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The Moonsea
Table of Contents
Introduction ...................... 2
West Branch ...................... 5
North Coast ................... ..27
South Coast ................... ..49
The Moonsea Proper ............. ..61
Design: John Terra
Editing: Allison Lassieur
Project Coordinator: Karen S. Boomgarden
Cover Art: Danilo Gonzalez
Interior Art: Valerie Valusek
Cartography: David C. Sutherland III and Diesel
Typesetting: Nancy J. Kerkstra
Production: Paul Hanchette
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The Moonsea
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Traveling from the Dalelands to the Moonsea is a bit like walking from a temper-
ate, lush forest into a raging snowstorm: Its unexpected, uncomfortable, and if you
arent prepared for it, it could kill you.
—Elminster of Shadowdale
he Moonsea, also known as the Sea of Dragons, lies nestled
between Thar to the north and the Dalelands and Sembia to
the south. These natural barriers prevent casual contact
between the two opposing regions. The Moonsea is a cold,
clear, deep lake the color of dark amethyst, with frequent
storms and turbulent weather that mirrors its turbulent past and present. It is
a place where unwary adventurers can either make a name for themselves or
be buried under the dark, hungry waves.
The Moonseas shores harbor a list of cities whose fame (or notoriety) is
well known throughout the Realms: Zhentil Keep, Hillsfar, Phlan, Melvaunt,
and Mulmaster. Each city along the Moonseas shores brings with it its own
unique contributions, helping to shape the overall character of the area.
If that is truly the case, then the cities have little good to offer. Since the
Moonsea is a harsh place, the people themselves have become harsh in order
to survive. Suspicion, greed, brutality, and political treachery have become
the meat and drink of the regions inhabitants.
But for every one city that still exists on the Moonseas coast there are
three that were not so fortunate. The Moonsea is dotted with the ruins of
cities and the tombs of the unfortunate men and women who built them and
sought to dwell in them.
In addition to the dead cities, there are the ruined castles and towers of
petty would-be rulers and mages who sought solitude in order to better work
on their spells of power and conquest.
If things are thus, then why go to the Moonsea at all? The answer is sim-
ple: It is where legends and reputations are created and undone. If one wishes
to make a name for oneself, one must take chances and face hardships. The
Moonsea has risks and hardships to spare.
About This Book
he Moonsea Reference Guide is designed to be used for adventuring in a
FORGOTTEN REALMS® campaign. It, along with The Moonsea Play-
ers Book, supplements the information found in the FORGOTTEN
REALMS Campaign Setting.
The first chapter covers the seas West Branch, the second chapter its
North Coast, the third its South Coast, and the last chapter defines the
Moonsea itself.
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The Moonsea
altruistic, the barbarians nevertheless played a role in
ensuring that the Moonsea coast was not fully under
the thumb of evil factions.
Northkeep was the first truly civilized Moonsea
human settlement. It was a large citadel that repre-
sented prosperity and order to the turbulent area. It
was settled in the year 348 DR and quickly became an
important trade area and jumping-off point for jour-
neys into places such as the North lands.
Unfortunately, Northkeep was undone by its own
popularity. The evil, inhuman forces known collec-
tively as the Dark Alliance (spearheaded by the land
of Thar) realized that Northkeep was a danger to
their way of life.
The Alliance knew that Northkeep would be the
first of many large settlements if it were allowed to
prosper. They saw in Northkeeps strength the unstop-
pable approach of more humans, more civilization,
and more laws, so the Alliance decided that some-
thing had to be done.
In the year 400 DR, the Year of the Blue Shield, it
was. On a night later called the First Turnabout, the
forces of the Dark Alliance swept down on the backs
of black dragons and attacked Northkeep. Whats
more, a huge fleet of their black ships with ragged
sails sacked and destroyed Northkeep.
After the attack, 40,000 humanoid priests, mages,
and shamans stood on the shore of the Moonsea and
chanted desperately to their gods. They must have
been heard, because with a deafening crack, the city
sank beneath the purple waves.
The First Turnabout was but the initiation of a
long future of reversals in humankinds fortune. But
rather than putting a damper on humankinds enthu-
siasm for colonization of the region, the First Turn-
about inflamed it even more. It became a matter of
pride. Pride, and something moregreed.
The entire Moonsea region was (and for the most
part, still is) a veritable treasure-trove of resources
waiting to be exploited. It is no secret that the land
on the Moonseas north coast is rich in mineral
wealth. The sea teems with fish. The farmlands that
border the Moonsea are fertile.
Humanity tried building more cities: Phlan,
Yûlash, Hillsfar, Mulmaster, Sulasspryn, and others. It
began to seem that as soon as cities and towns were
erected, the Dark Alliance would reduce them to
he Moonsea is populated by a breed of strong,
hearty frontiersmen and women. As a general
lot they are suspicious, sullen, and dangerous folks
who have been hardened by the forces of nature and
evil that have plagued the region for centuries.
Though it is unfair to ascribe such unsavory traits
to everyone simply by virtue of where they were born
and live, it is prudent to mind ones back and purse
when traveling the sea and its shores.
The manner in which strangers are treated, for
example, does little to mend the reputations of the
average Mooneye. Mooneye is a derogatory name
given by outsiders to the unfortunates who inhabit
this area. In turn, foreigners are viewed with a mix-
ture of dour suspicion and wonderment (mainly about
how to best make a profit from them).
To the Mooneyes, adventurers mean further disrup-
tion of an already chaotic life. If they can make a few
gold coins off the newcomers, then fine. But on the
whole, most citizens would much rather be left alone.
Brief History of
the Moonsea Area
he Moonsea was once known as the Dragon Sea
or Sea of Dragons due to the scores of dragons
that would come to the sea to mate.
The water served as a natural barrier between the
elven lands to the south and the north kingdoms of
giants, ogres, and other monsters. The dark inhabi-
tants of these darker lands, such as Thar, were pre-
vented from sweeping down and eliminating their
hated enemies by the wide waters of the Moonsea.
Nevertheless, the Moonseas north and west coasts
were infested with all manner of evil humanoids,
giants, dragons, and beholders. The only significant
human presence was, at that time, the barbarian
nomads who wandered The Ride.
These barbarians, misunderstood by the rest of the
peoples of Faerûn, have long been involved in foiling
the machinations of Zhentil Keep, Thar, and other
evil powers. Though their reasons were not altogether
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