d20 Primal Urge Games Emerging Forms - Vae Rdin.pdf

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Wri�en By Rodney W. West
Illustrated By Dave Caspall
Requires the use of the Dungeons & Dragons® Third Edition Core Books,
published by Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
This product utilizes updated material from the v.3.5 revision.
Visit www.primalurgegames.com for supplemental material.
“d20 System” and the “d20 System” logo are Trademarks owned by Wizards of the Coast and are used according to the terms of the
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Wizards of the Coast®are registered trademarks of Wizards of the Coast, a subsidiary of Hasbro, Inc., and are used with permission.
Primal Urge Games and the Primal Urge Games logo are a copyright of Rodney W. West. Primal Urge Games logo is designed by
Danilo More�i. All Rights Reserved. Artwork ©2005 Dave Caspall. All other content is ©2005 Rodney W. West. All rights reserved.
The mention of or reference to any company or product in these pages is not a challenge to the trademark or copyright concerned.
This edition of Emerging Forms - VaeRdin is produced under version 1.0a, 5.0, and/or dra� versions of the Open Game License, the d20 System Trade-
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uct line names including but not limited to Emerging Forms, racial names, any specific characters, monsters, creatures, and places; capitalized names,
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Designation of Open Game Content: Subject to the Product Identity designation above, the following portions of Emerging Forms - VaeRdin are
designated as Open Game Content: all Racial Traits, class advancement tables and Class Features; all game mechanics for new weapons; all game me-
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This document is a work of fiction. Any similarity to actual people, organizations, places, or events is purely coincidental.
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Flavor Text.............................................................3
Physical Description............................................4
Relations with Other Races..................................5
Roleplaying Notes................................................7
Starting Package...................................................8
RACIAL TRAITS......................................................9
CLASS LEVELS......................................................10
MONSTROUS STATISTICS...............................11
VITAL STATISTICS..............................................14
Random Starting Ages......................................14
Aging Effects.......................................................14
Random Height and Weight.............................14
SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL.........................15
New Feats............................................................15
Common Voice...............................................15
Fluid Skills......................................................15
Obsessive Knowledge...................................15
Tenuous Threads...........................................15
OPEN GAME LICENSE........................................16
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What are KaNgrej?
This volume of Emerging Forms presents the VaeRdin, a sub-race of the KaNgrej. The KaNgrej can be found
in Emerging Forms – KaNgrej , a free product from Primal Urge Games.
What is Emerging Forms?
Emerging Forms is a line of products added new races to the RPG universe. The races in Emerging Forms
are intended to be different from the standard races found in RPGs. Though the races in Emerging Forms
may occasionally bear similarities to the traditional races found in the genre, their origins are far removed.
These races are intended to serve two roles. For players, they give the opportunity to play a character with
fresh motivations. For gamemasters, they provide ready-to-use cultures for a unique campaign flair.
Each volume contains the following information:
• Name: The name by which the race refers to itself.
• Flavor Text: A short flavor narrative or scene introducing the race.
• Overview: A brief, high level introduction to the race.
• Personality: The personality traits and outlook of standard members of the race.
• Physical Description: Physical traits which are common to members of the race. Also included in this
section are notes on styles of dress preferred by the race.
• Society: A brief overview of the society for the race.
• Relations with Other Races: How members of the race interact with other races.
• Lands: Common regions inhabited by the race and standard architectural practices.
• Alignment: The dominant alignment exhibited by members of the race.
• Religion: The general role and cultural views of religion for the race.
• Language: The native language of the race, and other languages commonly spoken by the race.
• Names: Naming conventions followed by the race.
• Adventurers: The most common reason members of the race take to adventuring, and common class
choices. All of the standard classes and the 4 additional psionic classes are detailed in this section.
• Roleplaying Notes: A set of short notes from the author for roleplaying the race.
• Racial Traits: Game mechanics specific to the race.
• Class Levels: Optional class levels taken to advance racial characteristics. This section is divided
• Hit Die: Hit Die gained at each level
• Class Skills: Class specific skills
• Skill Points at 1st Character Level: If the character takes a level in the racial class as their first character
level, this is the number of skill points gained.
• Skill Points at Higher Levels: number of skill points gained at each character level beyond first.
• Class Features: Different abilities gained by advancing in the class.
• Monstrous Statistics: A statistics block and combat notes to be used by the game master for using
characters of the race as monsters. This includes a 1st level warrior, and a 1st level character in the
race’s preferred class.
• Vital Statistics: Standard age, height and weight tables with humans as a comparison.
• Supplementary Material: Race specific spells, powers, weapons, poisons, or whatever else fits the
If you would like to find out more about Emerging Forms and Primal Urge Games,
visit us on the web at www.primalurgegames.com .
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It had been two years since Brogan first fell under the
employment of the merchant-mage Aldryn, purveyor of
exotic goods from below the waves. Most of the time had
been spent in the deep waters, acting as a bodyguard in
the deep-sea cities of the KaNgrej.
As the creature spoke to Aldryn, it seamlessly moved
between KaNgrej, Aquan and Common, choosing the
best descriptions from each language. Aldryn nodded his
head, sometimes in agreement and sometimes in dissent.
Usually in agreement. With a deal finally struck, Aldryn
touch his hand to the spot between his eyes, the KaNgrej
equivalent of a handshake. The energetic creature did
likewise, quickly swimming off to gather supplies.
Brogan had jumped at the opportunity to travel to the
tropical coral city. Even now, the sunlight, filtered by the
crystal waters, tickled his skin. His mind slipped back to
the sandy beaches of his youth, traveling with his father,
unaware of the civilization beneath the waves. He had
wished he could live below the waves then. Now all he
wanted was to feel the air against his skin. But Aldryn
was paying him well, requiring two more years to fulfill
his contract.
“It’s done,” Brogan questioned.
“Yes,” Aldryn replied cheerfully. “He will speak to the
other KaNgrej for us. I don’t foresee any problems ge�ing
the materials that we need.”
“And we are going a�er the dragon turtle why?”
Living among the KaNgrej, Brogan had seen many
shades of the adaptable creatures, though none like the
creature currently conversing with Aldryn. First, this
KaNgrej was much smaller than other KaNgrej he had
encountered. It also lacked the vertical slit that passed for
a mouth among the creatures. And it wasn’t constantly
trying to intimidate the humans, an irritating trait
universal to the KaNgrej.
“Because…” Aldryn stopped, rubbing his temple,
a perplexed look se�ling over his bird-like features.
“He said…” Again he paused, looking at the ground,
searching for an explanation. “I don’t know,” he finally
conceded, shaking his head in exasperation. “We’ll have
to watch this li�le trickster closely,” Aldryn said, an
amused laugh in his throat.
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