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Monarch: The New Phoenix Program II
Introduction: The New Phoenix Program
I Human Radiation Experiments
IV Cults and Cover Up
V Cointelpro and Phoenix Program
VI Aquino and Alexanders’ New Phoenix Program
VII Mind War
VIII The Targeted Individuals
IX The Law
X The Pleas (30 letters)
XI Science of the Virtual Gulag
XII Bibliography
Introduction : The New Phoenix Program
Even though he is “retired” Col. John B. Alexander still works today at Los Alamos National
Laboratory in a capacity that is not clearly defined, as does NSA General Michael Aquino . Both
personalities have done extensive study of the application of nonlethal weapons (ELF) to
attacking the populations and armed forces of enemy nations. Whether these terrible weapons
that were supposed to be turned against our implacable enemies, have instead been turned
against our own people, is very difficult to prove, given the nature of the weapons involved.
Thousands of American citizens have been publically claiming for years that they are under
attack from directed energy weapons that attack their physical bodies, and their central nervous
systems. Hundreds of websites have sprung up on the internet and these distraught and
tormented people have banded together in numerous groups seeking redress and relief from their
elected representatives. They have brought legal cases to trial in both the United States and in
international forums on human rights. Human rights activists have been besieged by them for
help, but all such petitions, and court cases have run up against the problem of a lack of physical
evidence. The entire judicial system is built upon the concept of physical evidence and people
who are being attacked with invisible bullets are left with none. The few instances of physical
evidence within their grasp are easily countered by the government and can be suppressed or
confiscated merely by going before a judge and repeating the most abused phrase in the English
language. “This is a matter of national security”. All physical evidence, paper trails, all crimes,
foreign and domestic, are obscured in secrecy by hiding behind the system of classification and
public lies. It must be remembered that the Human Radiation Experiments began in 1943 and
became public knowledge only when the government ALLOWED it to be released to the public
in 1995, and this was ostensibly to exonerate the guilty and to placate the victims. It is with this
in mind that you should look at the extensive circumstantial evidence cited below. The US
government has a long history of experimenting on human beings, not just the radiation studies,
but many different programs of experimentation on unknowing and unwilling human beings. In
every instance these “conspiracies” were able to be carried on more or less in public for decades
without serious challenge. The Tuskegee Syphilis Study was one such well known example of a
terminal experiment on a large group of unknowing human test subjects. Hundreds of African
American men who had become infected with Syphilis were allowed to die a slow and terrible
death so that the pathology of the disease could be better understood. These men suffered
horribly for decades, eventually going blind and then insane. The men also passed their illness
on to countless other innocent people unnecessarily. The scientific results were written up and
published in the most prestigious medical journals in the country by the most pre-eminent names
in medicine. This state of affairs continued from the 1930’s until the 1970’s before one single
protest was lodged by a medical professional. In the end this well known crime of Tuskegee was
also papered over and a few people were given paltry settlements and no one was punished.
MKULTRA mind control experiments began at the end of WWII and then became public in
the 1970’s, however imperfectly, and went ‘black” again because of Senate hearings, but these
experiments have continued to this day. The only reason that MKULTRA was ever brought into
the light of day was that a dissident group stole government documents and released them to the
press, which initially refused to publish them. The MKULTRA archive was destroyed because of
the seriousness of the crimes perpetrated by the intelligence communities. If it became public
knowledge that the intelligence agencies had allowed Nazi war criminals to experiment upon
American citizens, including children, and then replicated these techniques themselves, the
damage to their reputation could never be undone. The only aspects of CIA criminal activity in
general, or MKULTRA in particular, that the intelligence community ever admitted to were the
ones that were already public, or details that had very little to do with the current capabilities of
mind control weapons and techniques. Microwave weapons and remote influence of the human
central nervous system are the crown jewels of the intelligence community. It should be noted
that documents dating from WWI such as the formula for invisible ink are still classified and that
no serious secrets have ever been, or ever will be, willingly divulged. What did become public
was only the tip of the iceberg. Mind control techniques and related technology work. Human
beings can be made vulnerable to manipulation and can be used unknowingly in intelligence
operations. The technology that evolved is very powerful, in fact it is the ultimate weapon, and
the penalty for revealing these secrets is false imprisonment and assassination.
