Unit 3 What a Character.doc

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1              Read    the    rubric    below    and

underline   the   key   words,   then answer the questions.

Your local library publishes a monthly newsletter, and has asked library members for articles entitled "My Favourite Fictional Character". Write an article for the newsletter, about a character torn a book you have read. Describe his/her appearance and personality, and include your feelings and comments about the character. (120 -180 words)

1              What type of composition is this?
A  a book review

B a descriptive article

2              Who will read your article?
A journalists

B  library members

3              Who should you not describe, and why?
A  a character from a comic strip

B  the star of your favourite TV series

C  a famous person you admire

D  a character in a book you have read

4              Which specific topics must you include
in your composition? Put a tick (/).

.... appearance & personality .... critics' comments about the book .... feelings/comments about character .... other books by the same author

5              Which points will you include in the
introduction? Put a tick (/).

.... the character's name

.... the title of the book & author's name

.... description of other characters you

like in the same book .... why you decided to read the book .... background information (e.g. where/

who the character is, etc)

2       a) Read the article and label the

paragraphs with these  headings.

writer's feelings appearance general information personality

b) Fill in the gaps with linking words/phrases from the list, as in the example.

while - Firstly - also - because - In conclusion - For example

c) Which  of these  writing  techniques  are  used  in  the introduction  and conclusion?

addressing the reader directly     asking a rhetorical question

using direct speech

d) Which character in the pictures (A-C) does the article describe? Which words/phrases make you think so?


3        Read   the    article   again    and   answer   the questions.

4 Fill in the blanks with the correct word from the list, then make sentences using the completed phrases.


5     a) Fill   in  the  blanks  with  words from  th list.

confident, going, headed, minded, hearted, temperec

thinkinn  willed

b) Fill   in   the   gaps   in   the   sentences   with completed adjectives from the list above.

1              Obelix is quite              , and he

gets very angry when people call him fat.

2              Professor Brainard is terribly             

For example, he forgets to go to his own wedding -three times!

3              Jane Eyre is a very              young woman

who is determined to marry the man she loves.

4              Hercules Poirrot is a              person

who believes himself to be a brilliant detective.

5              Indiana Jones is very              , so he

acts sensibly and doesn't panic in difficult situations.

6              Cruella De Vii is so              that she

plans to kill adorable Dalmatian puppies just to make a fur coat!

7              Crocodile Dundee is very              ,

so he doesn't easily get annoyed or upset.

8              James Bond is a              secret agent

who makes brilliant plans in a matter of seconds to save himself from danger.

6       Fill  in  the  blanks with adjectives from the list.

jealous, punctual, honest, protective, intelligent, naughty

1              Oliver Twist is a(n)              little boy who

hates stealing and doesn't like telling lies.

2              Sherlock Holmes is extremely             

As a result, he is able to solve the mystery of even the most puzzling crime.

3              Snow White's stepmother is              of

her because Snow White is younger and more beautiful than she is.

4              Mulder is quite              of his partner

Scully and takes care of her on dangerous missions.

5              Huckleberry Finn is very              For

instance, he never does what he is told and is always getting into trouble.

6              Phileas Fogg likes to be              For

example, he eats his breakfast at the same time every morning and he is never late for an appointment.

7              Read the extracts (1-3) and match them to

the topic  sentences (A-C).

A   Snow White's beauty affects everyone who meets her.

B   Phileas Fogg is a more complicated character than he initially appears to be.

C   Don Quixote is a character we can both sympathise with and laugh at.

8 A description of a fictional character may be found in various sorts of writing. Read the extracts and say which  is from:

1      a letter to a friend or relative

2      an article describing your favourite character

3      a review of a film you have seen recently

9        Read   the   rubric   and   underline   the   key words, then read the topic sentences   A-E and  the   article   which  follows.  Match  the topic sentences to the gaps in the article. One of the sentences does not fit.

Your teacher has asked you to mite an article about a comic strip figure you consider unique. Write your article, describing his/her appearance and personality, as well as your feelings/ comments about the character.


10       Read   the   article   again   and   answer   the questions.


A  Asterix also has rather an unusual personality for a Gaul.

B   In appearance, Asterix is certainly quite distinctive.

C   In conclusion, it is his combination of bravery and humour which make him such a unique character.

D   One of my favourite comic strip figures is Asterix the Gaul.

E   What Asterix enjoys most in life is fighting against the Romans.

1      When and where is the comic strip set?

2      What is unusual about the village where Asterix lives?

3      What is unusual about Asterix's appearance?

4      According to the writer, what three personal qualities does Asterix have?

5      What is the result of each of these qualities?

6      According to the writer, what makes Asterix unique?

7      What is the main topic of each paragraph?

8      What tenses are used throughout the article?


11        Read the text about a character from a TV series and correct the  mistakes underlined.

I2        Read   the   rubric   and   underline   the   key words, then answer the  questions.

A TV guide has asked readers to submit articles about popular screen characters. Write an article about your favourite character torn a Sim or TV series, describing his/her appearance and personality, and including your feelings/comments about the character. (100 -150 words)

1      What type of composition is this?

2      Who will read your article?

3      Which style should you use for this reader? A very formal, factual, impersonal

B  semi-formal, descriptive, personal

4      What are the specific topics you ...

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