Arnold Douglas - Functional Analysis.pdf

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Douglas N. Arnold 2
John B. Conway, A Course in Functional Analysis, 2nd Edition, Springer-Verlag, 1990.
Gert K. Pedersen, Analysis Now, Springer-Verlag, 1989.
Walter Rudin, Functional Analysis, 2nd Edition, McGraw Hill, 1991.
Robert J. Zimmer, Essential Results of Functional Analysis, University of Chicago Press,
I. Vector spaces and their topology:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::2
Subspaces and quotient spaces :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 4
Basic properties of Hilbert spaces ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 5
II. Linear Operators and Functionals::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::9
The Hahn{Banach Theorem::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::10
Duality :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 10
III. Fundamental Theorems:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::14
The Open Mapping Theorem:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::14
The Uniform Boundedness Principle::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::15
The Closed Range Theorem :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 16
IV. Weak Topologies ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 18
The weak topology:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::18
The weak* topology::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::19
V. Compact Operators and their Spectra :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 22
Hilbert{Schmidt operators ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 22
Compact operators:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::23
Spectral Theorem for compact self-adjoint operators :::::::::::::::::::::: 26
The spectrum of a general compact operator ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 28
VI. Introduction to General Spectral Theory::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::31
The spectrum and resolvent in a Banach algebra ::::::::::::::::::::::::: 31
Spectral Theorem for bounded self-adjoint operators::::::::::::::::::::::35
1 These lecture notes were prepared for the instructor's personal use in teaching a half-semester course
on functional analysis at the beginning graduate level at Penn State, in Spring 1997. They are certainly
not meant to replace a good text on the subject, such as those listed on this page.
2 Department of Mathematics, Penn State University, University Park, PA 16802.
Email: Web:
I. Vector spaces and their topology
Basic denitions: (1) Norm and seminorm on vector spaces (real or complex). A norm
denes a Hausdor topology on a vector space in which the algebraic operations are con-
tinuous, resulting in a normed linear space. If it is complete it is called a Banach space.
(2) Inner product and semi-inner-product. In the real case an inner product is a positive
denite, symmetric bilinear form on XX !R. In the complex case it is positive denite,
Hermitian symmetric, sesquilinear form X X ! C. An (semi) inner product gives rise
to a (semi)norm. An inner product space is thus a special case of a normed linear space.
A complete inner product space is a Hilbert space, a special case of a Banach space.
The polarization identity expresses the norm of an inner product space in terms of the
inner product. For real inner product spaces it is
(x;y) =
4 (kx + yk 2 kxyk 2 ):
For complex spaces it is
(x;y) =
4 (kx + yk 2 + ikx + iyk 2 kxyk 2 ikxiyk 2 ):
In inner product spaces we also have the parallelogram law:
kx + yk 2 + kxyk 2 = 2(kxk 2 + kyk 2 ):
This gives a criterion for a normed space to be an inner product space. Any norm coming
from an inner product satises the parallelogram law and, conversely, if a norm satises the
parallelogram law, we can show (but not so easily) that the polarization identity denes
an inner product, which gives rise to the norm.
(3) A topological vector space is a vector space endowed with a Hausdor topology such
that the algebraic operations are continuous. Note that we can extend the notion of Cauchy
sequence, and therefore of completeness, to a TVS: a sequence x n in a TVS is Cauchy if
for every neighborhood U of 0 there exists N such that x m x n 2 U for all m;n N.
A normed linear space is a TVS, but there is another, more general operation involving
norms which endows a vector space with a topology. Let X be a vector space and suppose
that a family fkk g 2A of seminorms on X is given which are sucient in the sense that
d(x;y) =
2 n kxyk n
fkxk = 0g = 0. Then the topology generated by the sets fkxk < rg, 2A, r > 0,
makes X a TVS. A sequence (or net) x n converges to x i kx n xk ! 0 for all . Note
that, a fortiori, jkx n k kxk j! 0, showing that each seminorm is continuous.
If the number of seminorms is nite, we may add them to get a norm generating the
same topology. If the number is countable, we may dene a metric
1 + kxyk n ;
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so the topology is metrizable.
