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By Jon Sinn
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Define Female
All Women have a
Sexual Side
Filters determine who
she allows access to
this side of her
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A subpersonality is, in
transpersonal psychology , a
personality mode that kicks in
(appears on a temporary basis)
to allow a person to cope with
certain types of psychosocial
situations.,The mode may
include thoughts, feelings,
actions, physiology, and other
elements of human behavior to
self-present a particular mode
that works to negate particular
psychosocial situations. The
average person has about a
dozen subpersonalities.
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What is a self image?
A person's self image is the
mental picture, generally of a
kind that is quite resistant to
change, that depicts not only
details that are potentially
available to objective
investigation by others, but also
items that have been learned by
that person about himself or
herself, either from personal
experiences or by internalizing
the judgments of others. A simple
definition of a person's self image
is their answer to this question -
"What do you believe people
think about you?"
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Cold Reads
Sexual Qualifiers
Sex Talk
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