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Neurosurg Clin N Am 19 (2008) 367–377
Stereotactic Radiation Techniques in the Treatment
of Acoustic Schwannomas
Steven Abram, MD * , Paul Rosenblatt, MD, Stephen Holcomb, MS
Neuroscience Institute of Saint Thomas Hospital, Nashville, TN, USA
Medical decision-making is based on benefit-
to-cost analysis. Optimally, treatment obtains
a high degree of benefit while minimizing the
physical, social, and financial costs. The goals of
the treatment of acoustic schwannomas are pro-
hibiting tumor growth and alleviation of symp-
toms caused by damage to local structures. These
symptomsdtinnitus, ataxia, and hearing lossd
secondary to eighth nerve dysfunction, as well as
symptoms arising from damage to adjacent struc-
tures such as the facial nerve, trigeminal nerve, or
pons, can be caused by tumor growth or treat-
ment. Determination of optimal therapy must
also take into account an understanding of the
natural history of the disease, because acoustic
schwannomas are slow-growing benign tumors
that when left untreated, usually enlarge over
time and cause problems.
operation, was able to go home and give birth to
a healthy child [1] .
During the twentieth century, different surgical
approaches (suboccipital, translabrynthine, and
middle fos) were developed for the resection of
eighth-nerve tumors. Each sought to diminish the
inherent anatomic issues associated with total
removal. In addition to the obvious hearing loss
associated with eighth nerve resection, there was
also the risk of seventh nerve damage, cerebro-
spinal fluid leak, and hemorrhage. Because of
diculties with early diagnosis before modern
imaging tests, the pattern of slow intermittent
growth, and the morbidity of resection, observa-
tion instead of immediate intervention became
a frequent consideration.
In 1951, Dr. Lars Leksell, a neurosurgeon, and
Borje Larsonn, a physicist, using the Uppsala
University cyclotron, ion Uppsala, Sweden, de-
veloped an approach to treating small brain
lesions with multiple proton beams, using a fixed
rigid Cartesian coordinate system to locate the
target. Their idea was to develop a noninvasive
therapy system to deliver ablative doses of radi-
ation to a geometrically defined discrete volume of
tissue, using multiple small beams of radiation.
This concept evolved into the Gamma Knife
(Elekta, Stockholm, Sweden) stereotactic radio-
surgery. The Gamma Knife unit consists of 201
cobalt radiation sources placed in a helmet, within
which lie shuttered channels directed toward the
center of the helmet. The target lesion is placed at
that center position of the helmet by using
a stereotactic frame axed to the patient’s skull.
Different dose patterns with sharp dose gradients
can be obtained using multiple isocenters designed
to match the shape of the tumor (Appendix).
Historical perspective
Archeological findings from 2500 BC provide
evidence that acoustic nerve tumors have been
present since antiquity. These tumors, called
acoustic neuromas or, more properly, schwanno-
mas, were diagnosed based on a recognized pro-
gression from deafness to death as early as 1810.
The first documented successful removal of an
acoustic schwannoma was performed by Thomas
Annandale in 1896 in Edinburgh, Scotland. The
patient, who was pregnant at the time of the
A version of this article originally appeared in
Otolaryngologic Clinics of NA, volume 40, issue 3.
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: sabram@howellallen.com
(S. Abram).
1042-3680/08/$ - see front matter 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
ABRAM et al
Dr. Leksell and his team working at the
Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, Sweden were
the first to treat acoustic neuromas with stereo-
tactic radiosurgery (SRS). Their initial series
(1969–1974) reported initial tumor control in eight
of the nine cases; however, hearing loss was
reported in the majority of patients treated [2] .In
these early studies, high doses (25–35 Gray) were
employed; targeting was crude compared with im-
aging studies available today. The first Gamma
Knife unit in the United States was installed at
the University of Pittsburgh in Pittsburgh, Penn-
sylvania under the direction of Dr. Dade Lunsford.
Many of the early results involving radiosurgery
for acoustic neuromas in North America were
published by the University of Pittsburgh group.
An alternate stereotactic delivery platform was
developed using linear accelerators (linacs).
