Tempo 2-Student's Book.pdf

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You mustn't do that!
Page 6
Present simple, revision
must, musfn't for obligalJon and
like + verb + ing
be like (descriptions)
p .. 5 .... a l appearance:
S"e s :a ll she's got dark brown hair
at 0 t ...e eyes.
Pers:--a 1\ adjectives:
c:;: ent. .
Page 18 Let's check
Mum doesn't let rre do
Page 19
Verb let
Object pronouns, revision
would like + noun
How much is/are ... ?
How much + noun ?
r::/le!"""'--' - b."y"l(sh~p. bakery, ...
How rTlafly + noun ... ?
Page 30 Let's check
VV1lat are we doing at the
Page 33
Present continuous, revisron
Present cootinuous tor future use
Future with gOing to + vero
Why don't we ... ?
: s ... ,J....... s raining ...
...... "
Page 42 Let's check
I'll carry the picnic basket
Page 43
Future with will lor offers,
predictioos and decisions
Par.s . -. '8 body:
~c s.. - 1er
.....IOn .e'"QS·
'JAr- -iK).
Possessive pronouns
, •..................••..•. .... ,
Page 54 Let's check
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. Pronunciation
(.ulture Spot
Study tips
Describing people's appearance and personality
Pets' corner
SB p. 9 __ WB ex. 1-2
SB pp. 1G-11 __ WB ex. 4
SB p. 13 __ WB ex. 5-7
SB p. 14 __ WB ex. &-9
SB p. 15 __ WB ex. 3, 10
Writif1g In English WB p. 11
It's time for (bed).
It's not fair.
Stop it!
It's only (a toy spider).
An)l1Nay' ."
It's fun.
Not for (me).
Buying things in a shop
A boy vvith style
SBp.19 __ WBex.1
SS pp. 20--21 __ WB ex. 3-6
SB p. 23 __ WB ex. 7-8
SB pp. 24-25 __ WB ex. 9-13
Can 1 help you?
How much islare ... ?
I'd like ... p/e8se.
That's (£1.99), please.
Here's your Change.
tul Ill:!
Making and responding to suggestions
Independence Day
: SB p. 33 __
: SB pp. 34-35 __
.SBp.36 ........
: SBp.37 __
: SB pp. 38-39__
• phr<3S€S
WB ex. 3-7
WB ex. 1
WB ex. &-10
WE p. 33
Let's ...
Why don't VIE ... ?
f want to ...
Making offers and predictions
Expressing decisions
Giving advice
ECOlogy wook
SB pp. 43 __ VVB ex. 1
SB pp. 44-45 __ WB ex. 4. 5.
S8 pp. 4&-47 ~ WB ex. 10-12
SB pp. 4&-49 __ WB ex. 6. 13
(We'll rreet) in the usual place.
It's Iovey!
(I) won't be tong.
YOli shouldn't swim straight afler (lunch.)
(1'1lj just (watch).
Final ccnsonants: Ipl III IkI
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The highest mountain
Page 57
Comparativ€s and superlatives
of adjectives
Geographical features:
se8. mountain. I'Ofcano, .
too + adjective
not + adjective + enovgh
Points of the compass:
north, north-east, ...
Page 66 Let's check
Where were you last night?
Page 67
Pa~1 simple of be
Television programmes:
the news, a soap opera.
Past simple of regular verbs
Past time adverbials:
last Saturday. yesterday morning,
lunchtime, evening
Page 78 Let's check
We made lots of pancakes!
Page 80
a lot oflfots of,
plenty of, many, much,
a few, a little
carrots, fish, grapes, ...
Past simple of irregular verbs
Page 90 Let's check
That was 500 years ago!
Page 91
Prepositions of rrotion:
into, through, ...
Past sirrple of regular and
irregular verbs
could tor requests
Imperatives, revision
.,............................ .
Page 102 Let·s check
Wa-e you chatting up
the boys?
