 不许 can't/must not/not allow
bùxìng 不幸 adversity/misfortune/sad/unfortunate/unfortunately
bùxíng 不行 be no good/be out of the question/not be capable/not work/won't do
bùyàojǐn 不要紧 but/it doesn't matter/it looks all right/never mind/not serious/unimportant
bùyídìng 不一定 maybe/not necessarily
bùzhǎng 部长 head of a (government/ etc) department/minister/secretary/section chief/section head
bùzhì 布置 arrange/decorate/fix up
bùzhù 不住 constantly/continuously/repeatedly
búshǎo 不少 not (just) a few
cāi 猜 to guess
cāntīng 餐厅 dining-hall
cōng 聪明 bright/intelligent
cū 粗 coarse/crude/rough/rude/thick/unfinished/vulgar
cǎi 踩 stamp/step upon/tread on
cǎi 采 allotment to a feudal noble
cǎigòu 采购 procurement(NOUN)/to procure(VERB)
cǎiqǔ 采取 to adopt(VERB)
cǎisè 彩色 color/multi-colored
cǎiyòng 采用 to adopt(VERB)
cǎodì 草地 lawn/meadow/sod/turf
cǎoyuán 草原 grassland/prairie
cǐ 此 these/this
cǐwài 此外 besides/furthermore/in addition/moreover
chā 叉子 fork
chā 插 insert/pierce/stick in/to interfere/to interpose/to take part in
chāi 拆 to open/to tear apart/to tear down/to tear open
chāo 抄 to copy/to go/to plagiarize/to search and confiscate/to search and seize/to take a
shortcut/to transcribe
chāo 超 overtake/super-/surpass/to cross/to exceed/to pass/transcend/ultra-
chāoguò 超过 to exceed/to outstrip/to surpass
chāoxǐe 抄写 to copy/to transcribe
chējiān 车间 workshop
chēng 称 balanced/suitable/to fit/well-off
chēngzàn 称赞 acclamation(NOUN)/to praise(VERB)
chījīng 吃惊 to be amazed/to be shocked/to be startled
chōng 冲 highway/public road/to charge/to collide/to dash (against)/to rinse/to rush/to wash
out/to water
chōngfèn 充分 abundant/full
chōngmǎn 充满 brimming with/full of/permeated/very full
chōngzú 充足 abundant/adequate/sufficient
chōuxiàng 抽象 abstract
chū 初 (at the) beginning/at first/basic/first/junior
chūbǎn 出版 to come off the press/to publish/to put out
chūbù 初步 initial/preliminary/tentative
chūjí 初级 junior/primary
chūkǒu 出口 to exit/to export/to go out/to speak
chūnjíe 春节 Spring Festival (Chinese New Year)
chūshēng 出生 to be born
chūxí 出席 attend/be present
chūyuàn 出院 to leave hospital
chǎnliàng 产量 output
chǎnpǐn 产品 goods/merchandise/product
chǎnshēng 产生 to bring about/to cause/to come into being/to engender/to generate/to produce/to
chǎo 吵 noisy/to disturb by making a noise/to make a noise/to quarrel
chǐ 尺 Chinese musical note
chǔ 处 deal with/get along with/to be in/to be in a position of/to dwell/to live/to
reside/to stay
chǔfèn 处分 disposal
chǔlǐ 处理 to deal with/to handle/to process/to treat
chuǎng 闯 break through/to rush
chuàng 创 a wound/cut/injury/trauma
chuàngzuò 创作 creation/creative work/to create/to produce/to write
chuàngzào 创造 to bring about/to create/to produce
chuán 传 to circulate/to conduct (electricity)/to infect/to pass on/to pass on/to spread/to
transfer/to transmit
chuánbō 传播 to disseminate/to propagate/to spread
chuántǒng 传统 tradition
chàbuduō 差不多 almost/ nearly
chàdiǎn 差点儿 (adv) almost; just about to
cháng 尝 already/already/ever/flavor/formerly/indicator of past tense/once/test/to taste
chángqī 长期 long term/long time
chángtú 长途 long distance
chèdǐ 彻底 complete/thorough
chèn 趁 avail oneself of/take advantage of
chènshān 衬衫 blouse/shirt
chènyī 衬衣 shirt
chéng 乘 make use of/mount/multiply/ride/take advantage of/to avail of/to ride
chéngdù 程度 degree (level or extent)/level
chéngfèn 成分 ingredient
chénggōng 成功 success/to succeed
chéngguǒ 成果 achievement/gain/profit/result
chéngjìu 成就 accomplishment/achievement/attain a result/success
chéngkěn 诚恳 hearty
chénglì 成立 establish/set up
chéngrèn 承认 recognize/to acknowledge/to admit
chéngshí 诚实 honest/honesty/honorable/truthful