Linacs were already available in most modern
radiation centers. Instead of multiple sources
aimed at a central designated target, the linac
systems rotated the treatment beam of the unit
around the target in a varying number of rota-
tional arcs. Betti and Colombo initially developed
this technique in South America. Because the linac
systems involve moving sources of radiation,
special devices are needed to limit positional
variation in beam delivery.
Both of these techniques require some method
to limit patient and target movement. Fixation of
target position in a geometric coordinate system
can be achieved with metal frames screwed into
the skull, which can obtain submillimetric accu-
racy, or with thermoplastic molded mask systems,
which allow for more fractionated schedules,
whereby treatment can be administered over
several days without placing fixation screws into
a patient’s skull.
Increased tumor volumes and irregularly
shaped tumor volumes are associated with in-
creased integral dose (energy deposition) within
the tumor for Gamma Knife and cone-based linac
SRS systems. Gamma Knife doses are prescribed
to the tumor periphery. These peripheral doses are
frequently 50% of the peak dose delivered within
the central volume treated. This dose profile with
areas of very high dose within the target volume
(hot spots) is less a problem with single isocenter
treatment plans using a multileaf collimator,
where dose is more uniform. Shaped-beam pe-
ripheral doses are usually prescribed to the 90%
to 95% isodose line. Central hot spots are 10% to
20% higher than the dose prescribed to the tumor
periphery; however, the multileaf collimated treat-
ment plans do not produce dose patterns that are
as conformal or tightly fitting as the multiple
isocenter systems or Gamma Knife systems.
Single isocenter treatment techniques typically
treat a small rim of normal tissue surrounding
an irregularly shaped tumor.
Stereotactic radiosurgery
The initial studies from Pittsburgh demon-
strated the ability of stereotactic radiosurgery to
achieve control rates of 95% or more with doses
of 16 to 20 Gray; however, these doses were
associated with an increased risk of trigeminal
nerve injury, seventh nerve injury, and decreased
hearing. Before 1992, when using these higher
doses, reports of treatment results in patients who
were in the Pittsburgh patient cohort receiving
stereotactic radiation demonstrate that 34%
developed facial nerve weakness, although one
half of these were transient. Thirty-two percent
developed new trigeminal neuropathy. Useful
hearing could be preserved in 38% at 1 year [3] .
Foote and colleagues [4] reported similar side-
effect profiles from the University of Florida in
Gainesville, Florida when higher doses were used,
with fewer side effects when doses lower than
13 Gray were prescribed to the tumor margin.
Reduced toxicity to the trigeminal and facial
nerves was accomplished by decreasing the mar-
ginal SRS dose given to the tumor. Rates of
morbidity decreased from 29% to 5% for facial
neuropathy, and similarly, to 2% or less for
trigeminal neuropathy. Tumor control rates did
not appear to be compromised until the marginal
dose was decreased to 10 Gray or less [4] . Doses
to the tumor margin of 12 to 13 Gray were
Treatment goals
The goal of treatment is to eradicate the effects
of a tumor with the fewest side effects. In surgical
series, the means of achieving this goal is the
removal of the offending tumor. In most reports
of radiation ecacy, the objective is to achieve
tumor reduction; however, in slow-growing tu-
mors such as acoustic schwannomas, the achiev-
able goal in studies with shorter duration of
follow-up is the prevention of both tumor growth
and symptom progression. Tumor shrinkage as-
sessed by radiographic size may take years before
a complete response can be evaluated. Addition-
ally, relapses might be late occurrences.
associated with 5-year tumor control rates of 92%
to 98% [4–6] . Maximum doses were 20 to 26
Gray. Useful hearing was noted in 56% to 78%
after treatment.
Optimal dose prescription balances tumor kill
and normal tissue survival. Radiation oncologists
have long recognized the limited tolerance of
cranial nerves to radiation. The best-delineated
toxicity data for stereotactic radiation relate to the
optic nerves and chiasm. Limits of 8 Gray in one
fraction and 50 Gray using standard fractionation
(1.8 to 2 Gray per day), serve as dose restraints for
this nerve. Radiation toxicity must also take into
consideration the length of nerve radiated as well as
the dose absorbed. The idea of volume at risk may
be a function of vascular damage or of repopula-
tion limits. The dose given to the tumor margin and
more plausibly, the maximal dose within the
volume treated reflect the degree of tissue damage.
