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The Mines of Bloodstone
The Mines of Bloodstone
by Michael Dobson and Douglas Niles
Table of Contents
Introduction ...................................... 2
Chapter 1: A Hard Winter .......................... 4
The Caverns of the Orothiar Dwarves ................. 12
Chapter 2: The Big Valley ........................... 11
The Village of Guard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Chapter 3: The Bloodstone Mines .................... 15
Waukeshire of the Halflings ......................... 14
Chapter 4: Kingdoms of Deepearth ................... 20
The Temple of Orcus (Pull out) .................... 23, 26
Chapter 5: Council of War ........................... 30
The Dungeons of the Duergar (Pull out) ............ 24, 25
Chapter 6: The Temple of Orcus ..................... 33
BATTLESYSTEM™ Scenario 1 ....................... 32
BATTLESYSTEM Scenario 2 ...................... 32
Epilogue ....................................... 43
Test of Illusion (Area 33) ............................ 37
Test of Steel (Area 35) .............................. 38
Pregenerated Player Characters
Test of Speed (Area 36) ............................. 39
New Monsters .................................... 47
Legion of Undead (Area 59) ......................... 41
Editing: Mike Breault
Cover Art: Keith Parkinson
Interior Art: Graham Nolan
Cartography: Dave LaForce, Tom Darden, and Gloria Habriga
Typography: Betty Elmore
Graphic Design: Cohen OMalley, Dennis Kauth, and
Stephanie Tabat
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The Story
Indeed, the Witch-King made peace, but
had long been rumored to be hidden in the
on his own terms. He took the rich northern
Galenas, reached out to organize the bandits
provinces for his own, then generously
of the mountains. Soon a virtual army (allied
The information contained in this section
granted independence to the southern lords,
with Vaasa, of course) had built a camp in the
may be read aloud or shown to the players, or
as long as they paid tribute and acknowledged
canyon that once held the mining operations.
it may be revealed in the course of the adven-
the Witch-Kings power. This was a shrewd
The poor citizens of Bloodstone knew nothing
ture as the player characters explore the area,
political move, for each petty noble conspired
of this until the army began demanding trib-
conduct research, or ask those whom they en-
against the others for scraps of power and
ute of gold, food, and finally slaves.
wealth, throwing the entire south into politi-
Baron Tranth, Fifth Baron of Bloodstone,
cal chaos.
was discouraged and worn from long years of
hardship and defeat. His oath to protect and
For generations, the cold northern wastes
A steady stream of refugees moved south,
supported a scant population of hunters,
searching for an ever-elusive safety and leav-
defend his people had kept him going
trappers, and poor farmers. These hardy
ing economic chaos in their wake.
through each successive disaster. . . even the
souls scrabbled a meager living from the
Hardship and poverty were no strangers to
personal tragedy of his wifes death in child-
stony soil, and barely endured the long
one small barony. The barony of Bloodstone,
birth. He had counseled that his people give
dark winters.
so named for the deep-green chalcedony
tribute to the banditsanything, just to keep
flecked with red jasper that was mined there,
surviving. But slavery was worse than death,
That was before the coming of the Witch-
had once been a prosperous province of Da-
and so he resolved to fight back, even at the
King, Zhengyi, who formed the Kingdom of
mara, located in a verdant valley in the Galena
risk of losing all.
Vaasa and built the mysterious, evil Castle
Mountains. In addition to the gems that were
H e needed helppowerful help, but
Perilous atop a lonely crag near the sea.
its trademark, the barony gave its name to
where could he turn? There was no treasure
Some said that Zhengyi had enlisted the aid
Bloodstone Pass, the major route through the
with which to buy mercenaries. He could only
of powerful demons, and this must have been
Galenas to points north and west.
beg. Garlen and Garvin, two cousins, were
true, for the Kingdom of Vaasa soon raised a
At approximately the time the Witch-King
sent south just before the fall harvest to seek
powerful army of human and nonhuman
came to power in the north, the first of three
the aid of powerful adventurers who might
warriorsfar more than the northern lands
disasters befell Bloodstone.
save his people.
could possibly support. And with this army,
Once the bloodstone mines produced
To his amazement, his prayers were an-
Vaasa became a power to be reckoned with in
stones worth well over 100,000 gp annually.
swered. Seven brave and powerful adventurers
the Realms. Soon the Witch-King had closed
Human and dwarven workers toiled side by
came to the barons aidfor the princely sal-
the passes through the Galena Mountains,
side beneath the earth, providing a steady
ary of five silver pieces per day.
