Lose Weight Forever - 50 Habits Of Naturally Thin People.pdf

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50 Habits of
Thin’’ People
T his is not a diet— or a rigor-
ous exercise program. (No-
body can stick to those for
long.) Instead, it’s a simple
way to make weight loss a
natural part of the life you already live.
And guess what? It’s fun! You don’t
have to give up the foods you love or
join a gym. It’s about balancing calo-
ries in tiny ways that add up to big
benefits. You just adopt some tricks
naturally lean people do. Pick the ones
you like, stick with them, and you’ll
slim down and tone up—for good!
How to Get Started
Decide how much you
want to lose and see how
many calories a day it will
take to make it happen by
year’s end. Then, work
into your routines however
many of these eating
tweaks and exercises (it’s
important to do both) you
need to achieve your goal:
Slash a total of 100
calories each day to lose
about 10 pounds in a year.
Slash 250 calories a day
to lose about 25 pounds.
Slash 500 calories a day
to lose about 50 pounds.
This is based on a 150-
pound person; you may
need to cut more or fewer
calories, depending on
your weight, age and gen-
der. It also assumes your
normal calorie intake es-
sentially stays the same
(you’re not overeating
today, running a marathon
tomorrow) and your weight
is stable. For instance, a
140-pound woman eats
about 2,100 calories a day
to maintain her current
weight; a 210-pound man
needs 3,150 daily to keep
the scale steady. Now read
on and start losing!
Lose Weight Forever
open, sit up slowly without using
your hands. With legs straight out, lean
forward until you feel a gentle stretch
in your back and hamstrings. Hold;
then, using your abs, lower yourself
flat. Rest and repeat two more times.
Strengthens core. Burns 10
out in front of you, keeping it ex-
tended. With upper body straight,
hold for a few seconds and move it to
the side; hold and extend it behind
you. Do five to ten times on each leg.
Tones outer thighs, hip flexors and
quadriceps. Burns 10
6 Coffee saver Instead of pouring
that 1 3 cup of half-and-half (a
whopping 105 calories!) into
your mug, replace it with the same
amount of 2% milk. Saves 60
2 Go for the grains Not ready for
Twigs & Rocks cereal? Sprinkle on
a few tablespoons of wheat germ or
oat bran. Work up to 3 4 cup of low-
sugar whole-grain cereal with at least
three grams of fiber per serving, and
you’ll pass on that Danish. Saves 100
10,000 steps to justify your 500-
calorie bagel with cream cheese, or
try this: low-fat spreadable cheese like
Laughing Cow Light on an English
muffin. Saves 300
3 Add some protein The more you
eat earlier on, the less you eat as
the day wears on, research has shown.
So after your cereal, add a hard-boiled
egg or a part-skim mozzarella cheese
stick to keep you feeling full—and
away from that pre-lunch brownie.
Saves 200 (or more)
your teeth, alternate standing on
one leg as you switch mouth quad-
rants (every 30 seconds).
Balancing develops
your core muscles
and may even be good for your
brain. Burns 10
5 Be a ballerina As your coffee
drips, stand sideways, put one
hand on the counter, and
lift the outside leg straight
Morning Makeover
1 Wake-up workout When your eyes
7 Better your bagel You can walk
4 Balance booster While you brush
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Nine-to-Five Fixes
8 Tone in traffic Use the time spent
Because you walk more, a study found.
Now you just have to convince the
boss. Burns 25
bumper-to-bumper to develop
your buns of steel: Squeeze your der-
rière each time you tap the brake,
holding for 10 seconds. Shoot for 10
to 15 squeezes a trip. Burns 10
9 Snack smarter Portion out the
11 You know squat! At your desk
chair, pretend you’re going to sit
but don’t—stop and come back up
without using your arms. Always start
squats by lowering your hips, not
bending knees forward, and keeping
your weight on your heels. Repeat the
motion throughout the day (even at
the potty!) for 15 to 20 total. Strength-
ens quadriceps. Burns 15
day’s snacks into pint-size zip
bags, or buy single-serving por-
tions. For example, four regular Oreos
have 200 calories versus the 100-calo-
rie snack bag version. Go for the lower
fat chips: a Lay’s Light bag has only 75
calories, while the regular has 150.
