Blue Planet 1080p VC-1 TrueHD-PerfectionHD.txt

(11 KB) Pobierz
 :::::::::  :::::::::: :::::::::  :::::::::: ::::::::::  ::::::::  :::::::::::  :::::::::::  ::::::::  ::::    :::   
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 ###        ########## ###    ### ###        ##########  ########      ###      ###########  ########  ###    ####                       

          ??????????                          :::    ::: :::::::::                             ??????????  
        ??????????                            :+:    :+: :+:    :+:                              ??????????
      ??????????                              +:+    +:+ +:+    +:+                                ??????????
    ??????????                                +#++:++#++ +#+    +:+                                  ??????????
  ??????????                                  +#+    +#+ +#+    +#+                                    ??????????                              
         ??????????                           #+#    #+# #+#    #+#                             ??????????
                ??????????                    ###    ### #########                       ??????????
                       ???????????                                             ?????????????
                    ?-??????????????____ ????????????????????????????????? ____??????????????-?
                    ???? ?                                                               ? ????
                    ????         -------------------------------------------------         ????
                    ??????------??                     Title                     ??------??????
                    ????         -------------------------------------------------         ????
                    ???? ?                         Blue Planet                           ? ????
                    ????                                                                   ????
                    ????         -------------------------------------------------         ????
                    ??????------??       Format          ??          Audio       ??------??????
                    ????         -------------------------------------------------         ????
                    ???? ?                                                               ? ????
                    ????     [x] Blu-ray      [ ] PCM 5.1 [Eng]                            ????
                    ????     [ ] HD DVD       [ ] PCM 2.0                                  ????
                    ????                      [x] Dolby Digital 5.1 [Eng,Fre]              ????
                    ????                      [ ] Dolby Digital-Plus 5.1                   ????
                    ????                      [x] Dolby TrueHD [Eng]                       ????
                    ????                      [ ] Dolby Digital 1.0                        ????
                    ????                      [ ] DTS-HD 2.0                               ????
                    ????                      [ ] DTS-HD 5.1 [Fre,Spa]                     ????
                    ????                      [ ] DTS-HD Master Audio                      ????
                    ????                                                                   ????
                    ????                                                                   ?+??
                    ????         -------------------------------------------------         ????
                    ??????------??                 Technical Info                ??------??????
                    ????         -------------------------------------------------         ????
                    ???? ?                                                               ? ????
                    ????     [ ] 1.78:1   [40] Runtime    [1990] Year                      ????
                    ????     [ ] 1.85:1                                                    ????
                    ????     [x] 2.35:1   [12.1 GB] Size   [VC-1] Codec                    ????
                    ????     [ ] 2.40:1                                                    ????
                    ????                  [boellemis] Ripper                               ????
                    ????                                                                   ????
                    ????                                                                   ????
                    ????         -------------------------------------------------         ????
                    ??????------??      Supplements / Exclusive HD content       ??------??????
                    ????         -------------------------------------------------         ????
                    ???? ?                                                               ? ????
                    ????     Supplements..........: 				           ????
                    ????      					                           ????
                    ????                                                                   ????
                    ????     Exclusive HD content.: Dream is alive		           ????
                    ????      				                                   ????
                    ????                                                                   ????
                    ????         -------------------------------------------------         ????
                    ??????------??                 Release date                  ??------??????
                    ????         -------------------------------------------------         ????
                    ???? ?                                                               ? ????
                    ????                           July-25-2007                            ????
                    ????                                                                   ????
                    ????         -------------------------------------------------         ????
                    ??????------??                   Subtitles                   ??------??????
                    ????         -------------------------------------------------         ????
                    ???? ?                                                               ? ????
                    ????   [x] English     [ ] Swedish     [x] Spanish     [ ] Dutch       ????
                    ????   [ ] Danish      [ ] German      [ ] Polish      [ ] Italian     ????
                    ????   [ ] Arabic      [ ] Portuguese  [ ] Czech       [ ] Thai        ????
                    ????   [ ] Hindi       [ ] Hungarian   [ ] Croatic     [ ] Korean      ????
                    ????   [ ] Slovenia    [ ] Finnish     [ ] Icelandic   [ ] Chinese     ????
                    ????   [ ] Norwegian   [x] French      [ ] Hebrew      [ ] Other       ????
                    ????                                                   [ ] None        ????
                    ????                                                                   ????
                    ????         -------------------------------------------------         ????
                    ??????------??             Plot Summary / IMDB               ??------??????
                    ????         -------------------------------------------------         ????
                    ???? ?                                                               ? ????
                    ????    								   ????
                    ????   								   ????
                    ????   On several Shuttle missions, Earth has been portrayed from 	   ???? 
		    ????   places that nobody else could reach. We also get shown the 	   ????
		    ????   different locations and the environmental problems mankind      ????
		    ????   created there because of our wish to exploit our planet for     ????
	 	    ????   our own benefit.                                                ????
                    ????                                                                   ????
                    ????                                                                   ????
                    ????                                ????
                    ????         -------------------------------------------------         ????
                    ??????------??            Greetings / Group News             ??------??????
                    ????         -------------------------------------------------         ????
                    ???? ?                                                               ? ????
                    ????    Greetings goes out to ESiR, iLL, NWO, DiR, CtrlHD and all the  ????
                    ????         other high quality groups out there.                      ????
                    ????                                                                   ????
                    ????                                                                   ????
                    ????                ...
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