A group from Seoul, Korea related hearing
loss in relationship to the cochlear dose received
during radiosurgery [7] . The mean dose to the co-
chlea in those maintaining useful hearing was 6.9
Gray. When the mean dose was greater than 11
Gray, hearing declined. Massager and colleagues
[8] also found cochlear dose to be lower in patients
retaining useful hearing. They found a significant
relationship regarding intracanalicular tumor vol-
ume (!100 mm 3 versus 100 mm 3 ) as well as intra-
canalicular integrated dose as determinants of
hearing loss. Their paper postulates that ‘‘hearing
worsening after the gamma knife radiosurgery
(GKR) procedure can be attributed to cochlear
injury inside the internal acoustic canal caused
by the enlargement of the intracanalicular part
of the vestibular schwannomas during the inflam-
matory edema phase after radiosurgery through
an increase of the intracanalicular pressure.’’
2.0 Gray per day given daily for 25 to 30
treatments. A total dose to tumors as measured
at their periphery is 45 to 60 Gray. Central portions
of the tumor volume receive 5% to 10%more than
the periphery. This regimen has been used for
decades in the treatment of malignant tumors to
maximize soft tissue repair from radiation damage.
Several institutions have reported their results
for fractionated radiotherapy using radiosurgical
techniques in the treatment of acoustic schwan-
nomas, with excellent tumor control rates and
with minimal toxicity. Relocatable, molded face
masks have been used for skull immobilization.
These treatments have been delivered using linac-
based therapy, with tumor doses prescribed to
a peripheral dose encompassing the tumor, plus
a small margin (2 mm) to account for the small
amount of movement that occurs between daily
fractions and any movement within the face mask
during treatment.
Chan and colleagues [9] , from Massachusetts
General Hospital-Harvard in Boston, Massachu-
setts, report a 5-year tumor control rate of 98%
using a regimen of 54 Gray given in 1.8 Gray frac-
tions as prescribed to the 95% isodose line. They
note a distinct relationship between tumor sizes
and tumor control. Surgical resection was re-
quired for three patients with larger tumors and
increasing symptoms at a median of 37 months.
At 5-year follow-up, freedom from any surgical
intervention was 97% for tumors smaller than
8cm 3 , and 47% for tumors greater than 8 mm 3 .
Selch and colleagues [10] from the University
of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), using a simi-
lar radiation regimend54 Gray in 30 treatments
as prescribed to the 90% isodose linedreported
a local control rate of 100% at 36-month median
follow-up in 50 patients. Useful hearing was pre-
served in 93%, with a median follow-up of
36 months. Facial numbness occurred in 1 patient
(2.2%) and 1 patient experienced the new onset of
facial palsy. Twelve of their patients experienced
tumor growth. In 6 of the 12, the growth was tran-
sient, and was felt to represent a treatment effect.
The transient type of enlargement shows subse-
quent shrinkage within 2 years, and is frequently
associated with loss of central enhancement on
MRI. The phenomenon of transient enlargement
has also been a common finding in other institu-
tions for both SRS and fractionated stereotactic
radiation therapy (FSRT) [11,12] .
A Heidelberg, Germany group treated 106
patients who had acoustic neuromas using stan-
dard fractionation, given to a total dose of
Fractionated stereotactic radiation therapy
Whereas some centers were investigating low-
ering the marginal peripheral dose with single dose
treatment regimens, others investigated using frac-
tionated radiation therapy. The theory behind
fractionated or multiple treatment radiation ther-
apy is that multiple smaller doses of radiation can
achieve a similar tumor effect (cell death) while
allowing normal tissue time to repair between each
dose, and thereby limit toxicity. This approach
involves a greater total dose of radiation than
a single-dose treatment to overcome whatever
repairs the tumor has been able to achieve.
Standard fractionation involves doses of 1.8 to
ABRAM et al
57.6 Gray. Local control at 5 years was 93%.
Trigeminal and facial toxicity were 3.4% and
2.3%, respectively. Useful hearing was preserved
in 94% [13] . In a more recent publication by that
same group, Combs and colleagues [14] report
that hearing preservation in patients who had use-
ful or serviceable hearing before radiation therapy
was 55% at 9 years after SRS, compared with 94%
showing serviceable hearing 5 years after FSRT.
