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Future Armada: Valkyrn
Future Armada: Valkyrn
by Ryan Wolfe
The captain of Valkyrn Bravo-6 is Commander
Hiro Akari – a middle aged man of Japanese
decent who has risen through the ranks on his
own merit. Hiro grew up in the urban centers of
the capital and earned his way into the ConFed
academy at an early age. After completing flight
training he served as a fighter pilot aboard the
carrier Kyoto. He saw a fair bit of combat during
the border wars and earned several
commendations. Later he was promoted and
transferred to the Valkyrn “Bravo” squadron.
Future Armada: Valkyrn is copyright © 2006 Ryan Wolfe. All
text in this book other than proper names is designated as
open game content. You may not distribute this material
without permission of the author. Permission is granted to the
purchaser to print a copy of these documents (including art
and maps) for personal use.
Named for the Valkyrie of Norse mythology, the
Valkyrn class of interceptors is designed to
perform a wide variety of duties from escort, to
reconnaissance, to long range patrols. Basically,
one step up from a heavy fighter, they are
maneuverable and well armed – able to chase
down most other ships.
Though dedicated, honorable, and committed,
Hiro is also a bit of a loner. He likes the power of
the Valkyrn class interceptor but doesn’t like the
fact that it requires a co-pilot and carries a crew
of four. An introverted perfectionist, Hiro would
just as soon be flying solo as he has learned to
count only on himself when the chips are down.
Still, it is good to be in command and Hiro is
ambitious enough to want a capital ship some
day. The Valkyrn is a good stepping stone
between fighter jockey and a “real” command.
They carry a crew of four and often operate in
pairs. It takes a pilot and co-pilot to operate the
craft. The other crewmembers work
communications and sensors during
engagements, or rotate with the pilots during
extended patrols. The cramped quarters only
have a single set of bunk beds so sleeping must
be done in shifts.
While his occidental co-workers tease him
incessantly about his name, they respect Hiro’s
abilities and reliability. Their only complaint is
that he tends to treat his crew like equipment –
only interacting to give orders, and expecting
those orders to be carried out quickly and
efficiently without question. Because of this, and
the fact the Commander Akari insists on doing
any important tasks himself, he is usually
saddled with a crew of rookies. They will learn
their job well and stay out of Hiro’s way where a
veteran might insist on helping out.
These ships are a common sight at the
Vanguard stations along the border – often
refueling during long sorties, or providing a show
of force when the station skiffs are not enough.
Though officially part of the military arm of the
Confederation stellar navy, these ships are
routinely assigned to police duties as well.
The crew presented in this document is
assigned to Valkyrn “Bravo-6”, one of eight such
ships that based out of Port Bastion – a fairly
remote installation on the icy world of Amundsen
III. This dingy facility serves as a trade hub and
jumping off point for parts unknown. Bravo
Squadron is tasked with patrolling the
hinterlands of known space to watch for hostile
incursions and provide a first line of defense if
needed. They are also authorized to conduct
police duties as required.
On the maps each square is equivalent to 5 feet
unless noted otherwise. They can instead be
interpreted as 2 meters if that will work more
easily for your game system of choice.
Progress Level 7
Colossal (-8 size)
Tactical Speed
4,000 ft. (8 squares)
74 ft. + 73 ft. wingspan
11 (+ Dodge)
120 tons
Targeting Bonus +5
Hit Dice
(240 hp)
Cargo Capacity
10 tons
Pilot’s Class
Base Purchase
Pilot’s Dex
Military (+3)
Pilot’s Attack
Particle Impulse Engine,
Class V sensor array,
Improved targeting
Communications Mass transceiver
Defense Systems Improved autopilot system, damage control (1d10), particle field, magnetic field
2 fire-linked heavy particle beams (range increment 5,000 ft.)
1 plasma missile launcher (8 missiles, range increment 5,000 ft.)
2 fire-linked heavy particle beams +5 ranged (24d8)
1 plasma missile launcher +0 ranged (18d8 / 19-20)
Attack of
24229245.005.png 24229245.006.png
Interior Areas
Flight Deck
The Valkyrn has a forward area for the pilot and
copilot. The entire ship can be run effectively with
a trained operator in each of these two seats. The
pilot, in the forward seat does most of the basic
flying and handles the fixed-forward guns. The co-
pilot handles the more complicated flight systems,
countermeasures, and the missiles.
In other game systems, this area could hold a
mine-laying device rather than a missile system.
In d20, however, a single mine takes up a
whopping 100 tons of space! Since this is more
than the displacement tonnage of the entire ship,
missiles are installed instead. It is also
conceivable that this mechanism could be used to
deploy free-falling bombs (meant to be dropped in
Down a couple steps from the pilot area are two
additional crew stations – one dedicated to
communications and the other to sensors. Note
that canopy over this area can open up on either
side, allowing direct access to the outside. Since a
little climbing is involved, the rear entrance ramp
is more often used to enter and exit the ship.
Some planet-side patrols have been known to
carry a pair of hover-cycles in this area. There is
no space (or headroom) for a proper ground car.
Note that the rearmost 7 feet of this room slopes
upwards slightly. The ramp in that area is the
primary means of entering and leaving the ship
once it has landed, though even the stout
Commander Akari has to duck when using this
The cramped cabin area has a couple of narrow
bunks, a small kitchen area, and a tiny bathroom
with just a toilet inside. A video unit at the foot of
one bunk is the only option for entertainment.
There is a docking hatch in the ceiling and a
ladder that folds down to provide access.
Cargo Hold
The cargo area is a cold, low-ceilinged area with
bare metal walls, a pair of pressurized bomb bay
doors in the floor, and an exit ramp in the back..
As this room is tucked beneath the power plant
and immediately forward of the main engines, the
ambient noise level can get pretty high.
There is a small storage locker on either side of
the cabin door. These hold weapons and other
small items used during normal operations.
Generally the central cargo area is kept clear to
allow for easy access and smooth operation of the
missile system.
In the default configuration, the perimeter of this
area is occupied by an automated missile
deployment system. There is a loaded rack of four
missiles along each wall. In combat, this room is
depressurized and a robotic gantry lowers a rack
of missiles through the bomb bay doors, placing
them flush with the bottom of the craft. When
those four missiles are expended, the next rack is
automatically moved into position. If there is any
loose cargo in here, it will be lost to space when
the bay doors open.
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