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Lesli Kathman, 4700 Lone Tree Ct., Charlotte, NC 28269 <>
Covering the Basics
Several weeks ago some hobbyists and I were discussing horse
color inheritance, and one of the participants asked why anyone
involved in model horses would ever need to understand something
as technical as genetics. After all, she commented, all a model horse
shower needed to know was what colors were possible in the various
breeds. So before I start this column, I think it would be appropriate to
explain why having a basic understanding of coat color genetics is
important to hobbyists.
It is true that unless you are involved in pedigree assignment you
will not need any more information than my friend indicated; what
color does this or that breed come in. But that is a far more
complicated task than it might seem at first. It might not matter
whether my Quarter Horse with a tan body and dark points is a
buckskin or a dun, because both colors are found in the breed. But it
might matter a great deal if I want to paint my new Connemara model
grulla and I have found a picture of a tan, dark-pointed Connemara. If
that picture represents a dun Connemara, and not a buckskin, then
my grulla model is possible. But I have to be able tell the difference
between the two similar colors to be able to determine this. And
contacting the breed registry will not help me, because the
Connemara registry uses the term "dun" for a color that is actually
A similar example of this problem is found in the Arabian breed.
Their registry will allow horses to be registered as "roan". But
Arabians don't come in true roan. Two patterns are found in the breed
that look a little like roan (sabino and rabicano), but they are not the
same as roan. The roan gene will give an even mix of dark and white
hairs on the body, with a dark head, legs, mane and tail. Sabinos that
look like roans will have white ticking throughout the coat, and
extensive white markings. Rabicanos have white ticking primarily
along the flanks, and white tail tops. But if you are not familiar with
color genetics and don't know that these are three unrelated patterns,
you could find a picture of a rabicano Arabian, and decide that the
picture proves there are "roan" Arabians (after all the registry says
"roans" can be registered). Then you could use a lovely reference
picture of a true, dark-headed roan Quarter Horse as a guide for
repainting your Classic Arabian Mare. But Arabians that color don't
really exist!
Because model horse hobbyists tend to have an interest in
horses that crosses breed lines (we often like, and own, models of
many different breeds), we are particularly vulnerable to these
inconsistencies in color names in the different breeds. Adopting the
terms used by geneticists for the different colors can help to create a
more "universal" language of color that can be used for all breeds.
Once these terms are understood, it is possible to speak more
precisely and accurately about horse color. These terms are not
based on a given registry's designation of color, but rather on the
different genes thought to be responsible for those colors.
It is my intention to focus on a different color (gene) in each issue,
with an explanation of how the gene is inherited and the effect it has
on the horse's color. I will also try to make it easier to identify the color
when you see it, how to tell it apart from similar colors, and details to
remember when painting the color. In these future installments of the
column, I will avoid being overly technical, but in this first one, I will
have to establish some basics involving genetics and horse color to
avoid confusion later.
Skin and Hair Pigment
Normally horses have black pigmented skin. This is visible in the
areas where the hair is particularly fine--the muzzle, the genitals, and
the inside of the ears. The black skin is why a grey horse that has
turned white with age will seem to have a dark grey muzzle. The black
pigmented skin shows through the sparse hair around the mouth and
When a horse has white markings, the skin underneath will be
pink. This is because white isn't really a pigment, but rather the lack of
pigment, and the skin appears pinkish from the blood vessels
underneath. A common mistake of beginning repainters is to use grey
to shade a blaze, not realizing that there is white skin around the
muzzle that gives it a pinkish, and not a greyish, tint. The same is true
of hooves. If there is white on the leg touching the hoof, the hoof will
be unpigmented (shell-colored), and black-skinned legs will have dark
hooves. On grey horses that have turned white, the leg markings may
no longer be visible, but the color of each hoof will show which legs
once had white markings. Stripes on hooves are usually caused by
skin that has white and black spots along the coronet band.
The above descriptions involve skin pigment. The pigment of the
hair is a different matter entirely, and in this column, use of the term
pigment (such as "black pigment") will refer to hair pigment unless
otherwise noted. Pigmented hair is always either red or black
(remember white is not a pigment, but rather the lack of pigment).
