d20 Legion Publishing Critical Hits 13 - The Watching Woods.pdf

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Third Edition Core Books, published by Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
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Greetings traveler and welcome to Critical Hits – a
series of electronic publications from Legion Publishing.
Each Critical Hit is a complete encounter that can be
dropped into any fantasy campaign with very little prepa-
ration needed by the DM. The encounters are little gems
of ideas built around a single situation, person, location,
creature or object that the players stumble across in their
travels. Each Critical Hit provides all the DM needs to use
the encounter. Whether used as a disposable diversion or
the springboard for adventure, Critical Hits give the over-
worked DM a break and the players some memorable
encounters that encourage creative role-playing. This
encounter can be added into any ongoing adventure set in
temperate forest or woodlands, ideally as part of the
characters’ journey. With minor alterations, almost any
terrain type can be accommodated. It is best suited for
adventurers with strong arms and strong stomachs.
V o l u m e 4 N o 1 - E n c o u n t e r L e v e l 5
Published by
First Published 2003
C R E D I T S &
In The Watching Woods, the party find themselves
pitted against an enemy who is nowhere to be seen but
from whom there seems to be no escape. As with the other
Critical Hits, text inside a border should be read aloud to
the players (unless you have modified the setting, in
which case you’re on your own!). And so it begins…
Written by
Alistair Fairman
Simon Lucas & Matthew Harffy
Illustrations by
Robin Elliott
Typesetting and graphic design by Wildstar Digital Arts
Contact - info@wildstardigitalarts.co.uk
Author courtesy of Snake Eyes Studio
Contact - info@snakeeyesstudio.co.uk
The party is in an overgrown part of the forest. The
path is narrow and there is neither the space nor shelter
to camp.
Legion Publishing, Critical Hits, the Legion Publishing logo, Legionnaire,
and all related characters and elements are trademarks of Legion
Wildstar Digital Arts and its logo are trademarks of Wildstar Digital Arts.
Snake Eyes Studio and its logo are trademarks of Snake Eyes Studio.
It is getting late in the day. What sunlight can be seen
through the canopy of trees is getting lower and
longer. The path ahead can no longer be seen clearly.
To continue further this night would be foolishness.
'd20 System' and the 'd20 System' logo are trademarks of Wizards of
the Coast, Inc., a subsidiary of Hasbro, Inc., and are used according to
the terms of the d20 System License version 4.0. A copy of this License
can be found at www.wizards.com/d20.
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Critical Hits and all significant characters, names, creatures, spells,
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without the express written consent of Legion Publishing is prohibited.
A successful Search roll (DC 10) finds a clearing a little
way off of the path. A further successful Search roll (DC
20) also notices a number of boot marks heading towards
it. When approaching the clearing it can quickly be seen
that a campsite has already been set up there. There are
three tents, all placed around a central fire pit which now
lies cold. The site seems to be deserted.
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Legion Publishing - Critical Hits
Volume 4 No 1 - EL 5
Any adventurers entering the camp hear a strained
voice cry out in Elven.
Spells Known (Rgr —/1): 1st - Alarm, Animal Friendship,
Delay Poison, Detect Animals or Plants, Detect Snares
and Pits, Entangle, Magic Fang, Pass without Trace, Read
Magic, Resist Elements, Speak with Animals, Summon
Nature’s Ally I.
Spells Prepared (Rgr —/1): 1st - Pass without Trace.
‘Who Goes?’
If no reply is given or no one can understand Elven the
next thing the players experience is an arrow fired at the
head of the first PC to enter the campsite. The shot is
unnervingly accurate and slams into a tree, inches from its
target. The miss was no accident; the warning is clear. The
archer cannot be seen and it can only be determined that
the arrow came from the trees on the outskirts of the camp.
If the party attempt to attack or are at all hostile at
this point another arrow is fired at the lead member of
the party, this time intended to kill. The voice then falls
silent. No trace of the source can be found. The figure is
the elven ranger Thauvial Goldblossom. He fires one shot
as the party approaches before casting pass without trace
to aid his escape.