chéngshú 成熟 mature/ripe
chéngweí 成为 to become/to turn into
chéngzhǎng 成长 grow up/mature
chénmò 沉默 silence/uncommunicative
chìbǎng 翅膀 wing
chòu 臭 smelly/stench/stink/to smell (bad)
chóng 虫子 insect/worm
chóng 重 a layer/again/iteration/repetition/to double/to repeat
chóngdíe 重叠 overlapping
chóngfù 重复 Repeat(NOUN)/to repeat(VERB)
chónggāo 崇高 majestic/sublime
chóngxīn 重新 again/once more/re-
chóu 愁 worry about
chù 处 deal with/get along with/to be in/to be in a position of/to dwell/to live/to
reside/to stay
chú 除 divide/do away with/except/remove/wipe out
chúfáng 厨房 kitchen
cong2'er2 从而 thereby/thus
cuī 催 expedite/hurry/press/prompt/urge
cuòshī 措施 measure/step (to be taken)
cáiliào 材料 data/makings/material/stuff
cáng 藏 accumulate/store/to conceal/to harbor/to hide away
cè 册 a measure word for books/book/booklet
cèsuǒ 厕所 toilet(NOUN)
cèyàn 测验 test/to test
céng 曾 (refers to something that happened previously)/already/at some time in the
céngjīng 曾经 (refers to something that happened previously)/at one time/once
cì 刺 assassinate/murder/pierce/prick/stab/sting/thorn/thrust
cóngcǐ 从此 thence
cónglái 从来 always/at all times/never (if used in negative sentence)
cóngshì 从事 engage in/go for/to deal with/to do/to handle/undertake
cù 醋 vinegar
cùjìn 促进 boost/to advance/to promote (an idea or cause)
cùn 寸 a unit of length/inch/thumb
cún 存 deposit/exist/keep/store/survive
cúnzài 存在 to be/to exist
dā 搭 build (scaffolding)/hang/join/match/take (boat/take passage/train)
dā 答应 promise/reply
dāi 呆 foolish/no expression/stay/stupid
dān 单 chieftain
dāncí 单词 word
dāndiào 单调 monotonous
dāng 当地 local(ADJT)/locally(ADVB)
dāngnián 当年 in those days(NOUN)
dāngqián 当前 current(NOUN)/current(ADJT)/currently(NOUN)
dāngshí 当时 at that time(OTHR)
dānrèn 担任 hold a governmental office or post
dānweì 单位 a unit
dānxīn 担心 anxious/to be anxious/to worry/uneasy/worried/worry
dāo 刀子 knife
dēng 登 ascend/climb/go up/mount/note/register/scale/to issue/to publish/to record
dēngjì 登记 to register (one's name)
děngdài 等待 await/wait for
děngyú 等于 amount to/equal to
dī 滴 a drop/to drip
dīe 跌 to drop/to fall/to tumble
dīxiá 低下 (adj) low status; lowly
dōngbeǐ 东北 northeast
dōngbù 东部 the east/the eastern part
dōngfāng 东方 Eastern countries/the East
dōngmiàn 东面 east side (of sth.)
dōngnán 东南 southeast
dūn 吨 ton
dūn 蹲 crouch/squat
dǎ 打听 ask about/inquire about
dǎ 打扮 dress up
dǎdǎo 打倒 flatten
dǎng 党 party
dǎng 挡 a cover/cover/hinder/hinder/keep off/obstruct/resist/to block/to get in the way of
dǎngyuán 党员 political party member
dǎo 岛 island
dǎrǎo 打扰 disturb
dǎzhēn 打针 to give or have an injection
dǐng 顶 a measure word (use with "hat")/go against/most/peak/to replace/to substitute/top
dǒng 懂得 to comprehend/to know/to understand
dǔ 堵 stop up
da2'an4 答案 answer/solution
dan4'gao1 蛋糕 cake
diàn 店 inn/shop/store
diànbīngxiāng 电冰箱 refrigerator
diànbào 电报 cable/telegram/telegraph
diànfēngshàn 电风扇 electric fan
diànshìtái 电视台 (n) television station
diàntī 电梯 elevator
diàntái 电台 broadcasting station/transmitter-receiver
diànyǐngyuàn 电影院 cinema/movie theater
diào 吊 to hang a person
diào 调 melody/mode (music)/to move (troops)/to transfer/tone/tune
diào 钓 to fish with a hook and bait
diàochá 调查 (opinion) poll/inquiry/investigation/survey/to investigate/to survey
duān 端 end/extremity/item/port/regular/to carry/to hold sth. level with both hands
duī 堆 a mass/a pile/heap/stack
duōshù 多数 majority/most
duǎnqī 短期 short-term
duǒ 朵 M for flowers
duǒ 躲 avoid/get out of way/to go into hiding/to hide
duàn 断 absolutely/break/decidedly (in negative constructions)/to judge
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