d20 RPG Objects Blood and Space Prometheus Rising.pdf

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Joseph Wigfield, V. SHANE
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Joe 2349 looked up at the stars through the
grimy Ganymede dome, taking a long drag off his
cigarette. Another day another murder. Well no one put a
gun to his head and told him to work homicide.
Sighing heavily he showed his badge to Jack 4590 and
stepped under the police tape into the dingy apartment.
A uniform was retching out the window and Joe couldn’t
blame him. The place was a charnel house. Blood on the
walls, blood on the god damned ceiling.
Joe fished another cigarette out of his jacket, critical
eyes taking in every detail of the scene.
He walked over to where Jack 3681 was dusting for
”What do you think Jack?”
Jack just shrugged, squinting. He reached over and
picked up his forensic handscanner and ran it over the
fingerprints the fine powder had revealed on the cracked
mirror, “Random killing?”
Joe chuckled, lighting his cigarette, “I guess that’s why
you’re forensics and I’m the detective huh?”
Looking around the room, Joe sobered, exhaling a long
drag of smoke, “No. There was nothing random about
this. Too much violence, its overkill. She was dead a long
time before this creep was done. And look at the way
she’s posed. Naked, but her legs are closed, like the killer
wanted to preserve some aspect of her dignity. Whoever
killed Jane Doe here knew her.”
Jack shrugged, smacking his handscanner down on the
counter, “She’s a Bambi actually. Any day now you piece
A beep let both men know the scanner had found a
match. Joe hoped the speed with which it had searched
the Ganymede database was a good sign. Maybe someone
with a criminal record as long as his arm who liked to
drink after he got violent at a bar right down the street.
Open and shut. That would be a nice change of pace.
Jack was smiling at him. That was never a good sign.
“Boys, we have a positive ID on the murderer.”
Joe frowned as the other detectives walked over or
looked in from outside.
Jack just grinned again, “Your prints Joe. You wouldn’t
happen to have an alibi for last night would you?”
Joe dropped his cigarette, cursing under his breath, “I
don’t suppose this Joe had a genetag?”
Jack just laughed shaking his head.
“I hate my job” was all Joe could think to say. This
goddamn case was going to be on his pad in red for the
rest of his life.
Finally he shrugged and put his hands together, “You
got me. I did it. I killed her. I loved her, but she was
cheating on me. We argued, there was a struggle… the
rest is a blur. Take me downtown, I’ll sign anything.”
Jack just laughed and tucked his scanner back into his
pack, “You wish. You’re not getting off this easy. Good
luck Joe.”
Jack leaned back against wall and fished another
cigarette out of his jacket, “I hate my job.”
He saw a couple of the junior detectives milling around
outside the window. Snarling he pushed himself off the
wall and stuck his head out the door of the apartment,
“Hey! You two lazy-ass rookies! Canvass the crowd. See
if anyone knew this girl, or her boyfriend. People DID
manage to solve murders before fingerprints and genetic
evidence you know.”
Suddenly his mind was focused on the job again.
Someone knew this girl. Or heard this fight. God he
must have beat her for an hour. And when he found that
someone, the creep was going to confess and he was
going to SIGN that confession.
Outside the rookies paused again after writing down
the information of a crying Jane. Seemed she worked with
the Bambi inside, had a line on a boyfriend.
“What’s with Sarge? He sure got up on the wrong side
of the matt this morning.”
The other detective looked over his shoulder, watching
Sergeant Joe 2349 going over the crime scene inside, “I
don’t know, you might be a little freaked out too if you
killed someone.”
His friend started to interject but was stopped by a
hand gesture, “I know the Sarge didn’t personally do her.
But it was a Joe. Same genes man. Think about it. That
means, given the right circumstances, that he could do
something like that. That sure as hell would cause me to
need a drink.”
Welcome to Prometheus Rising, the Future d20
campaign model from RPGObjects. This setting
serves both as a stand alone product as well as the
“home setting” for RPGObjects’ future d20 line of
Blood and Space books. What this means is that you
can use this setting alone, but will get a great deal
more out of it the more books in the Blood and Space
line you own.
Prometheus Rising presents a vision of the far
future that takes place entirely in Earth’s solar system.
