d20 RPG Objects Blood & Relics Demonic Heroes.pdf

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David Jarvis
Additional Game Design By
Mark Gedak, Charles Rice
Cover Art
Jeremy Simmons, Charles Rice
Interior Art
John Longenbaugh
Bradly K. Mcdevitt
Jason Walton
David Jarvis
Charles Rice, Paul King
statblocks By
Paul King
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upstanding citizen, but he will always have to deal with the
urges of his demonic heritage. Aside from the obvious physical
drawbacks, having demonic ancestry carries with it a primal
desire to commit acts which others deem sinful. Also, there exist
factions dedicated to ridding the world of demonic influence, often
competing with infernal-aligned factions who attempt to exert
their influence upon the character and involve him in their myriad
No beings are more foul or offensive to
righteousness than these fallen angels, these
fiendish minions of evil. Throughout history there
have been numerous documents published on
the subject of demons ranging from documented
accounts of demonic possession to allegorical tales,
the most notable of which are Goethe’s Faust and Dante’s Inferno.
These myriad resources detail the nature of demons and devils, list
infernal rankings and present sigils purported to be directly linked
to individual demons. In addition, there exists an array of rituals
explaining how to summon these nefarious beings.
When these bits of information are pieced together an entire
shadow society begins to take shape, complete with a complex
hierarchy of infernal generals, lords, dukes and countless minions,
all of them equally hideous and powerful in their own right. These
beings dwell in the nether-regions beyond the material world in
mournful hellish dimensions. It is said that demons may only enter
the mortal world at the behest of a powerful magus, yet there are
those who say the damned walk among us, their true natures veiled
in a mask of humanity. What purpose they might have can only be
guessed at, though it seems fair enough to presume their intentions
are less than benevolent.
These infernal beings might be vagrants, drifting among the
detritus of humanity to prey on those unfortunate souls who have
fallen by the wayside on their journey through life. They may be
construction workers, waitresses, actors, computer programmers,
musicians, bodyguards, dishwashers, lawyers or even politicians.
In short, demons might be anyone, even heroes.
The moment when your character realizes the truth of
her origins is a profound moment usually marked by some type
of physical or mental trauma, known as the calling by other
daemons. The calling might coincide with some other equally
profound or traumatic event, such as the onset of puberty, physical
violence, marriage, a car accident, or graduation from high school.
Whatever the occasion, the calling should be marked by something
deeply significant to the character.
This first manifestation of demonic power can come swiftly in
response to a great need or emotionally charged situation such as
public embarrassment or even an argument with a loved one. The
character might suddenly learn of her demonic heritage from her
parent(s) or be the target of a ritual designed to trigger the calling
within her being.
Alternately, the calling might happen over the course of days
or even weeks, being a slow but sure process of self-discovery.
Demonic Heroes
Indeed, during the history of the world, there have been
whisperings of demons who have mated
with mortals, producing offspring that carried the traits of both
human and demon.
These individuals are more commonly known as daemons; half
human, half demon. In ancient times these creatures might have
been killed at birth, but we live in a more civilized society where
man-made laws and religious morality prevent such behavior.
A good mother would never kill her newborn babe, no matter
what its parentage might be. This of course, assumes the mother
even knew the truth of the father’s origins (or the father knew the
mother’s origins, whichever the case may be). Also, the demonic
nature of a mortal isn’t always readily apparent, especially in an
It might be years until
anyone ever suspects that
something isn’t quite right about the child, that it possesses certain
qualities, certain behaviors that separate it from other children.
Again, murdering the child is simply not an option. Not in a
civilized society. And, there is always denial of the truth to blind
the parent’s eyes to the reality of what little Jimmy is; a demon.
But does that make him evil?
Not necessarily…
In life, nothing is ever so black and white as people would
have you believe. Jimmy may very well grow up to be a fine,
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During this period, the character is challenged on many levels,
both physically and emotionally. Her personal and professional
life is often in an uproar as she struggles to adapt to the changes
in her mind and body as well as deal with the other stresses in her
life. Whatever the case, the calling is a trial by fire all characters
must go through (and in some cases, survive).
* Note * Game masters and players alike are encouraged to role-
play the calling as a prelude to taking the hero class. There is no
system for the calling. The calling is purely a story element to aid
players in the development of their character.
(current events, pop culture) (Int), Perform (Cha) (choose one)
Gluttony : Craft (visual art) (Int), Gamble (Wis), Knowledge
(art, behavioural sciences) (Int),
Greed : Disguise (Cha), Knowledge (business, civics) (Int),
Sleight of Hand (Dex)
Lust : Craft (pharmaceutical) (Int), Escape Artist
(Dex), Gather Information (Cha), Sense Motive (Wis)
Pride : Knowledge (arcane lore, history) (Int), Research (Int),
Search (Int)
Sloth : Craft (electronic) (Int), Knowledge (physical sciences)
(Int), Repair (Int), Survival (Wis)
Wrath : Climb (Str), Jump (Str), Swim (Swim), Tumble (Dex)
Also, the starting occupation you select can provide you with
additional class skills to choose from.
Skill Points at 1st Level : (4 + Int modifier) x4. Since
Demonblood heroes are not fully human, they do not get the
human bonus skill point.
Skill Points at Each Additional Level : 4 + Int modifier.
Starting Feats
Demonblood heroes are not quite human and as such begin
the game with only 1 feat at 1st level. They gain the Demonic
Heritage initial feat as a bonus feat.
Demonblood Hero
(New Base Class)
Game Rule Information
Demonblood heroes have the following game statistics. The
Demonblooded hero is a restricted basic class. It can only be taken
with the GM’s permission and only if you are 1st level, you can
only multiclass with the Demonblood hero class if you take a level
in this class at 1st level as it approximates both a class and a racial
background. This basic class is also only open to humans. Upon
reaching 2nd level a Demonblood hero could multiclass into any
other class for which they met the prerequisites.
