Teksty i objaśnienia do Better Speaking.doc

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to sound - brzmieć
native speaker of English - osoba, której językiem ojczystym jest angielski
reading - czytanie
listening - słuchanie
speaking - mówienie
to focus on sth - koncentrować się na czymś
vocabulary - słownictwo
exam - egzamin
to improve - polepszyć, poprawić, udoskonalić
spoken English - język angielski mówiony, angielska mowa
level - poziom
to achieve - osiągnąć
free - tu: swobodny
suggestion - sugestia
learner of English - osoba ucząca się angielskiego
to worry - martwić się
way - tu: sposób
non-native speaker of English - osoba, której językiem ojczystym nie jest angielski
intelligible - zrozumiały

Lesson 1
Do I have to sound like a native speaker?

Jinping: I have learned English for almost 15 years. I have no problem with reading and listening. But speaking has always been a problem for me

because when I was at school, we always focused on grammar, vocabulary and exams. Now I really want to improve my spoken English to a new

level, achieve that free speaking in the near future. Do you have any good suggestions on how to achieve this?

Richard Hallows: Learners of English often worry about speaking like a native speaker. I think it’s important that they should realize this is not the

way you need to speak. Most of the time our listeners are speaking to other non-native speakers of English, so they need to be intelligible to

those people. It’s not necessary to have a native accent.


to sound natural - brzmieć naturalnie
dream - tu: marzenie
trophy - trofeum
support - wsparcie, poparcie
I mean... - tu: konwersacyjny wtręt, ‘zapchajdziura’, która nie jest nośnikiem znaczenia
unbelievable - niewiarygodny, nie do wiary
guy - facet, człowiek
to speak - mówić
to need - potrzebować
to think - myśleć
to say - mówić, powiedzieć
silence – cisza
to keep the listener listening - utrzymać uwagę słuchacza (sprawić, aby dalej słuchał)

Lesson 2
What can I do to sound more natural?

Goran Ivanisevic: This was my dream, all my life and er… you know to serve for the match, suddenly I have a match point out of nowhere, you know... I came here, nobody even talked about me and now I’m holding this trophy and it’s... it’s just... this support today is like... er... I mean.. I was... er... three times in the final but this is, this is just unbelievable, this is too good. Thank you guys for everything...

Richard Hallows: When we’re speaking, sometimes maybe we need time to think about what we’re saying. Um... rather than having a silence when you’re speaking, um... you might like to say, ‘erm... um...’ In fact, I do this quite a lot when I’m speaking. And this helps you sound very natural and keeps the listener listening.


to become - stać się
confident - mający wiarę w siebie, pewność siebie
to make progress - robić postępy
to make the most progress - robić największe postępy
speaker of English - osoba mówiąca po angielsku
to progress - robić postępy
to worry about sth - martwić się czymś/o coś
to make mistakes - robić błędy
to communicate - komunikować się
key - klucz
to enjoy - lubić coś, czerpać z czegoś radość i zadowolenie



Lesson 3
How can I become more confident?

Richard Hallows: Some students do have this confidence, and they’re the students who really make the most progress and become, you know, the good speakers of English. The students who really don’t progress so quickly are students who … you know, they worry about making mistakes so much, it stops them really communicating and making that progress.

Richard Hallows: Really “key” is, you know, you must enjoy speaking. Erm…. It’s not an exam - it’s just about communicating, and if you enjoy it, you will be so much better.


how do I say it? - jak to powiedzieć?
confused - zdezorientowany
to feel - czuć
less - mniej
confident - mający pewność siebie i wiarę we własne siły
I stop myself from - powstrzymuję się od

Lesson 4
How do I say it?

Ngoc: One of my problems is my spoken English sometimes I try to say something but I don’t know the word so I feel... um... a bit confused and I stop because I don’t know how to say it or to say what I want to say so I feel less confident in speaking and I stop myself from speaking sometimes.







paraphrase - parafrazować
basketball - koszykówka
stadium - stadion
to drink - pić
to join - przyłączyć się
beer - piwo
shop - sklep
to choose - wybierać

Lesson 5
Can I paraphrase?

Pak Han Suk: In the house of the Korean people they like football very much, more than your baseball and basketball, but actually they do not want to visit a stadium.

Even if Korean people like football very much sometimes they want to go another place, like picnic, or do other things at home.

Maybe Korean people like drinking so much.

Maybe if a person is asked whether you go to the stadium or you join your friends in the, maybe, beer shop, something like that, I think maybe

Korean people choose going to the beer shop, I don’t know...



to survive - przeżyć, przetrwać, przetrzymać
to be able to - móc, potrafić, być w stanie
to speak English - mówić po angielsku
useful - pożyteczny
language - język
impossible - niemożliwy
to run - prowadzić (np. biznes)
airline - linia lotnicza
the UK (=The United Kingdom) - Zjednoczone Królestwo
limitation - ograniczenie
ability - zdolność, umiejętność
to communicate - komunikować się
customer - klient
in fact - w rzeczy samej, de facto
to come from Greece - pochodzić z Grecji
end - tu: kraniec, kres

Lesson 6
How English helps you survive in business

Stelios Haji-Ioannou: Well obviously I've survived in business, by being able to speak English and Greek, which is not very useful outside Greece - so definitely English must be the business language.

