d20 Ronin Arts Future 13 Xenobiological and Stellar Hazards.pdf

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Requires the use of the d20 Modern Roleplaying Game, published by Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
In the official future rules for the D20 Modern
roleplaying game there are two stellar hazards and
two xenobiological hazards, hardly enough variety
for any campaign that stretches from one end of the
galaxy to the other. While I have written a few new
hazards for the Future: Datastream subscribers,
and several hazards written for D20 System fantasy
games could be used, it’s my opinion that the over-
worked gamemaster running a futuristic campaign
can always use more hazards to throw at his unsus-
pecting players.
For ease of use the stellar and xenobiological haz-
ards presented in the future SRD are also included in
this PDF. These are in addition to the 13 new hazards
that are included herein.
Inc., and the official future supplement, also pub-
lished by Wizards of the Coast, Inc.. You can find both
at your favorite local game store or online at any
number of roleplaying game vendors. No other Ronin
Arts products are required to use this PDF.
As of the time of publication, Ronin Arts’ Future:
Datastream subscription service is running, intro-
ducing new material for futuristic campaigns five
times each week. For more information on the
Future: Datastream, including subscription infor-
mation, please visit the official forums at
All of the text of this PDF is presented as open
game content. While this means absolutely nothing
to your campaign it does give other publishers per-
mission to use this material as long as they follow the
open game license (see the end of this PDF).
In order to use Future: 13 Xenobiological and
Stellar Hazards you will need the D20 Modern
roleplaying game, published by Wizards of the Coast,
Copyright © 2005 Philip Reed.You may not distribute this document without permission of the publisher. Some portions of this document are present-
ed as open game content, see the Open Game License at the end of this document for more information.
Ronin Arts and the Ronin Arts logo are trademarks of Philip Reed and Christopher Shy. For more information on Ronin Arts, and Ronin Arts’ sister com-
pany, Studio Ronin, please visit www.roninarts.com and www.studioronin.com.
'd20 System' and the 'd20 System' logo are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. and are used according to the terms of the d20 System License ver-
sion 6.0. A copy of this License can be found at www.wizards.com/d20.
d20 Modern and Wizards of the Coast are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. in the United States and other countries and is used with permission.
Undetectable and rare, a cloud of dark matter –
a type of matter that can only be seen with
advanced (PL 9 or higher) equipment though it’s
effects on gravity can be detected as early as the
Information Age (PL 5) – can have devastating
effects on any starship unfortunate enough to cross
paths with this hazard. Dark matter clouds float
seemingly aimlessly through space, rarely a con-
cern for starships or their crews.
When a starship comes into contact with a dark
matter cloud – most clouds are one tactical square
in size though a few reports of larger clouds have
been recorded in the past – the ship immediately
suffers 4d20 points of damage as the dark matter
particles come into contact with the ship’s hull.
After suffering damage, the pilot must make a suc-
cessful Pilot check (DC 20) when leaving the affect-
ed tactical square – on a failed check the ship suf-
fers another 4d20 points of damage as it pulls away
from the cloud.
A starship equipped with sensors that makes an
active sensor scan (see the Computer Use skill in
the future SRD) over an area of space affected by a
dark matter cloud can correctly locate the cloud’s
position on a successful check (DC 30). Once detect-
ed by sensors the starship can track the clouds
position for 3d4 rounds after which point the cloud
must be reacquired. At PL 9 or higher the DC to
detect a dark matter cloud drops to 20 (or, in cam-
paigns featuring equipment that can see dark mat-
ter, no check is required).
As originally presented in the future SRD, stellar
hazards were designed as a vehicle for subjecting
characters and creatures to the dangers of radia-
tion. In the interest of expanding the flexibility of
stellar hazards, the following new hazards involve
damaging a ship’s hit points, sensors, and commu-
nications gear.
Cosmic rays, unlike solar flares, cannot be predict-
ed. Consisting of subatomic particles moving at rela-
tivistic speeds, these rays can penetrate miles of solid
mass (though extremely few get through the Earth’s
atmosphere without colliding with other atoms or
molecules, effectively rendering them harmless). In
space, these subatomic particles can cause severe cell
damage, even genetic mutation.
Philip Reed has been working professional-
ly in the roleplaying game industry since 1995.
In that time he has worked for such companies
as West End Games, Privateer Press, and Steve
Jackson Games. Today Philip spends his days at
home running Ronin Arts, writing and design-
ing new games, and reading whatever books
interest him at the time. To learn more about
Philip Reed – and Ronin Arts – please
Similar to cosmic rays (see above), a deep space
wave is a stream of molecule-sized particles mov-
ing rapidly through space – the source of deep
space waves has yet to be discovered. When a deep
space wave impacts a starship the particles rip
An unprotected creature exposed to radiation
from a cosmic ray shower is treated as “highly irra-
diated” for the purposes of determining the radia-
tion’s effects (see Radiation Sickness in the future
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Space, especially regions close to inhabited
worlds, is overrun with radio echoes from the past.
