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Bryn O'Callaghan
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Pe arson Ed ucat io n Limi ted ,
Ed inburgh Gall", Ha rlow,
Essex CM2Q 2JE. Eng land
and Associa ted Compa n ies th ro ug ho u t the w or ld .
1M 1',," ,.1 !iw... b~' t) . II. (l" C.II.!'=h.n. Pubh , hrd by l ""I\"1Jn, 1'''' ''-,: p. 34
The"Me" " l"'liu " ... 1"'""" '" o f Art . G,f, " f Edl:" W,lh.m.noJ !krnia:-
G .."'""h . 1%3: p ..V.I'",.., N~wa,k's Arn"";~a" 1'..-llIr",; p , 37 Woo",'''''
M " S<'tJ m . 11. " 1<-,,,, 11... O klahon,,; p. Jl:! ·Cou"n )· of.",,"hodr 1, 1." .1
IIl"o' Kal S<K....~'.; I' . .l'l T hr G ,.nl('" CoII«tIOn. " .."" Yo,k : p. ~"hom .i
Jlul<>ry "1'.' R.,.IdoI;,. by J- 11'.... (),,',.h.on and M.,k II . l) Il1<-. Pu bh ,hc-d
by l'r rtl,K....lbll h K. , IWot,; p . 41 1'",,, N......·..k ·. An ,..n c."I'..-.,,' n ; p. 42
Sn' Ill,1 T'''rJJ~ lfr ..,...... b)' Alf,<'dJa cob M,n er . All ~l"S<'tJm.
amah • . N d>.. , b : p . 431'..." N , ,,,·..k·. Am<T Kan I' ..-.u'n; rp . ..... --w. Tbr
GU" II'" CollNt""'. N ...... yo,k: p . 4S DrrJ s."u. bl ' l ou .. S<:hulu~. o le .
C.<>U ""')' of, hr M" """n Il... onul So<io<:r~' ( N 'll: no. S- 12l',E): p .\0 110,
{'"tkot ..... ...J N..,I"",J. h\' C h",lC'S T. Wrbbn. C ,nt,,,,,.ll An ~lo .....m; p. 50
IInrn"nnlllll" o" I" ", ,,, ,, Comp."~·; p. 52 Annt ~.". Il. o w n M,I" .,y
CoIINt"",. IIm ....n Un"·....." l· l,b, .,y: 1', 53 Foror.-u ~""..-. N . ",..-"I..
~n'.: 1" S~ Ik ll ma" " 11 1" h ",, I'I<~"'" Con'p.ny; p. 51, Th .. G " "l( er
CoIINt;"". N .. w Y",k: I' S7 Iklll11a"":11"h",,1'..-,,,,~ Coml" "y; 1'1' . ';1\.
5\0 1','''' N,"·.,k" Am,.,-iea" Pino''''; 1" 60 Th, G ,,/d..., Sr ' 1'1l'l5, ~l"n
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1' 0" ..1..,. , ,,Hr.., i,,,, 0 1 ,Ill" "'I''' p. /,1 ThorT ho "'''' (,,1"'
1,," ," '" of
A",rr ie. " I I"",,~' .".1 A". T ill•• Okl>hom.: p. f.:! I' fl er N '
Firs t pu blish ed 19':10
Seve n teen th im p ressio n 2004
Am ... i"n I',,,,ur~,; 1" (~\ m .i """ ,'" C~"''''''". "11'.""·,,,.1 ,h. C~"'" "r
I,mpj" '/;,k " i" lI".. y". b\' r.""l· 1'. 1",..r. ",,,rJ Iidn'I("ph (h. nd cnl",..d).
l l1,s. A",,,,, C.rI,·' MIN ' ''''' . F" " Wnrr h; 1'. f,l ( II) The (;'."1:'"
C"lk" 'i ol1. New y o , k: p , (,5 T Il<' Th om .. G il..,,·.... It"m",,· of Am"i"."