Mankind has had to overcome its own demons to
explore the solar system. Where the game goes
from there is entirely up to you. Will you play as the
explorers of the solar system? Fight in the brutal civil
war between Earth and her Jovian colonies? Or stand
on the bridge of an FTL driven starship preparing to
explore a solar system beyond Earth. All these and
more are possible in the Prometheus setting.
A Note about Technology: The Prometheus setting
is a PL 6 science fiction setting using the modern and
future d20 rules. However there is alien technology
extant which could range as high as PL 9.
Prometheus Rising
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“… look are you the medical examiner or aren’t you?
Just give me a god damn time of death ok?!?”
Joe cursed under his breath as he slammed down
the phone. He reached into his jacket and fished out his
cigarettes, staring at the crime scene photos. This part
of his job was the worst. Waiting on the “team”: the
evidence techs, the other police questioning the crowd
that always gathered around the crime scene. Soon they
would give Joe that one lead he needed and he’d be on
the street. That’s what this job was really about.
Looking up he saw one of the junior detectives walk
by, “Hey! You got my employee list?”
Joe looked at the paper and laughed, “Andy Eela…
the bartender’s name is Andy Eela?”
The young detective frowned. He obviously
thought he had made a mistake or his work had been
Joe stood up suddenly, grinning at the younger
detective, “What’s your name kid?”
The younger man swallowed, “R- Richard. I know I
just transferred from theft but I…”
“C’mon Rick, you want to hit the street and get out
of this damn office for awhile? Of course you do. Listen
do me a favor and go get us a car. Let’s go pay a visit
to Mr. Andy Eela.”
expectancy of an Android is less than 10 years. Given
the terribly dangerous conditions in which they work
however, most will live less than two.
Relations: Androids tend to be quiet, utilitarian,
and subservient. They are programmed with a very
“cooperative” personality. Also, keep in mind that
most Androids were only born a month or two prior to
entering service. This is by design. The MegaCorps
foster conditions in which Androids, ideally, will not
live long enough to develop their own personalities.
However, with the Jovian Wars conditions for
androids have changed immensely. Many rose up
against their former masters, throwing off the yoke of
slavery. Now they have been freed and are no longer
forced to perform dangerous labor without pay.
In the Prometheus setting only one true alien race has
been discovered. However, technology has worked
to expand the roles available for player characters
dramatically. Artificial intelligence, cloning and
manipulation of the human genome have all served to
create new races for players to explore.
Ability Modifiers
Int +4, Str –2, Cha –2
Cha +2, Str –2
Wis +2, Dex –2
Dex +2, Con –2
Str +4, Con +2, Int –2, Wis –2, Cha –2
Except as noted below androids conform to all the
characteristics of PL 6 Biodroids as detailed in the
future core rules.
Ability Scores: An android must select from one of
the following predetermined set of ability scores based
on the purpose for which it was built.
Laborer: Str 14, Dex 13, Con 0, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha
Int +2, Con –2
The ultimate expression of robotics, the truly self-
aware android, powered by the Logictronics™
Neural Net developed in 2297 in their Tycho City
research and development facility. This technology
allows robots to perform tasks too dangerous for
humans much more efficiently than with automated
probes. Soon androids are being shipped to the
Jovian colonies where thousands die flying dangerous
skimmer missions over Io and deep into Jupiter’s
atmosphere in search of fuel for the few working
Quicksilver drives in existence.
Physical Description: Androids are built for
work. They tend to be tall, muscular, and agile. No
thought is given to the aesthetic at all, and Androids
are often made of cheap materials that corrode and
pit on the surface over time, leading to actual holes
in their “skin” being a common sight. Their internal
components are purposely designed to fail over
time, leading to a very short “life”. The average life
Pilot: An android designed for piloting gains the
Astronaut Trainee occupation.
Wealth: Androids begin play either as slaves (if
the campaign takes place before the Jovian War) or as
newly-freed slaves. Either way they begin play with
a Wealth modifier of +1 regardless of occupation and
profession skill ranks (and remember the only feats an
android character begins play with are those granted
from occupation if any).
Armored Body: Androids are designed for
dangerous work and are built to absorb punishment.
All androids begin play with Resilium integrated
Pilot: Str 10, Dex 14, Con 0, Int 12, Wis 13, Cha 5
Androids do not improve their abilities every
4 th level like other characters. The only way for an
android to improve any of his ability scores is to
purchase ability upgrades (only Strength, Dexterity
and Intelligence are available on the open market at
the present time).