Examples: (0) On R n or C n we may put the l p norm, 1 p 1, or the weighted
l p norm with some arbitrary positive weight. All of these norms are equivalent (indeed
all norms on a nite dimensional space are equivalent), and generate the same Banach
topology. Only for p = 2 is it a Hilbert space.
(2) If is a subset of R n (or, more generally, any Hausdor space) we may dene the
space C b () of bounded continuous functions with the supremum norm. It is a Banach
space. If X is compact this is simply the space C() of continuous functions on .
(3) For simplicity, consider the unit interval, and dene C n ([0; 1]) and C n; ([0; 1]),
n 2 N, 2 (0; 1]. Both are Banach spaces with the natural norms. C 0;1
is the space of
Lipschitz functions. C([0; 1]) C 0; C 0; C 1 ([0; 1]) if 0 < 1.
(4) For 1 p < 1 and an open or closed subspace of R n (or, more generally, a -nite
measure space), we have the space L p () of equivalence classes of measurable p-th power
integrable functions (with equivalence being equality o a set of measure zero), and for
p = 1 equivalence classes of essentially bounded functions (bounded after modication
on a set of measure zero). For 1 < p < 1 the triangle inequality is not obvious, it is
Minkowski's inequality. Since we modded out the functions with L p -seminorm zero, this
is a normed linear space, and the Riesz-Fischer theorem asserts that it is a Banach space.
L 2
is a Hilbert space. If meas() < 1, then L p () L q () if 1 q p 1.
(5) The sequence space l p , 1 p 1 is an example of (4) in the case where the
measure space is N with the counting measure. Each is a Banach space. l 2 is a Hilbert
space. l p l q if 1 p q 1 (note the inequality is reversed from the previous example).
The subspace c 0 of sequences tending to 0 is a closed subspace of l 1 .
(6) If is an open set in R n (or any Hausdor space), we can equip C() with the
norms f 7!jf(x)j indexed by x 2 . This makes it a TVS, with the topology being that
of pointwise convergence. It is not complete (pointwise limit of continuous functions may
not be continuous).
(7) If is an open set in R n we can equip C() with the norms f 7!kfk L 1 (K) indexed
by compact subsets of , thus dening the topology of uniform convergence on compact
subsets. We get the same toplogy by using only the countably many compact sets
K n = fx 2 : jxj n; dist(x;@) 1=ng:
The topology is complete.
(8) In the previous example, in the case is a region in C, and we take complex-
valued functions, we may consider the subspace H() of holomorbarphic functions. By
Weierstrass's theorem it is a closed subspace, hence itself a complete TVS.
(9) If f;g 2 L 1 (I), I = (0; 1) and
f(x)(x) dx =
g(x) 0 (x) dx;
for all innitely dierentiable with support contained in I (so is identically zero near
0 and 1), then we say that f is weakly dierentiable and that f 0 = g. We can then dene
the Sobolev space W p (I) = ff 2 L p (I) : f 0 2 L p (I)g, with the norm
kfk W p (I) =
jf(x)j p dx +
jf 0 (x)j p dx
This is a larger space than C 1 ( I), but still incorporates rst order dierentiability of f.
The case p = 2 is particularly useful, because it allows us to deal with dierentiability
in a Hilbert space context. Sobolev spaces can be extended to measure any degree of
dierentiability (even fractional), and can be dened on arbitrary domains in R n .
Subspaces and quotient spaces.
If X is a vector space and S a subspace, we may dene the vector space X=S of cosets.
If X is normed, we may dene
x2u kxk X , or equivalently kxk X=S = inf
s2S kxsk X :
This is a seminorm, and is a norm i S is closed.
Theorem. If X is a Banach space and S is a closed subspace then S is a Banach space
and X=S is a Banach space.
Sketch. Suppose x n is a sequence of elements of X for which the cosets x n are Cauchy.