I think it would've been impossible to run an airline in the UK without speaking English - that would've been a serious limitation to your ability to communicate with customers.

And in fact, when people ask me, "Do you... I mean, you come from Greece - why didn't you start the airline in Greece" or "Why didn't you go to France or Germany or everything else", and one of the things I say is, that you know, Greece is too small, it's in the wrong end of Europe, and out of the big markets, the German, the French and the English, the only
language I could skip... er... speak, was English, so I had to come to London.


to link - łączyć
thought - myśl
to use - używać
job - praca
to explain - wyjaśniać
idea - pomysł, idea
another - inny, drugi
to realize - zdawać sobie sprawę
boring - nudny
to listen - słuchać
suggestion - sugestia
in fact - w rzeczy samej, de facto
to come from Greece - pochodzić z Grecji
end - tu: kraniec, kres
to speak English - mówić po angielsku


Lesson 7
How do I link my thoughts together?

Patrice: I have to use English a lot in my job and I often have to explain ideas to people, so I would like to learn interesting ways of linking my thoughts together in English. Often I think I am just saying one thing and then another and I realize that this can be boring for people listening to me. Do you have any suggestions for me?

Stelios Haji-Ioannou: And in fact, when people ask me, "Do you... I mean, you come from Greece - why didn't you start the airline in Greece" or "Why didn't you go to France or Germany or everything else", and one of the things I say is, that you know, Greece is too small, it's in the wrong end of Europe, and out of the big markets, the German, the French and the English, the only language I could skip... er... speak, was English, so I had to come to London.


to go together - iść w parze
phrase - fraza, zwrot
expression - wyrażenie
to try - próbować
to speak - mówić
to use - używać
to know - znać, wiedzieć
thousand - tysiąc
advice - rada
to learn - uczyć się

Lesson 8
How do I learn words that go together?

Leonid: My teacher tells me that it is very important for me to learn natural English phrases and expressions. But when I try to speak English, and use such phrases, it is very difficult for me to know which words go together.

I think in English there are many thousands of these expressions. Can you give me some advice on how to learn them?





opposites - tu: słowa o przeciwnym znaczeniu, antonimy
twins - bliźniaki
to call - tu: nazywać
sort of... – jakiś... (wtręt w rozmowie, który nic nie znaczy)
to move on to - przejść do czegoś innego, zająć się czymś innym
week - tydzień
ups and downs - sukcesy i porażki, wzloty i upadki
both - oba, obie, oboje
to be different from each other - różnić się od siebie
you’re supposed to do sth - powinieneś, masz coś zrobić
to enjoy - cieszyć się (czymś), lubić coś, czerpać z czegoś przyjemność
take it as it comes - (o życiu) bierz je takim, jakie jest

Lesson 9
Let’s find more opposites

Bjork: I've always thought of 'Debut' and 'Post' as twins, and that's why I've called them 'Debut', which is before, and 'Post', which is after - sort of before and after my little lesson, and I think after this I will move on to, sort of, quite, sort of, different things, but the concept with both 'Debut' and 'Post' is a week in a life of a normal person, and all the ups and downs you have in one week which you can't plan - so that's why I wanted the songs on both 'Debut' and 'Post' to be completely different from each other, and to kind of represent that you just... you can't plan your life, and you're not supposed to.

You're supposed to just enjoy it to the maximum and take it as it comes sort of thing.



filler - wypełniacz, coś co wypełnia lukę
to listen - słuchać
native speaker (of English) - osoba, której językiem ojczystym jest angielski
to notice - zauważyć
fluent - płynny
to think - myśleć
helpful - użyteczny, pomocny
to hear - słyszeć
exactly - dokładnie
to explain - wyjaśniać
mark - znak
it went part and parcel with the tour - był zasadniczą częścią tournee


Lesson 10
What are the fillers?

Muhammed: When I listen to native speakers, I notice that sometimes they are not totally fluent and often they stop and think about their words.

But when they do this, they use lots of small words to help them. I would like to learn how to use these small words, because I think they will be very helpful for me, but my problem is that I cannot hear them exactly. Can you help to explain the use of these small words for me?

Madonna: Umm... it was really, kind of a mark for the end of the year and… um… you know



to use - używać
filler - wypełniacz, coś co wypełnia lukę
to put out an album - wydać album
record company - wytwórnia płyt
decision - decyzja
to reach - tu: osiągnąć
time - okres
life - życie
mark - znak
it went part and parcel with the tour - był zasadniczą częścią tournee
celebration - świętowanie, obchody, uczczenie czegoś

Lesson 11
How do I use the fillers?

Interviewer: And why did you actually decide to put the album out anyway? Was it a record company decision or was it just:’ I’ve reached that time in my life, I’ll put out another one?’

Madonna: Umm... it was really kind of a mark for the end of the year and um... you know, it sort of went part and parcel with the tour.
Interviewer: Yeah.
Madonna: which is kind of... it was a com... the tour was really um a celebration of my... pretty much my last three records and what I’ve been doing over the last... since I did ‘Evita’, really.
Interviewer: Yeah.



tu: godny zapamiętania, łatwy do zapamiętania, wpadający w ucho; również: pamiętny, niezapomniany

to notice...

Zgłoś jeśli naruszono regulamin