Low Wind Speed Turbine.pdf
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Low Wind Speed Turbine Project Phase II: The Application of Medium-Voltage Electrical Apparatus to the Class of Variable Speed Multi-Megawatt Low Wind Speed Turbines; 15 June 2004--30 April 2005
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A national laboratory of the U.S. Department of Energy
Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy
National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Innovation for Our Energy Future
Low Wind Speed Turbine Project
Phase II: The Application of
Medium-Voltage Electrical
Apparatus to the Class of
Variable Speed Multi-Megawatt
Low Wind Speed Turbines
Subcontract Report
November 2005
June 15, 2004 — April 30, 2005
W. Erdman and M. Benhke
Behnke, Erdman & Whitaker (BEW) Engineering
San Ramon, California
NREL is operated by Midwest Research Institute ● Battelle Contract No. DE-AC36-99-GO10337
Low Wind Speed Turbine Project
Phase II: The Application of
Medium-Voltage Electrical
Apparatus to the Class of
Variable Speed Multi-Megawatt
Low Wind Speed Turbines
Subcontract Report
November 2005
June 15, 2004 — April 30, 2005
W. Erdman and M. Benhke
Behnke, Erdman & Whitaker (BEW) Engineering
San Ramon, California
NREL Technical Monitor: A. Laxson
Prepared under Subcontract No. TAM-4-33200-03
National Renewable Energy Laboratory
1617 Cole Boulevard, Golden, Colorado 80401-3393
Operated for the U.S. Department of Energy
Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy
by Midwest Research Institute
Contract No. DE-AC36-99-GO10337
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Table of Contents
Executive Summary .......................................................................................................................1‐1
Introduction and Scope of Study ...............................................................................................2‐1
2.1 Project Team and Participants ..............................................................................................2‐1
2.2 Premise of the Study...............................................................................................................2‐1
2.3 Definitions of LV and MV Classes ......................................................................................2‐3
2.4 Electrical System and Turbine Architecture Considerations .........................................2‐4
2.4.1 Turbine Electrical System...........................................................................................2‐4 Generator and Drive Train Efficiency .....................................................2‐7 Generator Rectifier and Inverter System (Converter)..........................2‐9 Tower Pendant Cables .............................................................................2‐10 Padmount Transformer and Main Breaker .........................................2‐14
2.4.2 Turbine Architecture for COE Model....................................................................2‐14
2.5 Wind Energy Markets Considered in this Study ...........................................................2‐15
2.6 Materials Costing Volume Assumption...........................................................................2‐16
2.7 Transmission Fault Ride‐Through Requirements..........................................................2‐16
2.7.1 Recent Transmission Ride‐Through Requirements ...........................................2‐16
2.7.2 Impact of Ride‐Through Requirements on Electrical System..........................2‐19
2.8 References ...............................................................................................................................2‐21
Electrical System Bill of Material – LV Voltage‐Source Inverter Topology...................3‐1
3.1 Section Organization ..............................................................................................................3‐2
3.2 Electrical System BOM for 3.0‐MW LV Turbine ..............................................................3‐2
3.2.1 Converter System for 3.0‐MW LV Turbine ............................................................3‐3
3.2.2 Converter System Diagram for 3.0‐MW LV Turbine...........................................3‐3
3.2.3 Converter Pricing Spreadsheet for 3.0‐MW LV Turbine.....................................3‐4
3.2.4 Converter Material Breakdown and BOM for 3.0‐MW LV Turbine ................3‐5
3.2.5 Line Matrix for 3.0‐MW LV Turbine .......................................................................3‐6
3.2.6 Line Filter for 3.0‐MW LV Turbine ..........................................................................3‐7
3.2.7 Converter Subpanel for 3.0‐MW LV Turbine ........................................................3‐8
3.2.8 Passive Rectifier for 3.0‐MW LV Turbine ...............................................................3‐9
3.3 Electrical System BOM for 5.0‐MW LV Turbine ............................................................3‐10
3.3.1 Converter System for 5.0‐MW LV Turbine ..........................................................3‐10
3.3.2 Converter System Diagram for 5.0‐MW LV Turbine.........................................3‐11
3.3.3 Converter Pricing Spreadsheet for 5.0‐MW LV Turbine...................................3‐12
3.3.4 Converter Material Breakdown and BOM for 5.0‐MW LV Turbine ..............3‐12
3.3.5 Line Matrix 5.0‐MW LV Turbine............................................................................3‐13
3.3.6 Line Filter for 5.0‐MW LV Turbine ........................................................................3‐13
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