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Intelligent Business
Intermediate Mini-Dictionary - Polish
accountable adj responsible for the effects of your actions odpowiedzialny : Managers are
accountable for the performance of their employees . Synonyms responsible [+ for] adj
[ odpowiedzialny ]
achievement n [C] something that you succeed in doing by your own efforts osiągnięcie :
Designing the first laptop computer was one of his greatest achievements . Î achieve v [T]
[ osiągać ] Î achiever n [C] [ osoba, ktra osiągnęła sukces]
aid n [U] assistance given to a country or organisation in difficulty pomoc : The World Bank is
repeating its call for rich countries to increase the amount of aid given to the poorest nations. Î
aid v [T] [ udzielać pomocy ]
analysis n [C] the work of studying data and information analiza : Detailed analysis of our results
shows that productivity has increased only marginally . Î analyse v [T] [ analizować ] Î analyst n
[C] [ analityk ] Collocations financial analysis
applicant n [C] a person who is applying for a position wnioskodawca : All applicants are asked to
provide a letter of reference . Î apply [+ for] [ składać wniosek ] v [I] Î application n [C] [ wniosek ]
Synonyms candidate n [C] [ kandydat ]
appraise v (T) to assesss the value of something ocena, wycena . Staff are regularly appraised to
see if they have met the objectives that they are given : The department manager will appraise
each employee individually. Î appraisal n [C][ ocena ] Î appraisee n [C] [ osoba oceniana ] Î
appraisor n [C][ taksator, osoba oceniająca ] Collocations annual appraisal, performance
asset n [C] something belonging to an individual or business that has value or the power to earn
money aktywa : The company has recently sold some of its assets to an Australian investor.
Collocations tangible assets, intangible assets, fixed assets, liquid assets
assign v [T] give someone a particular task to do przydzielić : Employees are assigned duties that
correspond to their skills and training . Î assignment n [C] [ przydzielenie]
authority 1 n [U] the power to impose decisions władze : The managers in our company have a
great deal of authority . Î authorise v (T) [ upoważnić authorisation n [U][ upoważnienie ] Î
authoritative adj [ autorytatywny, uprawniony ] Î authoritarian adj [ autorytatywny ] Collocations
lines of authority 2 n [C] a public institution which is in charge of enforcing regulations or
administering a government service: The public health authority.
autonomy n [U] the freedom to make your own decisions without having to request authorisation
autonomia : IÓve always believed that itÓs best to give staff as much autonomy as possible. Î
autonomous adj [ autonomiczny ]
back office n [C] the departments of a financial company where routine admistrative tasks are done without direct
contact with customers zaplecze : Efficient management of the back office can reduce costs.
balance sheet n [C] a statement showing the wealth of a business or organisation at a particular
date bilans . The balance sheet has two parts showing assets and liabilities: Buildings and
machinery are assets that should be listed on the balance sheet. Synonyms statement of
financial position n [C] AmE [sprawozdanie finansowe]
bankrupt adj unable to pay your debts zbankrutowany : The company is almost bankrupt and will
need to secure a loan to survive . Î bankrupt v, n [C] [ bankrutować, bankrut bankruptcy n [U]
[ bankructwo ] Synonyms insolvent adj AmE [ niewypłacalność ]
barrier to entry n [C] any factor which prevents new competition from entering a market bariery wejścia : A
strong brand can become a barrier to entry in some markets, while a simple product cannot.
benefit n [C] an advantage or an improvement korzyść : One benefit of the new design is that it can be installed
easily . Î benefit [+ from] v [ korzystać (z czegoś)] Î beneficial adj [ korzystny ]
bid n [C] an offer to buy something at a stated price oferta : All bids must be submitted in writing . Î
bid v [I,T] [ uzczestniczyć w przetargu] Î bidder n [C] [ uczestnik przetargu] Î bidding n [U]
[ przetarg] Synonyms offer n [C] [ oferta] Collocations make/accept/reject a bid, takeover bid
board n [C] the group of directors elected by the shareholders to manage a company zarząd : The
board has approved the directorÓs salary. Collocations board of directors, board meeting,
borderline n [C] the point at which one thing ends and another begins granica : Many products fall
into the borderline between different product categories Î borderline adj [ graniczny]
bottom line n [C] the last line on a financial document which shows the final result (total profit
once all costs have been deducted) wynik końcowy : Falling sales are going to have a negative
impact on the bottom line.
