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Microsoft Word - Shinigami Chronicles.doc
Shinigami Chronicles RPG 1
24 Hour RPG Project
By Megan Marie McKnight
Shinigami Chronicles RPG 2
Table of Contents
Introduction……………………………… … ……………3
About the Game………………… ………… ………….4
Character Creation………………… ………………4
The Basics…………………… … …………….4
Abilities………………………… ……… ……….5
Skills…………… ……… ………… ………………6
Mechanics………… ……………… ………… ……… …….8
Special Powers…………………………… … ………….9
Arcane Spells…………………… …………9
Spirit Powers…………………… …………10
Summoning……………… ……… ……… …..12
The Secrecy Rule…………… ……….13
Combat……………… ………………… …………… ……..13
Characters and Creatures…………………15
Improvement………… …………… ………… ………….16
Notes and Ramblings………………… ………..16
Character Sheet…………………… ………… ………19
Sample Characters…………………… …………….20
Shinigami Chronicles RPG 3
There are a lot of role-playing games that deal with what happens before you die.
Characters usually live interesting lives, and die in an imp ressive way .
This isn't one of those games. This is about what happens after death.
Some way or another, you died. It may have been suicide, an accident, or
even murder, or something else. But for whatever reason, you didn't want to go
on to the afterlife. Something kept you here. Your unfinished business, if you
will. It might have been looking after a loved one, or continuing your life's work,
or some other reason. But that's okay; there was a place for those who didn't
want to go on.
So you became a Shinigami; a Guardian of Death. It's your job to help
monitor the mortal world. You're supposed to help make sure people die when they
should. Not before, not after. Sometimes this might mean protecting a mortal
from a supernatural threat. Sometimes it might mean finding and stopping a
mad killer. Sometimes it might even mean hunting down and killing someone who's
somehow outlived their allotted time. Mostly it's the first two.
But hey, there are perks to being a Shinigami, in the form of
supernatural powers, a monthly paycheck (Yes, you get paid. This is a job after
all.), and a warm fuzzy feeling when you help people.
Oh, and there's also the fact that you're really freaking hard to kill, what with
being dead already. You can take massive amounts of damage, and though it will
still hurt like hell, you can regenerate fairly quickly. That's the good news.
The bad news is that you can be destroyed if you take enough punishment
in a short enough time. And this is all you get. If you die now, you're gone
forever. You just cease to exist.
There are also other dangers. Demons tend to take your existence
personally. And there are the rare few sorcerers and madmen who know about
the Shinigami, and try to use that knowledge to their advantage. Usually, it's
these same sorcerers and madmen who find ways to live beyond their time, so
you'll probably run into at least one eventually. And in a job like this, it's easy to
get disillusioned and depressed.
Anyway, that's in the future, and this is now. Welcome to the ranks of
the Shinigami.
Shinigami Chronicles RPG 4
About the Game
This is a modern mystery/investigation type of RPG with elements of the supernatural
and horror. The characters are Shinigami, a combination of detective, my stic,
troubleshooter, and hero. They're dead, as well. There isn’t a “game world” per se. The
game takes p lace in the modern world, although a darker version of it. A homicidal
psychopath might decide to make your life interesting in unpleasant ways, or a demon
might take offense because y ou’ve foiled a p lot. This game tends to lend itself to mature
themes. Just a warning. It might be a good idea for the GM and the players to have a
discussion about elements they're uncomfortable with.
I'm sure that if y ou're reading this, y ou're at least p assably familiar with role-p lay ing
games. If you're not, here's a quick rundown. This is a game about imagination. It's a lot
like imp rovisational acting. There are the regular p lay ers, who each have their own
character. Then there's the Game M aster (GM ), the person running the games. The GM
is the p erson who makes up the basic p lot and p lay s all characters that the p lay ers run
into, including sup p orting characters and villains. Especially villains. But this doesn't
mean that it's the GM versus the players. Everyone's out to have fun; that's the real point,
after all.
The first step is coming up with a concep t for y our character. That's the crux of
the whole matter. Once you have a concept, you can flesh it out a little. You don't have
to write pages and pages of background if you don't want to (although you certainly
could!); just have some idea of where this character is coming from. It's all right if you
don't know everything about your character; it's also perfectly fine if you leave most of
the background to come out later. All characters evolve while you play, so you may
come up with a really cool idea for your character that has nothing to do with the original
concep t.
The basics-
This is the basic info about your character.
• First of all, you need a name. Duh. M oving on.
• You also need to decide who your character was before they died. This can be as
vague as, "She was a doctor" or as specific as "He was a high school student from
Texas with a 3.7 GPA, a cheerleader girlfriend, and a silver BM W." It's really up
to you.
• Also important is how your character died. This can sometimes be important,
dep ending on the way the game goes. Possibilities are suicide, murder, car
accident, and illness. You can also be as sp ecific as y ou like here.
Character Creation
Shinigami Chronicles RPG 5
• Something else that might be useful to know is how old your character was when
they died. Shinigami don't age, so they'll be that age forever. (Think about that
before you decide you want to play an eight year old Shinigami.)
• The most important part, however, is why you decided to become a Shinigami.
What was your unfinished business? You need to be as specific as possible here,
because the GM will need to know so she can use it in a plot at some point. This
game is just as much about why you didn't "cross over" as it is investigation. All
Shinigami have some important reason for staying behind, and often they'll use
their newfound abilities in p ursuit of that reason. (This is why Shinigami have to
work in groups.) Once you complete your unfinished business, you have the
op tion of “ retiring y our Shinigami: allowing them to “ cross over,” and starting a
new character.
Hisoka was a sixteen year old high school student. He was murdered by a
serial k iller (wrong place, wrong time). He became a Shinigami in order to find
the man who k illed him and take revenge.
Watari was a scientist specializing in chemical research. He died in a
freak lab explosion. He became a Shinigami in order to continue work on his
dream project: a gender-changing serum.
Once you know all that, and write it down, then you can get to the number part.
There are four basic abilities in Shinigami Chronicles: Phy sical, M ental, Social, and
Spirit. These are basic, inherent qualities that everyone has.
Phy sical is a measure of y our ability to do, well, physical things. This is the
ability associated with doing fun athletic things, administering beat-downs, and taking
beatings, etc. A high Physical means that you're tough, strong, or athletic. A low
Phy sical means that y ou're a wimp .
M ental is a measure of y our intelligence and reasoning. This is associated with
problem solving, general knowledge, and things like that. This is also tied to the ability
to use arcane magic; more on this later. A high M ental means you're smart or logical; a
low M ental means that you're not so much.
Social is a measure of how you interact with others. This is associated with
getting people to do what you want without making them mad. A high Social means that
you tend to get along with others, or that you're good at manipulating people. A low
Social means that you "don’t play well with others."
Spirit is a measure of how in tune you are with the Spirit world. Shinigami are
sp ecial; they ’re technically a p art of the sp irit world, so they start off with a higher Sp irit
score. Spirit is tied to empathy and any spirit powers.
You have a number of ranks in each ability , ranging from 1-8. One is p itiful,
three is average, six is insane, and eight is nigh godly. You can only get up to 6 ranks at
character creation.
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