In some instances starships stumble across areas of
space in which intense radio echoes have near-cat-
astrophic effect on the starship’s sensors and com-
munications gear. A typical radio echo is a line of
disruption 10,000 ft. wide that stretches complete-
ly through a star system – any starship that passes
through this line of disruption suffers the adverse
effects of the radio echoes.
A starship’s sensors are reduced by two cate-
gories of effectiveness when inside a radio echo
stream. If this reduces the sensor’s category below
Class I the ship effectively has no sensors until it
leaves the affected area of space.
Example: A starship equipped with a Class VI sen-
sor array is treated as possessing a Class IV when
subjected to the effect of radio echoes.
Starship communications systems – excluding
a drive transceiver, ansible, or any other PL 9 or
higher equipment – are completely worthless
when the ship enters a radio echo stream. This
includes the starship’s internal comm. systems.
Radio echoes can be detected with a standard
active sensor scan (see the Computer Use skill in
the future SRD). When encountered the starship’s
comm. system is filled with thousands of commu-
nications from the past, all of which are overlap-
ping each other making it impossible to under-
stand anything received by the ship’s comm. sys-
through the ship’s hull, creating millions of molec-
ular holes that breach the starship’s hull (fine size
hull breach, see Decompression in the future SRD).
A starship equipped with sensors that makes an
active sensor scan (see the Computer Use skill in
the future SRD) over an area of space affected by a
deep space wave can correctly locate the wave’s
position on a successful check (DC 20). A deep space
wave is a line 5,000 ft. wide stretching through an
entire star system. A starship equipped with a par-
ticle field is immune to the effects of a deep space
Unprotected characters and creatures that are
exposed to radiation from a deep space wave
shower are treated as “moderately irradiated” for
the purposes of determining the radiation’s effects
(see Radiation Sickness in the future SRD).
Around once-technologically advanced planets
that have experienced an apocalyptic event, leav-
ing them reduced to the Stone Age (or other PL
below the Information Age), there is frequently a
debris field littered with long-forgotten, malfunc-
tioning satellites, spacecraft, and orbital stations.
As the centuries pass, much of this debris falls to
the planets surface and is destroyed. Sometimes,
though, gravitational and galactic forces act in
unexpected ways to create a dense swarm of debris
that continuously orbits the planet, hampering any
attempts to enter or escape the planet’s atmos-
A world surrounded by an orbital swarm
requires six Pilot checks (DC 20 + 2/PL of the world
before the apocalypse) anytime a starship enters or
exits the planet’s atmosphere. On each successful
check the starship suffers 2d8 points of damage
from debris; on each failed check the starship suf-
fers 2d20 points of damage.
An orbital swarm could be cleaned up, though it
would require months of work. There have been
reports of weapons that can generate an orbital
swarm around a planet though those reports are as
yet unsubstantiated. If they were true, a military
armed with such a weapon would hold a signifi-
cant strategic advantage over an enemy world.
Solar flares release tremendous amounts of
electromagnetic energy (including harmful ultravi-
olet rays and X-rays), as well as highly charged pro-
tons and electrons. The effects are comparable to a
radioactive blast from one hundred million billion
tons of TNT (compared to the 20,000-ton equiva-
lent blasts that destroyed Hiroshima and
Nagasaki). Fortunately, while solar flares aren’t
rare, they are predictable.
An unprotected creature exposed to radiation
from a solar flare is treated as “severely irradiated”
for the purposes of determining the radiation’s
effects (see Radiation Sickness in the future SRD).
In addition to facing dangerous creatures and
harsh environmental conditions, space explorers
must occasionally contend with xenobiological
hazards – nonsentient forms of life that are, by
their very nature, menacing and dangerous with-
out being openly adversarial.
Xenobiological hazards are treated more like
traps than creatures. They have Challenge Ratings
(CRs), and heroes earn experience points for surviv-
ing or overcoming them. A xenobiological hazard
might be a pool of corrosive slime or a patch of
mold that feeds on the warmth of nearby life
forms. It’s not deliberately predatory, just danger-
ous by nature.
Additionally, space explorers may also
encounter non-living hazards (typically unusual
Four of the hazards in this PDF – corrosive
membrane, Jefferson’s Root, space slime, and
the space slime pool – are depicted in
SkeletonKey Games’ e-Future Tiles:
Xenomorph Hive tile set. You can use the
Xenomorph Hive tile set to create a minia-
tures-scale alien environment into which
your players must descend, possibly to never
return. To learn more about SkeletonKey
Games, and their e-Future Tiles series –
please visit www.skeletonkeygames.com
or www.starbaseprime.com.