For any new weapons system it has always, ALWAYS, been necessary to test it on human
subjects to refine and perfect the weapon, whether chemical, biological, nuclear, or in this case
microwave and radio frequency radiation weapons. Human beings have been used to perfect
nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons by both the United States and it's enemies. These
experiments have historically been carried out both in times of war and in peace time. The only
proof of human beings ever being used as experimental subjects to develop microwave
"nonlethal" weapons was captured from the Japanese at the end of WWII. Their civilian
scientists had used prisoners of war in the laboratory. The P.O.W.'s were cooked to death through
microwave heating in terminal experiments. To obscure the truth the scientists referred to the
test subjects as monkeys in their lab notebooks. The truth only emerged because Japan was a
defeated power and their biological, chemical, and microwave weapons programs were
confiscated by the US Navy. To illustrate how it is especially necessary to use human test
subjects we will examine one facet of the arsenal of these “nonlethal” weapons. Cyclotronic
resonance refers to the ability to resonate or “spin” small particles with a given resonance
frequency. Military doctrine for nonlethal weapons in this area is as follows. Initially enemy
armies or populations can be exposed to (sprayed with) a very small amount of chemical or
biological agent. The quantity of chemical or biological agent used may be so small as to be
virtually undetectable. Following exposure the enemy population may be targeted with
microwave or radio frequency radiation in the exact resonance frequency of the chemical or
biological agent used. The toxic agent will begin to resonate or spin and will react with much
greater speed or activity within the bodies of the target population, similar to the behavior of
enzymes that make life possible. This greater reactivity may be millions of times greater than
normal and would behave as if the person had been given a massive dose of chemical or
biological agent…enough in fact to cause death. Cyclotronic resonance of chemical and
biological agents allows entire armies or populations to be destroyed with only minute amounts
of the agent in their bodies if they are attacked with “nonlethal” microwave weapons afterwards.
It will be impossible to develop and deploy such a weapon without first testing it on human
beings. These tests are actually being done on American citizens in their own homes. I have
personally met a family of four in Sacramento, California who are being targeted in just such a
manner. Their house is bombarded with microwave energy and they are being purposefully
exposed to a chemical or biological agent in order to perfect this weapons technology. This is
just one aspect of the nonlethal weapons testing that is being done on several thousand people
across the country.
The case for proving that these crimes against humanity are happening to several thousand
American citizens rests on seven facts that are put forth in this book. First, it is an historical fact
that human beings have been used against their will as experimental subjects by the United
States government in the past and that these crimes continued for decades without interruption or
detection by the general public. Many of these various programs that used human beings as
guinea pigs were carried on, as in the case of Tuskegee, virtually in the open. Besides the
human radiation experiments on civilians and armed forces personnel, it is an historical fact that
the government funded MKULTRA mind control experiments for decades using Nazi war
criminals and American scientists in an effort to perfect mind control as the ultimate weapon.
Second, ALL new weapons systems MUST be tested on human subjects in order that they be
perfected, especially nonlethal microwave and radio frequency radiation weapons. This is the
history of nuclear, chemical, and biological warfare, and all weapons systems that predate them.
Third, the body of unclassified scientific research by American and Russian scientists exists
(including patents) in sufficient detail to prove that these weapons do exist. The documented
Russian directed energy weapons program included attacks on the US embassy that killed the US
ambassador and a USSR program that targeted internal dissidents with anti-personnel microwave
weapons, such that they might “give their will over to some superior outside force”. Fourth,
there is a history of prior criminal behavior against progressive groups, criminal acts perpetrated
by the US intelligence agencies that date back to the 1950’s and continue to this day. These
criminal operations exemplified by Cointelpro have adopted counterinsurgency warfare
techniques that included assassination and forced suicide as a primary tactic against individual
American citizens to stop mass movements from forming or to stop progressive groups from
successfully advocating for social change in a lawful manner. Fifth, US military doctrine is
highly evolved on the subject of nonlethal weapons. These weapons have been fielded and used
in warfare for decades but their use has remained classified. The nonlethal weapons systems that
the public is aware of are only those systems that are the most benign in nature and will not
create a public backlash. The use of the more sinister “nonlethal” weapons remains classified,
though they are alluded to under such terms as soft kill, in numerous papers by military
professionals. The military doctrine papers were covered in the first book (Monarch I) and will
be touched on briefly here. This existing military doctrine is voluminous and highly evolved,
dating back to the 1970's. Sixth, Col. John B. Alexander has implicated himself in these crimes
in his interview in the Washington Post where he states, "Until recently, anything that smacked of
[mind control] was extremely dangerous" because Congress would simply take the money away,
he said. "there were some abuses that took place," but "I would argue we threw the baby out with
the bath water." "It's interesting, that it's coming back," Alexander observed. While Alexander
scoffs at the notion that he is somehow part of an elaborate plot to control people's minds, he
acknowledges support for learning how to tap into a potential enemy's brain. The dilemma of the
war on terrorism, he notes, is that it never ends. So what do you do with enemies, such as those
at Guantanamo: keep them there forever? That's impractical. Behavior modification could be an
alternative, he says. "Maybe I can fix you, or electronically neuter you, so it's safe to release you
into society, so you won't come back and kill me," Alexander says. It's only a matter of time
before technology allows that scenario to come true, he continues. "We're now getting to where
we can do that." "Where does that fall in the ethics spectrum? That's a really tough question." If
Col Alexander had openly admitted this program he could have been prosecuted for divulging
state secrets or assassinated as an example to others. His statements that mind control programs
are in operation add up to a tacit admission that what he says may happen in the future is actually
happening now.