This applies to the hair on the body and the points - mane, tail, lower
legs. So horses are either red with red points (chestnut), or black with
black points (black) or red with black points (bay). Chestnut, black and
bay are the basic colors found in horses. All other colors and patterns
are the results of modifiers working on these three colors.
No matter how exotic a horse's color may appear, he will always
be basically chestnut, black or bay. The variety of colors and patterns
found in horses are the result of genes known as modifiers, which are
all inherited separately from the basic color. Grey, palomino, roan, dun
are all caused by modifying genes. But these genes work
independently from the basic color. It is not a matter of "pinto is
dominant to chestnut - the pinto gene has nothing to do with whether
or not the horse inherits the chestnut color! It is a modifier to that
chestnut color.
For example, if you breed a chestnut mare to a bay pinto stallion,
it is not as if the foal can be either chestnut or bay pinto. The foal
could be either bay or chestnut and either pinto or non-pinto. In this
way, modifier genes are like on/off switches. The bay pinto stallion in
the example is carrying a gene for spotting ("on"), and the chestnut
mare has the gene for non-spotting ("off'). The resulting foal may have
the pinto gene either "on" or "off'. Of course, most pinto breeders will
hope it is on!
Now imagine all the possible modifiers a horse can have (pinto
patterns, greying, roaning, dilutions, appaloosa patterns - everything!)
as a long row of switches, one switch for each possible modifier. Any
combination of these switches can be on or off, depending on what
combination of genes the horse inherited. The gene can be roan or
notroan, or tobiano or not-tobiano, etc. Any of those switches that are
"on" will modify the horse's basic color.
Please note that this is all very simplified, and that the actual
genetics involved are far more complicated. Many genes and their
effects are not fully understood, even by experts. But the concepts
presented here will work for a basic understanding. The important
thing to remember is that color inheritance is not as random as it
might seem. It is complicated, and at times convoluted, but not
random. It really can be understood, even if you don't like things that
are "too technical"!
Next issue we will start with the first of the modifying genes.
Ways That Modifiers Work
Modifiers, like the name suggests, alter the appearance of the
basic coat color of the horse. Any given modifier will work differently.
Some modifiers are specific to one kind hair pigment, either red or
black. A modifier that was specific to red hair would change any red
hairs on a horse, but wouldn't affect any black hairs. Other modifiers
are location specific. These modifiers will only affect the body color, or
only the point color. Some modifiers are not specific at all, and will
affect both red and black pigment and all locations (body and points).
Knowing how each modifier works is essential to understanding color.
A Word About Dominance
Probably the term that most often leads to confusion about color
inheritance is "dominance." What exactly is meant when a gene is
Going back to the very basics, all horses will inherit two genes
for any given trait, one from each parent. Colors or patterns that are
visible even when the horse only inherits the gene from one parent
are said to be dominant. If the horse must inherit the same gene from
both parents for the color or pattern to be visible, it is said to be
recessive. Colors that look one way when the horse inherits a gene
from one parent, and look different still when the color is inherited
from both parents are said to be "incompletely dominant." Palomino is
a good example of incomplete dominance: if one gene is inherited, the
horse will be palomino, but if two are inherited he will be cremello.
Dominance does not refer to the frequency with which the color will be
inherited. No matter how dominant a gene might be, the horse never
has more than a 50/50 chance of inheriting any one gene! It also has
nothing to do with how common a particular gene is in the general
horse population; there are many dominant genes that are extremely
Dominance refers to how the gene interacts with its opposite. For
example, the ability to form black pigment (black) is dominant to the
inability to form black pigment (chestnut). If a horse carries both
genes (black and chestnut) he will be black and his offspring have an
equal chance of inheriting either black or chestnut from him. The
concept of dominance comes in when that one gene he gives is
paired with the other parent's one gene. If he gives his foal the ability
to form black pigment (black), that foal will be black, because the
ability to form black is stronger ("dominant") to the inability to form
black pigment. By the same token, if he gives his foal the inability to
form black pigment (chestnut), it will not affect the color unless the
other parent gives the same inability to form black (chestnut), because
this trait is weaker ("recessive") than the ability to form black. So
dominance doesn't make the gene more or less likely to be passed on
to offspring, but rather determines which of the two genes inherited
will be visible when you look at the horse.
