01 - Warmaster--Armies.pdf

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By Rick Priestley
With Lex van Rooy
Production by Andy Hall
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Picking the Army . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Empire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Tomb Kings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Chaos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Orc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
High Elf . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Dwarf . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Skaven . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Lizardmen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Bretonnia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Kislev . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Dark Elf . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
Vampire Count . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
Daemon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
Araby . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
"Lex," wrote Andy on May 31st "... could you also write a short acknowledgements piece for the credits page, so I don't miss anyone
deserving off.", and all of a sudden I end up back on the critical path of the V2.2 Armylist publication. Luckily the first weekend of
June is a 3-day one, so I managed to get this out in time.
Now this is not the easiest of tasks as there was a LOT of input from a lot of different sources, both in the conceptual stages and
during the later playtesting. So I will opt for the easy way out and will hereby thank everyone that put their ideas forward in the
Experimental Rules Feedback and General Discussion forum on the SG site and those that participated in the Warmaster Yahoo
After that came the playtesting feedback. Those people willing to play around with some of the wild and wacky ideas that ended up
in some of the Army lists to give them more (or a more specific) flavour, deserve a BIG "thank you" too. Players at several events I
attended over the last year (Memphis GT, Vancouver Get Together, Warmuster, EuroGT) had to suffer playing with the almost finalized
V2.2 lists, and in several cases playtesting in these more competitive environments yielded results that forced us back to the drawing
board. Overall, thanks to the BIG community participation, I think we created a nice new Frankensteinian monster for all of us to
play around with.
The one army I can stick more specific credits on is the (soon to be) Araby army. Both the fan-based Oriental Design Team, captained
by UllGitYer/Wayne Rozier and the ideas of the late Steve Hambrook, contributed much towards the development of the Araby army
at the start of the project. I’d also like to thank Matt Keefe who kicked this all off, back when he was running Warmaster.
And special thanks go to my trusty side-kick and his lovely spouse; Forum answer-MOD John Bennison and his wife Carol. With my
obvious blind spots when it comes down to reading stuff you have mulled over for more then a year, his assistance in re-reading all
the material, especially with the experience/motivation of being the answer-MOD eventually being ASKED all sorts of questions on
the list after publication, proved worth its weight in wine. His wife Carol went over all the material for typos allowing us to provide
Andy with as clean a document as possible.
This publication is dedicated to the memory of Steve Hambrook
– still greatly missed.
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This supplement to the Warmaster game contains all of the army
lists for all of the supported races at the time of writing in 2005.
Since the publication of Warmaster in 2000 the number of armies
available has grown one at a time from the original six to thirteen
complete armies. Rules for the new armies have been covered in
different supplements and magazines over the ensuing years.
Inevitably some variation has crept into the presentation along
the way. To complicate matters further, some of the additional
armies have been printed in both preliminary and updated
versions, whilst minor corrections have also been incorporated
into the original army lists. This book updates all of the armies,
including the original armies, and is intended to serve as a
definitive reference for these armies for the foreseeable future.
The army lists follow the conventional format for the army lists
given in the Warmaster rulebook. To avoid splitting the
information about army selection from the army lists themselves
a short section has been added describing how to choose armies;
this is not substantially different from the original version but has
been reworded somewhat to aid clarity. Illustrated descriptions
of the different troop types have been included in each list;
descriptions previously incorporated into the special rules have
therefore been removed. The special rules for each troop type
have been updated and put into a standard phrasing as far as this
is practical. The spells for each army have been revised and
added to the army list itself. Relevant magic rules pertaining to
characters have been incorporated into the special rules for the
appropriate entries. Rules for war machines unique to an army
have been included as part of the special rules for that army.
Overall, the intention has been to put all the information
required for each army into one place if at all possible. Note that
significant changes have been made to many spells and some war
machines compared to the rulebook - all such changes effectively
replace the rulebook versions.
Author's Note. References to not being able to cast the same
spell on the same unit more than once have been removed from
the spell descriptions as superfluous. Ie it is taken as read that a
unit or character cannot be affected by the same spell more than
once in the same turn as covered by the 2002 updates (included
in the 2002 Annual and also on the Warmaster web-site).
Since Warmaster was written we have produced a variety of new
troops for all the original six armies as well as most of the
additional armies. In all cases new models are intended to
substitute for existing entries in the army lists. For example
Empire Knights of the White Wolf count as Empire Knights, High
Elf Phoenix Guard count as High Elf Spearmen. No new rules
have been created just because new models have been produced.
This allows us to add variety to the armies without unbalancing
either individual armies or the game as a whole. Apart from
simply adding variety this is a useful way of identifying units with
particular magic weapons or banners. These substitutes are listed
under the appropriate army list entries in a separate appendix:
further new items will hopefully be added to the range in time.
We have not included in this book any of the variant or converted
armies that have previously been featured in Warmaster
magazine or Fanatic magazine. However, whilst Warmaster
players want to develop further armies using the models already
available, or conversions, then these will hopefully be added to
the Warmaster website as downloads for players to use as they
see fit.
Picking the Army
This section of the Warmaster Armies book explains how to
choose equally matched armies to take part in a battle and
updates the section in the main rulebook p126 and 127.
