
(15 KB) Pobierz
{2547}{2575}Let's go!
{3335}{3381}They're coming!
{3701}{3725}They're coming!
{4183}{4205}Get over!
{6235}{6289}Help them! Get that ramp up!
{6295}{6337}Get that horse out of here!
{6345}{6405}Bring them out! Get them out!
{6409}{6446}Get over there!
{6451}{6533}Get some order there!|Get those horses!
{7411}{7445}Your horse kicked me.
{7449}{7487}Run them up along here!
{7501}{7537}Where is my horse?
{7717}{7759}Hey, we got grenades!
{7763}{7819}- Hurry! We must go!|- Be careful!
{7833}{7877}Let's go on this.
{8009}{8029}Here we go.
{8103}{8154}Line up in two columns!
{8191}{8247}Corporal, give us a hand here!
{8319}{8359}We're all ready!
{9509}{9541}Let's go!
{9581}{9611}Let's go!
{11191}{11233}Get after that horse!
{11237}{11289}That was my horse!
{11295}{11323}Get after him!
{11363}{11386}Get out!
{11439}{11501}Get that damn horse off my butt!
{11505}{11563}Get the horse out! The train's coming!
{11567}{11599}- Train?|- The train's coming!
{11623}{11649}What train?
{11653}{11689}I don't see any tr...
{11809}{11869}Get the goddamn horse off my foot!
{12565}{12643}Corporal! Ride back|to the telegraph at Todos Malos...
{12647}{12713}...and tell them the railroad deputies|robbed the train...
{12717}{12747}...and we're in pursuit!
{12757}{12787}Yes, sir!
{12919}{12949}Come on!
{14867}{14901}Damn son-of-a...!
{14937}{14979}Come on! It's lit!
{15231}{15271}Get them horses going!
{15745}{15794}Don't shoot! It's the army!
{16035}{16058}Come on!
{17581}{17617}Let's go!
{17729}{17773}Come on, you lazy bastard!
{17777}{17829}I'm coming, damn it!
{18231}{18265}Is it all right?
{18305}{18343}Where will they meet us?
{18355}{18399}Agua Verde or before.
{18403}{18497}But when we do meet them,|don't expect any open arms.
{18501}{18561}Least we won't have to worry about Deke.
{18591}{18671}Not after riding a half a case|of dynamite into the river.
{18677}{18781}Don't expect him to stay there.|He'll be along and you know it.
{22049}{22122}I would like to get hold of that|fool horse of mine.
{22133}{22203}Some Mex kid's probably|riding him home right now.
{22207}{22277}I don't see how I could've|lost both my boots.
{22293}{22339}They were hard to get on.
{22343}{22381}The river sucked them off.
{22385}{22435}That dynamite helped some.
{22439}{22533}Maybe the same kid riding|T.C.'s horse is wearing your boots.
{22563}{22597}You stupid bastards!
{22613}{22665}Why did you fire at the soldiers?
{22679}{22718}Huey started firing at them.
{22727}{22759}I tried to stop him.
{22763}{22795}One of the bandits...
{22799}{22829}Don't blame me!
{22863}{22901}Shut your mouths!
{22923}{22951}Are we following?
{22955}{23009}Yes, or you'll face a firing squad.
{23083}{23127}Come on, T.C.!
{23179}{23221}My hair's wet!
{24101}{24171}Impossible! We have|no arms or ammunition.
{25751}{25785}They assaulted the train!
{25793}{25827}They got the guns.
{25911}{25943}We must go!
{25981}{26057}Take the necessary people and|take the road to Agua Verde.
{26061}{26141}Convince them to give you the guns.|I wait at the village.
{28215}{28259}He's still heading east.
{28333}{28393}Are they bluffing, or did they miss it?
{28504}{28548}I'd say they missed it.
{28558}{28586}Take a look.
{28660}{28700}There's only five left.
{28900}{28934}Hell, we lost them.
{28938}{28966}I don't see how.
{28970}{29046}Unless it was in the big valley|where the ground was hard.
{29050}{29158}There was but one way they could take|a wagon out of there, and this is it.
{29162}{29200}They didn't take it out.
{29210}{29276}We haven't lost them.|I could point to them right now.
{29288}{29328}Sit still, damn it!
{29336}{29392}You think they aren't watching us?
{29404}{29468}They know what this is about.|What do I have?
{29476}{29548}Nothing but you|chicken-stealing gutter trash...
{29552}{29602}...with not even 60 rounds between you.
{29610}{29650}We're after men.
{29662}{29716}And I wish to God I was with them.
{29730}{29820}The next time you make a mistake,|I'll ride off and let you die.
{29870}{29888}Come on.
{30093}{30164}I never figured they'd|come down here after us.
{30184}{30231}How much you reckon|we could be worth?
{30233}{30295}Depends on how hungry they are.
{30380}{30448}You better stay here|and look out for big hats.
{30452}{30512}I'll go and start rigging the fireworks.
{30516}{30544}All right.
{30663}{30735}Get that case of explosives|off the back there!
{30789}{30843}Hand me down those blasting caps.
{31023}{31072}What you doing with the dynamite?
{31112}{31204}I figure Mapache will try to take|this load without paying for it...
{31208}{31247}...and shoot us as well.