Starting Occupation: An android receives “base
programming” to allow it to perform the function
it was designed for. This base programming is the
equivalent of an occupation (but see Wealth below).
Labor: An android designed for labor chooses from
the following occupations: Athlete, Blue Collar, Rural
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Astronomers, also known as “peepers” are a rare
rewrite. No more than 1,000 of these men and women
are thought to exist and are rarely seen except for
those who make the long, lonely supply run to the
Pluto Deep Space Observatory.
Physical Description: The most striking feature on
an Astronomer is his eyes. Astronomers are rewritten
to have the sharpest vision for minute details, and in
dim light. In fact, the Pluto run is very unpopular
because the peepers won’t turn on the lights even for
the Haulers. They are nice enough to supply them
with nightvision goggles, however. In terms of height
and weight peepers tend to be within the human range,
though on the small side. In the words of Caleb
Storm, a legendary Hauler, “That’s because anyone
who wants that rewrite is a ****in’ geek to begin
Relations: As long as they are left to their work,
and left in the dark, Astronomers are extremely easy
Race and Gender
Base Height
Height Modifier
Base Weight
Weight Modifier
Android (labor)
6 ft. 6 in.
250 lbs
All astronomers share the following species traits:
Type: Humanoid
Size: Medium-size. Astronomers have no special
bonuses or penalties due to their size.
Base Speed: 30 feet
DarkVision (Ex): Astronomers see perfectly in
darkness out to 120’
Sharp Eyes (Ex): Astronomers have a +4 Racial
Bonus to the Spot skill. Spot is always a class skill
for these characters. However, Astronomers take
double damage, or are blinded for twice as long, by
any blinding attack or an attack that affects the eyes
(such as tear gas).
Preferred Occupations: Astronomers make
excellent scientists and their intellect is renowned
throughout the Sol System. If an astronomer selects
his starting occupation from the following list he may
either select an extra class skill and a +1 bonus to his
Reputation or Wealth modifiers (only one of these is
modified): Academic, Doctor and Technician.
Ability Modifiers: +4 Int, -2 Str, -2 Cha
Astronomers tend to be intellectually inclined.
Many have never picked up anything heavier than a
shotglass since high school however. And while they
might be handy, having enormous eyes is not the
fashion statement of the year.
Feats and Skills: Astronomers are considered
human for the purpose of feats and skills (they receive
2 feats at 1 st level and gain 1 additional skill point per
Android (pilot)
5 ft. 10 in.
150 lbs.
Astronomer (male) 4 ft. 5 in. (5 ft. 5 in. avg.)
+2d10 in.
85 lbs. (145 lbs. avg.)
*2d4 lbs.
Astronomer (female)
4 ft. (5 ft. avg.)
+2d10 in.
70 lbs. (130 lbs. avg.)
*2d4 lbs.
Clone (Jack)
5 ft. 10 in.
180 lbs.
Clone (Jill)
5 ft. 5 in.
135 lbs.
Clone (Joe)
6 ft. 4 in.
230 lbs.
Clone (Jane)
5 ft. 11 in.
185 lbs.
Clone (Bambi)
6 ft.
142 lbs.
Clone (Ken)
6 ft. 2 in.
184 lbs.
Earther (male)
5 ft. 2 in. (6 ft. 2 in. avg.)
+2d10 in.
140 lbs. (200 lbs. avg.)
*2d4 lbs.
Earther (Female) 4 ft. 9 in. (5 ft. 9 in. avg.)
+2d10 in.
115 lbs. (175 lbs. avg.)
*2d4 lbs.
Euro (male)
4 ft. 5 in. (5 ft. 5 in. avg.)
+2d10 in.
180 lbs. (276 lbs. avg.)
*2d6 lbs.
Euro (female) 4 ft. 10 in. (5 ft. 10 in. avg.)
+2d10 in.
220 lbs. (316 lbs. avg.)
*2d6 lbs.
Hopper (male)
5 ft. 4 in. (6 ft. 4 in. avg.)
+2d10 in.
100 lbs. (160 lbs. avg.)
*2d4 lbs.
Hopper (female) 4 ft. 11 in. (5 ft. 11 in. avg.)
+2d10 in.
70 lbs. (130 lbs. avg.)
*2d4 lbs.
Mauler (male) 6 ft. 10 in. (7 ft. 10 in. avg.)
+2d10 in.
250 lbs. (310 lbs. avg.)