1 Ii, w , y . " d Art , '1',,1-. . O kl, h" ,,» ; 1'. 67 I'el<" N ,' w. , k " A", en ... "
I' ,ft " n" : 1'. f,H 'I'll.. """ 11'" Co lk ..ti" " . N e ..... y " , k: 1'. (,') '; ", ill",,,,;. ,,
I" " i" " io'" A" th,o po l"l: i". 1( :" "....'i o,, (pho '" "". S5,U1H): r . 711
1'" pperf"lI1I UJ'1;1" 71 1l"1l1l1 ."" 11 1"lt" ,, I' KlUCO' C""'p.lly: 1'1'. 72~ 74 Tl l<'
G" "I:'" Collntl''''. N e w Y" ,k ; 1" 76 l' i"''' ''·I''-,j",.lo ,nlo ,,: p . 77 The
C""I(" C"I1""ft"". N , " · Y",k; p. 7l:I (D Ik ll " ",,,, I H ,, Ir,, ,, 1',,'1"'"
C Olllp . n y: p. 711 (JI) (:1,/1n""I1.... l\O lJ.b)" (;"" " 1:" Wnlq' Ik llnw , .
IllII2 - 1'125, T h., l ", A"l(dn CU"llfy M U""" Il1 .. f All . l'" Anl(d " C O""'I
1'" ",1 , : p. ,.) (D Ik'll nu n" ll lllh on PK' ''''' Comp.,,)'; p . Ill) (Ii) T he
G,.nlo:r' C"lk,·,,,,,, . N e"" Yo,k; p. 112 Th, Sink•. by " u l>.,,, K".,h k r , Thor
ll. xan,J. 1l( :oml""y In' . : 1'1" f4 . 1\(, lIn'm.""/ II "I",,, I'K,u,~Comp.ny;
p. lI7 Pa" .".. C . " . l Com "" " ion . Mi. m i; p . llII T ",,,,...,,"flhr Im pe, ..1
Wa, M uS<'tJ m . Lon don (U",. ,[): 1', I\') The"N .,w Yo,k I'ubl ", lIb .., v ; p . ~I\n C <>ll""on. N ....... Yo,k; p. 91 T ' " <lrn ol", hor In' J'<'"al W..
Mo..... m . Lond"": p , \0 2 T hr Gunl:CT Colknion. N~w Yo ' k : p . \fa (O Thr
Eqllil.lbk l,fe A""un« S<Kit-t~' o ffhor U";lrJ S..."', 1" \OS
Ikolrn.""IHull "n l'Ift ",., Comp.o~·; p. 9b Thr G,an!,=r' CoIknlOf1 . N ......·
y o,k; p , 'n Ikt' ",. " n/ll" h"" 1'I,,"r.. Company: p. ')'I TM & ,,/. Of
.i_"".. I" "". ~, 1\0511 . .\11lTf K'-'n<lk,. rol lNtion o fT1M> ..... l lo.>n,...l1 y. J, .:
p. 1'" T hr C;.. n!,=~' Coil",,,,,,. N ' ....· York ; p . lUI Iktlnu n llil/" lton
IWlI'" C ""'I"")": p. iU2 'C o,,"n)' o f T = .........., V. lky AlI,horn y·; 1', 1U5
N ••"",.I Arch",,,, . W.. h",~,on I>C ; p . IUf, m I'oppe,fo'o ; 1'. 11~.(Il)
From R"""" r/, ..",,11M I '~"rd Sl4'lJ. by I>.B . O ·C.lIal:h.n . l'o bh 'hc-d b~'
Lon!:"..". 1'''' ''-,: p . 1IJ71' "prnfo'0 ; p . 10K ""be" I l.. ,jIl1~ 1',,,,,,,,, L, b..,,;
p . Ir~l{l) Ito l>.,,, 1 1.,dl11~ I' inll'" Libra,y: p. 1m (", T oph .m P""",,,
Sour"" ; 1" 111 (O N~",', ,,f,h,, Wo,ld; p . 113m U Pll lk"".. " n
N ew ' pho " ,,: p. 113 (II) R" I>.,,, !lum L,b,.,y: p. liS m U I'[ l lk"",ann
N , w , pl" " " . : p. 11 S (II) Ik"nilli~ l' howllnph y; p. 117 m C.m"a I' , n , :