Page 105
Past continuous
Detailed physical description:
She's got medium-length wavy hair.
Reflexive pronouns
.............................. ........................................................................................
10 Would you like to meet
Uberty X?
Page 115
lNOUld like to + verb
Pa-sonal possessions:
diary, mob/le phone, .. ,
Regular md irregular adva-bs
Present s.mp/e and PreSEflt
continuous, revision
...................... ,
Past simt=le and Past
continuous, revision
Page 126 Let's check
Portfolio pages 128--132
Page 133 Song: Lady
Page 114 Let's check
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Culture spot
Study tips
rvlaking comparisons
I know.
I don't know.
I think so too.
A Fa-mula One Superstar
SB p. 57
WB ex. 2--8
SB pp. 58-61
Hang on a minute!
I don't think so.
SB pp. 62-63
WB ex. 9-11
verbs and nouns
WB p. 55
Final consonants: 191 and Id!
Talking atout the past
"rbu) can come round.
i '/hen is (High School from Hell) on?
Sounds grootl
!'s about (a dog and a wizard).
fWiII you be out) for long?
Star Wars
Guides and Scouts
V,,'rilp. Cl rl'!ViHW fur ynl,r '::>l.lluul
rnagezlne describing cm
Interesting fillll or TV rmgrarrlrl1€
Wr Ite about VOl r favoL>1 ite
Ol.,tdoor oclivltres
SB pp. 67
WB ex. 1
WB ex. 3-7.
SB pp. 68-69
WB ex. 8. 11
SB pp. 72-7'.3
WB ex. 1.
Past simple endings:
, dI 'Idl
WB p. 65
Talking about past events
; Special days ... in Japan
: ,
SB p. 81
WB ex 1
r. Vel got into a lot of trouble.
,: v.lent all over (the floor).
You did that) on purpose!
Just then, (my dad came in).
rle) wasn't happy!
SB pp. 82-83
WB ex. 3-5
SB pp. 84-85
WB ex. 6, 8
SB p. 87
WB ex. 7,
.................................................................................................... ......................................
~'I ane! le!
Vakltlg and responding to requests
: Was this the Roman Titanic?
: S8 pp. 92-93
WB ex. 3-4
....sKlng tor and giving directions
: SB pp. 94-95
WB ex. 5-9
: Famous kings and queens
: The Tower of London
: WBp 86
: SB p. 97
WB ex. 1
Excuse me,
Could you tell me the way to ?
Is it far?
: s qUite a long way
: s not iar.
: WrilR ;=tool! ynll HnrllfOi1r1"lr1{J
; history WB r 87
.. _
. .
'3rratrrg a slory using the Past simple and the
~ast continuous
: My most embarrassing
: moment
SB p. 105 WB ex. 1
SB pp. 1C6-1 07 ...-.... WB ex. 2--6
SB pp. 108-109 ......... WB ex. 7-8
SBp.111 WBex.9
Wcrking rut the rnearlng 0'
unknown words. WE p. ~,
don·t care,
'. ',.hv afe yOU) late home?
-"'at s l"hy ..
Oh, I see.
I was only (joking).
a~d .1:1
- .-.-.-
-. __
us-,g tile phone
A rap artist
Britain and A1'1enca
Wr ile ar. e-mail
desCllblng you~elf
Write atout places
you'd like to Visit
SBp.l1~, __ WBex 1
SB pp. 116-117 __ \'I'B ex. 2--4
SB pp. 118-119 __ WB ex 5·6
SB pp. 120-12'
-eHo. could I speak to ... , please?
-es hdd on, I'll get (her) for you.
"' sorry. (He) isn't here.
Can I rake a message?
:::outd }'OU say . phoned?
·...8 ex 7-9
\AB f
~a-:;e ·3..: Song: Reacll
Page 135 Irregular verbs
Page· 36 W()(d lisl
WB ex.
SB p. 70-71
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