d20 Second Rat Games Background Noise.pdf

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Background Noise
David Reeder, Philip Jacques, and Erik A. Dewey
Second Rat Games
Authorship: David Reeder, Philip Jacques,
and Erik A. Dewey
Product Development: Erik A. Dewey
Art Direction: Erik A. Dewey
Cover Illustration: El
Interior Art: Cerberus
Table of Contents
Introduction ..............................................................3
Table A Family Status ..............................................4
Table B Family Wealth .............................................4
Table C Climate Table ..............................................4
Table D Terrain .........................................................5
Table E Community .................................................5
Table F Occupation Table .......................................5
Table G Location ......................................................6
Table H Birthplace ....................................................7
Table I Parental Events ............................................8
Table J Family Legacy ..............................................9
Table K Childhood Events .....................................10
Table L Adult Events ..............................................11
Table M Hobbies .....................................................15
Table N Personality ................................................15
Table O Cleric Events .............................................17
Table P Fighter Events ...........................................17
Table Q Wizard Events ...........................................18
Table R Thief Events ..............................................18
Table S Nature Events ............................................19
Table T Good Things ..............................................20
Table U Bad Things ................................................21
Table V Military Events ..........................................21
Table W Slavery Events .........................................22
Table X Prison Events ............................................23
Table Y Love Events ...............................................24
Table Z Strange Events ..........................................25
Table AA Nobility ....................................................26
Table BB Titles .........................................................26
Table CC Death Events ...........................................27
Table DD Who .........................................................27
Table EE Pets ...........................................................28
Table FF Pet Special Ability ..................................28
Table GG Gifts .........................................................29
Table HH Gods ........................................................29
Table II Birthmarks and Tattoos ..........................30
Table JJ Exotic Traits ..............................................31
Table KK Curses ......................................................31
Table LL Blessings ...................................................32
Table MM Crimes ....................................................32
Table NN Disfigurement ........................................33
Character Background Form ...............................34
Second Rat Games Staff:
Erik A. Dewey - Dictator-for-Life/Wordsmith/
Last of the Original Nice Guys
Donald G. Dennis - Queso Grande/Art Di-
rection/Production Monkey/Eater of Hobbits
Copyright © 2008 Second Rat Games.
All rights reserved.
Purchaser may print this book/file out for
their own use. This means they can take it to Kinko’s/
Staples/wherever and have it printed, it is really ok
with us.
The original file may not be distributed with-
out consent, however.
Produced and Distributed by Second Rat Games.
2615 S. Gardenia Ave.
Broken Arrow, OK 74012
(405) 204-1331
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Ultimately, it is our hope that this
book will help you expand your role-playing
and bring life to your characters that they
previously lacked. Please let us know if
you have any comments or thoughts at
How to Use This Book
The best use of this book is a
springboard for your imagination. When
all of the rolling is finished, you will find
the character’s past roughly detailed.
From there, all you need to do is smooth
everything out, play up any coincidences
you find, and ignore anything that does not
fit in your mind. The tables are there to help
you, not dictate what you must play.
In addition to creating backgrounds
from whole cloth, you can use the tables
within to generate information needed on-
the-fly. Looking for a title for a noble, or a
strange event to occur in the past, simply
choose the correct table and roll the dice.
One quick note, the tables are written
with the assumption that the character is a
generally good male individual in a fantasy
world. Feel free to alter any of the results to
better tailor them to your character.
Generating a Background
The process for generating a character
is fairly straight forward. First, print out the
Character Background form on the last page.
Then grab some percentile (d100) dice
and turn to Table A. On top of each table
are the instructions on how to use it and
also what the results represent. After each
table are the directions on where to go next.
Follow those and your background will be
built in no time.
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Section I: Unalterables
Patron (church, arcane,
The first part of the character’s
history deals with their family, locations,
climates, etc. These are the things that the
young character has no control over, thus
they are unalterable. Generally speaking,
the results on these tables are reveal what
life was like while the character grew up and
it is assumed that the family life is still the
same today.
Self Sufficient - never want
but don’t have traditional
86-95 Upper class
96-100 Noble
Proceed to table B.
Table B Family Wealth
This table will generate the current
wealth level of the character’s family. This
level does not immediately apply to the
character, but can be an indicator of what
resources the character has available back
Table A Family Status
This table will generate the current
social status of the character’s family. The
social status represents where in the societal
hierarchy others view the character’s family.
This is different than wealth since it is
entirely possible for a Lower Class family to
be extremely wealthy.
Note, that the results here will modify
Table F.
Roll Value
1-10 Clothes on their back
11-30 Poor
31-60 Comfortable
61-80 Well off
81-90 Wealthy
91-100 Want for nothing
Roll Value
Table F Mod
1-5 Slave
6-10 Criminal
Proceed to table C.
11-18 Refugee
19-20 Orphan
Table C Climate Table
21-45 Lower class
46-65 Middle class
This table shows the general climate
where the character’s family lives.
Roll Value
1-13 Sub artic
14-27 Arctic
28-41 Subtropical
42-55 Tropical
56-69 Tundra
79-82 Arid
83-100 Temperate
Proceed to table D.
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Table D Terrain
This table reveals what the
predominant terrain around the
character’s family’s home was like.
Roll Value
1-6 Mountain
7-12 Valley
13-18 Desert
19-24 Swamp
25-34 Plains
35-40 Hills
41-46 Cliff
47-52 Tropical
53-58 Tundra
59-64 Glacier
65-70 Marsh
71-76 Beach
77-83 Forest
84-91 Aquatic (shipboard/underwater)
92-97 Underground
Nomadic (ranged over multiple terrain
Table F Occupation Table
Proceed to table E.
This table lists the family’s primary
occupation. Roll first on the table below to
determine if the occupation applies to the
father, the mother, or both. Then roll on the
main occupation table to determine what
the occupation is, adding in the previous
Table E Community
Now we move on to the type of
community the family lives in. Like their
social status, the results on this table will
modify table F. Simply total the modifiers for
this and from table A.
Roll Value
1-75 Father only works.
76-80 Father and mother work together.
81-95 Mother only works.
96-100 Both work different jobs, roll twice
Table F
Roll Value
1-5 Tribe
6-10 Frontier homestead
11-15 Camp (mining, logging, military)
16-21 Thorpe
22-25 Compound (religious, military, arcane)
Main Occupation Table
26-35 Hamlet
36-46 Village
Roll Value
1-5 Farmer
6 Hunter/Trapper
7 Healing
8 Soldier
9 Fisherman
10 Herder
11-12 Criminal
47-57 Town
58-70 Large Town
71-85 City
86-98 Metropolis
Traveling band (entertainers,
salesmen, gypsies, etc.)
Proceed to table F.
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