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Blood and Fists
by Charles Rice
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Designer: Charles Rice
Editing : Eric Rountree.
Cover Art: Jeremy Simmons
Interior Art : Chris Martinez
Layout : Chris Davis
Creative Director: Chris Davis
Playtesting and Editing: Carrie Baize, Charles Baize,
Corey Hodges, Ryan Kelly, Edward Lennon, Paula
Rice, Josh Roehm
Requires the use of a Roleplaying Game Core Book
published by Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
The ‘d20 System’ and the ‘d20 System’ logo are
Trademarks owned by Wizards of the Coast and are
used according to the terms of the d20 System License
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www.wizards.com. Portions of this work are derived
from the d20 System Reference Document.
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Table of Contents
Bad-Ass Barroom Brawler
Contemplative Master
Martial Arts Master
General Feats
Martial Arts Styles
Martial Arts Maneuvers
Signature Maneuvers
Ki Feats
Martial Arts Mastery
Mastery Definitions
Martial Arts Weapons
The Hanmei
Appendix 1: Feats
Open Game License
Copyright 2003 © RPG Objects. All rights Reserved.
Visit our web site at www.RPGObjects.com.
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Hanging up the phone, Brianna sank down into the
tub, letting the water cover her completely.
The men were laughing.
“Look, sweetness, you want no part of this. This isn’t
daddy’s dojo in Fresno. Got it?”
Brianna brought her knees up to her chest one at a
time, then, while each knee was still against her chest
that leg went straight up into the air. Both feet on the
ground, she doubled over backward, placing her hands
lat on the ground. After holding this position for a few
seconds, during which time her back popped—out of
shape, too much time over a typewriter at the paper—she
brought her legs up, held the handstand for a few
seconds, then went over the rest of the way. She moved
her head from side to side, momentarily resting an ear
on each shoulder—and causing her neck to pop both
times—then tied her long chestnut hair back into a
ponytail and stepped out of her shoes.
The men were no longer laughing.
“Look, is this a date, or what? I made all the right
‘contributions’ to the old folks’ home. I thought you boys
liked to party.”
The men formed a circle around her.
One stepped forward, his sadistic grin showing the
teeth he had lost in previous streetighting. “All right,
Cutie. I promise to be gentle.”
Brianna smiled. “That doesn’t work for me, sugar.”
The punk never saw the snap-kick—or the circle kick
that robbed his smile of another tooth—but he managed
to throw himself out of the way of the jump kick that
would have snapped his head back into oblivion. The
men surrounding them starting screaming as if on cue,
with the men in the back—the hard-looking Japanese
men with the bulges in their jackets, the men she was
actually here to meet—taking bets.
“What the fuck was that?!?”
Brianna smiled again, her sweet southern drawl
mocking the man on the ground. “That’s Hapkido,
darlin’. Did you miss the lecture on Korean history at the
museum last week?” She moved in a slow circle around
him, keeping her eyes on the throng surrounding her to
make sure no one wanted to join the “party.”
The man sprang to his feet, spitting out a mouthful of
blood, which caught one of the spectators right in the
face. The man growled and surged forward, but a voice
in the back hissed something, and he froze in his tracks.
Good. This might be the Hanmei after all.
Five hours later, back in her hotel room, Brianna
slipped into a long-overdue hot bath, working out
strain in muscles long left unused. Before surrendering
altogether to the hot water, she picked up her cell phone
and hit the speed dial. “Constitution. Do you know the
extension of the party you’re trying to reach?”
Brianna’s mind was already fogging over, but she
managed to mumble “868.”
“Hello, this is Foreign Affairs Editor Jim Philby. I’m
not at my desk right now, but leave me a message, and
I’ll return your call as soon as time permits.”
“Jim. Bri. I’m in.”
The d20 Modern Roleplaying Game handles martial
arts well enough for games that focus on gunplay,
driving, criminal shenanigans, getting your brain eaten
by zombies, and all that other fun stuff, but in these
games, combat with weapons is a preference, and a skill
in unarmed combat is developed as a fallback position
in case you are disarmed. Many people, however, enjoy
watching movies with Bruce Lee, Jackie Chan, Jean-
Claude van Damme, and others that feature a decided
focus on unarmed combat. Blood and Fists allows you
to bring these kinds of combat situations into your d20
Modern game. In addition to two-isted, two-footed
action scenes, Blood and Fists also gives you new rules
for the more mystical side of the martial arts, abilities
like Ki and Zen.
Blood and Fists begins with three advanced classes
to round out the selection offered in the d20 Modern
Roleplaying . Two of these, the Martial Arts Master and
the Contemplative Master, are offered as alternatives to
the d20 Modern Martial Artist advanced class. Following
these classes, a section with three new skills, plus one or
two new uses for existing skills, is offered.
