The Newsroom [1x05] Amen.txt

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[0][27]You can't have your boyfriends|lobbying me to go easier on them.
[27][69]Hang on. He was pitching a story.|And it's not boyfriends. It's one boyfriend.
[69][98]I should have fixed you up|with Jim a long time ago.
[98][128]I've never been on a date with him,|but I imagine...
[128][157]- You imagine what and how often?|- That it would be fun.
[157][180]- I'm Nina Howard.|- Hi. I'm so sorry.
[180][211]- Can I talk to you a moment?|- She wants to warn you that I'm a gossip columnist.
[212][240]- "Will McAvoy gropes in the New Year."|- What?
[240][258]- I called you in for this.|- When's it come out?
[258][282]It's out. This is it.|"Serial Sleaze."
[282][307]We're not here talking about ratings,|are we?
[308][333]We lost David and Charles.|Do not come down on the Kochs
[334][349]without checking upstairs.
[349][363]There's been|a shooting in Tucson.
[364][386]MSNBC, FOX,|and CNN all say she's dead.
[387][408]A doctor pronounces her dead,|not the news.
[409][423]- She's alive.|- I've got her alive.
[424][439]NPR called it wrong.|She's alive.
[439][460]You tell Leona that if|she wants me out of this chair,
[460][480]she better bring more|than just a couple of guys.
[480][502]That's exactly what|I'll fucking tell her.
[554][576]{Y:i}( Theme music playing )
[1333][1372] - nowa jako?? napis?w.|Napisy zosta?y specjalnie dopasowane do Twojej wersji filmu.
[1373][1427]Sync, corrected by icephoenix|
[1457][1480]{Y:i}( Crowd shouting, chanting )
[1506][1521]Elliot:|{Y:i}I can't tell you where we are,
[1521][1540]{Y:i}frankly, for our own safety.
[1540][1565]{Y:i}Systematically we have seen|journalists attacked.
[1565][1583]We would like|to be showing you--
[1583][1601]instead of this strange|image of me sitting on
[1602][1632]the floor of an undisclosed|location in dim lighting,
[1632][1652]we would like to be|showing you pictures--
[1652][1690]{Y:i}Live pictures of what's happening|in Tahrir Square right now,
[1691][1721]but we can't do that because|our cameras have been taken down.
[1722][1758]Physically, Elliot, when you say|your cameras have been taken down?
[1759][1781]Through threats|and intimidation
[1781][1799]and through|actual physical attacks.
[1800][1830]We're looking at Al Jazeera feed|from about six hours ago.
[1830][1843]Can you describe|what we're seeing?
[1843][1866]He can't describe anything|except his room.
[1866][1881]Ask him what's in the minibar.
[1881][1899]I'd like it|if you'd settle down.
[1900][1919]Then I think you're|gonna be disappointed.
[1919][1947]That was roughly|7:00 P.M. in Cairo.
[1947][1963]{Y:i}( Gunshots )|Elliot?
[1963][1990]- I'm sorry. I'm sorry, Will.|- Elliot, can you--
[1990][2010]There's gunfire coming|from below our hotel room.
[2011][2027]- Where's he going?|- Out on the balcony.
[2028][2040]- Get back on the air.|- Do we still have Elliot?
[2041][2063]- Take it.|- God damn it!
[2064][2088]If you're just joining us with dawn|about to break in Cairo,
[2088][2110]a crowd estimated at over|100,000 people
[2111][2141]gathered several hours ago in Tahrir Square|in the Egyptian capital...
[2141][2160]Get back on the fucking air.
[2160][2184]Mubarak resign after 18 days
[2185][2207]of unprecedented|pro-democracy protests.
[2208][2236]How long's he gonna|be on the balcony?
[2237][2263]The resignation was expected|by President Obama,
[2263][2279]French President|Nicolas Sarkozy,
[2279][2301]and British Prime Minister|David Cameron.
[2301][2320]But in a 17-minute address,
[2321][2347]Mubarak announced that he|wouldn't be stepping down,
[2347][2381]infuriating the crowd,|which appears to have grown larger
[2381][2412]and angrier throughout|this extraordinary night.
[2413][2437]We're speaking with our|own Elliot Hirsch...
[2437][2471]No, Elliot's on the balcony|singing a song from {Y:i}Evita.
[2471][2485]- Will: An undisclosed location.|- He's back.
[2486][2509]- {Y:i}Pardon me, Will.|- Yeah, is everything all right?
[2509][2533]Uh, that was gunfire.
[2533][2554]It doesn't appear|that anyone's been injured,
[2555][2572]{Y:i}but it is a little hard|to tell from where I am.
[2573][2596]We're looking at a feed|from six hours ago, Elliot.
[2597][2619]Can you describe what's happening|in the Square right now?
[2620][2651]Uh, the crowd is surging|and spreading.
[2651][2677]{Y:i}The army has made a ring|around Tahrir Square...
[2677][2701]- Ow!|- Oh, God, are you all right?
[2702][2726]It's a glass door.|You can't see me standing here?
[2727][2741]Yeah, be quiet.|There's a new story.
[2741][2766]We're getting footage|of a protest that's forming
[2767][2796]in Appleton, Wisconsin.|The governor's inside a newspaper office there
[2796][2828]and a spontaneous protest of teachers|is happening outside the building right now.