These two horses are genetically the same color - bay - but look very different
due to the presence of different modifying genes. The top horse has the dun
and frame overo modifiers, while the pony on the bottom has the cream
(buckskin) and silver modifiers.
All text and images are © 2005 Lesli Kathman. This article is part of a series on horse
color that originally appeared in The Hobby Horse News, a magazine for the model
horse collecting community that is no longer published. The articles may be copied for
personal, non-commercial use. Individuals may also offer the files for downloading
provided they are properly attributed, but inclusion in commercial publications
(magazines, newsletters, books) is forbidden unless written permission is obtained from
the author.
To further explain the "'switches" analogy, take "Fred", an
imaginary horse of a color typical of models: a grulla-going-grey
His genetic "code" could be: GgEEaaDdTOto
Now think of these letters, which represent genes, as
switches which come in pairs. Capital letters are
genes (no black hair at all) then his ‘A’ genes - whatever they were
- wouldn't matter because he wouldn't have any black to restrict.
But the switch is still there. It is just like if you turned the breaker
box off - it doesn't mean your light switch cannot be in an on or off
position, it just means that it doesn't have an visible effect when
you flip it.
By this same token, our Fred could have had the ‘Cr’ gene
(palomino), but we'd not have known it without examining his
parents or his offspring. This is because even if the dominant Cr
gene was
switches (recessive). It
only takes one uppercase letter for the overall effect to be “on”.
Breaking Fred down gene by gene, we have the ‘G’ gene,
which is the greying gene. For Fred the grey switches are
(’Crcr’), we would never see it because ‘Cr’ lightens
red hair, but not black. And all poor Fred has is black hair. So his
‘Cr’ switch could be on all this time, and we'd be none the wiser.
But we can see that Fred is grulla, because he carries the
dun (’D’) gene. Fred's dun is
for grey, Fred is going
to prematurely grey. And if we breed Fred, half his offspring will get
‘G’ (grey
- ‘Gg’ - and because it only takes one
) and half will get ‘g’ (grey
). Now if our Fred had
switches (’GG’) instead of ‘Gg’, all his offspring would be
grey, because it only takes one ‘G’ (dominant) to make a horse
grey, and Fred would be giving one ‘G’ to all his foals.
Now for the next two pairs of genes, which decide whether
Fred is chestnut, bay or black. Because genes cannot be
anything more than
, because he is ‘Dd’. If Fred were
dd he would be not-dun, like the vast majority of horses. ‘D’ is the
dun gene (on) and ‘d’ is the not-dun gene (off). The ‘D’ gene
dilutes the body color, but leaves the points undiluted. It does not
matter how Fred's other switches are positioned, it is just going to
take the results and lighten the body. So because Fred ended up
black, it's going to lighten his body (making it mousy colored) and
leave his legs, mane and tail black. If Fred had ended up bay
instead, this gene would have made him yellow dun.
Finally, Fred also has one Tobiano gene
, we cannot actually have a "chestnut
gene" or a "bay gene." What we have are two pairs of switches
that end up giving us those three results. In Fred's case, these
switches give us black as a base color.
Of these two genes, the first is ‘E’, which means the horse
can form black pigmented hair. Because Fred is ‘EE’, his offspring
will all be able to have black pigmented hair. For Fred, the black
switches are both
(’t’). So he is tobiano spotted to some extent, and just like his grey
gene, half his offspring will get this on switch as well.
What geneticists don't know is why Fred might end up a
tobiano with a lot of white, or just a little hint of the tobiano pattern.
And this is true of all the patterns - what is confusing is what
genes, or combination of genes, cause the patterns or markings to
look different. And some patterns that may seem like "one switch"
may in truth he a set of switches that often go together. But the
basic idea of on/off switches still applies.
(’T’) and one
. If both switches were off, Fred would be
chestnut (’ee’).
The other gene is ‘A’. The A gene says whether the horse's
black pigment is restricted to the points (legs, mane and tail) or
not. If this restriction is
, so his
black hair is not restricted at all. He is all black. If Fred had two ‘ee’
(dominant). Lower case letters are
, the horse can only have bIack hair on
the points, and is bay. But Fred's switches are both
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