Next is the heart of Blood and Fists : the new feats.
Blood and Fists presents over one-hundred new feats
to augment the martial arts rules presented in the d20
Modern Roleplaying Game . These feats are broken down
into several categories, including: Martial Arts Styles,
representing over thirty real styles to replace the generic
martial arts feats in the d20 Modern Roleplaying Game ;
Martial Arts Maneuvers, representing the specialized and
advanced moves learned by the dedicated martial artist;
Signature Maneuvers, representing the exotic moves and
stances found in some styles; and lastly, the Power of Ki,
which brings Ki into the game as a new form of FX.
The next section presents new weapons and weapon
rules from nations around the world, broken down
culturally and geographically.
Following this, Blood and Fists presents a section
on the Martial Arts Campaign, which presents Martial
Arts Campaign Themes. A Theme is somewhat like
the Campaign Models presented in the d20 Modern
Roleplaying Game , except that Themes may come and
go through the course of the campaign.
Blood and Fists concludes with the Hanmei , a
tournament run by a mysterious Chinese businessman,
a tournament where qualifying takes place in the back-
alleys of California, Japan, and Hong Kong, and where
the inal rounds take place in the penthouse gardens of
Japan’s elite. GMs may enter their PCs into the Hanmei
as an action-illed adventure to ind out who is the best,
or the characters may investigate the Hanmei’s darker
secrets. The Hanmei section presents martial artists of
every description, and the GM may use these characters
as recurring allies and adversaries in the campaign even
if he does not use the Hanmei.
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away, Max kicked the downed biker with his steel toe.
“You listening, you ignorant fuck?!? Good. Don’t ever
call me a hick!”
Max spit on the man and walked back toward his
truck. The head handler ran over. “No weapons! No
Weapons! That one doesn’t count!”
Max laughed, then frowned, seeing that the biker had
made him waste his last beer. Taking out his pack of
uniltereds, he watched as the other toughs tried, without
success, to get the biker to stand.
He was about to light a smoke, but he suddenly
changed his mind. He tossed the cigarette pack into the
truck and barreled towards the action again, grabbing
two of the onlookers and smashing their heads together.
“All right then, who else’s sorry ass do I have to kick?
One of the spectators had gone down, and Max drew
back to kick him like he had the biker, when the handlers
grabbed him again. “All right! All right! You win! You
Max shrugged his shoulders, simultaneously
dislodging the thugs.
“Whatever. Look, is there a secret handshake or
something? I’m thirsty.”
One of the Japanese men, the one who spoke English,
stepped forward and handed him a card. It had two
numbers on it.
“What the hell is this, your phone number? I don’t
want a date, Hop Sing.”
“It is a time and a light number. The next stage of the
Hanmei takes place in Hong Kong.
Chapter 1:
This section presents three new
advanced classes for d20 Modern
games. The Bad-Ass Barroom
Brawler is a wild, undisciplined ighter
who relies on anger, brute strength, and
dirty tricks to win his battles. The Contemplative Master
explores the mystical side of the martial arts, learning the
subtle yet powerful mysteries of Ki and pressure points.
The Martial Arts Master is the living embodiment of his
style, learning its maneuvers and mastering them to a
degree few characters can match.
Bad-Ass Barroom
Max watched the two ighting men, then turned away
in disgust. As he walked over to his beat-up truck, he
glanced at the little Japanese twerps that ran these
“qualiiers.” He could feel their eyes on him as he
reached in through the passenger window and pulled out
a beer. Grinning at the closest one, Max stared right into
his eyes as he opened the bottle with his teeth.
“Mr. Riggs, that might not be the best idea. You only
get one attempt to qualify.”
Max spit out the cap and took a long swig of his beer.
“What, you think I need to be sober to beat those guys?”
Suddenly the crowd split open, and one of the two men
was on the ground. The other, the big bald asshole with
the Nazi tattoos all over his chest, was glaring at Max.
“Don’t ever talk about me, hick.”
Max growled, the veins of his thick neck bulging as
he surged forward. The Japanese handlers were yelling.
Max smashed the huge man right across the face with
the bottle, ignoring the spray of beer and blood that
showered him as he grabbed the biker’s crotch with one
hand and his goatee with the other, upending him and
pile-driving him right into the pavement.
As the toughs who enforced the rules tried to drag him
The Bad-Ass Barroom Brawler character is a
baaaaaaaaad man. He’s the kind of guy who rides the
subway at night because it’s soothing. He has usually not
been formally trained in any ighting style, but not too
many people are willing to tell him that.