In theory there is no reason why forces have to be equal, but
most players prefer to fight battles between armies that are,
notionally at least, the same fighting value. To facilitate this, all
units are allocated a points value that reflects their worth in a
typical battle.
As a matter of principle the points values of individual units are
considered in proportion to the army as a whole so that troops
of comparable fighting value may be a few points more or a few
points less in some armies. This is intentional. In these cases the
marginal difference in points is done to restrict or increase the
choices available to the player.
Army lists and rules are provided for 13 official Warmaster
armies. All armies are chosen in the same fashion using the
appropriate list. The army lists are included on the following
pages and you may wish to skip forward to your favoured army
as you read through the rest of this section.
Both sides select troops and characters up to the same maximum
points value. Three 'standard' sized battles are considered here.
Smaller and larger battles, or battles with intermediate points
values, can also be arranged as discussed later.
Small battle 1000 points per side
Medium battle 2000 points per side
Large battle 3000 points per side
A small battle is ideal for beginners or for demonstrating the
game but the tactical possibilities are limited. Small battles are
more susceptible to the fortunes of dice rolling than are large
battles. Medium sized battles are considered the usual kind and
will typically last for a whole evening's play - although
experienced players have been known to cram four or more such
battles into a single day. Large battles require more leisure but
offer a varied game that better reflects the subtleties of the
command system.
Substantially bigger battles can be fought with even more points
per side if players wish. Beware that a very large game can take
an entire day or even several days to complete. There is no real
maximum limit beyond the number of models and the size of the
gaming area available.10,000 points or more is certainly feasible.
With very large armies it helps to have additional players to help
move troops and roll dice.
Note that the army size indicates the maximum points value that
can be spent. Armies can have fewer points than this value but
cannot have more. Often it is impossible to spend the odd few
points so a medium sized '2000 point' army might have only 1995
points of models. Such an army is still a 2000 point army as far
as we are concerned. It is the maximum permitted value that
determines the army size not the actual points spent.
The army lists are designed to work with armies of round
thousands of points (1000, 2000, 3000, etc). However, it is also
possible to choose armies of other sizes - say 1500 or 750. This is
slightly less convenient but useful if players are still building
their armies and want to use units as they are purchased. This is
explained under Selecting the Army.
Begin with the army list for your chosen army. The different lists
include all the units available for each side together with their
game stats, points values and special rules where appropriate.
Most of this information is condensed into a single stat line for
each unit. Any additional information is noted as special rules
after the army list itself. Stat lines are presented as follows:
Type. This describes the type of troop unit or character stand:
Infantry, Cavalry, Monster, Artillery, Machine, Chariot, General,
Wizard or Hero. Mounts for characters are sometimes optional
and are included as a separate line as Monstrous Mount or
Chariot Mount.
Attack. The basic number of dice rolled in combat by each stand
in the unit.
Hits. The number of hits the unit can suffer before one stand is
Armour. The score required to nullify a hit struck on the unit if
it has armour (3+, 4+, 5+ or 6+). A unit with no armour has a
value of 0.
Command. The Command value of a character.
Unit Size. The number of stands in a unit.
Points per Unit. The points value of a unit or character of that
Min/Max. This defines the minimum and maximum number of
units of that type which an army must include per 1000 points of
army size. A dash indicates there is no restriction.
Choose units and characters to make up the army. You can
choose up to a maximum total value appropriate to the size of
game. For example, High Elf Spearmen are 60 points per unit so
5 such units are worth 300 points.
Players are not entirely free to select forces as they want. Some
units must always be included and some other units can only be
included in limited numbers. These restrictions are indicated by
the minimum/maximum column (min/max) in the army lists. The
min/max value consists of two numbers separated by a slash – for
example 1 / 2. The first number shows the minimum number of
that unit/character the army must include for every 1000 points
of army size. The second number shows the maximum number
of that unit/character the army can include for every 1000 points
of army size.
For example, in a Bretonnian army, Squires are min/max 1/4. This
means that in a 1000 point army the player must include at least
1 unit but cannot include more than 4. In a 2000 point army the
minimum is therefore 2 and the maximum 8, in a 3000 point
army minimum 3 maximum 12, and so on.
If an entry includes a dash instead of a number this means no
minimum or maximum applies. The player can chose as few or
as many of this troop types as he wishes within the limitations of
the points available. For example, –/2 means that in a 1000 points
army there is no minimum and the maximum is 2, 1/– means
there is a minimum of 1 and no maximum.
All armies must include a single General. An army can never
include more than one General no matter how what its size. The
Min/Max column is given as 1 to show this.
You may have decided your armies will be chosen to 1500 points
or some other odd number. In this case determine min/max
values by rounding your actual army size down to the next full
1000's. So, a 1500 point army is selected using the minimums
and maximums for a 1000 point army, a 2250 point army is the
same as a 2000 and so on.
If your chosen army size is less than 1000 points then use the
1000 point maximums but ignore the minimums. Very small
games can be a useful exercise for learning the rules but be
warned that the game does not work particularly well with
extremely small forces and battles may feel bewilderingly rapid.
The value of any permitted magic items is added to that of the
unit or character that carries them. Magic items must be allocated
to specific characters and a separate note made. This will
increase the points value of the unit or character appropriately,
and the total cost must be taken into account when working out
victory points. See Magic p72 of the Warmaster rulebook.
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