*2d4 lbs.
Menome (male) 4 ft. 10 in. (5 ft. 10 in. avg.)
+2d10 in.
120 lbs. (180 lbs. avg.)
*2d4 lbs.
Menome (female) 4 ft. 5 in. (5 ft. 5 in. avg.)
+2d10 in.
85 lbs. (145 lbs. avg.)
*2d4 lbs.
Old*** Venerable**** PL 7***** PL 8
1 yr
2 yrs
4 yrs
5 yrs
8 yrs
10 yrs
Astronomer 8 yrs
12 yrs
16 yrs
50 yrs
70 yrs
90 yrs
6 yrs
9 yrs
12 yrs
38 yrs
53 yrs
60 yrs
8 yrs
12 yrs
16 yrs
60 yrs
80 yrs
100 yrs
8 yrs
12 yrs
16 yrs
50 yrs
70 yrs
90 yrs
8 yrs
12 yrs
16 yrs
50 yrs
70 yrs
90 yrs
3 yrs
5 yrs
10 yrs
28 yrs
40 yrs
53 yrs
8 yrs
12 yrs
16 yrs
50 yrs
70 yrs
90 yrs
* Children subtract –3 Str and Con; -1 Dex, Int, Wis and Cha
** At middle age: -1 Str, Dex and Con; +1 Int, Wis and Cha
*** At old age: -2 Str, Dex and Con; +1 Int, Wis and Cha
**** At venerable age: -3 Str, Dex and Con; +1 Int, Wis and Cha
***** Increase middle age, old and venerable maximum ages by this amount.
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One of the wonders of the Genetic Age, clones are
now a common part of everyday life. Clones are
created for a variety of purposes and are seen all
over the Sol system. The first six types of clones,
Jacks, Jills, Joes, Janes, Kens and Bambis, based on
“templates” were selected after worldwide searches
conducted in the 21 st century. These “models” are still
the most popular, however corporations, the military
and even certain private individuals are rumored to
have commissioned custom models.
Like androids and Maulers clones are not people
under the laws of the UEG and most are owned by
corporations. Sterile by design, they are grown,
trained for a specific purpose and then put to work. In
campaigns set during or after the Jovian War clones
are offered freedom by the Jovian colonies and many
flock to escape their slave status by joining the rebel
cause. However many clones, having never known
any other life fight for the MegaCorps as well.
All Clones share the following species traits:
Type: Humanoid
Size: Medium-size. Astronomers have no special
bonuses or penalties due to their size.
Base Speed: 30 feet
while others have become daring and infamous spies.
Those who take up the former profession are known
as “working boys/girls” while those in the latter are
called “Mata Haris” or “Bondsmen”.
Jack/Jill: These clones are bred for light labor and
technical work. During the gene wars when Drift
was rampant, populations were ebbing and laborers
were greatly in demand
an enormous number of
these clones were bred.
These clones are bred to
be introverted and passive
and are found in menial
positions throughout the Sol
system where they serve
with admirable devotion.
Fewer clones of this type
joined the Jovian rebels
than any other but enough
did that you can still run
into these men and women
throughout the moons.
Joes/Janes: These clones
were designed for heavy
labor. However early in their
existence it was discovered
that these clones made
excellent soldiers and that
has since become a staple
use for this clone model.
While Maulers make better
shock-troops, Joes are much
more stable and dependable
and can often be found with
non-commissioned officer
rank in MegaCorp security
and the UEG military.
A great enmity exists
between Joes and Maulers
since Joes are frequently
placed in command of the
unpredictable creatures.
Unlike Maulers and some of the newer clone
models, these original six clones are not subjected
to any form of growth acceleration. They are raised
in enormous orphanage-like homes where they play
and interact only with other clones (though of all
varieties). Classes are strictly taught by clones of their
type with curricula carefully crafted over the centuries
to produce certain valuable skills and personality
traits. While some in the cloning industry consider
this process old-fashioned and advocate growth
acceleration the industry stands by the concept of
“nurtured” clones.
Bambi/Ken: These clones are bred for
“entertainment” purposes. They serve as hostesses,
escorts and in less savory capacities. Despite their
image as little-better than prostitutes and gigolos
many of these clones in fact serve the wealthy as
life companions, even as husband or wife and are
colloquially known as “trophies”. In the colonies
where they have been freed many clones of this
type have become extremely successful in business
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