These long, flesh-like strings stretch across
objects, slowly growing to fill entire areas if they’re
left unchecked. A patch of corrosive membrane
springs from the shell of a character or creature
that was completely devoured by a patch of
Jefferson’s Root (see p. 5). This foul hazard has a
symbiotic relationship with Jefferson’s Root: a cor-
rosive membrane patch shrivels up and dies within
2d6 minutes of being separated from a patch of
Jefferson’s Root.
A single 5-foot corrosive membrane patch deals
1d2 points of Constitution damage per round (+1
point of Constitution drain for each adjacent
Jefferson’s Root patch) while it devours flesh.
Against wood or metal, a corrosive membrane
patch deals 1d3 points of damage per round, ignor-
ing metal’s hardness but not that of wood. It does
not harm stone.
An injection of sporekill or 5 or more points of
cold or fire damage destroys a 5-foot corrosive
membrane patch.
This black-colored slime is a mixture of artificial
and organic fluids, brought into existence when a
cybernetic component is damaged and left unre-
paired. One week after suffering damage, there is a
15% chance that an unrepaired cybernetic compo-
nent will fill with cybernetic slime, inflicting 1 point
of Constitution damage to the character for each
day the problem is left untreated. A character that
is completely consumed by the cybernetic slimes
(and character reduced to a Constitution score of 0
or lower) is forever lost, leaving behind a 5-foot
patch of cybernetic slime. Curing a character of
cybernetic slime – before it kills him – requires
that the damaged cybernetic component be
repaired and then five successful Treat Injury
checks (DC 15), each check requiring a full day dur-
ing which time the victim may do nothing but rest.
When touched, a 5-foot patch of cybernetic
slime deals 2d4 points of acid damage per round
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while it devours flesh. On the first round of contact,
the slime can be scraped off a creature (most likely
destroying the scraping device), but after that it
must be frozen, burned, or cut away (dealing dam-
age to the victim as well). Against wood or metal,
cybernetic slime deals 1d6 points of acid damage
per round, ignoring the metal or wood’s hardness.
A character with cybernetics that comes into
contact with a patch of cybernetic slime must
make a successful Fortitude saving throw (DC 15)
or the character is stunned for 2d4 rounds, during
which time the slime devours the character’s flesh.
A patch of cybernetic slime is destroyed if it suf-
fers 10 points of fire or electricity damage in a sin-
gle attack.
This terrible disease strikes the victim’s
genetic structure, tearing away at the victim’s
very genetic identity. Gene fever is dangerous
and in several systems most that are subject-
ed to it, if the authorities learn of the sickness,
are quarantined and never released from iso-
Type: Inhaled/Contact (DC 20).
Incubation Period: 2d4+1 minutes.
Initial Damage: 1 Str and 1 Con.
Secondary Damage: 1d4 Str, 1d6+1
Con, and the victim gains 1 random mutation
Endothermic mold feeds on warmth, siphoning
heat from anything around it. A patch of endother-
mic mold is red-brown in color and 5 feet in diam-
eter, and the temperature is always cold in a 30-
foot radius around it. Living creatures within 5 feet
take 3d6 points of nonlethal cold damage. Fire
brought within 5 feet of the mold causes it to
instantly double in size.
A 5-foot patch of endothermic mold is
destroyed if it takes 5 or more points of cold dam-
This harmless looking cloud of fog, a dull gray in
color, hangs suspended a few feet above the
ground. Encountered only on small planets and
large moons with a toxic atmosphere, a gravita-
tional fog is a bizarre gravitational anomaly – the
fog adjusts the world’s gravity (if it is normal) by
one step in a random direction (determine once for
each fog encountered) in the squares it covers and
those adjacent to it. On a low- or high-gravity
world the fog shifts the affected area’s gravity to
A gravitational fog cannot be dissipated – high
winds, artificial or natural, have no effect on the
fog. The only thing that can be done is to wait for
the fog to cease to exist on its own; a gravitational
fog patch – most are a 20-foot cube – has a natu-
ral lifespan of only 4d6 hours.
This dull gray-green mold is sometimes created
when a tank holding a genetic experiment – usu-
ally in a thick, liquid-like substance – is cracked and
the genetic material leaks, pooling on the ground
beneath the tank. If left alone for 1d6+1 days the
substance begins to grow, forming a 5-foot square
patch of genetic mold. If disturbed by any means
(touch, wind, etc.), a patch of genetic mold releases
a cloud of spores that are toxic to any character or
creature that the spores come into contact with. All
characters and creatures within 10 ft. of the mold
must make a Reflex save (DC 20) or be subjected to
Gene Fever (see box).
Fire destroys a patch of gene mold.
These thick, heavy tentacles were named for the
explorer that first reported their existence (and,
coincidentally enough, was the first reported
human to be killed by the hazardous plant-like
creature). The source of Jefferson’s Root is
unknown, though it is known that they grow from
spores that drift silently through space. Whenever
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