John Alexander - How To Become An Alpha Male.pdf

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"The Lazy Man's Way
"The Lazy Man's Way
To Easy Sex and Romance
With 20 or More Women a Month"
All content Copyright 2006 by John Alexander
The Number One Secret Behind the Alpha
Male's Body Language
Watch a man with high status--Brad Pitt, George
Clooney, or the CEO where you work--and you'll
notice that he moves differently than the rest of
us. He gives off vibes that he is hot stuff, and
because of that, women get soaking wet over him.
You, too, can create that aura that makes you
attractive to women.
Have you ever noticed the way your friends look
when they're all nervous? They're looking down at
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the ground with their arms crossed, fidgeting, with
their voices cracking and their eyes bugged out.
And when you give off that kind of body language
yourself, women don't want to be around you.
Now, think about successful guys. They've got girls
all over them and some great body language going
So, what's the number one secret between those high
status guys and the low status guys? You've
probably guessed it... the alpha males are relaxed
and in control when it comes to social situations.
Make no mistake about it... relaxation is the most
important mental state for you to be in.
With that in mind, here are some pointers for you
to develop the mindset and body language of an
alpha male (and by the way, if you think they're
easy, you're right... you can make these changes as
early as tonight and have even the hottest girls
clamoring for your attention):
1. Don't allow yourself to feel worried. Just let
your worries go, since you can't solve any problem
by worrying. So suck it up, and quit thinking about
what might go wrong. Just live life.
Now, I know what I just said is easier said than
done (to use an old--but relevant in this case--
cliche). You've spent your whole life up until now
dwelling on thoughts that make you feel worried.
But what is this emotion we call "worry"? When you
think about it, it's simply the fear of what might
happen in the future. Essentially you're punishing
yourself by feeling upset before anything bad has
happened. It makes no logical sense to worry!
So the solution is to avoid contemplating your
worrisome thoughts anymore. Identify them for what
they are... toxic to your emotional state, and...
let them go.
Simply not dwelling on negative outcomes that make
you feel upset will reduce 90% of your worries.
2. A second strategy to relax is to breathe through
your abdomen rather than your chest.
When you breathe, imagine that you're bringing air
down to your stomach. Feel your belly rise and fall
as you breathe.
3. Avoid nonverbal behaviors that are the opposite
of relaxation:
- Raising your shoulders.
- Wrinkling your forehead.
- Fidgeting with your hands and/or legs.
- Tightening your facial muscles.
4. Relax all your muscles and slow down all of your
movements a notch.
Alpha males generally move unhurriedly, as if they
are in control of time itself. Beta males are
nervous and make jerky movements. Imagine you are
standing and walking through a swimming pool, where
your movements are slow and fluid.
5. Relax your eyes and eyelids.
Beta males hold their eyelids wide open because
they are so nervous. Their eyes dart all around.
Instead let your eyelids rest. Look straight ahead.
Only give things your attention if they interest
you. While you're out and about, do the affirmation
to yourself, "I am sexual, I am relaxed, and I am
in control."
6. If someone wants your attention, move your head
A trait common to many beta males is being so eager
to please that when someone calls their name, you
see them spin their heads toward the person
unnaturally fast.
Learn the 7 Step Seduction System that takes you
from saying "hello" to a new woman... to sharing
orgasms in bed with her... in just one evening! If
you enjoyed these articles, you will REALLY enjoy
the ‘How to Become an Alpha Male’ ebook. Click the
link HERE
How to Get a Girl to Like You
We've all had that special woman in our lives. You
know... the one with the sweet personality, the
really nice hair and a perfect face. She dates the
more "adept" guys... but how can you get her to
like you?
While men are primarily attracted to women based on
their looks, a woman finds a man attractive because
of his personality. A ideal man is an alpha male
who's confident in himself and not afraid to take
the lead and get what he wants out of life.
Ironically, what this means then is that the best
way for a girl to like you is when she feels like
she has EARNED you.
That's because to get a girl to like you, you
should come from a mindset of high value. Never
come from a position of neediness.
So the best attitudes to have towards any one
particular woman are:
1. Nonchalance.
2. Non-attachment to whether she likes you or not.
(By that I mean, if she likes you that's awesome,
but if not, there are tons of other chicks out
there who are equally as great as she is.)
The bottom line is that a woman should never be a
challenge for you. Instead you should be a
challenge for her.
In addition to placing a high value on yourself,
you can also eliminate neediness by building up
your social network. Make friends with as many
women as you can. (Women are easy to make friends
Also date as many women as you can... don't
restrict yourself only to dating "that one special
You see, the last thing you ever want to have going
through your mind when you're around that special
woman is, "God, I MUST have this girl! She's
irreplaceable!" Having an abundance of women in
your life will solve that problem.
Also, whenever a woman sees that other chicks are
attracted to a guy, she too feels attraction.
Psychologically, this is known as the "social
proof" phenomenon... and it's much more powerful in
women than men.
Ever noticed how your female friends drool over the
guy at the corner of the bar who's got four babes
at his table? That's social proof in action.
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