To qualify to become a Bad-Ass Barroom Brawler, a
character must fulill the following criteria.
Base Attack Bonus: +3.
Feats: Brawl, Streetighting.
Table 1-1: The Bad-Ass Barroom Brawler
Fort Save Ref Save Will Save
1 st
Rage 1/day
2 nd
Bonus Feat
3 rd
Cheap Shot +1d6
4 th
Bonus Feat
5 th
Rage 2/day
6 th
Cheap Shot +2d6
7 th
Bonus Feat
8 th
Bonus Feat
9 th
Cheap Shot +3d6
10 th
Rage 3/day
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or run) for the duration of that encounter. The Bad-
Ass Barroom Brawler can only ly into a rage once per
encounter, and only a certain number of times per day
(determined by level). Entering a rage takes no time
itself, but the Bad-Ass Barroom Brawler can only do it
during his action.
Bonus Feat: The Bad-Ass Barroom Brawler gains
a bonus feat at 2 nd , 4 th , 7 th , and 8 th level. The feat must
be selected from the following list, and the character
must meet the feat’s prerequisites to select it : Box Ears,
Cleave, Elbow Slam, Endurance, Frightful Presence,
Great Fortitude, Haymaker, Head Butt, Improved Brawl,
Improved Bull Rush, Improved Damage Threshold,
Improvised Weapon Proiciency, Kidney Punch, Power
Attack, Simple Weapon Proiciency, Toughness.
Cheap Shot: Once per combat, the Bad-Ass
Barroom Brawler can do something really nasty, dirty,
underhanded, and generally in violation of barroom
combat etiquette. If the attack hits, the Brawler inlicts
the listed amount of bonus damage. Hit or miss, the
Brawler’s opponent is on his guard for the rest of the
ight and will no longer be vulnerable to the attack. This
attack will not work on targets that are not subject to
critical hits or have no discernable anatomy.
The spectators whispered, wondering what the two men
were saying. Usually these little affairs were fun, like
something out of a movie. Instead, the old man was
talking to the handlers in Japanese, and—unusual for
them—they appeared to be showing him a great deal
of deference. Finally, however, the head handler, with
apparent reluctance, shook his head in a irm “No.”
The ring of onlookers rippled and parted as a young
man in Air Force fatigues pushed through. “Look, old
man,” he said in disgust, “some of us have business to
attend to here, you know?”
The old man turned, looking up at the much larger
American. “I am not here to ight. I am looking for my
daughter. I heard she was here.”
The young soldier coughed, grinning. “I know a lot of
Japanese girls. Maybe I know her.”
The old man turned his back on the soldier, again
speaking to the handlers in low tones, their Japanese
unintelligible. The men again began shaking their heads,
almost sadly.
“Hey, old man, don’t turn your back on me.”
The soldier grabbed the old man by the shoulder,
intending to spin him around, but the old man reached
up and grabbed his hand, in the center, with only two
ingers. Suddenly the soldier was on his knees, writhing
in agony. The old man twisted his arm behind his back,
placed one foot on it, and casually pinned the large man
to the ground. Penetrating gray eyes raked the crowd as
the irst hint of impatience entered the old man’s voice.
“I am not here to ight. I am Ishinomori Katsumoto.
My daughter is named Brianna. I am looking for her.
Class Information
The following information pertains to the Bad-Ass
Barroom Brawler advanced class.
Hit Die: 1d12.
Action Points: 6 plus one-half the character’s level,
rounded down.
Class Skills: The Bad-Ass Barroom Brawler class
skills are as follows: Bluff, Drive, Gamble, Gather
Information, Intimidate, Knowledge (streetwise), Repair.
Skill Points per Level: 3 + Intelligence modiier.
Class Features
The following features pertain to the Bad-Ass Barroom
Brawler advanced class.
Rage: Bad-Ass Barroom Brawler temporarily gains +4
to Strength, +4 to Constitution, and a +2 morale bonus
on Will saves, but suffers a –2 penalty to AC.
The Constitution bonus increases the Bad-Ass
Barroom Brawler’s hit points by 2 points per level, but
these hit points go away at the end of the rage, at which
time the Constitution score drops back to normal. While
raging, a Bad-Ass Barroom Brawler cannot use skills or
abilities that require patience and concentration (the only
class skill he can use while raging is Intimidate).
A it of rage lasts for a number of rounds equal to
3 plus the character’s (newly improved) Constitution
modiier, but the Bad-Ass Barroom Brawler may
voluntarily end the rage before that time has elapsed.
At the end of the rage, the Bad-Ass Barroom Brawler is
fatigued (–2 to Strength, –2 to Dexterity, can’t charge
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