and during the Wolf Winter of 1137, his evil
stream of wealth. But one day, miners extend-
Operating under a cloak of secrecy and
gaze wandered south, toward the Kingdom of
ing a shaft awoke a nameless evil, and death
aided by the powerful magic of the seven he-
stalked the mines. Only a few workers re-
roes, the village prepared for battle. First, a
The armies of the Witch-King struck with-
turned to tell the tale. Many brave souls tried
party of tribute collectors was ambushed and
out warning and seemed unstoppable at first.
to enter the mines to defeat the evil, but to
wiped out. The villagers, long used to defeat,
But the army of Damara was brave and well-
this day none have returned.
were elated. Then came a battle on the open
trained, and soon the tides of battle turned.
The Wolf Winter of 1137 was particularly
field, and a punitive expedition by the bandit
For 10 long, bloody years, the forces of Vaasa
hard on the citizens of Bloodstone, for the
army was defeated!
and Damara fought, neither able to achieve
major source of their wealth was gone. Many
But then came a night of horror, when a
final victory. Many thousands of brave warriors
people starved in that long winter, and those
priest of Orcus conjured the dead of the
and fell creatures died, and their bodies rotted
who dared hunt for food became fodder for
Bloodstone graveyard to unholy life, and
in the fields.
the dire wolves of the Galenas.
corpses shambled the streets. A simultaneous
Then, in the summer of 1147, King Virdin
The second disaster struck when the Witch-
sneak attack by enemy cavalry resulted in the
burning of much of the village. The people of
faced the Witch-Kings cohorts at the Ford of
Kings armies closed the passes through the Ga-
Goliad in what would be the final engage-
lenas, cutting off the barony of Bloodstones
Bloodstone were sore afraid, but resolved to a
ment of the long war. Some say it was the
treachery of the Kings chief lieutenant, Felix
remaining source of wealth. Many families left
man that death was preferable to subjugation
for the south that year, and the population of
and slavery.
(who was reputed to be a secret member of the
the valley was only a scant fraction of what it
Then came the final battle, as the Grandfa-
Guild of Assassins, in league with the enemy),
had been. The remaining humans gathered
ther of Assassins himself took the field. The
who betrayed the young King to his death,
close to the Village of Bloodstone, abandoning
aged, the women, and the children took up
and his army into utter defeat.
the outlying areas. The dwarves, halflings, and
arms, and all the enemys might could not
The Witch-King and his secret ally, the
centaurs who shared the valley became clannish
sway them. The bandit army was broken, and
Grandfather of Assassins (whose mysterious
and insular, and withdrew to their own com-
the Grandfather of Assassins retreated by
mountain citadel is reputed to be somewhere
munities. Poverty settled in the valley. Bandits
magic to his mountain fastness.
in the Galena Mountains), moved quickly to
and strange creatures began to infest the passes
to the south. Escape was no longer possible; the
Yet even in the moment of victory, the
consolidate the victory. In a single night, the
baron realized that very soon winter would set
most loyal and powerful nobles of Damara
valley of Bloodstone was now completely iso-
in. Even now, the cold northern winds were
were slain by sword and by poison, leaving the
bringing the first frost to the valley. . .
craven, the incompetent, and the disloyal to
Then the third disaster struck. The Grand-
sue for peace.
father of Assassins, whose mysterious citadel
Notes for the
Dungeon Master
Set-Up #1:
On the Road Again...
Set-Up #2:
Bloodstone Redux
The Mines of Bloodstone is a campaign and
dungeon module for high-level (15+) player
characters. It is a sequel to H1, Bloodstone
Pass and the second part of the Bloodstone
Pass campaign series, although it can easily be
run as a stand-alone module. Two set-ups are
provided: one for newly-arrived PCs and one
for PCs who adventured in H1.
This adventure uses many of the newer
AD&D ® game books and accessories, includ-
ing the Dungeoneers Survival Guide (DSG),
the Wilderness Survival Guide (WSG), the
BATTLESYSTEM Fantasy Combat Supple-
ment, and the Book of Lairs. However, none
of these accessories are necessary to play this
adventure. Wherever possible, we have pro-
vided options that only use the traditional
core rules; in other cases, the sections that
would require the new rules can easily be
Pregenerated characters are provided for
those players whose characters are not yet of
sufficient level to handle this challenge. Cer-
tain situations are built around the specific
abilities of these characters, but handling
those situations will pose no challenge for the
experienced Dungeon Master. These charac-
ters have been assigned skills in accordance
with the DSG system.