Attempts to decrease toxicity by decreasing
total tumor dose for ractionated stereotactic
radiotherapy have also been described. Thomas
Jefferson University in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
presented a retrospective analysis showing no
tumor control difference in two cohorts of pa-
tients treated with either 50.4 Gray or 46.8 Gray.
Although tumor control rates were equivalent
(98% versus 100%) with a median follow-up of
3 years, hearing preservation was better in the
lower dose group. Hearing preservation was
measured by pure tone averages and speech
discrimination. Corrected for follow-up and initial
hearing, the rate of preservation was 93% for the
low-dose group versus 67% for the higher-dose
cohort. The median follow-up time for the low-
dose group was 29 months [15] . A group at
Hokkaido, Japan used 40 to 50 Gray in 20 to 25
fractions. Their actuarial tumor control rate at
5 years was 91%, with no new permanent facial
weakness. The rate of useful hearing preservation
(Gardner-Robertson Class I or II) was 71%.
Complications were milddtransient facial nerve
palsy was 4%, trigeminal neuropathy was 14%,
and balance disturbance occurred in 17% of pa-
tients [16] .
In another low-dose FSRT study, Shirato and
colleagues [17] matched a group of patients who
had vestibular schwannoma who underwent ob-
servation only against a cohort of patients treated
with fractionated radiotherapy delivering 36 to
44 Gray in 20 to 22 treatments. The conclusion
of the study was that there were no differences
in the actuarial Gardner/Robertson hearing class
preservation curves after the initial presentation.
The rate of hearing deterioration in the treated
arm was comparable to that of untreated patients.
The mean growth of the tumor in the observation
arm was 3.87 mm per year, whereas there was
tumor reduction in the radiated cohort.
daily radiation treatments, a third alternatived
hypofractionationdhas also been studied. Using
biological modeling to provide theoretically
equivalent results as standard fractionation, hy-
pofractionation gives higher doses per treatment
for fewer treatments than standard fractionation
schemes, but less dosage per day than single-dose
prescriptions. Hypofractionation regimens use
doses in the range of 3 to 7 Gray per day for 3
to 10 days, for total doses in the range of 21 to
30 Gray.
Meijer and colleagues [18] from Vrije Univer-
siteit University Medical Center in Amsterdam
used a hypofractionation schedule of 4 to
5 Gray for 5 days as measured at the 80% iso-
dose line. The 20 to 25 Gray was delivered in
1 week. Five-year local control in 80 patients
was 94%. Facial nerve function was preserved
in 97%. The study authors compared these pa-
tients to a group of 49 patients treated at the
same institution with a single fraction of 10 to
12.5 Gray, and found no significant differences
in outcome in regard to tumor control or facial
nerve damage. Five-year hearing preservation fa-
vored the fractionated group (75% versus 61%).
At Johns Hopkins in Baltimore, Maryland, a sim-
ilar rate (70%) of hearing preservation was also
achieved using 5 Gray for 5 days for smaller
tumors or 3 Gray for 10 treatments for larger
tumors [19] .
Large tumors
Tumor size can affect control. Foster and
colleagues [20] showed that tumors larger than
3 cm had a control rate of 33%, whereas tumors
of 2 to 3 cm had a control rate of 86%, and
tumors of 2 cm or less could be controlled in
89% of their SRS series. Chan [9] also showed
a relationship between increasing tumor volume
and the need for surgical intervention (shunt or
resection) following FSRT.
Park and colleagues [21] reviewed 50 cases of
acoustic neuromas measuring over 3 cm on
MRI. Microsurgery was performed on all
patients. Among eight patients who underwent
subtotal resection followed by radiosurgery, all
had tumor control with a median follow-up of
113 months (9.4 years). Gross total resection
alone resulted in failure in one patient, and subto-
tal resection without radiation resulted in a 32%
recurrence rate. The facial nerve preservation
rate was inversely proportional to the extent of
tumor removal.