Saves 175 (over two snacks)
body doesn’t register
calories from liquids the same
way it does those from foods,
so you won’t get those “stop
eating” signals to help you
compensate for the overload
later on. Change from two glasses
of regular soda or fruit juice to
diet soda or a flavored seltzer.
Saves 300
13 Talk it UP Every
will blast more calo-
ries during the day wear-
ing comfy clothes like jeans
or khakis, sport shirts and
soft-soled shoes than don-
ning constricting suits,
skirts and heels. Why?
time you grab the
phone, stand up
and pace around.
Heavy people sit on average two
and a half hours more per day
than thin people, according to the
Mayo Clinic. Burns 50 or more
one mini whole-wheat pita
instead of the usual two slices of
white or refined wheat bread for
your sandwich. Saves 70
12 Switch your soda Your
10 Casual day payoff Yo u
14 At lunch, pick a pita Use
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They’re packed with fiber
and water, so your stom-
ach will want less. Plus,
studies out of Washington State and
Brazil have shown that people who
eat at least three apples or pears a day
lose weight. Try two small apples and
two fewer large cookies. Saves 100
out • Dips: If your chair has
wheels, brace it against some-
thing. Facing forward, place palms
on the front edge of the seat with
knees bent at a right angle. Lower butt
toward the floor; raise and repeat for
two sets of 10. Tones triceps. Burns 10
• Lifts: Seated in a chair with your
back straight and your feet on the floor,
squeeze knees together and gently
bring them toward your chest. Do two
sets of ten. Strengthens abdominals.
Burns 10
much we’ve forgotten what our
co-workers look like. Pick a colleague
or two who sits farthest from you and
deliver 10 of those daily messages in
person. And go out of your way: Hit a
bathroom or a copier on another
floor—and take the stairs, of course.
Burns 100
Outsmart the Scale
You might be tempted to jump on
the scale after the first few days to
see if you’ve lost. Don’t! With this
long-term approach, you may not
see the digits decrease right away.
This is fine—you’re losing slowly, the
way you should. Weigh in weekly if
you want, but don’t obsess. If your
jeans get looser, you know you’re
doing great. The best way to track
your progress is to pay attention to
how you feel: Do you have less pain,
more energy? Are you in a better
mood? That’s what counts.
your papers with a few wall
push-ups. Place hands wide at shoul-
der height against the wall. Take a
couple of steps back so your body is
at a slight angle and your weight is
on your toes, and do three sets of 10
push-ups. Strengthens chest and tri-
ceps. (For more desk exercises, go to
changeone.com/workout .) Burns 10
17 An apple (or more) a day
18 Try a simple chair work-
15 Get face time We use e-mail so
16 Firm as you file Pause from
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Around Town
19 Carry some weight When
takes your tank to fill—for an SUV that
might be 50 raises! Burns 10
you’re grocery shopping or run-
ning errands, wear a backpack with a
5- or 10-pound bag of sugar inside to
increase resistance and burn more
calories. Add purchases to your load
as it becomes easier. Burns 20 (for an
hour of errands)
20 Tweak your treat Instead
with a napkin to cut anywhere
from a teaspoon to a tablespoon of
grease—and calories. Saves 50-100
the mall, try on at least ten out-
fits, both pants and shirts. No need to
buy! Burns 60
of a large caffè latte and
a chocolate cream-cheese
muffin, get a small nonfat latte and a
small low-fat raisin or carrot muffin.
Saves 340
to give up that quick lunch if
you order smaller portions: Instead
of a Quarter Pounder with Cheese and
large fries, opt for the cheeseburger
Happy Meal. You can even play with
the toy. Saves 390
25 Recharge yourself Any-
fuming over gas prices, think
about firming your calves: With one
hand on your
car, stand on
the balls of
your feet
and slowly
rise up and
down for as
long as it
time you’re waiting in
line, stand evenly on
both feet, clasp hands
behind your back and squeeze shoul-
der blades together to open your
chest, an energizing yoga-based move
that stimulates the nervous system.
Hold for 10 to 20 seconds while slowly
breathing in and out, taking longer on
the inhale. Burns 5
into a challenge: For every
piece of junk mail you pull from the
mailbox each day, do one lap around
your house or building, or up and
down a flight of stairs. Burns 35-140
22 Do the pizza pat Blot your slice
23 Shop till the pounds drop At
24 Eat like a kid You don’t have
21 Pump at the pump Instead of
On the Home Front
26 Jog for junk mail Turn clutter
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