The shout is repeated this time in the Common tongue.
The caller is extremely nervous and wants to know why the
party is here. A successful Charisma check (DC 10) can con-
vince the archer of the party's good intentions. The voice
is obviously frightened but the PCs are not the source of
this fear. A tinge of relief can be heard in the voice.
The now empty campsite can be searched. Each tent
contains the following items:
Add +1 to this check if there are any Elves or Half-
Elves in the party. Also add +1 to the test if the reply is
given in Elven.
2 days provisions
2 backpacks
2 Sleeping rolls
10 arrows
2 daggers
2 canteens
A pouch containing 2-10 gp
A good search roll (DC15) also uncovers a hidden
scroll written in Elven.
The encounter can go one of two ways from here. If
the party decides to find out more about the nervous
camper they are likely to get all the information he has
to offer in The Way of Peace, below. If they are keen to
put the archer to the sword and loot the campsite, read
on. They may regret not finding out what the elf has to
tell them.
Thauvial Goldblossom: Male Elf, High Rgr4; Medium
Humanoid ; HD 4d10-4 (Ranger); hp 30; Init +4; Spd
30; AC 17; Atk +6 base melee, +8 base ranged; +7
(1d8+2, Longsword, Masterwork); +9 (1d8+1, Mighty
composite longbow +1, Masterwork); SQ: Elven traits
(Ex), Immunity: Sleep (Ex), Low-light vision (Ex); RF: +2
Will bonus to Enchantment spells; AL NG; SV Fort +3,
Ref +5, Will +2; STR 14, DEX 18, CON 9, INT 10, WIS
12, CHA 8.
Weapons: Longsword, Masterwork; Mighty composite longbow
+1, Masterwork; Dagger, Masterwork; Arrows (20).
Armor: Studded leather, Masterwork.
Magic: Wondrous: Cloak of elvenkind (+10 hide);
Wondrous: Boots of elvenkind (+10 move silently).
Hide+10, Listen+3, Move Silently+10, Search+2,
Spot+12, Wilderness Lore+8.
Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Track.
It reads:
Friend Thauvial,
I call on you in this time of great urgency. At long last
we have some trace of the beast that has been plagu-
ing us for so long. A human druid has sensed a demonic
presence in the woods. This must be our tormentor. No
natural creature would act in this manner.
This druid’s name is Amrick he is elf-friend and long
known to me. He is bearer of this message. I implore
you to go with this man and end our miseries once and
for all.
We have all lost too many of our young to this fiend.
These desecrations cannot continue.
I have sent five of my guard to aid you in your quest.
I wish you every success and may the blessings of
Corellon Larethian go with you.
Lord Protector Fronwyn
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Legion Publishing - Critical Hits
Volume 4 No 1 - EL 5
Of course this is only of any use if anyone in the party
can read Elven. If the scroll cannot be read or translated
by any means the PCs are left with a scroll of pretty gib-
berish (the penmanship is exquisite).
Thauvial explains through the glittering firelight that
he is the last remaining member of a war band sent from
MoonSpring. They had been sent to hunt down a beast
that has been preying on their city.
If the party chose to pursue a violent confrontation,
miss out The Way of Peace below and move on to the con-
frontation with the horror in the woods. Brutish parties
don’t get the shaggy dog story and don’t deserve to be
too prepared for what is to come…
“Little is known about the creature as none have seen
it, but for many months it has targeted the young of
MoonSpring, my home. An infernal howling that shreds
the nerves of all who hear it heralds each attack, but
before we can locate it or muster a defense, the
attack is over. Those attacked simply vanish. Their
bodies are never found. The day after an attack a…”
his voice breaks and a shadow of pain passes over his
face, “a… ‘token’ is left for the community to find.”
Once a parley has taken place a figure drops gracefully
from a nearby tree and comes into view.