In an attempt to maximize hearing preserva-
tion rates without the need for several weeks of
tumor growth is controlled. At the doses currently
used, the majority of patients do not develop new
symptoms. A minority of patients experience an
improvement in symptoms, and a minority expe-
rience worsening symptoms.
Approximately 5% of patients who have
acoustic neuromas have neurofibromatosis type 2
(NF-2). These patients present a special manage-
ment problem, because their tumors are often
bilateral, placing them at risk for total hearing
loss. Both microsurgical techniques and stereotac-
tic radiosurgery have been associated with poorer
rates of hearing preservation in NF-2 patients.
Tumor control rates following single-dose stereo-
tactic radiosurgery are reported as 50% to 98%,
with preservation of functional hearing being
achieved in 40% to 50% [22–25] . This decrease in
functional hearing following therapy is also noted
in some fractionated stereotactic radiotherapy se-
ries. Combs and colleagues [14] saw hearing preser-
vation rates fall from 98% in sporadic vestibular
schwannoma cases treated with 57.6 Gray given
in 1.8 Gray fractions to 64% in NF-2 patients
treatedwith the same regimen. Chan and colleagues
[9] saw no differences in results between their NF-2
and sporadic cases in regard to tumor control or
hearing preservation rates, using a fractionated
schedule. The Stanford, California CyberKnife
(Accuray, Sunnyvale, California) group obtained
hearing preservation rates of 67% at 2 years, using
a hypofractionated technique of 21 Gray delivered
in three fractions of 7 Gray, with 90% tumor
control at a mean follow-up of 26 months. Nine
percent developed trigeminal nerve injury [24] .
Hydrocephalus in the absence of progressive
tumor growth has been described as occurring in
3% to 11% of patients in both SRS and FSRT
series [26,27] . The hydrocephalus occurs at a me-
dian of 1 year. Hydrocephalus is believed to be
the result of tumor necrosis, with proteinaceous
debris blocking cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) flow.
The development of hydrocephalus is more com-
mon following treatment of larger (O25 mm)
tumors. The hydrocephalus sometimes resolves
spontaneously [10] . Shunting may be required if
hydrocephalus becomes symptomatic.
Pittsburgh radiosurgery experience describes
symptoms of tinnitus resolving in approximately
one half of patients, whereas the UCLA FSRT
experience with stereotactic fractionated radio-
therapy provided improvement in 6 of 50 patients,
whereas two patients experienced worsening [9] .
Karpinos and colleagues [27] , in comparing mi-
crosurgery and radiosurgery, found more tinnitus
at long-term follow-up in patients undergoing
radiosurgery. In their radiosurgery group, 26%
reported increase in tinnitus, whereas 10% re-
ported decreased tinnitus.
Radiographic follow-up
MRI scans should be obtained at regular in-
tervals following therapy. Loss of central enhance-
ment is a common finding, usually associated with
enlargement and capsular thickening. A group at
UCLA reported the loss of central tumor enhance-
ment in two thirds of their patients at a median of
6 months following stereotactic radiotherapy [9] .
The increase in tumor size was less than 2 mm.
Radiographic enlargement occurring after 2 years,
or growth 3 mm or greater, is indicative of tumor
regrowth. Resection can be performed after radia-
tion therapy; however, some authors feel it is more
dicult than resection as initial treatment.
Conversely, radiation therapy following resection
has a higher complication rate as well.
Karpinos and colleagues [27] noted no signifi-
cant difference in experiencing postprocedural im-
balance between microsurgery and Gamma Knife
radiosurgery: 22% worsened, whereas 14% im-
proved. Niranjan and colleagues [28] describe ep-
isodic vertigo continuing following radiosurgery
in 3 of 11 patients presenting with this symptom.
Balance disturbances worsened in 17% of patients
treated in Hokkaido using a low-dose, fraction-
ated stereotactic radiation scheme [16] .
Malignant transformation
Malignant transformation can occur, but the
risk is estimated to be very rare. Bari and colleagues
[29] , in a literature review of malignancy in
vestibular schwannomas, describe malignant de-
generation in both radiated and unirradiated
eighth-nerve tumors. In their literature review,
Clinical follow-up
Most patients undergoing treatment for acous-
tic neuromas tolerate their treatments well, and
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