* Note * If the game master allows, this Basic class can be taken
by Tieflings or Half-fiends.
Charisma and Intelligence are both abilities associated with this
class. Like the Caeder and ladies from whom the demonblood hero
can trace their lineage, demonblood heroes have a natural force of
will that draws others to them.
Hit Dice
Demonblood heroes gain 1d8 hit points per level. The
character’s Constitution modifier applies. A 1st level demonblood
hero receives hit points equal to 8 + his Constitution modifier.
Action Points
Demonblood heroes gain a number of action points equal to 5 +
one-half their character level, rounded down, at 1st level and every
time they attain a new level in this class.
Class Skills
The Demonblood hero’s class skills, and key ability for each
skill, are as follows (see the system reference document for skill
Bluff (Cha), Diplomacy (Cha), Drive (Dex), Hide (Dex),
Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (theology and philosophy) (Int),
Listen (Wis), Profession (Wis), Speak Language, Spot (Wis).
Upon creation of a 1st level Demonblood hero, the character
must choose a demonic bloodline. Once chosen, the character’s
bloodline can never
be changed. The
demonic bloodlines
are all keyed to one
of the seven deadly
sins and offer a
level of character
customization such
as an additional four
skills keyed to that
Envy : Investigate
(Int), Knowledge
Class Features
All of the following are class features of the Demonblood hero.
At 3rd, 5th, 7th, and 9th level the Demonblood hero selects a
talent from the following talent trees. Some trees have a set order
that must be followed, while others provide a list to choose from.
As long the hero qualifies, you can select freely from the Demon
Body and Hellfire Talent Trees, as well as your selected Bloodline
talent tree. No talent tree can be selected more than once unless
expressly indicated.
Beginning Talents : A 1st level Demonblood hero always
possesses the Alternate Form talent of the Demon Body Tree.
Demon Body Talent Tree
A demonblood hero is able to grow into a body more fitting his
demonic heritage as he ages and grows in life experiences. Each
of the talents in this tree help shape the body of the demonblood
hero into a more demonic form.
Alternate Form : The public face that a demonblood hero wears
is not a true reflection of the corruption within. The demonblood
hero has two forms, that of a normal human and that of his
demonic heritage.
Upon taking this talent the demonblood hero can, as a full round
action, shift between human and demonic form. Some of the
talents in the Demon Body tree and Bloodline trees can only be
Table 1-1: The demonblood hero
Base Attack
Class Features
Alternate Form
Bonus Feat
Bonus Feat
Bonus Feat
Bonus Feat
Bonus Feat
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used in demonic form. The demonblood hero gains a +2 bonus on
Intimidate skill checks but a -2 penalty on Disguise skill checks
while in this fiendish form.
Bite : The demonblood hero can make a bite attack (1d6) while
in demonic form.
Prerequisites : Alternate Form
Claws : The demonblood hero can make claw attacks (1d4) as a
full attack action while in demonic form. This ability also grants
the demonblood hero a +4 racial bonus on Climb skill checks.
Prerequisites : Alternate Form
Demon Skin : The demonblood hero gains a +1 natural armor
bonus as his hide becomes tougher by his unnatural heritage. This
talent may be multiple times.
Prerequisites : Alternate Form
Resistance I : The demonblood hero gains +4 to saving throws
vs. poison.
Prerequisites : Alternate Form
Resistance II : The demonblood hero gains +4 to saving throws
vs. disease.
Prerequisites : Alternate Form
Improved Claws : The Demonblood hero’s claw attacks inflict
1d6 damage while in demonic form.
Prerequisites : Alternate Form, Claws
Water Breathing : The demonblood hero can breathe
underwater as well as on land with a complex gill/lung system.
Prerequisites : Alternate Form, Bloodline (Envy) (any talent)
Hellfire Talent Tree
Many demonblood hold as much fear in their ability to summon
hellfire as they do the lineage which allows them to do so. There
are those few who embrace this powerful gift of heritage, and in
doing so they are able to achieve startling results.
Hell’s Grasp : Any mortal struck by this demonblood hero’s
hellfire has a 10% chance that they will suffer a brief but lasting
glimpse of the true horrors of Hell. The target thinks he has been
thrust into the mouth of hell for a brief instant before being tossed
back to Earth, which leaves them nearly catatonic and shaken for
one round.
Those who have been afflicted by the mental illusions created
by this talent must make a Will save (DC 10 + demonblood hero’s
level + demonblood hero’s Wis modifier) or become cowering
falling into a near comatose state where they are unable to do
much more tremble. (This effect is temporary, the victim recieves
another Will save with the same DC every minute to recover.)
Some characters repent when they see the damnation that awaits
them at the end of an evil life. If the target of this ability has an
allegiance to a Dark Power, Avarice, Gluttony, Jealousy, Laziness,
Lust, Pride and/or Wrath and fails his Will save against this
ability, he may immediately choose to change these allegiances or
renounce them. The game master chooses whether NPCs change
their ways. If this ability is used on a player, he makes the choice
for himself.
Hell’s Breath : This ability allows the demonblood hero to
breathe hellfire on a target within 5 feet as a touch attack. If this
attack hits the target suffers 1-4 points of damage plus half the
character’s demonblood level. This attack has a 20% chance to
offer the target a glimpse of hell, as described under the Hell’s
Grasp ability.
Prerequisite : Hell’s Grasp
Hell’s Fire : This ability allows the demonblood hero to shoot
a jet of flame out to a range of 30 feet as a touch attack. If this
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