[2829][2853]( All talking at once )
[2905][2935]- Yup, go.|- Call the edit bay and tell them what's happening.
[2935][2956]Will, we're going to push|the commercial break.
[2956][2982]A small protest broke out|in front of a newspaper office
[2983][3003]where Scott Walker|is right now.
[3004][3039]So we're cutting the feed.|Tap your pen if you understand.
[3040][3065]And now the protests|are spreading out from Tahrir?
[3087][3104]- I'm already on it.|- Which one?
[3104][3120]- The teachers in Wisconsin.|- That's me.
[3121][3141]- What's going on?|- The governor of Wisconsin
[3142][3169]is pushing a bill through the legislature|to balance the state budget
[3169][3194]by busting public sector unions,|especially teachers,
[3194][3211]and strip their collective|bargaining rights.
[3211][3231]{Y:i}The governor is trapped|in a newspaper office
[3232][3265]with 75 teachers protesting outside|and by tomorrow it'll be 10,000.
[3266][3291]Yes, but in the meantime,|some Egyptians are about to overthrow Egypt.
[3291][3309]- {Y:i}Is there anyone else here?|- Nope.
[3309][3340]Okay. We got two packages to cut|and only one editor.
[3340][3360]Cory, if I promise|I understand the irony,
[3360][3380]can I break union rules|and sit at this bay?
[3380][3401]Will you talk to someone|about hiring more editors?
[3401][3419]Talk is all I can promise.|But I'm on your side.
[3419][3443]Go ahead.|Where do you want to start?
[3444][3479]It's around 12:20. He starts the answer with|"We have in state government."
[3480][3513]- We have in state government--|- Right there.
[3513][3538]Before I'd taken office,|plans for contingencies
[3539][3568]no matter what the circumstances.|We have updated those.
[3568][3597]{Y:i}I've had a full briefing|from all the major level one
[3598][3622]state agencies as well as|the National Guard yesterday.
[3622][3633]- Cut it there.|- Cut it there.
[3633][3644]Pay attention to your thing.
[3645][3677]{Y:i}Right there where|the teachers are chanting.
[3677][3714]Hey hey, ho ho,|selfish Scott has got to go.
[3714][3735]Cut it there.|That's the package. Render it.
[3736][3775]Come on, come on, come on,|come on, come on.
[3775][3796]I'm about to have|my "Broadcast News" moment.
[3796][3819]There are at least nine things between here|and the control room I can trip over.
[3820][3843]It's 2011.|We don't move film manually anymore.
[3843][3859]You're gonna have|to move this manually.
[3860][3878]It's taking too long to render|both at the same time.
[3879][3889]- Grab a thumb drive,|- Can I use a thumb drive,
[3889][3906]- throw it in the USB,|- Put it in the USB,
[3906][3922]- copy the raw file to the drive,|- Copy the raw file, and I'll
[3922][3938]- and run to the control room.|- Take it down to control?
[3939][3962]I'm right behind you.
[3962][3988]So as we mentioned,|there are thousands currently outside
[3989][4023]of state TV and parliament|and a call for 25...
[4023][4046]There's a group of protesters|headed towards Heliopolis.
[4047][4072]Ask him if he knows|anything about the protesters
[4073][4094]{Y:i}heading towards|the presidential palace.
[4094][4113]We're getting information|about protesters
[4113][4132]heading towards the presidential palace|in Heliopolis.
[4132][4154]I don't know|anything about that.
[4155][4169]'Cause you're in|the Cairo Radisson.
[4170][4183]Does he look happy about that?
[4184][4197]It's hard for me to tell
[4198][4212]from the incredibly high-resolution pictures|we're getting.
[4213][4229]I'm as frustrated as you are,|Don,
[4229][4252]but I'm not sending an American journalist|into that protest.
[4253][4271]- {Y:i}Trust me, I'm an American journalist.|- Hey!
[4272][4298]That's the Walker press conference and|the teachers in Appleton unrendered.
[4298][4326]- Got it.|- I didn't trip over anything on the way.
[4326][4349]- Oh!|- Sorry!
[4349][4372]- Oh, my God. I'm sorry.|- Are you kidding me?
[4372][4397]- Sorry.|- Raw file?
[4397][4418]Let's pivot now.
[4418][4438]All right,|Elliot Hirsch reporting from Cairo.
[4439][4470]- We'll be coming back to you, Elliot.|- Why?
[4471][4494]Where are you going?
[4495][4512]I'm gonna find someone|who's on the ground.
[4512][4538]Will: {Y:i}What is shocking is to hear|an American governor
[4539][4557]{Y:i}threaten to call up|the National Guard.
[4557][4575]But that's just|what Scott Walker,
[4576][4605]the commander in chief of the|Wisconsin National Guard, did today
[4605][4630]in defending his Wisconsin|budget repair bill.
[4631][4657]Anyone with producer in their title,|conference room.
[4657][4678]- Sloan.|- I'm not a producer.
[4679][4703]- {Y:i}I need you. Can you wait a minute?|- I was this close.
[4703][4724]You know I'd have had|security stop you downstairs.
[4724][4739]- I know.|- I'll be just a couple of minutes.
[4740][4762]Okay, but sometimes|you ask me to wait
[4762][4794]and then you forget that you did and|you call me from home at 11:00 and say sorry...
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