MCTS - 70-431 - Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Implementation And Maintenance.pdf

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Copyright © 2006 by Solid Quality Learning
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Acquisitions Editor: Ken Jones
Project Editor: Laura Sackerman
Technical Editors: Rozanne Murphy Whalen and Dan Whalen
Copy Editor: Nancy Sixsmith
Indexer: Ginny Munroe
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There are always more people to thank than you ever have the space for. But the
authors would like to extend their sincere gratitude to the following for making this
book possible: A huge thanks to Ken Jones, Laura Sackerman, Jenny Moss Benson,
and everyone else at Microsoft Press, as well as Nancy Sixsmith, Dan Whalen, and
Rozanne Murphy Whalen—your Herculean efforts have not been missed. Also thanks
to Kathy Blomstrom, content development manager for Solid Quality Learning, for
her tireless work on the project and to Federico Bazo Alfaro for helping to keep the
wheels moving.
In addition, the authors would like to acknowledge the following special people:
Daren Bieniek I would like to thank my mom (MaryAnn), wife (Shara), and daughter
(Amelia) for tolerating all of those times that I said, “I can't right now. I'm working.”
Mike Hotek I’d like to thank the SQL Server Development Team for creating a prod-
uct that my life has revolved around for more than 15 years. Thanks to my sister Car-
rie, brother-in-law Dan, and nieces Tasha and Ashley for the support to keep going. I
would have never made it here without my grandparents, whom I’ve always thought
of as my other set of parents, for being a huge part of who I am today. Jen and Gabby,
you have provided more smiles than you can ever imagine. Thank you to the many
people at Sacred Heart in Eau Claire and Abbott Northwestern in Minneapolis for
sending my best friend back—three times. There aren’t words in any language to ade-
quately describe what you do every day. And thanks to my best friend—Dad.
Antonio Soto I need to thank my wife, Isabel, for her patience and understanding.
She is my raison d'être. Thanks to Fernando Guerrero for placing his trust in me.
Thanks to Marcelo Castelo for giving me the opportunity to work with him. Thanks
to Solid Quality Learning for its warm welcome. And thanks to Mosqui for making me
laugh in the bad moments.
Adolfo Wiernik I definitely must thank Fernando Guerrero, CEO of Solid Quality
Learning, for believing in me from the start when I joined this amazing company.
Thanks to Michael Rys, SQL Server Program Manager in charge of the XML features
in the product, for his mentoring and always answering my mails. Finally, I thank the
team at Magen, Microsoft Technology Center in Tel Aviv, Israel, which is where I
started working with the XML features in SQL Server 2000 and laid the foundation
for who I am.
About the Authors
MCTS Self-Paced Training Kit (Exam 70-431): Microsoft SQL Server 2005—Implementation
and Maintenance was written by the following mentors with Solid Quality Learning, a
trusted global provider of advanced education and solutions for the Microsoft SQL
Server platform:
Daren Bieniek is a mentor with Solid Quality Learning, has 20 years of professional
technical experience, and has served in nearly every IT role possible—from systems
administrator to developer to database administrator to architect to CEO. During the
past 10 years, Daren has focused on data-related roles and technologies, with an
emphasis on very large database (VLDB) architecture, design, and implementation.
Randy Dyess is the author of Transact-SQL Language Reference Guide and many maga-
zine and newsletter articles about SQL Server security and optimization issues, and
has spoken at various international and national conferences. Randy is a member of
the Board of Directors for the Professional Association for SQL Server (PASS) and is
the Director of Programs for the North Texas SQL Server Users Group. He is also the
founder and principle author of .
Mike Hotek has been working with SQL Server since before it was a Microsoft prod-
uct. He is known throughout the industry for his expertise in replication, high avail-
ability, disaster recovery, and performance tuning. Mike has delivered more than 200
sessions at a variety of conferences and has coauthored two other books about SQL
Javier Loria , a mentor with Solid Quality Learning, works primarily with Latin Amer-
ican companies to help them develop business intelligence projects. He is also a
trainer and a frequent speaker at Microsoft regional events and loves to write about
technology. When not working, Javier enjoys spending time with his wife, Maria, and
his five children: Lidia, Javier Jose, Maria Jose, Andrea, and Lucia.
Adam Machanic is an independent database software consultant, writer, and speaker
based in Boston, Massachusetts. He has implemented SQL Server solutions for a vari-
ety of high-availability online transaction processing (OLTP) and large-scale data
warehouse applications, and also specializes in Microsoft .NET data access layer per-
formance optimization. Adam is a Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP) for
SQL Server and a Microsoft Certified IT Professional.
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