boycott n [C] a protest where people refuse to buy or use a product or service bojkot : The
consumer group is calling for the boycott of all tobacco products . Î boycott v [T] [ bojkotować]
brand n [C] the identity of a product or service marka : Eastman Kodak is a premier brand in traditional and digital
imaging . Î brand v [T] [ znakować ] Collocations brand image, brand leader, brand loyalty, brand manager, brand
management, brand name, brand-stretching, cross-branding, own brand, premium brand
breakthrough n [C] an important new discovery przełom : The iMac was a major breakthrough in
computer design . Collocations make a breakthrough
budget n [C] an account of probable future income and expenditure during a fixed period budżet :
We are currently preparing the budget for next year. Î budget v [ I] [ budżetować ] Î budgetary
adj [ budżetowy ] Collocations be on / over / under budget, budget deficit, budget surplus, meet a
business practices n [plural] the methods used to conduct business zasady prowadzenia
działalności : The company is running a scheme to encourage best business practices.
business process n [C] any activity that is essential for a firm to conduct its business działalność : Organisations
that have complete control over their business processes are the most productive. Collocations business process
business to business abbreviation B2B adj refers to any business or correspondence
between two companies relacje pomiędzy dwoma firmami : The B2B sector will be the biggest
growth area in internet traffic.
campaign n [C] a planned operation which aims to achieve a particular result kampania : A new
campaign by activists has forced the company to reconsider some of its policies. Î campaign v
[I] [+ for/against] [ prowadzić kampanię] Î campaigner n [C] [ osoba prowadząca kampanię]
Collocations advertising campaign, marketing campaign, political campaign
charity n [C] a non profit-making organisation that collects goods and money in order to provide
assistance działalność charytatywna : The charity managed to raise ¢3m for homeless people in
the UK.
coach 1 n [C] person who is responsible for training a team or an individual instruktor : HeÓs a very
successful football coach . 2 v [T] to train people to help them to acquire particular skills szkolić :
IÓm responsible for coaching two new people in the department.
company n [C] a legally registered business spłka handlowa . There are many different types of
companies: holding company (holds the share capital of one or more other companies) [ holding]
joint stock company (registered company or limited company) [ spłka akcyjna] public limited or
listed company (company whose shares are traded on the stock exchange) [ spłka z
ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością] subsidiary [ filia ] (company owned by a parent company
[ spłka matka ]) Synonyms corporation n [ C] AmE [ korporacja ] concern n [C] [ koncern ] business
n [C] [ firma ]
compensation n [U] payment, including salary and other incentives like stock options
wynagrodzenie : The best paid executives received more than $10 million in compensation last
year . Î compensate v [T] [ wynagradzać ] Collocations compensation deal, compensation
competition n [U] rivalry between businesses that are operating in the same market konkurencja :
The competition is getting tougher every year. Î compete v [I] [ konkurować ] Î competitor n
[C][ konkurent ] Î competitive adj [ konkurencyjny ] Î competitiveness n [U] [ konkurencyjność ]
Collocations competitive advantage
consortium n [C] an association between two or more companies to work together on a specific
project (usually a major construction or engineering project) konsorcjum : SK Gas has formed a
consortium with automakers to produce gas-powered vehicles.
consumer n [C] a person who buys products and/or services konsument : Nokia is committed to providing
consumers with the information they need . Î consume v [T] [ konsumować] Î consumption n [U] [ konsumpcja ]
Collocations consumer goods, consumer research, consumer survey
contract n [C] a document setting out an agreement between two or more parties kontrakt : Under
the new contract the company becomes the exclusive distributor for North America . Î contractor
n [C] [ zleceniobiorca ] Î sub-contractor n [C] [ pod-zleceniobiorca ] Collocations agree a contract,
be under contract, breach a contract, negotiate a contract, review a contract, sign a contract,
terminate a contract
copycat n [C] the term for someone who copies the work of another person plagiator : The Australian government
has announced that it is cracking down on copycats.
copyright n [U] the legal right that belongs to the person who has created a new artistic work or
piece of software prawa autorskie : All of the graphics and editorial content on this site are
protected under US copyright.
correspondence n [U] writing, receiving and answering letters korespondencja : IÓm catching up
on my correspondence . Î correspond v [I] [ korespondować]
cost 1 n [C] the price paid for something koszt : The total cost for the new equipment will be
$50,000 . 2 the money that is required to produce or sell something koszty : It looks like
production and labour costs will be higher than we expected . Î cost v [I] [ kosztować ] Synonym
overheads n [C] [ koszty oglne ] Collocations fixed costs, variable costs, cost-cutting, cost
control, cost-effective, occur a cost
cover letter n [C] a letter written to an employer in response to a job advertisement pismo
przewodnie : Candidates should send a cover letter with a copy of their CV.
currency n [C] the type of money that is used by a particular country or trading bloc waluta : The
euro is the currency of most member states of the European Union. Synonyms money n [U]
[ pieniądze] Collocations foreign currency, hard currency, currency dealer, currency exchange
rate, currency trading
curriculum vitae abbreviation CV n [C] a document that gives details of a personÓs experience
and qualifications życiorys : Her CV is fairly typical for a business graduate . Synonyms resum n
[C] AmE [ życiorys ]
damages n [plural] an amount of money paid to a person who has suffered an injustice
odszkodowanie : The company paid damages to staff who were unfairly dismissed.