{31281}{31375}The thing to change his mind|is something happening to the guns.
{31379}{31432}I'm making sure something could happen.
{31436}{31496}Hey, Pike, take a look at this.
{31523}{31551}Can you handle that?
{31607}{31680}What I don't know,|I sure as hell am going to learn.
{33353}{33404}My people are here for their guns.
{33535}{33588}You were supposed to be guarding us.
{33593}{33636}I never heard them,|didn't even see them.
{33987}{34087}They apologize and ask you|to forgive them for their lack of trust.
{34100}{34164}But only by caution|do they remain alive.
{34295}{34348}Tell them not to break that fuse.
{34411}{34456}These people from your village?
{34460}{34527}They are part of the village,|but not from it.
{34536}{34636}They are puro Indio and|these mountains belong to them.
{35183}{35256}I'd say those fellows know|how to handle themselves.
{35261}{35304}They've fought Apaches|for a 1,000 years.
{35307}{35343}That's a sure way to learn.
{35356}{35451}If they ever get armed, this whole|country will go up in smoke.
{35455}{35514}That it will, son. That it will.
{35537}{35599}They made damn fools out of us.
{35640}{35759}A man can't sleep with both eyes closed|for fear of getting his throat cut.
{35763}{35784}Where were you?
{35796}{35836}You listen to me.
{35841}{35959}If you get up and help once in a while,|I wouldn't got caught so easy.
{36331}{36407}With the new guns and ammunition,|this couldn't have happened.
{37043}{37096}Swing your leaders wide, old man!
{37100}{37152}- Bring them on!|- Come on!
{37495}{37531}Come on, horse!
{37863}{37888}Hold up!
{37892}{37924}Whoa there!
{38023}{38063}Let's hope they aren't Villa's.
{38396}{38436}We are friends.
{38443}{38492}We are from el General Mapache.
{38507}{38548}Tell the one in front to come here.
{38721}{38756}I am coming.
{38764}{38808}I am your friend, remember?
{38888}{38923}We are friends.
{38927}{38959}All of us.
{38979}{39052}I bring you love and affection|from el General.
{39148}{39212}You bring the guns with you?
{39275}{39324}What bravery you have done!
{39348}{39408}I am to escort you to the General.
{39453}{39491}Tell him to come closer.
{39495}{39518}I hear.
{39544}{39595}I am coming, my friend.
{39687}{39712}Recognize this?
{39933}{40011}Any trouble, no guns for the General.
{40168}{40204}Very smart!
{40208}{40287}That's very smart for you|damn gringos.
{40291}{40335}So nobody can rob the guns.
{40387}{40427}I am not afraid.
{40431}{40471}They are not afraid.
{40475}{40524}You blow up the wagon, you die.
{40528}{40567}Or we kill you pretty soon.
{40591}{40627}But we are amigos.
{40635}{40667}Show them, boys.
{40976}{41019}Start the ball, Tector.
{41244}{41300}Please cut the fuse.
{42295}{42371}El General waits|in Agua Verde to meet with you.
{42375}{42459}Tell the General one of us|will be there to trade tomorrow.
{42476}{42512}Any trouble...
{42520}{42544} guns.
{42903}{42943}Damn gringos!
{43791}{43852}Get them up there! Get them over!
{44035}{44103}Get up there! Get up!
{44716}{44747}You bring the guns?
{44764}{44812}Don't worry, we've got them.
{44908}{44988}When I get my share of the gold,|2,500 dollars' worth...
{44992}{45048}...I'll tell you where four cases are.
{45080}{45144}The others are waiting|for me at the wagon.
{45152}{45219}If I don't show up pretty|quick, they'll blow it.
{45231}{45319}You fix it goddamn good, no?|You fool me.
{45336}{45407}Our accountant will pay you immediately.
{45459}{45499}When do we get our guns?
{45503}{45583}The quicker I get back,|the quicker you get the next load.
{45683}{45712}Open it up.
{46003}{46060}Up the arroyo, about two miles...
{46064}{46123}'ll find three cases of rifles...
{46128}{46195}...and one case of ammunition|hidden in the bush.
{46384}{46439}I understand you have a machine gun.
{46500}{46572}Our contract called for|16 cases of rifles...
{46576}{46635}...and ammunition for $10,000.
{46639}{46679}Not a machine gun.
{46763}{46816}That's our present to the General.
{46879}{46939}Gringo, you fight with Mapache.
{47045}{47079}I'll think about it.
{47124}{47183}In case he don't find them...
{47227}{47267}I trust him.
{47875}{47919}Why don't you stir up some grub?
{47923}{47968}Why don't you go to hell?
{48373}{48400}Damn it!
{48436}{48524}Damn it, Pike must've found you|under a rock.
{48528}{48556}You whip me?
{48604}{48672}But you better hope|I don't get riled enough...
{48676}{48735} dog you when this is over.
{48743}{48815}You're not going to get a chance|to dry gulch me, old man.
{48831}{48872}We'll see.
{48891}{48925}We'll see.
{48955}{48992}Pike's coming!
{49131}{49188}He's got it. Carrying gold.
{49236}{49271}Any trouble?
{49275}{49322}Just from carrying this weight.
{49372}{49427}Pike, I want to go next.
{49431}{49504}You and Lyle take th...
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