Seventh, there is a population of credible witnesses who are proclaiming loudly that they are
under attack and are being used as human experimental subjects against their will in terminal
experiments, that is experiments that end in the death of the human subject. I have personally
met with over 200 of these people and have found them to be credible. The degree of torture and
human suffering they are living under is unimaginable to those who have not been attacked in
this manner. The authorities and Congressional representatives have remained largely indifferent
to their suffering, yet this current state of affairs may not last. In order to conceal crimes and
confuse justice it is standard practice for US government mind control programs to use many
different names and to change names often. To avoid confusion all the dozens of mind control
programs that began about 1945 until the 1960-1970 era shall be referred to collectively as
MKULTRA. Typically these programs of many names took place in government and private
laboratories and generally had an emphasis on the use of LSD, trauma, and other techniques to
break down the human mind in order to control it. The term MONARCH used here shall refer to
the program(s) that came after MKULTRA. Typically these programs have taken place outside
of the laboratory and have an emphasis on the use of microwave and radio frequency radiation to
inflict trauma and affect the human central nervous system. The term MONARCH shall
encompass not only the program of mind control aimed at a few thousand Americans, but the
political infiltration and counter-insurgency program waged against constitutional authority by
the US intelligence agencies. The first 24 pages following this introduction are a brief reprise of
the first book, Monarch I, followed by an explanation of gang stalking and electronic
harassment, then a look at the population of targeted individuals (TI's) and a detailed
examination of a number of their case studies. Letters from human rights advocates, TI
organizations fighting these war crimes, and letters from the TI's themselves have been included.
Human experimention by the US government on its citizens goes back over 60 years beginning
with the human radiation experiments. Thousands of people were unknowingly either injected
with plutonium, given radioactive tracer solutions to drink, or subjected to total body irradiation.
These experiments were designed to answer the questions such as how much radiation will kill a
man, how radiation behaves in the human body, and how to measure an exposure after the fact.
These experiments were carried out in hospitals, prisons, orphanages, and mental facilities. The
subjects were people of all races, men, women, children, and children in the womb. Most
unknowing human subjects were people who could not fight back. The mentally handicapped,
orphans, prisoners, hospital patients, children, and citizens from lower socio-economic brackets.
More than 200,000 American soldiers were purposefully exposed in above ground atomic tests.
Documents show that the military knew that in order to get realistic scientific results it was
necessary to expose at least 10,000 men to harmful levels of radiation. American soldiers were
under military discipline and could not object to being used in this manner. These tests went on
far longer than necessary to answer the questions they were designed to answer. From the
beginning there were serious flaws in the science. The scientists who injected plutonium into
civilians used plutonium citrate which is shed in the urine. Nuclear explosions give off
plutonium nitrate that collects in the bones and lungs and is not shed in the urine. For decades
the soldiers used as human guinea pigs were tested by collecting their urine. The testing of urine
would not show the true amount of radiation the soldiers had been exposed to. The scientists had
botched the tests and all the human suffering and deaths were, in the end, for nothing. Decades
after the tests the sick and dying American soldiers joined together in groups such as The Atomic
Veterans to demand compensation for the years of morbidity and mortality inflicted upon them
and their families by this criminal experimentation. The government stalled their claims by
contracting with government friendly corporations (SAIC) and labs that supplied scientific
studies that claimed insufficient proof of harm from radiation exposures. The strategy the
government employed was to wait decades until the soldiers had died off from cancer and related
diseases. In 1988 Congress waived the rules and gave veterans dying of cancer the benefit of the
doubt but by then most of the veterans were dead. These human experimental studies were
successfully kept secret from the public until the 1990’s, despite the fact that hundreds of
thousands of American citizens were used as human guinea pigs by hundreds of scientists and
government employees in military and private labs. President Clinton allowed the DOE to open
their files and make public the classified documents on human radiation testing. The Presidents’
Advisory Committee on Human Radiation Experiments held hearings in March, 1995 and
allowed victims to testify. The report they produced was largely a whitewash of the crimes
committed. No scientist of government employee was prosecuted or punished in any way. The
public institutions involved were allowed to claim that the victims had given their informed
consent, which was patently false in all cases. A few of the survivors and their families were
awarded $100,000, but most of the victims were not compensated in any way. When Mary Jean
Connell, the only living victim of the plutonium experiments, was asked how she felt after
receiving $100,000 dollars, merely replied “I’m afraid it’s going to happen again, you know”
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