Let's Talk - Activities, boardgames, topics.pdf

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Talk about your hometown
Let’s Talk 1: Units 1–4
1. Talk about your hometown.
2. Talk about your family.
3. What time is it?
4. What's your favorite kind of weather?
5. Introduce yourself.
6. Introduce a classmate.
7. What do you do in your free time?
8. When is your birthday?
9. How do you spell your last name?
10. Say the alphabet.
11. Which sports are popular in your country?
12. What's your name?
13. What country do you want to visit?
14. What do you like to do when it rains?
15. What do you like to wear on weekends?
Let’s Talk 1: Units 5–8
1. Where do you usually shop?
2. When is the last time you got a haircut?
3. What do you think of fast food?
4. What time do you usually eat breakfast?
5. How much does a music CD cost?
6. What do you like to do on vacation?
7. What is a "coupon"?
8. What’s your favorite kind of movie?
9. What do you think of spicy food?
10. Name two things you can buy in a duty-free shop.
11. What kind of food don’t you like?
12. How much is a cup of coffee?
13. What food is typical in your country?
14. Where do you want to go on your next vacation?
15. When is the last time you went to the movies?
Let’s Talk 1: Units 9–12
1. How can you be a better friend?
2. What healthy habits do you have?
3. How often do you remember your dreams?
4. What’s the most beautiful city you’ve ever visited?
5. What time do you usually get up on weekends?
6. How can you make your life less stressful?
7. What games did you like to play as a child?
8. When is the last time you went to a sports stadium?
9. Who do you ask when you need advice?
10. Name two cities you would like to visit. Explain why.
11. How do you remember new words in English?
12. What time do you usually get up during the week?
13. Describe a national holiday in your country.
14. What were your favorite foods when you were a child?
15. What’s your best childhood memory?
Let’s Talk 1: Units 13–16
1. What did you look like as a child?
2. What country would you like to live in? Why?
3. Name three famous people you would like to meet. Explain why.
4. Were you popular with your friends as a child?
5. What rooms does your dream home have?
6. Who is the most important person in history? Why?
7. Name three famous people from your country.
8. Name a famous historical person from your country.
9. Have you ever met a famous person? Who?
10. What things are teenagers in your country crazy about?
11. Would you like to be a famous movie star? Why or why not?
12. Would you rather have a house or an apartment? Why?
13. What kind of music is trendy in your country?
14. How has your capital city changed in recent years?
15. What clothes are trendy in your country?
Let’s Talk 2: Units 1–4
1. your least favorite subjects in school
2. ways to make a good impression
3. a wedding you have been to
4. things you have in common with your best friend
5. a traditional dish from your country
6. ways to break the ice
7. a tough situation you’ve experienced
8. a good dish that you ate recently
9. a restaurant that you like
10. the disadvantages of living with your family
11. how to make your favorite dish or snack
12. your favorite place
13. your favorite relative
14. how to greet people in your country
Let’s Talk 2: Units 5–8
1. who does most of the chores in your home
2. a car you would like to own – and why
3. three advantages of participating in sports
4. how often you watch TV and videos
5. a good party
6. game or card
7. game that you know
8. how you help in the home
9. popular men’s sports in your country
10. your idea of three important job benefits
11. an interest or hobby you had as a child
12. a job you would like in the movie industry
13. the best way to get to a nearby country
14. your favorite hobby or interest
15. your idea of a perfect weekend
16. a pet that you have or would like to have
Let’s Talk 2: Units 9–12
1. three things people can do to be "greener"
2. a vacation you enjoyed when you were a child
3. what you would take on a camping trip
4. environmental problems in your country
5. a product you would like to buy
6. a useful thing you have bought recently
7. which cities in your country tourists like to visit
8. the popularity of cell phones in your country
9. three places in your country a tourist should visit
10. why rainforests are useful to human beings
11. how to use a cell phone
12. three useful things for the office
13. the popularity of DVDs in your country
Let’s Talk 2: Units 13–16
1. a painting or photo you have in your home
2. a musical instrument you would like to learn
3. your capital city – and what you like about it
4. a singer you would like to meet – and why
5. three ways to protect yourself against crime
6. something that makes you laugh
7. a historical place in your country that a tourist should visit
8. three disadvantages of living in a city
9. the funniest person in your family
10. what you were like when you were twelve years old
11. three important events in the history of your country
12. your favorite artist
13. the best year of your life
14. an interesting city you have visited
Let’s Talk 3: Units 1–4
1. five rules for drivers in your country
2. what you would do if you could disappear for a week
3. your unluckiest day
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