Cat Grant & Rachel Haimowitz - Power Play--Resistance.pdf
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Riptide Publishing
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his is a work of iction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of
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Power Play: Resistance
Copyright © 2012 by Cat Grant and Rachel Haimowitz
Cover art by Imaliea,
Editor: Carole-ann Galloway
Layout design: L.C. Chase,
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form
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ISBN: 978-1-937551-28-5
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ISBN: 978-1-937551-33-9
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Give me six months, and I’ll give you the world.
Brandon McKinney has scraped and sacriiced for what little in life he’s ever
had. hough it’s been iteen years since he escaped his father’s abuse, the
damage remains. Trust seems as far out of reach as his dream of becoming an
architect, and though he’s come to accept being gay, he can’t deny the shame
and confusion he feels at other urges—the deeply repressed desire to submit.
Jonathan Watkins is a self-made Silicon Valley billionaire whose ex-wife took
half his money and even more of his faith. Comfortable as a Dominant but
wary of being hurt again, he resorts to anonymous pickups and occasional six-
month contracts with subs seeking only a master, not a lover.
When a sizzling back-alley encounter cues Jonathan in to Brandon’s deep-
seated submissive side, he makes the man an ofer: Give me six months of
your life, and I’ll open your eyes to a whole new world. Brandon doesn’t care
about that; all he wants is the three million dollars Jonathan’s ofering so he
can buy the construction company he works for. But he soon learns that six
months on his knees is no easy feat, and shame and pride may keep him from
all he ever wanted—and all he never dreamed he had any right to have.
For everyone who’s ever felt shame at their desires.
Don’t. Be proud; you are perfect the way you are.
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