He talks long into the night in his restful, lilting voice
and during the telling of the tale divulges any or all of
the following information:
The figure is an Elf garbed in a deep green hooded
cloak; glimpses of a gold tunic can be seen between the
folds of the cloak. A sword hangs sheathed on his belt. An
immaculately crafted bow rests easily in his hands as he
strides towards you. While no longer a threat, an arrow is
still notched in this fine weapon and ready to fly at a
moments notice. He is now overjoyed to see everybody
and urges the party to settle with him here for the night.
He introduces himself as Thauvial Goldblossom a Ranger
from the city of MoonSpring.
Thauvial is unwilling or unable to describe what these
‘tokens’ are. He can only describe them as ‘an affront
to nature.’
A month had passed. More and more children were
being taken. Search parties were unable to find any
trace of the fiend when a druid managed to sense the
presence of a demonic creature close to the settle-
By now any remaining light is all but gone. Night is
but moments away. Any attempts at hunting will prove
unsuccessful. No large or small game can be found and a
good wilderness lore roll (DC20) will also notice that bird
song seems to be absent from this part of the forest.
Thauvial’s party of five warriors and the druid were
sent to track down and end the menace once and for
all. A deserted lair was found and the trail led away
from the city.
If any of the party is going hungry, Thauvial disap-
pears into one of the tents, emerging shortly after with
provisions, which he is happy to share. Once a fire is lit
and everyone is fed, Thauvial has a story to tell…
The trail led them to this place and then went cold.
That was two days ago.
The howling started on the first night. They went to
investigate. The druid along with two of the warriors
was taken that night in the confusion. The following
night the same thing happened again. This time the
remaining warriors went to search for the beast while
Thauvial remained to guard the camp. They never
returned. Thauvial awoke to find another ‘token’.
This has since been buried.
It is a moonless night; the darkness clings to everything
like a cloak. The stars themselves seem to have been
put out. The only solace comes from the fire, its flames
a beacon providing safety from the encroaching dark-
ness. Thauvial looks at you through the dancing fire-
light, his once-elegant face now gaunt and drawn. It is
not clear whether the flitting tongues of flame cause
the shadows beneath his eyes. After a few moments
looking fretfully into the dark forest he leans closer,
giving you his full attention, and starts to speak.
After telling his tale Thauvial announces that he is
tired and going to sleep. He asks the party to watch over
the camp as the beast may return.
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Legion Publishing - Critical Hits
Volume 4 No 1 - EL 5
"An almighty scream fills the air. It is everywhere and yet nowhere."
Two Howlers are positioned on each side of the camp cre-
ating an all-encompassing wall of noise.
The beast in question is in fact a demented Wild Elf
barbarian by the name of Loupos the Hunter. He and his
pack of demonic Howlers (which the druid sensed) are
fresh from terrorizing the Wood Elves in MoonSpring and
looking for new prey.
An almighty scream fills the air. It is everywhere and
yet nowhere. Surely no man or animal could make such
an infernal noise. Any chance for restful sleep has
gone and immediately you are alert and on your
guard. Yet the hideous sound is unrelenting and fills
your every pore, making your senses swirl.
His favorite tactic is to have the Howlers surround the
prey well out of sight and then live up to their name. The
sustained cacophony of these beasts disorientates all who
hear it and, while his victims are confused or terrified
Loupos can attack at his leisure. Loupos normally attacks
targets personally with the Howlers only being used to
misdirect and confuse. Like the best pack hunters, Loupos
ideally likes to separate and attack individual targets but
if faced with more he and his pack are more than willing
to strike.
All players will be affected by the screeching of the
Howlers unless somehow already deafened or unless they
thought to stop up their ears before retiring for the
night. Any of the PCs who were asleep will now most def-
initely have woken up. Characters left on watch have no
forewarning, as the Howlers have not come close enough
to the camp to be seen.
If Thauvial is with the party he stumbles out of his
tent, tense and wide-eyed, bow in hand.
At some point during the night the howling will start.
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