p. 117 ( II) U I'JlI I,·n " .."" N~w'plm.o.; p . 1111 U I' I/ Jk"rrunn Nrw,phow,;
p. 11'1 U I' ll lkmn.lln N " " ' l'h ",,,,: p. I:!lJ11.01>.,,, 11>,,1"'1( I',nu,~ l ,b, ..y;
p. 121 Itul", ,, 11. , .1" ' 1:l' ,eou ," l,b, ..)'; p . 122 C.mrr> 1',,,,,; p. 12.1
W.~'l,"d I'" bll,h {"(. L" "i ,..d: 1" 124 Th 'J. AliI" C.,h I'ho, oh b,..)'; 1'. 124
(D T h" 1h ' '''h ,,,,,, I.ib.., y; p . 125 Th e Ilo, d ' i",," L,b.. ,y: 1" 12/,
UI'li1kt"".1I11 N " w'l'hoto': p. 128 C.II1.,UI', .,,,: p. 12'1 (Tl C . m e.. I" e" :
1" 12'J (Il ) 1'''1'1..." Pin "" So",,,,,; p. UllT"l'h.m l' KlU" · Sou , e..: 1'. H I
SOllth AI1I ... i<' JI< 1'1<" "''' ' ; 1" 132 C'l11e , . I' , ,,, ; 1', l.l.l U I' l/ lkll 11l . " "
N " w ,pl " " o , : 1'.1 34 r " nk Spooner l' iClo" . ; 1'.135 U I·l/ lI.. IlItl .n"
N ew 'pl"" ",: p. Uf, T o " y Swn, Worldwid, ; p. 137 (T) <:.111<'. 1',....; I'
137 (II) Mri )<1,ul,l". l la",bo'ger> Li" ,i, rJ: p..1Jl:! Itol>.,,, Ib,<I " '1: I' " ." "
L,b.., y: p . L\'i S~II:U'" 1I",I,JII111 . 1957; A' eh""'" M,n V .n d..r Roh , .nd
I' h' hp J ohn " ",; I'h o ' Ol:' .ph b y Ell. S'oll~r. 1'/511; Lr n ' by J..... ph E
Sr'I\"'" (" S.,,,,h..-.
Cour phol0 ltr .rh. b y ' {To p u fl) ThrG,.n~er Col1"t"... . N ...... Yo,l<;
{Top M ,<ld k ) An"" S K. B,own M, h..,y C"U""on, lI",w " Univr .."y
l ihrary; {Top 1I.'l(h" ""X r .,. ' II, n lirnil<'d: {Mam' Th, G... "I(.... ColknlOf1.
N...... y",k; (l k ,,,,, n, uf') 1I.0b0:rt Ih'dmg Pi",,,,r Lib, .. y; (110" ,, 111 Riltht )
1'",,, N,,,,·..k·, Am..,iu" I' i"'" , n
Ruk Covu by : Am"n CarIn M"S<'tJrn. ron Wonh
P icl ,," Collf<'f ;on by : s.""", I I",kini o n_RoIf.. (pI lOT(lSEE KE RS)
Dnip by: Sylvia T..,
British Lib ra ry Ca ta log ing in Publica tion Data
O ' Calla ghan, D.B. (De n n is Brynley), 1931-
An illu strat ed hi story o f the U.S.A.
1. Un ited Sta tes, h is to ry
J. Title
Set in 10 /1 2 pi Bembo
Printed in Ch ina
I SB N 0 582 74921 2
Ackn o wledgements
w~n~ ItU ,rf" llo ' hr follo""In !: fo' p...-mi""'" '0 Kp,oJu« ~0I'I·tllo:h,
ma ' ....... I,
A",hon' A!:rtl " f", , hor rocm ••The" I>,~am l )cofn , n1 " b)' u"p",n 11,,1o:tM-.
f, om 11o.1'.... rJ..... .mJ llot I..,. - f'«"U </ ..... h..." l\: W . ..... , 'Chal'p<"11 M",i~.
Int for pon,o." ofthr I)',i~ 11"". (M o.. 000, Sid. by n ob 1» 'I. n . © I'I.-.J
Wa' ntr II,,,, In• .
The"quo'an on on 1" 10:~ 'Rl " by M . Shulim""n.