database n [C] an organised set of information stored in a computer baza danych : WeÓre currently updating all our
customer files in the database.
deadline n [C] the date by which something has to be completed termin wykonania : The deadline
for applications has been extended until the 25 May. Collocations fix a deadline, meet a
deadline, miss a deadline, set a deadline
dealer n [C] a person who specialises in trading a particular type of goods dealer : The company
only uses authorised dealers who are fully trained . Î deal n [C] [ transakcja] Î deal v [I,T]
[ handlować] Collocations foreign exchange dealer, broker-dealer, dealership,
make/reach/conclude a deal, raw deal
debt relief n [U] the cancellation or reduction of a debt umorzenie długu : The government is
firmly committed to a programme of debt relief.
defraud v [T] to cheat another person by taking something that they own defraudacja : He
admitted defrauding his employer of more than ¢2m.
delegate v [T] to give responsibility to someone at a lower level in the hierarchy to enable them to
take decisions udzielać pełnomocnictwa : Managers need to delegate more routine tasks to
junior members of staff . Î delegation n [U] [ delegacja, przekazanie ]
demand n [C,U] the quantity required to supply orders popyt : Total petroleum demand has
increased by one per cent. Collocations supply and demand
demonstration n [C] a march to publicly protest about something demonstracja : The
demonstration will take place at G7 summit on 10 June.
design v [T] to make a drawing or plan of something that will be made projektować : At the
moment sheÓs designing a new range of furniture to be used in schools . Î design n [C] [ projekt ]
Î designer n [C] [ projektant ] Î designed adj [ zaprojektowany ] Collocations designer goods,
designer label, designer ware
development 1 n [C] the growth and expansion of a business, industry or economy rozwj : The
OECD provides advice and assistance on all aspects of development . 2 research to produce
new, improved products opracowanie : Our company is actively pursuing the development of
new biotechnology solutions. 3 a change or alteration zmiana : Another recent development has
been the arrival of Asian companies on the market . Î developer n [C] [ developer ] Î developing
adj [ rozwijający się] Collocations research and development (R&D), developing countries
distribution n [U] the arrangements and activities required in order to get goods from the
manufacturer to the consumer dystrybucja : Distribution is organised via a product list.
downsize v [I] to reduce the number of employees in an organisation redukcja zatrudnienia : European companies
are continuing to downsize their manufacturing operations. Î downsize v [T] [ redukować zatrudnienie ] Synonyms
lay off v [ T] [ zwolnić ]
e-business n [ U] business to business relationships conducted using internet technology e-
biznes : IBM is one of the leading suppliers of e-business solutions.
e-commerce n [U] selling activities that are conducted using internet technology e-handel : Some
consumers still lack confidence in e-commerce.
empower v [T] give someone the power or ability to do something upoważniać : Staff are
empowered to shape their career development. Î empowerment n [U] [ upoważnienie ]
enforce v [T| to make people obey a law or rule egzekwować : Enforcing a patent can be a long
and expensive process. Î enforcement n [U] [ egzekwowanie] Î enforceable adj [ możliwy do
entrepreneur n [C] someone who starts a company, arranges business deals and takes risks
przedsiębiorca : Entrepreneurs have always played a key role in the economy. Î entrepreneurial
adj [ przedsiębiorczy ] Î entrepreneurship n [U] [ przedsiębiorczość ]
expense 1 n [C] money spent wydatek : We have significantly reduced our expenses over the last
five years. Î expenditure n [C] [wydatki] Synonyms spending n [U] [ wydatki] 2 n [C] money spent
by an employee that can be claimed back [ koszty podlegające zwrotowi ]: I put the restaurant bill
on expenses. Collocations expense account, expenses claim form, claim expenses
fair trade n [U] a movement which promotes fairer trading conditions for developing countries
handel oparty na zasadach wzajemności w polityce celnej : Fair trade gives consumers an
opportunity to help change the world.
fake n [C] a copy or imitation of a genuine article podrbka : Experts have identified the
components as fakes . Î fake v [T] [ oszukiwać] Synonyms copy v [C] [ kopiować] Î copy n [C]
[ kopia]
feature n [C] an important part of something cecha : The programme has a number of interesting
new features . Î feature v [T] [ cechować się ] Synonyms characteristic n [C] [ charakterystyka ]
Collocations product features, special features
file-swapping n [U] exchanging files between computers on a network wymiana plikw : Record
companies tried to close down the illegal file-swapping website.
financial statement n [C] a document showing the state of the finances of an organisation or
business sprawozdanie finansowe : Financial statements must be completed by the end of
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