CIA Tactics for Getting Women.pdf

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By Gary Brodsky
In Memory of
Richard H. Tompkins, Major
United States Army Intelligence
Non Official Cover (NOC)
Killed in Action
Richard Moore, Captain
United States Air Force Intelligence
Killed in Action
Francis Powell, Captain
United States Army Intelligence
Non Official Cover (NOC)
Killed in Action
Dedicated to
Arnold Abromowitz, Lt. Colonel
United States Army Intelligence
Great Teacher and Personal Friend
With a special dedication to my friend
June Braverman
Special Op-G-2
Suicide 2007
What you will learn from reading this book is the most foolproof, powerful
and hardcore information of its kind -- techniques to get women to do
anything you desire.
The men and women who collaborated with me on this book have all applied
these covert techniques in the field. Those who contributed their time and
expertise to this effort have themselves studied with the world’s best-known
experts in covert psychological control and brainwashing techniques. These
techniques have been tested over and over again and used successfully by
well known cult leaders and psychopaths such as Jim Jones and Charles
This information has been filtered, updated and refined to assure optimum
performance in our times. If done correctly these methods leave no room for
error and no chance for failure. Take important note: I am NOT discussing
in these pages techniques to become more politically correct than you might
already be now. I am NOT going to ask you to buy into any fads, trends or
“cool” mind set. I am NOT pandering to the messages of today’s popular
culture which is always destined to change with the times. I will leave that to
the “great communicators” whose banter is useful fodder for talk shows and
fashion magazines.
I will however state emphatically, that in this book I will be discussing
covert military techniques and they work! They worked yesterday, they
work today and they will continue to work tomorrow.
For those of us who were covert operatives, developing our skills and ability
to successfully seduce women was not for the purpose of filling a social
calendar or impressing our friends. Each technique and predetermined move
was a learned and practiced crucial tactic because our lives depended on its
success or failure.
The information in this book is not contrived. The data I have compiled is
gathered from every intelligence agency worldwide. The application of these
seduction techniques have all been and are routinely studied, researched,
tested and updated to remain continuously current.
From cover to cover, when you learn the methods in this book you will be
able to immediately put them into action. Some of these methods are
simple; some require more skill and practice. They will however, if
performed properly always work and you will always achieve immediate
and positive results!
A compilation of these techniques is not available anywhere else.
Why, you may ask, would a Black Op, Psy-Op, CIA op or any other covert
operative need to be an expert at seduction? I’ll tell you why.
It’s obvious that in every battle the sole objective of the soldier is to win.
The Government’s expense of sending in troops to accomplish an objective
is costly in both materials and lives. Often much can be accomplished by
creating situations and chaos from within. Military undercover operatives
get well paid to accomplish this job. Covert operatives know they put
themselves in extremely dangerous situations, circumstances that if
discovered can cause loss of life in a heartbeat; loss of their own lives. To
this end, covert operatives are extremely well compensated. To the military,
covert operatives are vital assets because they know how to successfully
play the game of chance. It is these successful operatives that are found on
the front lines of danger, can manipulate any and all situations to the
advantage of the military’s objective, can stay alive, and therefore continue
to accept new assignments. They are as a result, one of the most valued
assets of the government. As you can imagine, many millions of dollars
were and continue to be invested by the military in the training of these
operatives because their training has to work!
Black ops, Psy-ops, and CIA operatives are trained to work undercover. It’s
a covert war that they must win if they want to stay alive. Covert operatives
must be able to blend into any and all sorts of different countries and
situations. They must be comfortable mixing with different people from
different cultures and all walks of life, often under the most challenging of
Sometimes covert operatives need to be cultured, other times they need to be
cunning, wise ass or street smart. Sometimes they must be ruthless.
However, ALL THE TIME, when on assignment, they only have one
objective, and that is to get in, move quickly, accomplish the mission
assigned, stay alive, and get out.
Reconnaissance is a military term for the gathering of information about the
enemy. Covert operatives know that the fastest way to infiltrate into any
community is through their women. If you become a ladies boyfriend, you
are quickly introduced to her family and friends and can quickly become
part of her community. Once you are in her community you can, if and
when necessary, learn learn the tempo of their life, learn how they operate
from the inside, learn their actions, speech patterns, mannerisms, idioms,
style, superstitions, inside jokes, etc. and from there if you need to, you can
move further in. If necessary, you can take some time to further infiltrate
into your target area. Being intimately involved with one of their women,
affords you the perfect opportunity to take the time necessary, analyze your
situation and determine your strategy. With her in your corner, you have a
base within the community from which to operate, listen, learn and maintain
If you were simply an assigned government plant trying to infiltrate into a
community without seducing one of their women, or being someone’s
boyfriend, it could take years to learn all that was necessary to accomplish
your goal. Women crave sexual gratification. Women like to belong to
someone. They like to let their friends know that they belong, and they like
to talk about it.
Covert operatives know that the way they seduce their women, and how well
they know how to control them is very often the key that keeps them alive.
A small tiff or breakup at the wrong time can cost millions, result in lost
opportunities, unsuccessful, uncompleted missions and lost lives.
And how do you control women? You exploit their universal longing to be
romanced, to feel loved, to be desired – to be seduced. You must engage
them in sexual activity often and for prolonged periods of time.
Both men and women crave sex. It’s a biological necessity and a genetic
imperative. Men have a biological drive to have sex with as many women as
possible. This survival instinct increases their chances of genetic success.
Women on the other hand naturally seek out and look to attach themselves to
the strongest man available to assure the genetic success and survival of
their offspring.
If you can exploit a woman’s need for sexual attachment to one strong man,
you have increased your covert tactical advantage. It’s that simple.
An operative highly skilled at seduction could easily infiltrate into the core
of any community, from the highest levels of British royal society to the key
players in the inner circle of a Los Angeles street gang. Properly trained,
literally any woman can be yours. If you can successfully romance women,
you’re in.
If you needed to infiltrate British royalty, you might for example start by
first developing contacts to gain introductions among the top tiers of British
aristocratic society. Your objective might include determining their goals
and plans, where they invest their money, what banks are going to merge,
who they meet with, talk to, and socialize with, etc. Generally, the operative
doesn’t need to know “the why of what he’s doing”; he just needs to collect
If you were assigned to an LA Street gang, your agenda might be to find out
who is financing them, who is laundering their money, what if any foreign
interests are involved. Who are the big shots, and who are their contacts on
the outside. Who is benefiting from the profits at the top, what country of
origin are the drugs coming in from, where is the money being sent to, etc.
This all-important information can only be acquired by putting oneself in a
central position with the key operators, and it is a very dangerous place to
In both these scenarios the most direct and quickest access will usually be
through a romantic relationship, and that is how you will begin to learn how
the community works from the inside. You’ll find out quickly who is who,
and who you need to know. With her at your side, you’ll first be introduced,
then be living the lifestyle as you continue to move from the outside of the
community closer and closer to the center where you need to be. And your
lady friend will admire you and want to keep you happy all the more for
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