w~ a,.., It..trful . .. ,h~ f"I1" .... "'1t fo' perm''''on '0 '~I',,,dll"" co p ytll(h,
plJolt'l:, .".1 " II.... ,II""..,"", rn'If,i.l:
1' . 4 Th,' M""ol'"hu" Ilol " """ 111 of A". G il', "I' 1' ''·' po 11t Ilol 0 ' 1(' " . 1~_J; I' 5
Th. Huff" /" 1/,,,,,. "". 40. by C h. , les M . "",,,,,n. " fr. ,. 1'11'/. A"",,, C.n",
M",~"",. h It ' Wo"h: p. 7 rn Th ' llcn vrr 1'1Ihhc L,b ra,y . W"" "," I [i, w , y
I) ep. m " enl , 1'''''''''1: hy K. ,l llod",",; p. 7 ( II) 1/" ,.1" I" di"" I'M/"I,h. 1'/74
M" re Kii",r1 r r. b v, ll Ilol " "''' '''. Kl. ",..h l'>11s , 0,"1:""; 1'. III.• it ' 1:";, &"""
/);",,,,,,j,,.~ A ",,,ir4, by ( :h,i sn." Km hl:. o/~ .113 X 4711"111 ,
N ' 'J",,,II(.II.., i,·t, (hlo : 1', ') T lll" (;" "10:'" C olI,:c' io". N ,·.... y ",k: 1" 1U
U ,, " ,oJ SUt l'< ( :.p". I I I' ,t o ,i..1S<KI<" y; p. 11 h " m "1"1" ,~,,',y ~I A,." ,·•. b)'
l o " i, I lr tm , 1' " bh, h, ,J by Til ,,'" Boo ks. 1\17(,: p. 12 ·J. III"'WW"-
Yo,k ' " ...." l'ou" J ..i,,,, l'ho'o'; p. 1.l T hr C ""l\rl C o lI.. <lI<'". New y",k; f ·
14 (i) 1" ' penal T" b. " o L" " " rJ: p. 1~ ( II) 1' ''''''''1: by 1(<'1... 0.1 S.:hl,,,,hl. ©
N ' '''''1J1(;""I(uph..· s.,.- ,y; p. 17 Pr lf t N ' ...... k·. Am, ,, .." 1',,""'''': 1'.
111 (i) T hr Thoma< (oile, ", I" " i, ,,,.. o f A m..,i,ao I l" ,o , y .,,0.1 An. Tol... .
Ok "h"n"; 1'. 11\ {II) 'Co"n",y ofThr N ' ....- yo,k I ll" o " e. l S.lCit-ty' . N,w
Yo , k : p . l\O © J L.CO r .. rn' . 'uch"",sof7b. lIay V,Il. It... O b I" : p. :!ll (l )
hom I I,,' M)' 4j ,h. /'n.t'i,. !ipt"'l-'''K flr"p l... P"bh,hc-d by Macdo " . ld l\: Co.
{Pub h, ""n) Limn nl. 1'17f>; PI'· 20-21 Libn'y Cornr:;"y o f l' h' ladd pIJia; p .
2:! o""jr/ n-•. I~ Mort Kti"",ln . H . m mn C al ..... N ' .... Y" , k : p. 2.l
The"M"''''I'''I ".n Ilol"..... 01 of Art . Gifl o fEdIl" W ,lh. ,,, . noJ ,Ik lll ""
Chr)'Skt (;", ",h. 1'.I,,); p , 24 ·C ou n n yoh hr 1I.0y.l O"U' M> M " S<'tJ m ·.
T or on ' o . C.n : p, 26 m 'Co""n y o flhr John Ca nr, Il m w o lIbra , y al
B, o""o Unl<'~n"y ; p. 26 (11 ) The"Gn"gnC.oIlc-c'Uon . N ...... y o ,k : p. 27
The"M"'ropoltUll M uS<'tJ m of An . Gil; of Ilol .. 11. ...... 11 s.!\~. 1'Il~): p. 211 G, II
of lkla J W..d anoJ II J udo.! W..d . C.oIkttion of,hr Alb. n y In, u. " . r o f
1I,,,,,,y . noJ An; p. ~ Tbr(,n,,~ Coll«tion. N rw Yo , k : 1" 3u li..,Ji,,~
n./>rr'"""",, "; I...J~. T.. 110,T ,""l" . 1'175, Mo n K'-'"" k t . l'nkral
1..11 N an" " . 1M, nM> na l. N .....· York ; p. 31 Lo".......c;"aud,,": p. 32 N ew
Yor k SUIf " ', " .. ..-. [ A,«X"iouon . Coop<"f'MO""n ; p . 33 "'o n, Ii"" ...... /' .. ...J
1 T hc, first A mericans
2 Ex plo rers fro m Europe
3 Vi rg inian beg in nings
4 Pur itan New Eng land
5 Coloniallife in A m er ica
6 T he roots o f revolution
7 Fig hting fO T independ ence
8 Form ing rhc, ne w nati o n
9 Years oj'growth
to Wl'st to rill' Pacifi c
t 1 North and So uth
12 Th l , er-n Wa r
t 3 Rcconsrructi on
14 M ina s. railr o ad s and cat tle men
15 Farm ing lI1L' G reat Plains
16 T h e Amerindi an s' last sta nd
17 lu vcn ro rs and ind ust ries
18 T Ill' Colden Door
19 Refo r m er s an d p ro gressive s
20 All Am erican em pire
21 A wa r and a P l' ;I Ct'
22 The Roa rin g Twenties
23 C rash and d epre ssion
24 Roosev elt 's New D eal
25 Th(,-' A rsenal of D em o cracy
26 Prosp erit y and p ro blems
27 Blar k A me ricans
11 2
28 Cold W:tr ;llld KOrl'J
II ()