We can take a subsequence with kx n x n+1 k X=S 2 n1 , n = 1; 2;::: . Set s 1 = 0, dene
s 2 2 S such that kx 1 (x 2 +s 2 )k X 1=2, dene s 3 2 S such that k(x 2 +s 2 )(x 3 +s 3 )k X
1=4, ::: . Then fx n + s n g is Cauchy in X :::
A converse is true as well (and easily proved).
Theorem. If X is a normed linear space and S is a closed subspace such that S is a
Banach space and X=S is a Banach space, then X is a Banach space.
Finite dimensional subspaces are always closed (they're complete). More generally:
Theorem. If S is a closed subspace of a Banach space and V is a nite dimensional
subspace, then S + V is closed.
Sketch. We easily pass to the case V is one-dimensional and V \S = 0. We then have that
S+V is algebraically a direct sum and it is enough to show that the projections S+V ! S
and S + V ! V are continuous (since then a Cauchy sequence in S + V will lead to a
Cauchy sequence in each of the closed subspaces, and so to a convergent subsequence).
Now the projection : X ! X=S restricts to a 1-1 map on V so an isomorphism of V onto
its image V . Let : V ! V be the continuous inverse. Since (S + V ) V , we may form
the composition j S+V : S + V ! V and it is continuous. But it is just the projection
onto V . The projection onto S is id, so it is also continuous.
kuk X=S = inf
Note. The sum of closed subspaces of a Banach space need not be closed. For a coun-
terexample (in a separable Hilbert space), let S 1 be the vector space of all real sequences
(x n ) n=1 for which x n = 0 if n is odd, and S 2 be the sequences for which x 2n = nx 2n1 ,
n = 1; 2;::: . Clearly X 1 = l 2 \S 1 and X 2 = l 2 \S 2 are closed subspaces of l 2 , the space
of square integrable sequences (they are dened as the intersection of the null spaces of
continuous linear functionals). Obviously every sequence can be written in a unique way
as sum of elements of S 1 and S 2 :
(x 1 ;x 2 ;::: ) = (0;x 2 x 1 ; 0;x 4 2x 3 ; 0;x 6 3x 5 ;::: ) + (x 1 ;x 1 ;x 3 ; 2x 3 ;x 5 ; 3x 5 ;::: ):
If a sequence has all but nitely many terms zero, so do the two summands. Thus all
such sequences belong to X 1 + X 2 , showing that X 1 + X 2 is dense in l 2 . Now consider the
sequence (1; 0; 1=2; 0; 1=3;::: ) 2 l 2 . Its only decomposition as elements of S 1 and S 2 is
(1; 0; 1=2; 0; 1=3; 0;::: ) = (0;1; 0;1; 0;1;::: ) + (1; 1; 1=2; 1; 1=3; 1;::: );
and so it does not belong to X 1 + X 2 . Thus X 1 + X 2 is not closed in l 2 .
Basic properties of Hilbert spaces.
An essential property of Hilbert space is that the distance of a point to a closed convex
set is alway attained.
Projection Theorem. Let X be a Hilbert space, K a closed convex subset, and x 2 X.
Then there exists a unique x 2 K such that
kx xk = inf
y2K kxyk:
Proof. Translating, we may assume that x = 0, and so we must show that there is a unique
element of K of minimal norm. Let d = inf y2K kyk and chose x n 2 K with kx n k ! d.
Then the parallelogram law gives
x n x m
2 kx n k 2 +
2 kx m k 2
x n + x m
2 kx n k 2 +
2 kx m k 2 d 2 ;
where we have used convexity to infer that (x n + x m )=2 2 K. Thus x n is a Cauchy
sequence and so has a limit x, which must belong to K, since K is closed. Since the norm
is continuous, kxk = lim n kx n k = d.
For uniqueness, note that if kxk = kxk = d, then k(x+ x)=2k = d and the parallelogram
law gives
kx xk 2 = 2kxk 2 + 2kxk 2 kx + xk 2 = 2d 2 + 2d 2 4d 2 = 0:
The unique nearest element to x in K is often denoted P K x, and referred to as the
projection of x onto K. It satises P K P K = P K , the denition of a projection. This
terminology is especially used when K is a closed linear subspace of X, in which case P K
is a linear projection operator.
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