In the Bloodstone Pass campaign, one of
our objectives is to provide a role-playing con-
text for PCs to become lords and rulers of a
kingdom of their own. In module H1, Lady
Christine, daughter of Baron Tranth of Blood-
stone, falls in love with the fighter with the
highest Charisma. If the PCs are successful in
restoring the wealth and power of the barony,
one of the PCs may marry Lady Christine and
thus become heir apparent. The baron will
then offer to retire in favor of his son-in-law,
and that character will become the Baron of
Bloodstone. He can then knight the other
PCs, as he chooses, and assign them leader-
ship roles in the realm. As the campaign
evolves, opportunities will arise to expand the
realm, and to ennoble the other PCs as lords
in their own right.
High-level modules are inherently open-
ended, because of the vast range of options
available to powerful characters. It takes skill
and a firm hand to run such adventures suc-
cessfully and to handle the unforeseen in the
context of the evolving plot: Good luck, and
good adventuring!
If you are bringing characters from an exist-
ing campaign into this module, you should
arrange for them to visit the ex-Kingdom of
Damara. Tell them about the Vaasan War and
Damaras defeat, and play up the chaos in the
southern provinces. The roads are choked with
refugees, giving you lots of opportunities to
have a refugee tell the PCs about events. Plant
a rumor or two about the amazing bloodstone
mines in the Galena Mountains, and suggest
that great wealth might be obtained there.
That should be enough to get most adventur-
ers on the right track. If that doesnt do it, an-
other refugee might know about the
Bloodstone War (the H1 story, as revealed on
page 2), and tell the parry rumors about great
battles to come. Be creativemost groups are
just looking for an excuse to go after adven-
If you are starting a new campaign with this
adventure, your players can either create their
own 15th-level characters or use the pregener-
ated characters provided herein. The charac-
ters would naturally know the history of the
war, if not that of Bloodstone Pass, and might
even be refugees. You can start the party with
the Obligatory Tavern Scene (Youre all in
this tavern, see, and you introduce yourselves,
and one of you says, Gee, lets find some
monsters to kill! and. . .), but we hope youll
be more creative than that. If you have a copy
of H1, look at The Circus of Doctor Trun-
dles for an alternative way to introduce a
group of new characters to each other.
To get characters from the southern prov-
inces of Damara to Bloodstone Pass, they
must go into the Galena Mountains. Module
H1 has a route map and some encounters, but
an easier way is to use REF3, The Book of
Lairs, and run some of the short adventures
thereinthey are much more exciting than a
list of empty random encounters. No map is
When the characters get into the valley, use
the gatefold map on the cover of this module
to trace their final route into the village. The
encounters on the inside cover can be used as
In the village of Bloodstone, the PCs can
get an audience with the baron (or talk to
Stephan the Innkeeper if they prefer), find
out the recent history of the pass, and go di-
rectly into Chapter 1.
If you are continuing the campaign begun
in H1, the adventure continues as follows:
If the forces of evil won the war, the PCs
must return and defeat them somehow. They
can recruit mercenaries from the Duchy of Ar-
cata, try to organize the nonhumans in the
valley, use guerrilla tactics against the camp,
or anything else they can think of. If they suc-
ceed, they are proclaimed as heroes, and the
war finally ends. If they fail utterly, the adven-
ture ends here.
On the other hand, if the forces of good
won the war, Lady Christine can become en-
gaged to one of the characters. Hold off on the
wedding and the characters assumption of
the barony until the successful conclusion of
this adventure. Have Baron Tranth appoint
the other characters to positions of responsi-
bility and honor. Those who have not been
knighted receive knighthoods. Possible jobs
for the characters include Court Wizard, ab-
bot of a new church (the character is responsi-
ble for financing and building the new
church), Knight Commander of the Baronial
Army, Seneschal of the Barony (good for a
player who enjoys paperwork and administra-
tion), Master of the Hunt (to get food for the
village, a good choice for a ranger), Bard Lau-
reate, or even Ambassador Plenipotentiary
and Extraordinarydo not let anyone feel left
The war ends in late fall, just before the first
snows set in. Spend part of a playing session
exploring daily life in Bloodstone. This can be
a pleasant change of pace for your campaign.
Introduce some of the minor characters who
did not get a chance to become known during
the war; let the characters find places to live
and create a role in the community for them-
selves. Have the characters visit the nonhu-
man communities to build better relations.
Let a month or two of game time pass, but
watch the amount of real time you spend.
Some players enjoy role-playing everyday life;
others get bored quickly. When you feel that
ennui is setting in, move quickly into Chapter
1, A Hard Winter.
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