29 A balan ce ofte rr o r
30 T hl' Vietn am yea rs
3 1 Am erica's back ya rd
33 T hl' Am er ican Ccuru ry
A d d itional infor m a t ion o n illustra ti o ns
I ~o
In d e x
32 An end to Cold W J r ?
islan ds d ose to th e m ainland ofludia. For th is reaso n
he called the friend ly, brown-s k in ned people who
greeted him "los Ind io s" - Indians.
In f~([. Colu m bus was 11()( nc ar Ind ia. h w as not till'
ed ge o f Asia that he h ad reached. but islan d s offthe
sho res o f a new co n tinen t. European s would soon
name th e new cont ine nt Am eri ca. b u t for lTlan y years
th ey wc n r on calling its inh abitants Indi an s. Only
recently h ave th ese fir st Am erican s been described
m o re cccu rarcly as "native Ameri cans" o r
A mcrindians.
There were mallYdiffc rrn r g ro u ps o f Amerindian s.
T ho se no rth of M exico , ill w hat is no w the U n ited
States and Canada. w ere scatte red across the
g rasslan ds and fo rests in sep arate g ro ups called
"mbcs. " These rribcs followed very d iffe rent wa ys
oflife. SOI11l' we re hun ters. so me we re farm ers.
So me wert' peaceful. o thers wa rlike, They spo ke
o ver three hundred separate lan guages. so me o f
w hich we re as diff erent fro m o ne ano ther as En gli... h
is from Chinese.
CI ,ri.<f/'I'Iu, C(,I",,,~,,s . . 1 " ",1,''''1''''.1,)' p,'rl r" i, "I' S,·h,I." ;'''''' J..I
Euro peans called America " the N ew Wo rld ." Bm it
wa s no r new to the Amer ind ians, T heir anc estors had
alread y been living the re fo r maybe 50,000 Y'ars
when C (11UlllbIlS ste pped on to the beac h in San
Salvad o r,
We say "ma ybe" because no bod y is com ple te ly sure.
Scicur isr... belie ve th at till' d istant an cesto rs ofthe
Anll'rindialls G UIll' to Am eri ca from Asia. T his
hap pen ed. thcv say , d urmg rhc earth's [a... t in ' ag e.
lo n g before peo ple be gan to make written record... .
At davbn-a k o n th e mo rnin g o f Friday. Au gu st J
14lJ2, ;1Il ltulinn adven tur er named Christo pher
Col u mbus set sail from Spai n to find a new way fror u
Europe to Asia. His aim was to o pen lip J sho rter
{talk ro ut e between th e two continents. in Asia. he
int ended to load his th ree small ships with silks.
sp ices and gold. and sail back to Europe J rich 111:111.
At that rime a br idg e oficc joined Asi a to Am eri ca
aero...... what is now the Berin g Strait. Hun ter ... fro rn
Siberia cro ssed this b ridge into Alask a. From Alaska
th e hunters mo ved so uth and cast a CTOSS America,
follo wing herd s ofcaribo u and buffa lo as the an ima ls
we nt from o ne feeding g ro un d to the Ill'X L Maybe
12.( M)() ye ars ag o. descend ant s o f these first
Amer icans w ere cro ssing the i... rhm n... o f l' uunm a int o
Columbu s first sailed so u th to the C anary Island s.
Then he turned w est acr oss th e unknown waters of
the m id - Atlan tic O cean. Ten wee ks after leav ing
Spain . 0 11 the morn ing ofO ctober 12. he step ped
ashore 011 the beach ofa lo w sandy islan d. I It- named
the island Sail Salvad o r - i lo ly Savio r . COhll11 b us
bel ieved that he had lauded in th e Ind ies, a ~rollP of
Zgłoś jeśli naruszono regulamin